Uses of Interface

Packages that use Content
info.magnolia.setup This package contains the classes necessary to install and update Magnolia's core module. 

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config with parameters of type Content
protected  void VirtualURIManager.onRegister(Content node)
protected abstract  void ObservedManager.onRegister(Content node)
          Registers a node.
 void ObservedManager.register(Content node)
          Register a node.
protected  void ObservedManager.reload(Content node)
          Reload a specific node.

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime that return Content
 Content FileProperties.getContent()

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime with parameters of type Content
 void FileProperties.setContent(Content c)

Constructors in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime with parameters of type Content
FileProperties(Content content, String nodeDataName)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.cms.core

Classes in info.magnolia.cms.core that implement Content
 class AbstractContent
          A base class by implementing some default behavior.
 class DefaultContent
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use jcr.Node instead.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core that return Content
 Content Content.createContent(String name)
          Deprecated. Creates a Content node under the current node with the specified name.
 Content AbstractContent.createContent(String name)
 Content Content.createContent(String name, ItemType contentType)
          Deprecated. Creates a Content node under the current node with the specified name.
 Content AbstractContent.createContent(String name, ItemType contentType)
 Content DefaultContent.createContent(String name, String contentType)
 Content Content.createContent(String name, String contentType)
          Deprecated. Creates a Content node under the current node with the specified name.
 Content HierarchyManager.createContent(String path, String label, String contentType)
 Content DefaultHierarchyManager.createContent(String path, String label, String contentType)
          Deprecated. Creates contentNode of type contentType. contentType must be defined in item type definition of Magnolia as well as JCR implementation.
 Content DefaultContent.getAncestor(int level)
 Content Content.getAncestor(int level)
          Deprecated. get absolute parent object starting from the root node.
 Content Content.getChildByName(String namePattern)
          Deprecated. since 4.3, either use getContent(String) or getChildren(String)
 Content AbstractContent.getChildByName(String namePattern)
 Content HierarchyManager.getContent(String path)
 Content DefaultHierarchyManager.getContent(String path)
          Deprecated. get content object of the requested URI.
 Content DefaultContent.getContent(String name)
 Content Content.getContent(String name)
          Deprecated. Gets the Content node of the current node with the specified name.
 Content HierarchyManager.getContent(String path, boolean create, ItemType type)
 Content DefaultHierarchyManager.getContent(String path, boolean create, ItemType type)
          Deprecated. Like getContent() but creates the node if not yet existing.
 Content HierarchyManager.getContentByUUID(String uuid)
 Content DefaultHierarchyManager.getContentByUUID(String uuid)
          Deprecated. This method can be used to retrieve Content which has UUID assigned to it, in other words only those nodes which has mixin type mix:referenceable.
protected  Content NonExistingNodeData.getContentFromJCRReference()
protected  Content DefaultNodeData.getContentFromJCRReference()
protected  Content BinaryNodeData.getContentFromJCRReference()
protected abstract  Content AbstractNodeData.getContentFromJCRReference()
          Specific implementation for retrieving the referenced node when using a property of type REFERENCE.
 Content AggregationState.getCurrentContent()
          Deprecated. since 5.0 - use #getCurrentContentNode() instead.
 Content AggregationState.getMainContent()
          Deprecated. since 5.0 - use #getMainContentNode() instead.
 Content DefaultHierarchyManager.getPage(String path, String templateName)
          Deprecated. since 4.0 - only used by taglibs - should go/move.
 Content NodeData.getParent()
          Deprecated. returns Parent node.
 Content DefaultContent.getParent()
 Content Content.getParent()
          Deprecated. get parent content object.
 Content AbstractNodeData.getParent()
 Content NodeData.getReferencedContent()
          Deprecated. Returns the Content that this NodeData references (if its type is PropertyType.REFERENCE).
 Content BinaryNodeData.getReferencedContent()
 Content AbstractNodeData.getReferencedContent()
protected  Content AbstractNodeData.getReferencedContent(HierarchyManager hm)
 Content NodeData.getReferencedContent(String repositoryId)
          Deprecated. Same as NodeData.getReferencedContent() but achieves the referenced node from a different workspace.
 Content BinaryNodeData.getReferencedContent(String repositoryId)
 Content AbstractNodeData.getReferencedContent(String repositoryId)
 Content HierarchyManager.getRoot()
 Content DefaultHierarchyManager.getRoot()
protected  Content DefaultHierarchyManager.wrapAsContent(javax.jcr.Node node)
protected  Content DefaultContent.wrapAsContent(javax.jcr.Node node)
 Content DefaultHierarchyManager.wrapAsContent(javax.jcr.Node rootNode, String path)
protected  Content DefaultContent.wrapAsContent(javax.jcr.Node node, String name)
protected  Content DefaultHierarchyManager.wrapAsContent(javax.jcr.Node rootNode, String path, String contentType)
protected  Content DefaultContent.wrapAsContent(javax.jcr.Node node, String name, String contentType)

