Uses of Interface

Packages that use Command

Uses of Command in info.magnolia.cms.servlets

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.servlets that return Command
protected  Command CommandBasedMVCServletHandler.findCommand(String commandName)
          Used to get the command object.

Uses of Command in info.magnolia.commands

Classes in info.magnolia.commands that implement Command
 class DelegateCommand
          Delegate to an other command at runtime.
 class MgnlCommand
          To make the coding of commands as easy as possible the default values set in the config are set and the values of the context are set as properties too if the naming matches.

Fields in info.magnolia.commands with type parameters of type Command
protected  Map<String,Command> MgnlCatalog.commands

Methods in info.magnolia.commands that return Command
 Command MgnlCatalog.getCommand(String name)
 Command CommandsManager.getCommand(String commandName)
          Use a delimiter to separate the catalog and command name.
 Command CommandsManager.getCommand(String catalogName, String commandName)
          Get the command.

Methods in info.magnolia.commands with parameters of type Command
 void MgnlCatalog.addCommand(String name, Command command)
 MgnlCommand MgnlCommand.copy(Command command)
 DelegateCommand DelegateCommand.copy(Command command)
 boolean CommandsManager.executeCommand(Command command, Map<String,Object> params)
          Executes the given command.
 boolean CommandsManager.executeCommand(Command command, Map<String,Object> params, Context context)
          Executes the given command with given context.

Constructor parameters in info.magnolia.commands with type arguments of type Command
MgnlCatalog(Map<String,Command> commands)

Uses of Command in info.magnolia.commands.chain

Subinterfaces of Command in info.magnolia.commands.chain
 interface Chain
          Replacement for org.apache.commons.chain.Chain.
 interface Filter
          A replacement for org.apache.commons.chain.Filter.

Classes in info.magnolia.commands.chain that implement Command
 class ChainBase
          Replacement for org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.

Fields in info.magnolia.commands.chain with type parameters of type Command
protected  List<Command> ChainBase.commands

Methods in info.magnolia.commands.chain that return Command
 Command Command.copy(Command command)
          This method allows to create new copy of a command, so the instances in the CommandManager's catalogs are masters, and the execution always uses new instance created by this method.
NOTE: If your command uses default parameters (set from a JCR property), you MUST override this method to copy the values from the master command to the actually used copy.
 Command Catalog.getCommand(String name)

Methods in info.magnolia.commands.chain that return types with arguments of type Command
 List<Command> ChainBase.getCommands()
          Returns unmodifiable list of commands.

Methods in info.magnolia.commands.chain with parameters of type Command
 void ChainBase.addCommand(Command command)
 void Chain.addCommand(Command command)
 void Catalog.addCommand(String name, Command command)
 Command Command.copy(Command command)
          This method allows to create new copy of a command, so the instances in the CommandManager's catalogs are masters, and the execution always uses new instance created by this method.
NOTE: If your command uses default parameters (set from a JCR property), you MUST override this method to copy the values from the master command to the actually used copy.
 Chain ChainBase.copy(Command command)

Constructors in info.magnolia.commands.chain with parameters of type Command
ChainBase(Command... commands)
ChainBase(Command command)

Constructor parameters in info.magnolia.commands.chain with type arguments of type Command
ChainBase(Collection<Command> commands)

Uses of Command in info.magnolia.commands.impl

Classes in info.magnolia.commands.impl that implement Command
 class BaseRepositoryCommand
          Base class for the commands that work with the repository.
 class DeleteCommand
          The command to delete one Item.
In case Item is a Node, all the Node children are removed.
 class ExportCommand
          Generic Export Command.

Get as Input parameter:
Workspace and node path to export

Set as output:
Fill the OutputStream with an XML representation of the Node structure
Define the MimeType and File name.
 class ExtractCommentCommand
          Extracts comment from the resource and put it in the context.
 class ImportCommand
          Generic Import Command.
Based on an InputStream representing a XML node structure, create the Node tree under the
specified workspace and path.
 class LogCommand
          Command outputting the value of "message" property into current log file.
 class MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
          Command to mark node as deleted and remove all the non-system content.
Context parameter: DELETED_NODE_PROP_NAME : Node name to delete. Context.ATTRIBUTE_UUID : Identifier of the parent node. Context.ATTRIBUTE_PATH : Path of the parent node
 class MessageCommand
          A command setting a message using the AlertUtil.
 class RuleBasedCommand
          Base class for rule based commands.
 class VersionCommand
          Creates a version for the passed path in the website repository.

Methods in info.magnolia.commands.impl with parameters of type Command
 BaseRepositoryCommand BaseRepositoryCommand.copy(Command command)

Uses of Command in

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Command
ExecuteCommandTask(String taskName, String taskDescription, Class<? extends Command> commandClass, Object... params)

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