Uses of Interface

Packages that use User JAAS and Client callbacks 

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void Syndicator.init(User user, String repositoryName, String workspaceName, Rule rule)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use ioc instead

Uses of User in

Classes in that implement User
 class AbstractUser
          Abstract user implementation.
 class DummyUser
          Deprecated. since 4.3.6 - usage needs to be reviewed - see MAGNOLIA-3269
 class ExternalUser
          A user which is not stored in Magnolia.
 class MgnlUser
          User for 4.5 instance In difference from old MgnlUser, this class operates directly on JCR session and with JCR nodes/properties as our hierarchy managers are not available at the login time.
protected  class RescueSecuritySupport.RescueUser
          TODO extract as top level class? Currently this class is tested implicitly by RescueSecuritySupportTest.

Methods in that return User
 User DelegatingUserManager.addGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User UserManager.addGroup(User user, String groupName)
          Adds user to a group.
 User MgnlUserManager.addGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User ExternalUserManager.addGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User DelegatingUserManager.addRole(User user, String roleName)
 User UserManager.addRole(User user, String roleName)
          Grants user role.
 User MgnlUserManager.addRole(User user, String roleName)
 User ExternalUserManager.addRole(User user, String roleName)
 User DelegatingUserManager.changePassword(User user, String newPassword)
 User UserManager.changePassword(User user, String newPassword)
          Sets a new password.
 User MgnlUserManager.changePassword(User user, String newPassword)
 User ExternalUserManager.changePassword(User user, String newPassword)
 User DelegatingUserManager.createUser(String name, String pw)
 User UserManager.createUser(String name, String pw)
          Creates a user without security restrictions.
 User MgnlUserManager.createUser(String name, String pw)
 User ExternalUserManager.createUser(String name, String pw)
 User SystemUserManager.getAnonymousUser()
 User DelegatingUserManager.getAnonymousUser()
 User UserManager.getAnonymousUser()
          Get Anonymous user, this user must always exist in magnolia repository.
 User MgnlUserManager.getAnonymousUser()
          SystemUserManager does this.
 User RescueSecuritySupport.RescueUserManager.getAnonymousUser()
static User Security.getAnonymousUser()
 User ExternalUserManager.getAnonymousUser()
          SystemUserManager does this.
protected  User MgnlUserManager.getFromRepository(String name)
protected  User SystemUserManager.getOrCreateUser(String userName, String password)
 User SystemUserManager.getSystemUser()
 User DelegatingUserManager.getSystemUser()
 User UserManager.getSystemUser()
          Get system user, this user must always exist in magnolia repository.
 User MgnlUserManager.getSystemUser()
          SystemUserManager does this.
 User RescueSecuritySupport.RescueUserManager.getSystemUser()
static User Security.getSystemUser()
 User ExternalUserManager.getSystemUser()
          SystemUserManager does this.
 User ExternalUserManager.getUser(Map<String,String> properties, GroupList groupList, RoleList roleList)
 User DelegatingUserManager.getUser(String name)
 User UserManager.getUser(String name)
          Find a specific user.
 User MgnlUserManager.getUser(String name)
          Get the user object.
 User RescueSecuritySupport.RescueUserManager.getUser(String name)
 User ExternalUserManager.getUser(String name)
 User DelegatingUserManager.getUser(Subject subject)
 User UserManager.getUser(Subject subject)
          Deprecated. jaas login module should just request the user, not pass the subject around to the user manager
 User MgnlUserManager.getUser(Subject subject)
 User ExternalUserManager.getUser(Subject subject)
          Initialize new user using JAAS authenticated/authorized subject.
 User DelegatingUserManager.getUserById(String id)
 User UserManager.getUserById(String id)
          Find a specific user.
 User MgnlUserManager.getUserById(String id)
          Get the user object.
 User ExternalUserManager.getUserById(String id)
protected  User MgnlUserManager.newUserInstance(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use newUSerInstance(javax.jcr.Node) instead
protected  User MgnlUserManager.newUserInstance(javax.jcr.Node privilegedUserNode)
 User DelegatingUserManager.removeGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User UserManager.removeGroup(User user, String groupName)
          Removes user from a group.
 User MgnlUserManager.removeGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User ExternalUserManager.removeGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User DelegatingUserManager.removeRole(User user, String roleName)
 User UserManager.removeRole(User user, String roleName)
          Removes role from a user.
 User MgnlUserManager.removeRole(User user, String roleName)
 User ExternalUserManager.removeRole(User user, String roleName)
 User DelegatingUserManager.setProperty(User user, String propertyName, javax.jcr.Value propertyValue)
 User UserManager.setProperty(User user, String propertyName, javax.jcr.Value propertyValue)
          Sets given property for the user and returns updated user object with new value of the property.
 User MgnlUserManager.setProperty(User user, String propertyName, javax.jcr.Value propertyValue)
 User ExternalUserManager.setProperty(User user, String propertyName, javax.jcr.Value propertyValue)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 Collection<User> DelegatingUserManager.getAllUsers()
 Collection<User> UserManager.getAllUsers()
          Get all users.
 Collection<User> MgnlUserManager.getAllUsers()
          Get all users managed by this user manager.
 Collection<User> ExternalUserManager.getAllUsers()

