Uses of Class

Packages that use ConditionalDelegateTask   

Uses of ConditionalDelegateTask in

Subclasses of ConditionalDelegateTask in
 class BootstrapConditionally
          A Task which bootstraps if the node targeted by the bootstrap file does not exist.
 class CheckNodeDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another if a checkNode is true, or to an optional other if it is false.
 class ChildrenExistsDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another depending on existence of children.
 class HasPropertyDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified property exists or not.
 class IsAuthorInstanceDelegateTask
          A task that depends on the value of the /server/admin config value.
 class IsInstallSamplesTask
          A Task which delegates depending on the magnolia.bootstrap.samples property.
 class IsModuleInstalledOrRegistered
          A Task which delegates depending on the existence of a module.
 class ModuleDependencyBootstrapTask
          A Task which will bootstrap files if an optional module is installed or registered: any resource under "/info/magnolia/module/moduleName/setup/dependencyName".
 class NodeCheckDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another if a checkNode is true, or to an optional other if it is false.
 class NodeExistsDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified node exists or not.
 class PathExistenceDelegateTask
          Checks if multiple paths exist/do not exist before executing passed task.
 class PropertyExistsDelegateTask
          A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified property exists or not.
 class PropertyValueDelegateTask
          A task which delegates to another if a property has a given value.
 class ReplaceIfExistsTask
          A task which replaces a node by bootstrapping a file, only if it exists.
 class SamplesBootstrapTask
          A task which bootstraps the module's content under /mgnl-bootstrap-samples/ if the magnolia.bootstrap.samples property is set the true.
 class ValueOfPropertyDelegateTask
          A task which delegates to another if a property has a given value.

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