Package info.magnolia.rendering.template.configured

Class Summary
ConfiguredAreaDefinition A AreaDefinition configured in the configuration workspace.
ConfiguredAutoGeneration Implementation of AutoGenerationConfiguration.
ConfiguredComponentAvailability A ComponentAvailability configured in the configuration workspace.
ConfiguredInheritance Defines behavior for inheritance.
ConfiguredInheritance.AllComponentsAndResourcesInheritancePredicate Predicate for component inheritance that includes all components.
ConfiguredInheritance.FilteredComponentInheritancePredicate Predicate for component inheritance that includes only nodes with a a property named 'inheritable' that needs to be present and set to 'true'.
ConfiguredInheritance.InheritNothingInheritancePredicate Predicate for component inheritance that includes no components.
ConfiguredInheritance.NodeDepthComparator Comparator for ordering nodes by depth placing nodes deeper in the hierarchy after those further up and ordering nodes on the same level by the order they appear as siblings.
ConfiguredRenderableDefinition A RenderableDefinition configured in the configuration workspace.
ConfiguredTemplateAvailability Default TemplateAvailability class used in {@link ConfiguredTemplateDefinition}.
ConfiguredTemplateDefinition A TemplateDefinition configured in the configuration workspace.

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