Interface ClassFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ClassFactory

ClassFactory implementations are responsible for locating and instantiating classes. Specific implementations could take care of container-specific hacks, provide support for a scripting language, etc. TODO ? an spi-like layer that would allow to have multiple implementations of this and delegate to the first which "accepts" the given parameters ?

Method Summary
<C> Class<C>
forName(String className)
<T> T
newInstance(Class<T> c, Class<?>[] argTypes, Object... params)
          Instantiates the given class with the given parameters, using a constructor that matches the given argTypes exactly.
<T> T
newInstance(Class<T> c, Object... params)
          Instantiates the given class with the given parameters.

Method Detail


<C> Class<C> forName(String className)
                 throws ClassNotFoundException


<T> T newInstance(Class<T> c,
                  Object... params)
Instantiates the given class with the given parameters. This attempts to find a matching constructor. For the empty constructor, pass no parameters (or an empty array, or null). Null arguments are not supported.

MgnlInstantiationException - wrapping possible instantiation exceptions


<T> T newInstance(Class<T> c,
                  Class<?>[] argTypes,
                  Object... params)
Instantiates the given class with the given parameters, using a constructor that matches the given argTypes exactly. To pass "null" to a single-arg constructor, use newInstance(c, new Object[]{null}) (otherwise the *array* itself will be considered null)

MgnlInstantiationException - wrapping possible instantiation exceptions

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