Package info.magnolia.jcr.util

Interface Summary
NodeVisitor Visitor used with utility methods in NodeUtil to visit nodes in a hierarchy.
PostNodeVisitor Used in NodeUtil.visit(Node, NodeVisitor) if the visitor wants to use post order.

Class Summary
BinaryInFile Deprecated. since 5.0 use Session.getValueFactory() and then ValueFactory.createBinary( instead.
ContentMap Map based representation of JCR content.
MetaDataUtil Deprecated. since 5.0 - use NodeTypes instead.
NodeTypes Magnolia defined NodeTypes together with their properties and some convenience methods.
NodeTypes.Activatable Represents the mixin mgnl:activatable.
NodeTypes.Area Represents the nodeType mgnl:area.
NodeTypes.Component Represents the nodeType mgnl:component.
NodeTypes.Content Represents the nodeType mgnl:content.
NodeTypes.ContentNode Represents the nodeType mgnl:contentNode.
NodeTypes.Created Represents the mixin mgnl:created.
NodeTypes.Deleted Represents the mixin mgnl:deleted.
NodeTypes.Folder Represents the nodeType mgnl:folder.
NodeTypes.Group Represents the nodeType mgnl:group.
NodeTypes.LastModified Represents the mixin mgnl:lastModified.
NodeTypes.MetaData Represents the nodeType mgnl:metaData.
NodeTypes.NodeData Represents the nodeType mgnl:nodeData.
NodeTypes.Page Represents the nodeType mgnl:page.
NodeTypes.Renderable Represents the mixin mgnl:renderable.
NodeTypes.Resource Represents the nodeType mgnl:resource.
NodeTypes.Role Represents the nodeType mgnl:role.
NodeTypes.System Represents the nodeType mgnl:reserve.
NodeTypes.User Represents the nodeType mgnl:user.
NodeTypes.Versionable Represents the mixin mgnl:versionable.
NodeTypeTemplateUtil Utility class used to create:
- NodeTypeTemplate.
NodeUtil Various utility methods to collect data from JCR repository.
PropertiesImportExport Utility class providing support for properties-like format to import/export jcr data.
PropertyUtil Property-related utility methods.
SessionUtil Session-related utility methods.
VersionUtil Various utility methods useful for JCR-Versioning.

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