Uses of Interface

Packages that use NodeData

Uses of NodeData in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime that return NodeData
 NodeData File.getNodeData()
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use getNode(Node) instead.

Constructors in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime with parameters of type NodeData
File(NodeData data)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use File(Node)

Uses of NodeData in info.magnolia.cms.core

Classes in info.magnolia.cms.core that implement NodeData
 class AbstractNodeData
          Implementing some default behavior.
 class BinaryNodeData
          A node data hiding the fact that node datas of type BINARY are stored as nodes of type ItemType.NT_RESOURCE.
 class DefaultNodeData
          Deprecated. since 4.5, use jcr.Property instead.
 class NonExistingNodeData
          Represents an non-mutable empty node data.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core that return NodeData
 NodeData AbstractContent.createNodeData(String name)
 NodeData Content.createNodeData(String name)
          Deprecated. since 4.3, as JCR only supports set or remove operations for properties we recommend to use Content.setNodeData(String, Object) instead.
 NodeData AbstractContent.createNodeData(String name, int type)
 NodeData Content.createNodeData(String name, int type)
          Deprecated. since 4.3, as JCR only supports set or remove operations for properties we recommend to use Content.setNodeData(String, Object) instead.
 NodeData AbstractContent.createNodeData(String name, Object valueObj)
 NodeData Content.createNodeData(String name, Object obj)
          Deprecated. since 4.3, as JCR only supports set or remove operations for properties we recommend to use Content.setNodeData(String, Object) instead.
 NodeData AbstractContent.createNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value value)
 NodeData Content.createNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value value)
          Deprecated. since 4.3, as JCR only supports set or remove operations for properties we recommend to use Content.setNodeData(String, Value) instead.
 NodeData AbstractContent.createNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value[] value)
 NodeData Content.createNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value[] value)
          Deprecated. since 4.3, as JCR only supports set or remove operations for properties we recommend to use Content.setNodeData(String, Value[]) instead.
 NodeData AbstractContent.getNodeData(String name)
          Returns a NodeData object.
 NodeData DefaultHierarchyManager.getNodeData(String path)
          Deprecated. get NodeData object of the requested URI.
 NodeData HierarchyManager.getNodeData(String path)
 NodeData Content.getNodeData(String name)
          Deprecated. Returns a NodeData object.
abstract  NodeData AbstractContent.newNodeDataInstance(String name, int type, boolean createIfNotExisting)
          As defined in Content.getNodeData(String) this method always returns a node data object.
 NodeData DefaultContent.newNodeDataInstance(String name, int type, boolean createIfNotExisting)
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, boolean value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, boolean value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, Calendar value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, Calendar value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, Content value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, Content value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, double value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, double value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, InputStream value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, InputStream value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, long value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, long value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, Object value)
          Uses the NodeDataUtil to create and set the node data based on the object type.
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, Object value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, String value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, String value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value[] value)
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value[] value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core that return types with arguments of type NodeData
protected  Collection<NodeData> AbstractContent.getBinaryNodeDatas(String namePattern)
 Collection<NodeData> AbstractContent.getNodeDataCollection()
 Collection<NodeData> Content.getNodeDataCollection()
          Deprecated. Gets all properties bind in NodeData object excluding JCR system properties.
 Collection<NodeData> DefaultContent.getNodeDataCollection(String namePattern)
 Collection<NodeData> Content.getNodeDataCollection(String namePattern)
          Deprecated. Gets all node datas matching the given pattern.
protected  Collection<NodeData> DefaultContent.getPrimitiveNodeDatas(String namePattern)

Uses of NodeData in info.magnolia.cms.core.version

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core.version that return NodeData
 NodeData ContentVersion.createNodeData(String name)
          Throws an AccessDeniedException as versions are read only.
 NodeData ContentVersion.createNodeData(String name, int type)
          Throws an AccessDeniedException as versions are read only.
 NodeData ContentVersion.createNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value value)
          Throws an AccessDeniedException as versions are read only.
 NodeData ContentVersion.createNodeData(String name, javax.jcr.Value value, int type)
          Throws an AccessDeniedException as versions are read only.

Uses of NodeData in info.magnolia.cms.i18n

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.i18n that return NodeData
 NodeData HierarchyBasedI18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name)
 NodeData AbstractI18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name)
          Returns the nodedata with the name <name>_<current language> or <name>_<fallback language> otherwise returns <name>.
 NodeData I18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name)
          Deprecated. since 4.5.4 use I18nContentSupport.getProperty(Node, String) instead.
 NodeData AbstractI18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name, Locale locale)
 NodeData I18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name, Locale locale)
          Deprecated. since 4.5.4 use I18nContentSupport.getProperty(Node, String, Locale) instead.
 NodeData I18nContentWrapper.newNodeDataInstance(String name, int type, boolean createIfNotExisting)

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.i18n with parameters of type NodeData
protected  boolean AbstractI18nContentSupport.isEmpty(NodeData nd)
          Deprecated. since 4.5.4. Use AbstractI18nContentSupport.isEmpty(Property) instead.

