Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractContentDecorator

Uses of AbstractContentDecorator in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration

Subclasses of AbstractContentDecorator in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
 class NodePredicateContentDecorator
          ContentDecorator that applies a predicate to all nodes in a JCR object graph.

Uses of AbstractContentDecorator in info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance

Subclasses of AbstractContentDecorator in info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance
 class InheritanceContentDecorator
          Provides inheritance on JCR level by applying wrapper objects.

Uses of AbstractContentDecorator in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper

Subclasses of AbstractContentDecorator in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
 class ChannelVisibilityContentDecorator
          ContentDecorator that hides content based on a multi-value property called excludeChannels.

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