Methods in with parameters of type User
 User DelegatingUserManager.addGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User UserManager.addGroup(User user, String groupName)
          Adds user to a group.
 User MgnlUserManager.addGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User ExternalUserManager.addGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User DelegatingUserManager.addRole(User user, String roleName)
 User UserManager.addRole(User user, String roleName)
          Grants user role.
 User MgnlUserManager.addRole(User user, String roleName)
 User ExternalUserManager.addRole(User user, String roleName)
 User DelegatingUserManager.changePassword(User user, String newPassword)
 User UserManager.changePassword(User user, String newPassword)
          Sets a new password.
 User MgnlUserManager.changePassword(User user, String newPassword)
 User ExternalUserManager.changePassword(User user, String newPassword)
static Subject PrincipalUtil.createSubject(User user)
 Map<String,ACL> DelegatingUserManager.getACLs(User user)
 Map<String,ACL> UserManager.getACLs(User user)
          Returns all ACLs assigned to the given user.
 Map<String,ACL> MgnlUserManager.getACLs(User user)
          Sets access control list from a list of roles under the provided content object.
 Map<String,ACL> ExternalUserManager.getACLs(User user)
 User DelegatingUserManager.removeGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User UserManager.removeGroup(User user, String groupName)
          Removes user from a group.
 User MgnlUserManager.removeGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User ExternalUserManager.removeGroup(User user, String groupName)
 User DelegatingUserManager.removeRole(User user, String roleName)
 User UserManager.removeRole(User user, String roleName)
          Removes role from a user.
 User MgnlUserManager.removeRole(User user, String roleName)
 User ExternalUserManager.removeRole(User user, String roleName)
 User DelegatingUserManager.setProperty(User user, String propertyName, javax.jcr.Value propertyValue)
 User UserManager.setProperty(User user, String propertyName, javax.jcr.Value propertyValue)
          Sets given property for the user and returns updated user object with new value of the property.
 User MgnlUserManager.setProperty(User user, String propertyName, javax.jcr.Value propertyValue)
 User ExternalUserManager.setProperty(User user, String propertyName, javax.jcr.Value propertyValue)
 void DelegatingUserManager.updateLastAccessTimestamp(User user)
 void UserManager.updateLastAccessTimestamp(User user)
          Updates last access timestamp for the user.
 void MgnlUserManager.updateLastAccessTimestamp(User user)
 void ExternalUserManager.updateLastAccessTimestamp(User user)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type User
 void MgnlUserManager.updateUserListWithAllChildren(javax.jcr.Node node, Collection<User> users)
          Updates collection with all users located under provided node.

Uses of User in

Fields in declared as User
protected  User CredentialsCallbackHandler.user

Methods in that return User
 User UserCallback.getUser()
 User CredentialsCallbackHandler.getUser()

Constructors in with parameters of type User
UserCallback(User user)

Uses of User in info.magnolia.context

Methods in info.magnolia.context that return User
 User UserContextImpl.getUser()
 User AbstractContext.getUser()
static User MgnlContext.getUser()
          A short cut for the current user.
 User Context.getUser()
          If this is not a UserContext this method will very likely return the system user.
 User ContextDecorator.getUser()
          Delegates call to the original context.
 User SimpleContext.getUser()
          Delegate to the inner context.

Methods in info.magnolia.context with parameters of type User
protected  void UserContextImpl.setLocaleFor(User user)

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