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core that return types with arguments of type Content
 Collection<Content> DefaultContent.getAncestors()
 Collection<Content> Content.getAncestors()
          Deprecated. Convenience method for taglib.
 Collection<Content> Content.getChildren()
          Deprecated. Gets a Collection containing all child nodes of the same NodeType as "this" object.
 Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren()
          Gets a Collection containing all child nodes of the same NodeType as "this" object.
 Collection<Content> Content.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Get a collection containing child nodes which satisfies the given filter.
 Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter)
          Get a collection containing child nodes which satisfies the given filter.
 Collection<Content> Content.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
          Deprecated. Get a collection containing child nodes which satisfies the given filter.
 Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
          Get a collection containing child nodes which satisfies the given filter.
 Collection<Content> DefaultContent.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
abstract  Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
 Collection<Content> Content.getChildren(ItemType contentType)
          Deprecated. Get collection of specified content type.
 Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(ItemType itemType)
          Get collection of specified content type.
 Collection<Content> Content.getChildren(String contentType)
          Deprecated. Get collection of specified content type and its subtypes.
 Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(String contentType)
          Get collection of specified content type and its subtypes.
 Collection<Content> Content.getChildren(String contentType, String namePattern)
          Deprecated. Get collection of specified content type.
 Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(String contentType, String namePattern)
          Get collection of specified content type.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core with parameters of type Content
 boolean Content.ContentFilter.accept(Content content)
          Deprecated. Test if this content should be included in a resultant collection.
static String Path.getUniqueLabel(Content parent, String label)
          Deprecated. since 5.2.2, use Path.getUniqueLabel(Node, String) instead.
 void AggregationState.setCurrentContent(Content currentContent)
          Deprecated. since 5.0 - use #setCurrentContentNode(Node) instead.
 void AggregationState.setMainContent(Content mainContent)
          Deprecated. since 5.0 - use #setMainContentNode(Node) instead.
 NodeData Content.setNodeData(String name, Content value)
          Deprecated. Sets the node data.
 NodeData AbstractContent.setNodeData(String name, Content value)
 void NonExistingNodeData.setValue(Content value)
 void NodeData.setValue(Content value)
          Deprecated. Sets a reference value.
 void DefaultNodeData.setValue(Content value)
 void BinaryNodeData.setValue(Content value)

Method parameters in info.magnolia.cms.core with type arguments of type Content
 Collection<Content> Content.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
          Deprecated. Get a collection containing child nodes which satisfies the given filter.
 Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
          Get a collection containing child nodes which satisfies the given filter.
 Collection<Content> DefaultContent.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
abstract  Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)

Constructors in info.magnolia.cms.core with parameters of type Content
AbstractNodeData(Content parent, String name)
BinaryNodeData(Content parent, String name)
DefaultNodeData(Content parent, String name)
NonExistingNodeData(Content parent, String name)

Uses of Content in

Fields in with type parameters of type Content
protected  Map<String,Collection<Content>> QueryResultImpl.objectStore
          Deprecated. caches all previously queried objects.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Content
 Collection<Content> QueryResultImpl.getContent()
 Collection<Content> QueryResult.getContent()
          Deprecated. Gets a collection of Content objects for mgnl:content NodeType.
 Collection<Content> QueryResultImpl.getContent(String nodeType)
 Collection<Content> QueryResult.getContent(String nodeType)
          Deprecated. Gets a collection of Content objects for specified NodeType.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Content
protected  void node, String[] nodeType, Collection<Content> collection)
          Deprecated. Traverses the hierarchy from the current node to the root until the node's type matches.
protected  void nodeType, Collection<Content> collection)
          Deprecated. Adds all found nodes of a certain type.

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.cms.core.version

Classes in info.magnolia.cms.core.version that implement Content
 class ContentVersion
          Wraps a versioned node (frozen node) and allows traversing the hierarchy as if the node where in the original place.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core.version that return Content
 Content ContentVersion.createContent(String name)
          Throws an AccessDeniedException as versions are read only.
 Content ContentVersion.createContent(String name, ItemType contentType)
          Throws an AccessDeniedException as versions are read only.
 Content ContentVersion.createContent(String name, String contentType)
          Throws an AccessDeniedException as versions are read only.
 Content ContentVersion.getAncestor(int level)
 Content ContentVersion.getContent(String name)
          Returns a direct child if it was included in the version.
 Content ContentVersion.getParent()
          Returns the parent of the base node.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core.version that return types with arguments of type Content
 Collection<Content> ContentVersion.getAncestors()
          Convenience method for taglib.
 Collection<Content> ContentVersion.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
          All AbstractContent.getChildren() methods delegate to this method.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core.version with parameters of type Content
protected  javax.jcr.version.Version BaseVersionManager.createVersion(Content node, Rule rule)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use BaseVersionManager.createVersion(Node, Rule, String) instead
 void BaseVersionManager.restore(Content node, javax.jcr.version.Version version, boolean removeExisting)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use BaseVersionManager.restore(Node, Version, boolean) instead

Method parameters in info.magnolia.cms.core.version with type arguments of type Content
 Collection<Content> ContentVersion.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
          All AbstractContent.getChildren() methods delegate to this method.

