Uses of Interface

Packages that use Voter   
info.magnolia.cms.filters JAAS and Client callbacks This package contains implementation of the JAAS and Client callbacks - ClientCallback -   

Uses of Voter in

Subinterfaces of Voter in
 interface Subscription
          Description of a path or area parent subscriber will react on.

Uses of Voter in info.magnolia.cms.filters

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.filters that return Voter
 Voter[] AbstractMgnlFilter.getBypasses()

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.filters with parameters of type Voter
 void AbstractMgnlFilter.addBypass(Voter voter)
 void AbstractMgnlFilter.setBypasses(Voter[] bypasses)

Uses of Voter in

Methods in that return Voter
 Voter AbstractHttpClientCallback.getVoters()

Methods in with parameters of type Voter
 void AbstractHttpClientCallback.setVoters(Voter voters)

Uses of Voter in

Methods in with parameters of type Voter
 int<T>[] voters, T value)
 int<T>[] voters, T value)

Uses of Voter in

Classes in that implement Voter
 class AbstractBoolVoter<T>
          Used to create boolean voters which can't return integer values.
 class AbstractRequestHeaderPatternVoter
          Voters which match the request headers against a pattern.
 class AuthenticatedVoter
          Checks if the current user is authenticated.
 class BasePatternVoter
          Voters which uses the urls to match against the pattern.
 class BaseVoterImpl<T>
          Abstract voter.
 class DelegateVoter<T>
          Check a magnolia system delegatePath.
 class DomainNameRegexVoter
          Checks if the request has domain that matches configured regex.
 class DontDispatchOnForwardAttributeVoter
          Deprecated. since 4.4, use WebContainerResourcesImpl instead
 class ExtensionVoter
          Parameters (as Magnolia's configuration nodes): allow: comma separated lists of allowed extensions.
 class FalseVoter
          Returns false.
 class ForwardVoter
          This voter returns true if the request has been forwarded.
 class IfVoter<T>
          Conditional voter.
 class InverseVoter<T>
          Inverses the returned value of the wrapped voter. ( 5 --> -5)
 class NotVoter<T>
          Does invert the boolean outcome of a voter.
 class OnAdminVoter
          Checks if the admin flag (config:/server/admin) is set.
 class PropertyVoter
          Checks if the named Magnolia property has the expected value.
 class RequestHasParametersVoter
          Checks if the request used the "POST" method or if there are request parameters.
 class RequestHeaderPatternRegexVoter
          A voter taking a plain regex pattern which has to matched against the specified request header.
 class RequestHeaderPatternSimpleVoter
          Checks if the specified request header matches a specific pattern.
 class RequestParametersVoter
          Voter that checks for a specific GET parameter and an optional value.
 class ResponseContentTypeVoter
          A voter which checks the content type set on the response object against a list of allowed and/or rejected content types.
 class SystemOrAdminUserVoter
          Checks if the current user is a system or admin user by checking the user's Realm.
 class TrueVoter
          Used to set a default not 0 outcome value.
 class URIPatternVoter
          Checks if URI matches the pattern.
 class URIRegexVoter
          A voter taking a plain regex pattern which has to matched against the current uri.
 class URIStartsWithVoter
          Checks if the URI starts with the given pattern.
 class UserAgentVoter
          A voter which checks the user agent header in request object against a list of allowed and/or rejected user agents.
 class VoterSet<T>
          Can take a set of voters.

Methods in that return Voter
 Voter<T> IfVoter.getCondition()
 Voter<T> IfVoter.getOtherwise()
 Voter<T> IfVoter.getThen()
 Voter<T> InverseVoter.getVoter()
 Voter<T>[] VoterSet.getVoters()

Methods in with parameters of type Voter
 void VoterSet.addVoter(Voter<T> voter)
 void IfVoter.setCondition(Voter<T> condition)
 void IfVoter.setOtherwise(Voter<T> otherwise)
 void IfVoter.setThen(Voter<T> then)
 void InverseVoter.setVoter(Voter<T> vote)
 void VoterSet.setVoters(Voter<T>[] voters)
 int<T>[] voters, T value)
 int<T>[] voters, T value)

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