Package info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice

Class Summary
AbstractGuiceComponentConfigurer Abstract base class for configurers that interact with Guice.
GuiceComponentConfigurationModule Guice configuration module that adds bindings based on a ComponentProviderConfiguration.
GuiceComponentProvider ComponentProvider implementation based on Guice.
GuiceComponentProviderBuilder Builder for creating a GuiceComponentProvider.
GuiceConfiguredComponentProvider<T> Guice Provider that creates an object by reading it from the repository.
GuiceContextAndScopesConfigurer Registers request and session scopes and providers for accessing MgnlContext.
GuiceObservedComponentProvider<T> Guice provider that creates an object by reading it from the repository and by using observation updates the object if the repository changes.
GuiceParameterResolver Parameter resolver that finds parameters by querying for them in a Guice Injector.
GuiceParentBindingsModule Bridges a Guice Injector to another Injector by adding bindings for all explicit bindings in the injector being used as parent.
GuicePropertyConfigurer Guice configuration module which exposes Magnolia properties.
GuicePropertyConfigurer.NamedImpl Represents an instantiated @Named annotation.
GuiceUtils Utilities for guice.
MagnoliaScopes Servlet scopes that use WebContext to get request and session.
MagnoliaScopes.LazySingletonScope Scope for lazy singletons.
MagnoliaScopes.LocalScope Scope for object local to the current request.
MagnoliaScopes.SessionScope Scope for object local to the current session.

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