Constructors in info.magnolia.cms.core.version with parameters of type Content
ContentVersion(javax.jcr.version.Version thisVersion, Content base)

Uses of Content in

Methods in with parameters of type Content
 void Syndicator.activate(String parent, Content content)
          This will activate the specified node to all configured subscribers.
 void Syndicator.activate(String parent, Content content, List<String> orderBefore)
          This will activate the specified node to all configured subscribers.
 void Syndicator.activate(Subscriber subscriber, String parent, Content content)
          This will activate the specified node to the specified subscriber.
 void Syndicator.activate(Subscriber subscriber, String parent, Content content, List<String> orderBefore)
          This will activate the specified node to the specified subscriber.
 void Syndicator.deactivate(Content node)
 void Syndicator.deactivate(Subscriber subscriber, Content node)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.cms.i18n

Classes in info.magnolia.cms.i18n that implement Content
 class I18nContentWrapper
          A ContentWrapper implementation which knows about I18nContentSupport.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.i18n that return Content
protected  Content I18nContentWrapper.wrap(Content node)

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.i18n with parameters of type Content
 NodeData I18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name)
          Deprecated. since 4.5.4 use I18nContentSupport.getProperty(Node, String) instead.
 NodeData HierarchyBasedI18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name)
 NodeData AbstractI18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name)
          Returns the nodedata with the name <name>_<current language> or <name>_<fallback language> otherwise returns <name>.
 NodeData I18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name, Locale locale)
          Deprecated. since 4.5.4 use I18nContentSupport.getProperty(Node, String, Locale) instead.
 NodeData AbstractI18nContentSupport.getNodeData(Content node, String name, Locale locale)
protected  Content I18nContentWrapper.wrap(Content node)

Constructors in info.magnolia.cms.i18n with parameters of type Content
I18nContentWrapper(Content node)

Uses of Content in

Methods in that return Content
protected  Content MgnlUserManager.createUserNode(String name)
          Deprecated. since 5.2.8 use MgnlUserManager.createUserNode(String, String, javax.jcr.Session) instead
protected  Content MgnlUserManager.findUserNode(String realm, String name)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use findPrincipalNode(java.lang.String, javax.jcr.Session) instead
 Content MgnlUser.getUserNode()
          Deprecated. since 4.5, use UserManager.updateLastAccessTimestamp(User) instead

Methods in with parameters of type Content
protected  MgnlRole MgnlRoleManager.newRoleInstance(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5
protected  User MgnlUserManager.newUserInstance(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use newUSerInstance(javax.jcr.Node) instead
protected  void MgnlUserManager.setPasswordProperty(Content userNode, String clearPassword)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use MgnlUserManager.setPasswordProperty(Node, String) instead

