Interface Summary | |
Condition | Conditions are checked prior to the installation or update of a module. |
Delta | A Delta represents the differences from one version of a module to another. |
Task | A Task represents an atomic operation to be performed when installing, updating or uninstalling a module, as part of a Delta. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractCondition | Base for Condition s, providing name and description. |
AbstractConditionalRepositoryTask | An abstract implementation of a RepositoryTask that only needs to be executed when a specific node is not found in the repository. |
AbstractRepositoryTask | An abstract implementation of AbstractTask which simply wraps the execute call in a try/catch block, avoiding many verbose and irrelevant code lines in actual tasks, leaving room for smarter and more interesting exception handling, when they can actually be handled. |
AbstractTask | Abstract implementation of the Task interface which handles the mandatory properties name and description. |
AddGroupToGroupTask | A task to nest a group inside another, using GroupManager . |
AddMimeMappingTask | Task that adds a mime mapping to server/MIMEMapping . |
AddPermissionTask | A task to add a permission to a role, using RoleManager . |
AddRoleToGroupTask | A task to add a role to a group, using GroupManager . |
AddRoleToUserTask | A task to add a role to a user, using UserManager . |
AddURIPermissionTask | Adds a URI permission to a role. |
AddUserToGroupTask | A task to add a user to a group, using UserManager . |
AllChildrenNodesOperation | This task executes the abstract method on every child node. |
AllModulesNodeOperation | An abstract that will perform an operation on all modules node found in the configuration repository. |
ArrayDelegateTask | A task that simply delegates to an array of other tasks. |
BackupTask | Backs up a node in the same workspace under a specific backup path. |
BootstrapConditionally | A Task which bootstraps if the node targeted by the bootstrap file does not exist. |
BootstrapFileUtil | Util class to extract nodes, properties from bootstrap files. |
BootstrapResourcesTask | Base class for tasks which bootstrap resources. |
BootstrapSingleModuleResource | Bootstraps a classpath resources relative to the module's bootstrap folder: /mgnl-bootstrap/<module-name>>. |
BootstrapSingleResource | A Task which bootstraps a single file. |
BootstrapSingleResourceAndOrderAfter | Bootstrap a single file, and places the bootstrapped node after the specified node. |
BootstrapSingleResourceAndOrderBefore | Bootstrap a single file, and places the bootstrapped node before the specified node.. |
ChangeAllPropertiesWithCertainValueTask | Changes all properties in an entire workspace that are of type PropertyType.STRING and has a certain value. |
ChangeNodeTypeTask | Changes a node type. |
ChangeTemplateTask | Task to change the template of page or component. |
ChangeVirtualUriMappingTask | Task for changing Virtual URI mappings - replaces old toURI and oldURI values with new ones. |
CheckAndModifyPartOfPropertyValueTask | If the property (Property) contains the expected string, then it will be replaced by the new string. |
CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask | If the specified property (NodeData) has the expected value, then it will be replaced by the new value. |
CheckNodeDelegateTask | A task that delegates to another if a checkNode is true, or to an optional other if it is false. |
CheckOrCreatePropertyTask | Sets the specified property with a new value or creates the property with the new value. |
ChildrenExistsDelegateTask | A task that delegates to another depending on existence of children. |
ConditionalDelegateTask | A task that delegates to another if a condition is true, or to an optional other if it is false. |
CopyNodeTask | Copies a node by performing a in session copy operation. |
CopyOrReplaceNodePropertiesTask | Copies a node's properties to another node. |
CopyPropertyTask | Copies a property. |
CreateNodePathTask | A Task to create a full path, i.e the parent doesn't need to exist. |
CreateNodeTask | Creates a node in the given parent with the given name and type. |
DeltaBuilder | Helper class to build Delta instances. |
ExecuteCommandTask | Task that executes command. |
FalseCondition | A Condition which always return false. |
FilterOrderingTask | Orders a filter after a given set of other filters. |
FindAndChangeTemplateIdTask | Task which find all content with specific template id and change template id to new one. |
HasPropertyDelegateTask | A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified property exists or not. |
IsAuthorInstanceDelegateTask | A task that depends on the value of the /server/admin config value. |
IsInstallSamplesTask | A Task which delegates depending on the magnolia.bootstrap.samples property. |
IsModuleInstalledOrRegistered | A Task which delegates depending on the existence of a module. |
ModuleBootstrapTask | A task to bootstrap a module. |
