Package info.magnolia.i18nsystem

Interface Summary
I18nizer Internationalizes any given object.
I18nKeyGenerator<T> An I18nKeyGenerator is responsible for deriving i18n keys for any given instance of T.
I18nParentable<P> This interface should not need to be implemented.
LocaleProvider Provides a Locale to the TranslationService.
TranslationService The TranslationService is responsible for getting translated text corresponding to the given Locale, basename and keys.

Class Summary
AbstractI18nKeyGenerator<T> Abstract implementation of I18nKeyGenerator which provides a number of helper methods to generate keys.
ContextLocaleProvider A default implementation of LocaleProvider which uses MgnlContext.getLocale() to provide the current Locale.
DefaultMessageBundlesLoader Loads global message bundles from /mgnl-i18n/.
I18nKeyGeneratorFactory Provides I18nKeyGenerator for object annotated with I18nable.
NullKeyGenerator A basic implementation of I18nKeyGenerator which essentially just returns the undecorated value, and warns that no I18nKeyGenerator was set for the given object.
SimpleTranslator A convenience component around TranslationService and LocaleProvider for getting messages based on a single, well-known, key.
TranslationServiceImpl A TranslationService which relies on a "global" message bundle, as loaded per DefaultMessageBundlesLoader.

Annotation Types Summary
I18nable This annotation marks objects as internationalizable.
I18nText This annotation marks method that return text which should be translated.

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