Uses of NodeData in info.magnolia.cms.util

Classes in info.magnolia.cms.util that implement NodeData
 class LazyNodeDataWrapper
          Stores a path and will re-fetch the node data in LazyNodeDataWrapper.getWrappedNodeData() if the session is closed.
 class NodeDataWrapper
          Wraps a NodeData to which it delegates.
 class SystemNodeDataWrapper
          A lazy node data wrapper reading from the node data using the LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util that return NodeData
 NodeData ExtendingContentWrapper.getNodeData(String name)
 NodeData InheritanceContentWrapper.getNodeData(String name)
 NodeData HierarchyManagerWrapper.getNodeData(String path)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreate(Content node, String name)
          If the NodeData does not exist yet, just create it.
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreate(Content node, String name, int type)
          If the NodeData does not exist yet, just create it.
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreate(Content node, String name, Object obj)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, boolean value)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, int value)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, long value)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, Object obj)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, javax.jcr.Value[] value)
 NodeData LazyNodeDataWrapper.getWrappedNodeData()
 NodeData NodeDataWrapper.getWrappedNodeData()
 NodeData ContentWrapper.newNodeDataInstance(String name, int type, boolean createIfNotExisting)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.setValue(NodeData nodeData, Object valueObj)
          Calls the correct setValue method based on object type.
 NodeData LazyContentWrapper.wrap(NodeData nodeData)
 NodeData SystemContentWrapper.wrap(NodeData nodeData)
protected  NodeData ContentWrapper.wrap(NodeData nodeData)
          Override if a wrapper wants to wrap returned node data objects.
protected  NodeData HierarchyManagerWrapper.wrap(NodeData nodeData)
          Override this method to have hierarchy manager wrap every piece of node data it returns.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util that return types with arguments of type NodeData
 Collection<NodeData> ExtendingContentWrapper.getNodeDataCollection()
 Collection<NodeData> ContentWrapper.getNodeDataCollection(String namePattern)
protected  Collection<NodeData> ContentWrapper.wrapNodeDatas(Collection<NodeData> collection)
          Override if a wrapper wants to wrap returned collections as well (by getChildren(..), ...

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util with parameters of type NodeData
static String NodeDataUtil.getTypeName(NodeData nd)
          String representation of the jcr property type.
static Object NodeDataUtil.getValueObject(NodeData nd)
          Returns the value as an Object.
static String NodeDataUtil.getValueString(NodeData nodeData)
          Same as getValueString(nd, dateFormat) but using the users short date format.
static String NodeDataUtil.getValueString(NodeData nodeData, String dateFormat)
          Returns a String representation of the value.
protected  void SearchReplace.onPropertyVisit(NodeData prop, int count, String oldValue, StringBuffer newValue)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.setValue(NodeData nodeData, Object valueObj)
          Calls the correct setValue method based on object type.
 void NodeDataWrapper.setWrappedNodeData(NodeData wrappedNodeData)
 NodeData LazyContentWrapper.wrap(NodeData nodeData)
 NodeData SystemContentWrapper.wrap(NodeData nodeData)
protected  NodeData ContentWrapper.wrap(NodeData nodeData)
          Override if a wrapper wants to wrap returned node data objects.
protected  NodeData HierarchyManagerWrapper.wrap(NodeData nodeData)
          Override this method to have hierarchy manager wrap every piece of node data it returns.

Method parameters in info.magnolia.cms.util with type arguments of type NodeData
protected  Collection<NodeData> ContentWrapper.wrapNodeDatas(Collection<NodeData> collection)
          Override if a wrapper wants to wrap returned collections as well (by getChildren(..), ...

Constructors in info.magnolia.cms.util with parameters of type NodeData
LazyNodeDataWrapper(NodeData nodeData)
NodeDataWrapper(NodeData wrappedNodeData)
SystemNodeDataWrapper(NodeData nodeData)

Uses of NodeData in info.magnolia.freemarker.models

Methods in info.magnolia.freemarker.models that return NodeData
 NodeData BinaryNodeDataModel.asNodeData()

Uses of NodeData in

Methods in that return NodeData
 NodeData Link.getNodeData()
          Deprecated. since 5.0 use Link.getProperty() instead.

Methods in with parameters of type NodeData
static String LinkUtil.createAbsoluteLink(NodeData nodedata)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createAbsoluteLink(Property) instead.
static String LinkUtil.createLink(NodeData nodedata)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createAbsoluteLink(Property) instead.
static Link LinkFactory.createLink(NodeData nodeData)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createLinkInstance(NodeData) instead.
static Link LinkUtil.createLinkInstance(NodeData nodeData)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createLinkInstance(Property) instead.
 Link Link.initLink(String workspaceName, Content parent, NodeData nodedata)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use Link(Node).
 void Link.setNodeData(NodeData nodeData)
          Deprecated. since 5.0 use Link.setProperty() instead.

Constructors in with parameters of type NodeData
Link(String workspaceName, Content parent, NodeData nodedata)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use Link(Node).

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