Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractBoolVoter   

Uses of AbstractBoolVoter in

Subclasses of AbstractBoolVoter in
 class AbstractRequestHeaderPatternVoter
          Voters which match the request headers against a pattern.
 class AuthenticatedVoter
          Checks if the current user is authenticated.
 class BasePatternVoter
          Voters which uses the urls to match against the pattern.
 class DelegateVoter
          Check a magnolia system delegatePath.
 class DomainNameRegexVoter
          Checks if the request has domain that matches configured regex.
 class DontDispatchOnForwardAttributeVoter
          Deprecated. since 4.4, use WebContainerResources instead
 class ExtensionVoter
          Parameters (as Magnolia's configuration nodes): allow: comma separated lists of allowed extensions.
 class FalseVoter
          Returns false.
 class ForwardVoter
          This voter returns true if the request has been forwarded.
 class NotVoter
          Does invert the boolean outcome of a voter.
 class OnAdminVoter
          Checks if the admin flag (config:/server/admin) is set.
 class PropertyVoter
          Checks if the named Magnolia property has the expected value.
 class RequestHasParametersVoter
          Checks if the request used the "POST" method or if there are request parameters.
 class RequestHeaderPatternRegexVoter
          A voter taking a plain regex pattern which has to matched against the specified request header.
 class RequestHeaderPatternSimpleVoter
          Checks if the specified request header matches a specific pattern.
 class ResponseContentTypeVoter
          A voter which checks the content type set on the response object against a list of allowed and/or rejected content types.
 class TrueVoter
          Used to set a default not 0 outcome value.
 class URIPatternVoter
          Checks if URI matches the pattern.
 class URIRegexVoter
          A voter taking a plain regex pattern which has to matched against the current uri.
 class URIStartsWithVoter
          Checks if the URI starts with the given pattern.
 class UserAgentVoter
          A voter which checks the user agent header in request object against a list of allowed and/or rejected user agents.

Methods in that return AbstractBoolVoter
 AbstractBoolVoter NotVoter.getVoter()

Methods in with parameters of type AbstractBoolVoter
 void NotVoter.setVoter(AbstractBoolVoter voter)

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