Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractTask
info.magnolia.module.webapp This package contains the necessary classes to determine if the web-app needs to be bootstrapped, and to do so. 
info.magnolia.setup This package contains the classes necessary to install and update Magnolia's core module. 

Uses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.module

Subclasses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.module
 class AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionToLatestTask
          The task which modifies the "version" property to the version being installed.
 class AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionUpdateTask
          The task which modifies the "version" property to the version we're updating to.

Uses of AbstractTask in

Subclasses of AbstractTask in
 class AbstractConditionalRepositoryTask
          An abstract implementation of a RepositoryTask that only needs to be executed when a specific node is not found in the repository.
 class AbstractRepositoryTask
          An abstract implementation of AbstractTask which simply wraps the execute call in a try/catch block, avoiding many verbose and irrelevant code lines in actual tasks, leaving room for smarter and more interesting exception handling, when they can actually be handled.
 class AddGroupToGroupTask
          A task to nest a group inside another, using GroupManager.
 class AddMimeMappingTask
          Task that adds a mime mapping to server/MIMEMapping.
 class AddPermissionTask
          A task to add a permission to a role, using RoleManager.
 class AddRoleToGroupTask
          A task to add a role to a group, using GroupManager.
 class AddRoleToUserTask
          A task to add a role to a user, using UserManager.
 class AddURIPermissionTask
          Adds a URI permission to a role.
 class AddUserToGroupTask
          A task to add a user to a group, using UserManager.
 class AllChildrenNodesOperation
          This task executes the abstract method on every child node.
 class AllModulesNodeOperation
          An abstract that will perform an operation on all modules node found in the configuration repository.
 class BootstrapConditionally
          A Task which bootstraps if the node targeted by the bootstrap file does not exist.
 class BootstrapResourcesTask
          Base class for tasks which bootstrap resources.
 class BootstrapSingleModuleResource
          Bootstraps a classpath resources relative to the module's bootstrap folder: /mgnl-bootstrap/<module-name>>.
 class BootstrapSingleResource
          A Task which bootstraps a single file.
 class ChangeAllPropertiesWithCertainValueTask
          Changes all properties in an entire workspace that are of type PropertyType.STRING and has a certain value.
 class ChangeNodeTypeTask
          Changes a node type.
 class ChangeTemplateTask
          Task to change the template of page or component.
 class ChangeVirtualUriMappingTask
          Task for changing Virtual URI mappings - replaces old toURI and oldURI values with new ones.
 class CheckAndModifyPartOfPropertyValueTask
          If the property (Property) contains the expected string, then it will be replaced by the new string.
 class CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask
          If the specified property (NodeData) has the expected value, then it will be replaced by the new value.
 class CheckNodeDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another if a checkNode is true, or to an optional other if it is false.
 class CheckOrCreatePropertyTask
          Sets the specified property with a new value or creates the property with the new value.
 class ChildrenExistsDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another depending on existence of children.
 class ConditionalDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another if a condition is true, or to an optional other if it is false.
 class CopyNodeTask
          Copies a node by performing a in session copy operation.
 class CopyOrReplaceNodePropertiesTask
          Copies a node's properties to another node.
 class CopyPropertyTask
          Copies a property.
 class CreateNodePathTask
          A Task to create a full path, i.e the parent doesn't need to exist.
 class CreateNodeTask
          Creates a node in the given parent with the given name and type.
 class ExecuteCommandTask
          Task that executes command.
 class FilterOrderingTask
          Orders a filter after a given set of other filters.
 class FindAndChangeTemplateIdTask
          Task which find all content with specific template id and change template id to new one.
 class HasPropertyDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified property exists or not.
 class IsAuthorInstanceDelegateTask
          A task that depends on the value of the /server/admin config value.
 class IsInstallSamplesTask
          A Task which delegates depending on the magnolia.bootstrap.samples property.
 class IsModuleInstalledOrRegistered
          A Task which delegates depending on the existence of a module.
 class ModuleBootstrapTask
          A task to bootstrap a module.
 class ModuleDependencyBootstrapTask
          A Task which will bootstrap files if an optional module is installed or registered: any resource under "/info/magnolia/module/moduleName/setup/dependencyName".
 class ModuleFilesExtraction
          A task which extracts all files for a module.
 class MoveAndRenamePropertyTask
          A task to move and rename properties, taking default values into account.
 class MoveNodeTask
          This task moves a specified Node to a new destination.
 class MovePropertyTask
          Moves a property.
 class NewPropertyTask
          Creates a new property.
 class NodeCheckDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another if a checkNode is true, or to an optional other if it is false.
 class NodeExistsDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified node exists or not.
 class OrderFilterBeforeTask
          Orders a filter before a given set of other filters.
 class OrderNodeAfterTask
          Orders a node after the specified sibling node.
 class OrderNodeBeforeTask
          Orders a node before the specified sibling node.
 class OrderNodeTo1stPosTask
          Deprecated. since 5.2.2 - use OrderNodeToFirstPositionTask instead
 class OrderNodeToFirstPositionTask
          Sets the Node of a given path in a given repository to the first position of all children.
 class PartialBootstrapTask
          This task is used to bootstrap a part of a file.
 class PathExistenceDelegateTask
          Checks if multiple paths exist/do not exist before executing passed task.
 class PropertiesImportTask
          A Task which will import nodes and properties using a .properties file.
 class PropertyExistsDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified property exists or not.
 class PropertyValueDelegateTask
          A task which delegates to another if a property has a given value.
 class PropertyValuesTask
          A tasks that offers helper methods to check on certain properties.
 class QueryTask
          An abstract task to perform operations on nodes returned by a given query.
 class RegisterNodeTypeTask
          Registers (or re-registers) node type.
 class RegisterServletTask
          Registers a servlet definition from a module descriptor into the /server/filters/servlets node.
 class RemoveDuplicatePermissionTask
          A task to find and remove duplicate permission from a role and a workspace.
 class RemoveInstallFilesTask
          Removes install file(s) from ${magnolia.home}/${filesPath} and its md5 node from "config:server/install/mgnl-files/${filesPath}".
 class RemoveNodesTask
          Removes a list of nodes referenced by their absolute paths.
 class RemoveNodeTask
          Removes the specified node.
 class RemoveNodeWoChildren
          A task that removes node if that has no children.
 class RemovePermissionTask
          A task to remove a permission from a role, using RoleManager.
 class RemovePropertiesTask
          Removes a list of properties referenced by their absolute paths.
 class RemovePropertyTask
          Removes a property and optionally logs its absence.
 class RenameNodesTask
          Renames all nodes having a certain name and nodeType to the provided new name.
 class RenameNodeTask
          This task renames a specified node.
 class RenamePropertiesTask
          Renames all properties having a certain name to the provided new name.
 class RenamePropertyAllModulesNodeTask
          Renames a property found in a given subnode of all modules; typically, renames "path" to "templatePath" for all nodes under "paragraphs" for each module.
 class RenamePropertyTask
          Renames a property.
 class ReplaceIfExistsTask
          A task which replaces a node by bootstrapping a file, only if it exists.
 class SamplesBootstrapTask
          A task which bootstraps the module's content under /mgnl-bootstrap-samples/ if the magnolia.bootstrap.samples property is set the true.
 class SetPropertyTask
          Sets a new value for a property.
 class SetupModuleRepositoriesTask
          Bootstrap empty repositories for the current module.
 class ValueOfPropertyDelegateTask
          A task which delegates to another if a property has a given value.
 class WarnTask
          A task which does nothing else than logging a warning message.

