Interface SecuritySupport

All Known Implementing Classes:
RescueSecuritySupport, SecuritySupportBase, SecuritySupportImpl

public interface SecuritySupport

Entry point to get the various managers like UserManager, GroupManager and RoleManager.

Nested Class Summary
static class SecuritySupport.Factory
          Deprecated. since 5.1 - use IoC instead
Method Summary
 LoginResult authenticate(CredentialsCallbackHandler callbackHandler, String jaasModuleName)
          Performs an authentication using the CredentialsCallbackHandler to retrieve the user name and password.
 GroupManager getGroupManager()
 RoleManager getRoleManager()
 UserManager getUserManager()
          Returns a generic UserManager, either for a default realm, or an implementation which delegates to other UserManager instances.
 UserManager getUserManager(String realmName)
          Returns a UserManager for the given realm.

Method Detail


UserManager getUserManager()
Returns a generic UserManager, either for a default realm, or an implementation which delegates to other UserManager instances.


UserManager getUserManager(String realmName)
Returns a UserManager for the given realm.


GroupManager getGroupManager()


RoleManager getRoleManager()


LoginResult authenticate(CredentialsCallbackHandler callbackHandler,
                         String jaasModuleName)
Performs an authentication using the CredentialsCallbackHandler to retrieve the user name and password.

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