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.cms.util

Classes in info.magnolia.cms.util that implement Content
 class ContentWrapper
          A base class to implement content wrappers.
 class ExtendingContentWrapper
          Deprecated. since Magnolia 5.0 - use ExtendingNodeWrapper instead.
 class InheritanceContentWrapper
          This wrapper inherits content from the parent hierarchy.
 class LazyContentWrapper
          Stores an uuid and will re-fetch the node in LazyContentWrapper.getWrappedContent() if the session is closed.
 class NodeMapWrapper
          Wrapper for a content Node which exposes a Map interface, used to access its content using jstl.
 class SystemContentWrapper
          A lazy content wrapper reading from the node using the LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util that return Content
static Content ContentUtil.asContent(javax.jcr.Node content)
 Content ContentWrapper.createContent(String name, String contentType)
 Content HierarchyManagerWrapper.createContent(String path, String label, String contentType)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(Content parent, String path, ItemType type)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(Content parent, String path, ItemType type, boolean save)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(HierarchyManager hm, String path)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(HierarchyManager hm, String path, boolean save)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(HierarchyManager hm, String path, ItemType type)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(HierarchyManager hm, String path, ItemType type, boolean save)
 Content ContentWrapper.getAncestor(int level)
static Content ContentUtil.getAncestorOfType(Content firstNode, String nodeType)
          Deprecated. Returns the first found ancestor of the given node which is of the given type, or the given node itself, it is of the given type.
static Content ContentUtil.getCaseInsensitive(Content node, String name)
          Deprecated. Get a subnode case insensitive.
 Content ContentWrapper.getChildByName(String namePattern)
          Deprecated. since 4.3, either use ContentWrapper.getContent(String) or AbstractContent.getChildren(String)
static Content ContentUtil.getContent(Content node, String name)
          Deprecated. Get the node or null if not exists.
 Content InheritanceContentWrapper.getContent(String name)
 Content HierarchyManagerWrapper.getContent(String path)
 Content ExtendingContentWrapper.getContent(String name)
 Content ContentWrapper.getContent(String name)
 Content HierarchyManagerWrapper.getContent(String path, boolean create, ItemType type)
static Content ContentUtil.getContent(String repository, String path)
          Deprecated. Returns a Content object of the named repository or null if not existing.
 Content HierarchyManagerWrapper.getContentByUUID(String uuid)
static Content ContentUtil.getContentByUUID(String repository, String uuid)
protected  Content InheritanceContentWrapper.getContentSafely(InheritanceContentWrapper anchor, String path)
          This method returns null if no content has been found.
protected  Content InheritanceContentWrapper.getContentSafely(String name)
          This method returns null if no content has been found.
 Content SiblingsHelper.getCurrent()
static Content ContentUtil.getOrCreateContent(Content node, String name, ItemType contentType)
          Deprecated. If the node doesn't exist just create it.
static Content ContentUtil.getOrCreateContent(Content node, String name, ItemType contentType, boolean save)
          Deprecated. If the node doesn't exist just create it.
 Content NodeDataWrapper.getParent()
 Content ContentWrapper.getParent()
 Content NodeDataWrapper.getReferencedContent()
 Content NodeDataWrapper.getReferencedContent(String repositoryId)
 Content HierarchyManagerWrapper.getRoot()
 Content LazyContentWrapper.getWrappedContent()
 Content ExtendingContentWrapper.getWrappedContent()
 Content ContentWrapper.getWrappedContent()
 Content SiblingsHelper.goTofirst()
 Content SiblingsHelper.goTolast()
 Content SiblingsHelper.prev()
protected  Content SystemNodeDataWrapper.wrap(Content content)
protected  Content NodeMapWrapper.wrap(Content node)
protected  Content NodeDataWrapper.wrap(Content content)
          Default implementation of content wrapping for cases where NodeData needs to return content.
protected  Content LazyNodeDataWrapper.wrap(Content content)
protected  Content InheritanceContentWrapper.wrap(Content node)
          Wrap returned nodes.
protected  Content HierarchyManagerWrapper.wrap(Content content)
          Override this method to have hierarchy manager wrap every piece of content it returns.
protected  Content ExtendingContentWrapper.wrap(Content node)
protected  Content ContentWrapper.wrap(Content node)
          Override if a wrapper wants to wrap returned content objects.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util that return types with arguments of type Content
static List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node)
          Deprecated. Get all children recursively (content and contentnode).
static List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node, Content.ContentFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Get all children using a filter.
static List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node, ItemType type)
          Deprecated. Get all children of a particular type.
static List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node, ItemType[] types)
          Deprecated. Get all children of a particular type.
static Collection<Content> QueryUtil.exceptionThrowingQuery(String repository, String statement, String language, String returnItemType)
          Deprecated. Since 4.5.4 use search methods.
static Collection<Content> QueryUtil.exceptionThrowingQuery(String repository, String statement, String language, String returnItemType, long maxResultSize)
          Deprecated. Since 4.5.4 use search methods.
static Collection<Content> ContentUtil.getAllChildren(Content node)
          Deprecated. Returns all children (not recursively) independent of there type.
static Collection<Content> ContentUtil.getAllChildren(Content node, Comparator<Content> comp)
          Deprecated. Returns all children (not recursively) independent of there type.
 Collection<Content> ContentWrapper.getAncestors()
 Collection<Content> InheritanceContentWrapper.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
 Collection<Content> ExtendingContentWrapper.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
 Collection<Content> ContentWrapper.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
static Collection<Content> QueryUtil.query(String repository, String statement)
          Deprecated. Since 4.5.4 use search methods.
static Collection<Content> QueryUtil.query(String repository, String statement, String language)
          Deprecated. Since 4.5.4 use search methods.
static Collection<Content> QueryUtil.query(String repository, String statement, String language, String returnItemType)
          Deprecated. Since 4.5.4 use search methods.
static Collection<Content> QueryUtil.query(String repository, String statement, String language, String returnItemType, long maxResultSize)
          Deprecated. Since 4.5.4 use search methods.
protected  Collection<Content> ContentWrapper.wrapContentNodes(Collection<Content> collection)
          Override if a wrapper wants to wrap returned collections as well (by getChildren(..), ...

