Uses of Class

Packages that use ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper

Uses of ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper in info.magnolia.audit

Subclasses of ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper in info.magnolia.audit
 class MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
          A Property wrapper implementation which inform Magnolia audit logging content decorator MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator about modify action on the property parent node.

Uses of ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper

Subclasses of ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
 class HTMLEscapingPropertyWrapper
          Node wrapper for escaping HTML in property values.
 class LastUpdateContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
          Updates parent page or parent content mgnl:lastUpdated property on modification.

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