Uses of Interface

Packages that use Context

Uses of Context in info.magnolia.commands

Methods in info.magnolia.commands with parameters of type Context
 boolean MgnlCommand.execute(Context ctx)
          Make sure that the context is castable to a magnolia context.
 boolean DelegateCommand.execute(Context ctx)
 boolean CommandsManager.executeCommand(Command command, Map<String,Object> params, Context context)
          Executes the given command with given context.

Uses of Context in info.magnolia.commands.chain

Methods in info.magnolia.commands.chain with parameters of type Context
 boolean Command.execute(Context context)
 boolean ChainBase.execute(Context context)
 boolean Filter.postprocess(Context context, Exception exception)

Uses of Context in info.magnolia.context

Subinterfaces of Context in info.magnolia.context
 interface Context
          This interface defines all the methods which should be implemented by any configured magnolia context.
 interface SystemContext
          This context is a system wide context with full access.
 interface ThreadDependentSystemContext
          Some implementations of the system context release resources when a thread is not used anymore.
 interface UserContext
          User aware context.
 interface WebContext
          Context interface specialized for servlet requests; knows about HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse.

Classes in info.magnolia.context that implement Context
 class AbstractContext
          Default implementation of the Context interface.
 class AbstractMapBasedContext
          This is a simple Map based implementation.
 class AbstractSystemContext
          This is the system context using the not secured HierarchyManagers.
 class ContextDecorator
          Subclass this context if you like to decorate an other context.
 class JCRSessionPerThreadSystemContext
          A system context which creates JCR sessions per thread (request).
 class SimpleContext
          Simple context delegating methods to the thread local context.
 class SingleJCRSessionSystemContext
          All Threads share the same jcr sessions.
 class UserContextImpl
          User aware context implementation able to release and discard all kept info upon user logout.
 class WebContextImpl
          Context implementation keeping track of the current request, response, servletContext and pageContext.

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