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util with parameters of type Content
 boolean RuleBasedContentFilter.accept(Content content)
          Deprecated. Test if this content should be included in a resultant collection.
 boolean NodeTypeFilter.accept(Content content)
static void ContentUtil.changeNodeType(Content node, ItemType newType, boolean replaceAll)
          Deprecated. Utility method to change the jcr:primaryType value of a node.
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.childrenOf(Content parent)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the children of the given node, where the current node is the first child of the same type as its parent.
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.childrenOf(Content parent, Content.ContentFilter filter)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the children of the given node, where the current node is the first child from all that pass the filter.
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.childrenOf(Content parent, ItemType childType)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the children of the given node, where the current node is the first child of given type.
static List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node)
          Deprecated. Get all children recursively (content and contentnode).
static List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node, Content.ContentFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Get all children using a filter.
static List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node, ItemType type)
          Deprecated. Get all children of a particular type.
static List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node, ItemType[] types)
          Deprecated. Get all children of a particular type.
 int c1, Content c2)
 int c1, Content c2)
 int c1, Content c2)
 int c1, Content c2)
 int c1, Content c2)
static void ContentUtil.copyInSession(Content src, String dest)
          Deprecated. Session based copy operation.
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(Content parent, String path, ItemType type)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(Content parent, String path, ItemType type, boolean save)
static void ContentUtil.deleteAndRemoveEmptyParents(Content node)
static void ContentUtil.deleteAndRemoveEmptyParents(Content node, int level)
static String DumperUtil.dump(Content content)
          Deprecated. since 5.2.1. Use DumperUtil.dump(Node) instead.
static String DumperUtil.dump(Content content, int level)
          Deprecated. since 5.2.1. Use DumperUtil.dump(Node, int) instead.
static void DumperUtil.dump(Content content, int level, PrintStream out)
          Deprecated. since 5.2.1. Use DumperUtil.dump(Node, int, PrintStream) instead.
static void DumperUtil.dump(Content content, PrintStream out)
          Deprecated. since 5.2.1. Use DumperUtil.dump(Node, PrintWriter) instead.
static String MetaDataUtil.getActivationStatusIcon(Content content)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - use MetaDataUtil.getActivationStatusIcon(Node) instead.
static Collection<Content> ContentUtil.getAllChildren(Content node)
          Deprecated. Returns all children (not recursively) independent of there type.
static Collection<Content> ContentUtil.getAllChildren(Content node, Comparator<Content> comp)
          Deprecated. Returns all children (not recursively) independent of there type.
static Content ContentUtil.getAncestorOfType(Content firstNode, String nodeType)
          Deprecated. Returns the first found ancestor of the given node which is of the given type, or the given node itself, it is of the given type.
static boolean NodeDataUtil.getBoolean(Content node, String name, boolean defaultValue)
static Content ContentUtil.getCaseInsensitive(Content node, String name)
          Deprecated. Get a subnode case insensitive.
static Content ContentUtil.getContent(Content node, String name)
          Deprecated. Get the node or null if not exists.
static Calendar NodeDataUtil.getDate(Content node, String name, Calendar defaultValue)
static String NodeDataUtil.getI18NString(Content node, String str)
          Uses the i18n mechanism to translate the message if the resulting string is a key.
static String NodeDataUtil.getI18NString(Content node, String str, String basename)
          Uses the i18n mechanism to translate the message if the resulting string is a key.
static long NodeDataUtil.getLong(Content node, String name, long defaultValue)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreate(Content node, String name)
          If the NodeData does not exist yet, just create it.
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreate(Content node, String name, int type)
          If the NodeData does not exist yet, just create it.
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreate(Content node, String name, Object obj)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, boolean value)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, int value)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, long value)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, Object obj)
static NodeData NodeDataUtil.getOrCreateAndSet(Content node, String name, javax.jcr.Value[] value)
static Content ContentUtil.getOrCreateContent(Content node, String name, ItemType contentType)
          Deprecated. If the node doesn't exist just create it.
static Content ContentUtil.getOrCreateContent(Content node, String name, ItemType contentType, boolean save)
          Deprecated. If the node doesn't exist just create it.
static String MetaDataUtil.getPropertyValueString(Content content, String propertyName)
static String MetaDataUtil.getPropertyValueString(Content content, String propertyName, String dateFormat)
          Deprecated. Returns the representation of the value as a String.
static String NodeDataUtil.getString(Content node, String name)
          Get the string or the empty string if not existing.
static String NodeDataUtil.getString(Content node, String name, String defaultValue)
          You can define a default value if not found.
static Object NodeDataUtil.inherit(Content node, String name)
          Inherit a value.
static Object NodeDataUtil.inherit(Content node, String name, Object dflt)
          Inherit a value.
static String NodeDataUtil.inheritString(Content node, String name)
          Inherit a value.
static String NodeDataUtil.inheritString(Content node, String name, String dflt)
          Inherit a value.
static void ContentUtil.moveInSession(Content src, String dest)
          Deprecated. Magnolia uses by default workspace move operation to move nodes.
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.of(Content node)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the siblings of the given node and of the same type.
static void ContentUtil.orderAfter(Content nodeToMove, String targetNodeName)
          Deprecated. Convenient method for ordering a node after a specific target node.
static void ContentUtil.orderBefore(Content nodeToMove, String targetNodeName)
          Deprecated. Convenient method to order a node before a target node.
static void ContentUtil.orderNodes(Content node, Comparator<Content> comparator)
          Deprecated. Uses the passed comparator to create the jcr ordering of the children.
static void ContentUtil.orderNodes(Content node, String[] nodes)
 void ContentUtil.PostVisitor.postVisit(Content node)
static void ContentUtil.rename(Content node, String newName)
 void NodeDataWrapper.setValue(Content value)
 void ContentWrapper.setWrappedContent(Content wrappedContent)
          Deprecated. since 4.3 - use ContentWrapper.ContentWrapper(info.magnolia.cms.core.Content) instead.
 void SearchReplace.visit(Content node)
 void ContentUtil.Visitor.visit(Content node)
static void ContentUtil.visit(Content node, ContentUtil.Visitor visitor)
static void ContentUtil.visit(Content node, ContentUtil.Visitor visitor, Content.ContentFilter filter)
protected  Content SystemNodeDataWrapper.wrap(Content content)
protected  Content NodeMapWrapper.wrap(Content node)
protected  Content NodeDataWrapper.wrap(Content content)
          Default implementation of content wrapping for cases where NodeData needs to return content.
protected  Content LazyNodeDataWrapper.wrap(Content content)
protected  Content InheritanceContentWrapper.wrap(Content node)
          Wrap returned nodes.
protected  Content HierarchyManagerWrapper.wrap(Content content)
          Override this method to have hierarchy manager wrap every piece of content it returns.
protected  Content ExtendingContentWrapper.wrap(Content node)
protected  Content ContentWrapper.wrap(Content node)
          Override if a wrapper wants to wrap returned content objects.