ModuleDependencyBootstrapTask | A Task which will bootstrap files if an optional module is installed or registered: any resource under "/info/magnolia/module/moduleName/setup/dependencyName". |
ModuleFilesExtraction | A task which extracts all files for a module. |
MoveAndRenamePropertyTask | A task to move and rename properties, taking default values into account. |
MoveNodeTask | This task moves a specified Node to a new destination. |
MovePropertyTask | Moves a property. |
NewPropertyTask | Creates a new property. |
NodeCheckDelegateTask | A task that delegates to another if a checkNode is true, or to an optional other if it is false. |
NodeExistsDelegateTask | A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified node exists or not. |
NoSameNameSiblingsCondition | Install condition to verify that Magnolia node types don't allow same name siblings. |
OrderFilterBeforeTask | Orders a filter before a given set of other filters. |
OrderNodeAfterTask | Orders a node after the specified sibling node. |
OrderNodeBeforeTask | Orders a node before the specified sibling node. |
OrderNodeTo1stPosTask | Deprecated. since 5.2.2 - use OrderNodeToFirstPositionTask instead |
OrderNodeToFirstPositionTask | Sets the Node of a given path in a given repository to the first position of all children. |
PartialBootstrapTask | This task is used to bootstrap a part of a file. |
PropertiesImportTask | A Task which will import nodes and properties using a .properties file. |
PropertyExistsDelegateTask | A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified property exists or not. |
PropertyValueDelegateTask | A task which delegates to another if a property has a given value. |
PropertyValuesTask | A tasks that offers helper methods to check on certain properties. |
QueryTask | An abstract task to perform operations on nodes returned by a given query. |
RegisterModuleServletsTask | Reads the servlets to register from the module descriptor. |
RegisterNodeTypeTask | Registers (or re-registers) node type. |
RegisterServletTask | Registers a servlet definition from a module descriptor into the /server/filters/servlets node. |
RemoveDuplicatePermissionTask | A task to find and remove duplicate permission from a role and a workspace. |
RemoveInstallFilesTask | Removes install file(s) from ${magnolia.home}/${filesPath} and its md5 node from "config:server/install/mgnl-files/${filesPath}". |
RemoveNodesTask | Removes a list of nodes referenced by their absolute paths. In case a Node does not exist, logs an info message if the flag RemoveNodesTask.displayInfoMessageForMissingNodes is set to true.Otherwise just continues with the next absolute path from the list. |
RemoveNodeTask | Removes the specified node. |
RemoveNodeWoChildren | A task that removes node if that has no children. |
RemovePermissionTask | A task to remove a permission from a role, using RoleManager . |
RemovePropertiesTask | Removes a list of properties referenced by their absolute paths. In case property does not exist, logs an info message if the flag RemovePropertiesTask.displayInfoMessageForMissingNodes is set to true.Otherwise just continues with the next absolute path from the list. |
RemovePropertyTask | Removes a property and optionally logs its absence. |
RenameNodesTask | Renames all nodes having a certain name and nodeType to the provided new name. |
RenameNodeTask | This task renames a specified node. |
RenamePropertiesTask | Renames all properties having a certain name to the provided new name. |
RenamePropertyAllModulesNodeTask | Renames a property found in a given subnode of all modules; typically, renames "path" to "templatePath" for all nodes under "paragraphs" for each module. |
RenamePropertyTask | Renames a property. |
ReplaceIfExistsTask | A task which replaces a node by bootstrapping a file, only if it exists. |
SamplesBootstrapTask | A task which bootstraps the module's content under /mgnl-bootstrap-samples/ if the magnolia.bootstrap.samples property is set the true. |
SetPropertyTask | Sets a new value for a property. |
SetupModuleRepositoriesTask | Bootstrap empty repositories for the current module. |
TextFileConditionsUtil | Utility adding conditions for textFiles depending on provided regExps. |
TrueCondition | A Condition which always return true. |
ValueOfPropertyDelegateTask | A task which delegates to another if a property has a given value. |
WarnCondition | Similar to the WarnTask, WarnCondition will always pass (return true) but will log a warning message in the InstallContext. |
WarnTask | A task which does nothing else than logging a warning message. |
WebXmlConditionsUtil | A utility class for web.xml related conditions, which will add conditions to a given list of tasks based on some conditions. |
WorkspaceXmlConditionsUtil | A utility class for workspace.xml related conditions, which will add conditions to a given list of tasks based on some conditions. |
Enum Summary | |
DeltaType | Enum for deltas. |
Exception Summary | |
TaskExecutionException | An exception thrown when a task can not be executed and can not be recovered from. |