Interface MagnoliaModelFactory

All Superinterfaces:

public interface MagnoliaModelFactory
extends freemarker.ext.util.ModelFactory

A specialization of Freemarker's ModelFactory, which knows which class its handling. Mostly just used so we can simply register other factories in Magnolia's configuration without too many hacks nor billions of subnodes.

Method Summary
 freemarker.template.TemplateModel create(Object object, freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper wrapper)
          If possible, our models should instantiate models which implement AdapterTemplateModel, so they can be unwrapped easily.
 Class factoryFor()
          Returns the Class this ModelFactory is able to create Model instances for.

Method Detail


Class factoryFor()
Returns the Class this ModelFactory is able to create Model instances for. MagnoliaObjectWrapper uses this with a isAssignableFrom call to determine which ModelFactory to use.


freemarker.template.TemplateModel create(Object object,
                                         freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper wrapper)
If possible, our models should instantiate models which implement AdapterTemplateModel, so they can be unwrapped easily. (by custom directives, for example)

Specified by:
create in interface freemarker.ext.util.ModelFactory
See Also:

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