Method parameters in info.magnolia.cms.util with type arguments of type Content
static Collection<Content> ContentUtil.getAllChildren(Content node, Comparator<Content> comp)
          Deprecated. Returns all children (not recursively) independent of there type.
 Collection<Content> InheritanceContentWrapper.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
 Collection<Content> ExtendingContentWrapper.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
 Collection<Content> ContentWrapper.getChildren(Content.ContentFilter filter, String namePattern, Comparator<Content> orderCriteria)
static void ContentUtil.orderNodes(Content node, Comparator<Content> comparator)
          Deprecated. Uses the passed comparator to create the jcr ordering of the children.
protected  Collection<Content> ContentWrapper.wrapContentNodes(Collection<Content> collection)
          Override if a wrapper wants to wrap returned collections as well (by getChildren(..), ...

Constructors in info.magnolia.cms.util with parameters of type Content
ContentWrapper(Content wrappedContent)
ExtendingContentWrapper(Content wrappedContent)
ExtendingContentWrapper(Content wrappedContent, Content extendedContent)
          Deprecated. Does not support the extends nodedata but chains the two nodes directly.
InheritanceContentWrapper(Content node)
          Starts the inheritance.
InheritanceContentWrapper(Content wrappedContent, Content start)
          Used if in the InheritanceContentWrapper.wrap(Content) method.
LazyContentWrapper(Content node)
NodeMapWrapper(Content node, String handle)
          Instantiates a new NodeMapWrapper for the given node.
SystemContentWrapper(Content node)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.commands

Methods in info.magnolia.commands with parameters of type Content
protected  void CommandsManager.onRegister(Content node)
          Register observation for command catalogs.
protected  void CommandsManager.registerCatalog(Content node)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.commands.impl

Methods in info.magnolia.commands.impl that return Content
protected  Content BaseRepositoryCommand.getNode(Context ctx)
          Deprecated. since 4.5.7 use BaseRepositoryCommand.getJCRNode(Context) instead

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.content2bean

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean that return Content
 Content TransformationState.getCurrentContent()
 Content TransformationState.peekContent(int pos)
 Content Bean2ContentProcessor.setNodeDatas(Content node, Object bean, Bean2ContentTransformer transformer)
 Content Bean2ContentProcessor.toContent(Content parent, Object bean, boolean recursive, Bean2ContentTransformer transformer)

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean that return types with arguments of type Content
 Collection<Content> Content2BeanTransformer.getChildren(Content node)
          Deprecated. Returns the children of the node to be transformed.

