Class ExecuteCommandTask

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExecuteCommandTask
extends AbstractTask

Task that executes command.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
ExecuteCommandTask(String taskName, String taskDescription, Class<? extends Command> commandClass, Object... params)
Method Summary
 void execute(InstallContext installContext)
          A good-citizen task should execute itself responsibly: it should know what to do in case of problems: for instance, fixable or irrelevant issues should usually just be logged used the InstallContext methods, when the user can fix them later on.
Methods inherited from class
getDescription, getName, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExecuteCommandTask(String taskName,
                          String taskDescription,
                          Class<? extends Command> commandClass,
                          Object... params)

taskName - name of the task
taskDescription - description of the task
commandName - command class
params - parameters to be passed to the command's constructor
Method Detail


public void execute(InstallContext installContext)
             throws TaskExecutionException
Description copied from interface: Task
A good-citizen task should execute itself responsibly: it should know what to do in case of problems: for instance, fixable or irrelevant issues should usually just be logged used the InstallContext methods, when the user can fix them later on. The task could also potentially do backups of nodes it needs to modify extensively, so the user could refer to the backups in case of problem. In the event of an unrecoverable issue, the Task could also throw a TaskExecutionException, knowing that will cancel the whole module's installation, update and startup. If a TaskExecutionException must be thrown, keep in mind that the exception message will still be shown to the end user, so try to keep them human readable.


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