Uses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.module.webapp

Subclasses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.module.webapp
 class WebappBootstrap
          A Task used by the webapp module's version handler to bootstrap files under WEB-INF/bootstrap (i.e directories defined by the magnolia.bootstrap.dir property) TODO : exception handling...

Uses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.nodebuilder.task

Subclasses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.nodebuilder.task
 class AbstractNodeBuilderTask
          Base class for Tasks using the node builder API.
 class ModuleConfigNodeBuilderTask
          A task using the NodeBuilder API, applying operations on a the config node of the current module.
 class ModuleNodeBuilderTask
          A task using the NodeBuilder API, applying operations on a the root node of the current module.
 class NodeBuilderTask
          A task using the NodeBuilder API, applying operations on a given path.

Uses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup

Subclasses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup
 class ChangeNodeTypeOfSubAppsTask
          Task will find all subApps which are primary node type mgnl:content and will change it to mgnl:contentNode.
 class HashUsersPasswords
          Task to encrypt base64 encoded passwords.

Uses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup.for4_5

Subclasses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup.for4_5
 class RenameACLNodesTask
          Renames ACL nodes for all roles from the old format of acl_repositoryName_workspaceName to acl_workspaceName.
 class UpdateSecurityFilterClientCallbacksConfiguration
          Updates the given security filter's client callback configuration to reflect the changes introduced in 4.5.
 class UpdateUserManagers
          Updates user managers with properties used in account lockout feature.

Uses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup.for5_0

Subclasses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup.for5_0
 class AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask
          Task allowing to register or unregister nodeTypes.
 class CheckOrCreateLastActivatedPropertyTask
          This task checks whether the node specified by workspace and path constructor parameters has the mgnl:lastActivated property set, and if not, sets it to the current date &time (by calling NodeTypes.Activatable#update(Node, String, boolean).
 class ConvertMetaDataUpdateTask
          Update task for migration content with MetaData sub nodes to instead use mixins on the content node itself.
 class Register50NodeTypeTask
          Register the new M5.0 nodeType definition.
 class RemoveMetaDataInNodeTypeDefinitionTask
          Remove metaData nodeType's defined as 'childNodeDefinition' for all registered nodeType that still define this dependency.

Uses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup.for5_2

Subclasses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup.for5_2
 class AddActivatableMixinForContentNodeTask
          Add the mixIn NodeTypes.Activatable.NAME to the NodeTypes.ContentNode node type definition.
 class GrantReadPermissionToRolesTask
          Add a read permission to role itself if not already defined.
 class IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask
          Identify all sibling nodes for a defined workspace, sub path and nodeTypes.
 class RemoveOpenWFEPermissionsTask
          Task that will find all openWFE permissions from the userroles workspace and remove them.
 class RenameSameNameSiblingNodesTask
          Identify all sibling nodes for a defined workspace, sub path and nodeTypes.

Uses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup.initial

Subclasses of AbstractTask in info.magnolia.setup.initial
 class AddFilterBypassTask
          Adds bypass to an existing filter.
 class AddURIPermissionsToAllRoles
          Adds URI permissions to all roles.
 class LoginAuthTypePropertyMovedToFilter
          Updates authentication type configuration.
 class LoginFormPropertyMovedToFilter
          Updates login form location.
 class UpdateURI2RepositoryMappings
          Updates format of URI2Repository mappings to format used since 3.5.
 class UpdateURIMappings
          Updates virtualURIMappings to the format suitable for c2b.
 class WarnIgnoredModuleFilters
          Checks if installed modules contain filter definitions and if so warns on installation with an appropriate message.

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