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean with parameters of type Content
 Collection<Content> Content2BeanTransformer.getChildren(Content node)
          Deprecated. Returns the children of the node to be transformed.
 void TransformationState.pushContent(Content node)
static void Content2BeanUtil.setNodeDatas(Content node, Map map)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO - only used locally - use Content2Bean
static void Content2BeanUtil.setNodeDatas(Content node, Object obj)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - unused - use Content2Bean
 Content Bean2ContentProcessor.setNodeDatas(Content node, Object bean, Bean2ContentTransformer transformer)
static void Content2BeanUtil.setNodeDatas(Content node, Object bean, String[] excludes)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - unused - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - unused - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO - only used locally and by ModuleManagerImpl and TreeHandlerManager
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Class defaultClass)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO - only used locally - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - use Content2Bean
 Object Content2BeanProcessor.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. Similar to toBean() but uses a passed bean as the root bean.
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - only used in tests - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. since 4.5- only used in DelegateVoter - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Class defaultClass)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO used in FilterManagerImpl, ParagraphManager and TemplateManager - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. since 4.5- only used in DelegateVoter - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use Content2Bean TODO -- this method has a bunch of usage points
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use Content2Bean TODO -- this method has a bunch of usage points
 Object Content2BeanProcessor.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. Transforms the node to a bean using the passed transformer and component provider.
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, Class defaultClass)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - only used in tests - use Content2Bean
 Content Bean2ContentProcessor.toContent(Content parent, Object bean, boolean recursive, Bean2ContentTransformer transformer)
static Map Content2BeanUtil.toMap(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - not used - use Content2Bean
static Map Content2BeanUtil.toMap(Content node, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - only used in info.magnolia.setup.for3_5.UpdateI18nConfiguration - use Content2Bean
<K,V> Map<K,V>
Content2BeanUtil.toMap(Content node, boolean recursive, Class defaultClass)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO only used in DefaultMessagesManager - use Content2Bean
static Map Content2BeanUtil.toPureMaps(Content node, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO only used in info.magnolia.setup.for3_5.CheckAndUpdateExistingFilters - use Content2Bean

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl that return Content
 Content TransformationStateImpl.getCurrentContent()
 Content TransformationStateImpl.peekContent(int pos)

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl that return types with arguments of type Content
 Collection<Content> Content2BeanTransformerImpl.getChildren(Content node)

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl with parameters of type Content
 boolean Content2BeanTransformerImpl.accept(Content content)
          Deprecated. Process all nodes except MetaData and nodes with names prefixed by "jcr:".
 Collection<Content> Content2BeanTransformerImpl.getChildren(Content node)
 void TransformationStateImpl.pushContent(Content node)
 Object Content2BeanProcessorImpl.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
 Object Content2BeanProcessorImpl.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
protected  Object Content2BeanProcessorImpl.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, TransformationState state, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
protected  Map<String,Object> Content2BeanProcessorImpl.toMap(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, TransformationState state, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. Transforms the children of provided content into a map.

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.freemarker.models

Methods in info.magnolia.freemarker.models that return Content
 Content ContentModel.asContent()

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.importexport

Methods in info.magnolia.importexport with parameters of type Content
static void PropertiesImportExport.appendNodeProperties(Content node, Properties out)
static Properties PropertiesImportExport.contentToProperties(Content rootContent)
          Deprecated. since 5.0 - use PropertiesImportExport.toProperties(javax.jcr.Node, info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate)
static Properties PropertiesImportExport.contentToProperties(Content rootContent, Content.ContentFilter filter)
          Deprecated. since 5.0 - use PropertiesImportExport.toProperties(javax.jcr.Node, info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate)
 void PropertiesImportExport.createContent(Content root, InputStream propertiesStream)
static String PropertiesImportExport.dumpPropertiesToString(Content content, Content.ContentFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Dumps content starting at the content node out to a string in the format that matches the import method.
static void BootstrapUtil.export(Content content, File directory)
          Deprecated. since 5.3.3, use BootstrapUtil.export(Node, File) instead.
protected  void PropertiesImportExport.populateContent(Content c, String name, String valueStr)
static Properties PropertiesImportExport.toProperties(Content rootContent)
          Deprecated. since 5.0 - use PropertiesImportExport.toProperties(javax.jcr.Node, info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate)

Uses of Content in

Methods in that return Content
 Content Link.getNode()
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use Link.getJCRNode() instead.

Methods in with parameters of type Content
static String LinkUtil.createAbsoluteLink(Content content)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createAbsoluteLink(Node) instead.
static String LinkUtil.createExternalLink(Content content)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createExternalLink(Node) instead.
static String LinkUtil.createLink(Content node)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createLink(Node) instead.
static Link LinkFactory.createLink(Content node)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createLinkInstance(Content) instead.
static Link LinkUtil.createLinkInstance(Content node)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use LinkUtil.createLinkInstance(Node) instead.
 RelativePathTransformer LinkTransformerManager.getRelative(Content page)
          Creates instance of Relative link transformer that will translate path to the provided Link relative to the content provided here.
 Link Link.initLink(String workspaceName, Content parent, NodeData nodedata)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use Link(Node).
 void Link.setNode(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 5.0 use Link.setJCRNode() instead.

