Uses of Class

Packages that use SiblingsHelper

Uses of SiblingsHelper in info.magnolia.cms.util

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util that return SiblingsHelper
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.childrenOf(Content parent)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the children of the given node, where the current node is the first child of the same type as its parent.
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.childrenOf(Content parent, Content.ContentFilter filter)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the children of the given node, where the current node is the first child from all that pass the filter.
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.childrenOf(Content parent, ItemType childType)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the children of the given node, where the current node is the first child of given type.
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.of(Content node)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the siblings of the given node and of the same type.

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