Uses of Class

Packages that use DelegateSessionWrapper

Uses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.audit

Subclasses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.audit
 class MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
          A Session wrapper implementation which inform Magnolia audit logging content decorator MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator about action (Move, Delete) on the node.

Uses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.cms.core.version

Subclasses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
 class MgnlVersioningSession
          Session wrapper enabling Magnolia specific way of handling versioning on all child nodes.

Uses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration

Subclasses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
 class ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper<D extends ContentDecorator>
          Session wrapper that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.

Uses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper

Subclasses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
 class ChannelVisibilitySessionWrapper
          Session wrapper that applies ChannelVisibilityContentDecorator to a session.
 class LastUpdateContentDecorator.LastUpdateSessionWrapper
          Updates destination parent page or content mgnl:lastModified property on move.
 class NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper
          Session wrapper for wrapping nodes returned by a session.

Method parameters in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper with type arguments of type DelegateSessionWrapper
 javax.jcr.Session DelegateSessionWrapper.deepUnwrap(Class<? extends DelegateSessionWrapper> wrapper)
          Removes a wrapper by type.

Uses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.repository.mbean

Subclasses of DelegateSessionWrapper in info.magnolia.repository.mbean
 class TrackingSessionWrapper
          Tracks the session to keep count of open sessions.

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