Constructors in with parameters of type Content
Link(Content content)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use Link(Node).
Link(String workspaceName, Content parent, NodeData nodedata)
          Deprecated. Since 5.0 use Link(Node).
RelativePathTransformer(Content sourcePage, boolean useURI2RepositoryMapping, boolean useI18N)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.module

Methods in info.magnolia.module that return Content
 Content InstallContextImpl.getModulesNode()
 Content InstallContext.getModulesNode()
 Content InstallContextImpl.getOrCreateCurrentModuleConfigNode()
 Content InstallContext.getOrCreateCurrentModuleConfigNode()
 Content InstallContextImpl.getOrCreateCurrentModuleNode()
 Content InstallContext.getOrCreateCurrentModuleNode()

Method parameters in info.magnolia.module with type arguments of type Content
 void ModuleLifecycleContextImpl.start(Collection<Content> moduleNodes)

Uses of Content in

Methods in that return Content
protected  Content AllModulesNodeOperation.getParentNode(InstallContext ctx)
protected  Content AllChildrenNodesOperation.getParentNode(InstallContext ctx)

Methods in with parameters of type Content
protected  void PropertyValuesTask.checkAndModifyPropertyValue(InstallContext ctx, Content node, String propertyName, String expectedCurrentValue, String newValue)
          Deprecated. since 5.2.2, use instead.
protected  boolean PropertyValueDelegateTask.checkNode(Content node, InstallContext ctx)
protected  boolean PropertyExistsDelegateTask.checkNode(Content node, InstallContext ctx)
protected abstract  boolean NodeCheckDelegateTask.checkNode(Content node, InstallContext ctx)
protected  void PropertyValuesTask.checkOrCreateProperty(InstallContext ctx, Content node, String propertyName, String expectedValue)
          Deprecated. since 5.2.2, use PropertyValuesTask.checkOrCreateProperty(InstallContext, Node, String, String) instead.
protected  void PropertyValuesTask.newProperty(InstallContext ctx, Content node, String propertyName, String value)
protected  void AllModulesNodeOperation.operateOnChildNode(Content node, InstallContext ctx)
protected abstract  void AllChildrenNodesOperation.operateOnChildNode(Content node, InstallContext ctx)
protected  void RenamePropertyAllModulesNodeTask.operateOnModuleNode(Content node, HierarchyManager hm, InstallContext ctx)
protected abstract  void AllModulesNodeOperation.operateOnModuleNode(Content node, HierarchyManager hm, InstallContext ctx)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.nodebuilder

Methods in info.magnolia.nodebuilder that return Content
protected  Content RecursiveOp.doExec(Content context, ErrorHandler errorHandler)
protected abstract  Content AbstractNodeOperation.doExec(Content context, ErrorHandler errorHandler)

Methods in info.magnolia.nodebuilder with parameters of type Content
protected  Content RecursiveOp.doExec(Content context, ErrorHandler errorHandler)
protected abstract  Content AbstractNodeOperation.doExec(Content context, ErrorHandler errorHandler)
 void NodeOperation.exec(Content context, ErrorHandler errorHandler)
 void AbstractNodeOperation.exec(Content context, ErrorHandler errorHandler)
 void ErrorHandler.handle(javax.jcr.RepositoryException e, Content context)
          Deprecated. The operation calling this method isn't expected to do anything here; the ErrorHandler implementation will attempt to build a fully formed message, then decide what to do with it.
 void AbstractErrorHandler.handle(javax.jcr.RepositoryException e, Content context)
protected  void AbstractErrorHandler.unhandledRepositoryException(javax.jcr.RepositoryException e, Content context)
          Deprecated. Override this method if you need finer grained control on RepositoryExceptions that haven't been handled by the handle() method yet, or if you want to try and keep on proceeding anyway.

Constructors in info.magnolia.nodebuilder with parameters of type Content
NodeBuilder(Content root, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
NodeBuilder(ErrorHandler errorHandler, Content root, NodeOperation... childrenOps)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.nodebuilder.task

Methods in info.magnolia.nodebuilder.task that return Content
protected  Content NodeBuilderTask.getRootNode(InstallContext ctx)
protected  Content ModuleNodeBuilderTask.getRootNode(InstallContext ctx)
protected  Content ModuleConfigNodeBuilderTask.getRootNode(InstallContext ctx)
protected abstract  Content AbstractNodeBuilderTask.getRootNode(InstallContext ctx)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.objectfactory

Methods in info.magnolia.objectfactory with parameters of type Content
protected  void ObservedComponentFactory.onRegister(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5, use #onRegister(Node) instead

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.setup

Methods in info.magnolia.setup with parameters of type Content
protected  void HashUsersPasswords.operateOnChildNode(Content node, InstallContext ctx)

Uses of Content in info.magnolia.setup.initial

Methods in info.magnolia.setup.initial with parameters of type Content
protected  void UpdateURI2RepositoryMappings.operateOnChildNode(Content node, InstallContext ctx)
          Moves every node to the mappings node.
protected  void AddURIPermissionsToAllRoles.operateOnChildNode(Content node, InstallContext ctx)
protected  void WarnIgnoredModuleFilters.operateOnModuleNode(Content node, HierarchyManager hm, InstallContext ctx)
protected  void UpdateURIMappings.operateOnModuleNode(Content node, HierarchyManager hm, InstallContext ctx)

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