Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractMgnlFilter
info.magnolia.cms.i18n Login handlers and filters This package contains login filter and implementations of the various login handlers implementing LoginHandler 

Uses of AbstractMgnlFilter in info.magnolia.cms.filters

Subclasses of AbstractMgnlFilter in info.magnolia.cms.filters
 class AggregatorFilter
          Reads the accessed content from the repository and puts it into the AggregationState.
 class CompositeFilter
          A single filter which in turn executes a chain of other filters.
 class ContentTypeFilter
          Sets content type and encoding for requests based on the uri extension and prepares uri path information in the aggregation state.
 class ContextFilter
          This class initializes the current context and configures MDC logging.
 class CosMultipartRequestFilter
          Processes multipart post requests (fileuploads).
 class FilterDecorator
          Used to decorate a normal (not magnolia) filter.
 class HostSecurityFilter
           A filter that hides urls dependending on the request host name.
 class InstallFilter
          Filter responsible for executing the update/install mechanism.
 class InterceptFilter
          Deprecated. since 5.1. This class is no longer used as part of its job is now done by the page editor and part by the MultiChannelFilter.
 class MultiChannelFilter
          Filter that resolves the site to use by considering variation of the set channel.
 class MultipartRequestFilter
          A Filter that determines if a HttpServletRequest contains multipart content and if so parses it into a request attribute for further processing.
 class OncePerRequestAbstractMgnlFilter
          A base abstract class for filters that should not be executed more than once for each request.
 class RangeSupportFilter
          This filter will process any incoming requests containing Range or If-Range headers and swallow all produced output except for that matching the requested range.
 class RepositoryMappingFilter
          Maps a URI to content stored in the repository.
 class ServletDispatchingFilter
          A filter that dispatches requests to a wrapped servlet.
 class UnicodeNormalizationFilter
          Normalizes the current URI to the NFC form which is used internally.
 class VirtualUriFilter
          Handle redirects configured using VirtualURIMappings.

Uses of AbstractMgnlFilter in info.magnolia.cms.i18n

Subclasses of AbstractMgnlFilter in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
 class I18nContentSupportFilter
          Rewrites the i18n uris and sets the current locale.

Uses of AbstractMgnlFilter in

Subclasses of AbstractMgnlFilter in
 class BaseSecurityFilter
          Provides basic infrastructure for filters which check if a request is authorized.
 class ContentSecurityFilter
          Used to check if the user can read the requested content.
 class CsrfSecurityFilter
          Ensure that the request is not a CSRF attack.
 class LogoutFilter
          Performing the logout operation if the parameter "mgnlLogout" is present.
 class SecurityCallbackFilter
          A filter which handles 401, 403 HTTP response codes, as well as AccessDeniedExceptions, and renders an appropriate "login form" (which can consist of a redirect or anything else just as well).
 class URISecurityFilter
          This Filter protects URI as defined by ROLE(s)/GROUP(s) ACL.

Uses of AbstractMgnlFilter in

Subclasses of AbstractMgnlFilter in
 class LoginFilter
          Performs a login operation.

Uses of AbstractMgnlFilter in info.magnolia.debug

Subclasses of AbstractMgnlFilter in info.magnolia.debug
 class CallTrackingFilter
          Logs whatever has been recorded with the TrackingStatus.
 class DumpHeadersFilter
          A Filter which dumps the headers for the request and the response.
 class PerformanceTestFilter
          Logs whatever has been recorded with the PerformanceTestStatus.
 class SessionDebugger
          A Filter and Listener that can help debugging session issues.

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