Uses of Interface

Packages that use NodeWrapperFactory

Uses of NodeWrapperFactory in info.magnolia.cms.core.version

Classes in info.magnolia.cms.core.version that implement NodeWrapperFactory
 class MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
          Wrapper providing support for Magnolia specific versioning ops (by copy).
 class VersionedNode
          Wrapper for version of the node exposing frozen node content as its own as used to happen in old Content API.

Uses of NodeWrapperFactory in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator

Constructors in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator with parameters of type NodeWrapperFactory
FilteringNodeIterator(javax.jcr.NodeIterator nodeIterator, AbstractPredicate<javax.jcr.Node> predicate, NodeWrapperFactory wrapperFactory)
WrappingNodeIterator(javax.jcr.NodeIterator iterator, NodeWrapperFactory wrapperFactory)

Uses of NodeWrapperFactory in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper

Classes in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper that implement NodeWrapperFactory
 class ChildFilteringNodeWrapper
          NodeWrapper that hides children based on a predicate.
 class ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
          Deprecated. since magnolia 4.5.8 use ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper instead
 class InheritanceNodeWrapper
          This wrapper inherits nodes from the parent hierarchy.
 class JCRMgnlPropertiesFilteringNodeWrapper
          Filtering node wrapper with predicate to to filter properties.
 class JCRPropertiesFilteringNodeWrapper
          Filtering node wrapper with hardcoded predicate to simplify unwrapping when needed.
 class PropertyAndChildWrappingNodeWrapper
          Node wrapper that wraps all returned properties and wraps all returned nodes to extend its property wrapping scheme to an entire hierarchy.
 class PropertyFilteringNodeWrapper
          Node wrapper that filters out properties based on a predicate, child nodes acquired via this wrapper are also wrapped in order to filter properties on them as well.

Constructors in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper with parameters of type NodeWrapperFactory
WrappingPropertyWrapper(javax.jcr.Property wrapped, NodeWrapperFactory nodeWrapperFactory, PropertyWrapperFactory propertyWrapperFactory)

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