A B C D E G I J L M N P R S T W 


AbstractTag<C extends info.magnolia.templating.elements.TemplatingElement> - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms
Base class for jsp tags.
AbstractTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
ancestors(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
AreaTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms
A jsp tag for rendering an arbitrary piece of content.
AreaTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
asContentMap(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
asContentMapList(Collection<Node>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
asJCRNode(ContentMap) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
asNodeList(Collection<ContentMap>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction


BaseImageTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
A base class for image related tags e.g.
BaseImageTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
Breadcrumb - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
Outputs "breadcrumbs" with links to parents of the current page.
Breadcrumb() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb


children(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
cleanUp() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
Set objects to null.
cleanUp() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
Set objects to null.
ComponentTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms
A jsp tag for rendering an arbitrary piece of content.
ComponentTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.ComponentTag
content(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Return the Node for the Given Path from the given repository.
contentByIdentifier(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Return the Node for the given identifier from the given repository.
convertHexToColor(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
convertHexToRGB(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
Converts HEX color to RGB color.
ConvertNewLineTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
Converts text in the body of the tag adding
tags at new lines or wrapping lines in paragraphs.
ConvertNewLineTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ConvertNewLineTag
convertToSimpleString(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
Replace any special characters that are not letters or numbers with a replacement string.
createHtmlAttribute(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Util method to create html attributes name="value".
createImage() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Renders the current text in the current font fontname, fontsize and color.
createImageNode(File, Content) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
Create a new imageNode with the image in it.
createPngFile(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Renders the current text to a .png file.
createPngFile(File) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Renders the current text to a .png file.
createTemplatingElement() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag


decode(ContentMap) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Removes escaping of HTML on properties.
DEFAULT_HIDEINNAV_NODEDATA - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Default name for "hide in nav" nodeData.
DEFAULT_OPENMENU_NODEDATA - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Default name for "open menu" nodeData.
DEFAULT_WRAPPERELEMENT_NODEDATA - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Default name for "wrapperElement" nodeData.
doBody() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
doEndTag() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ConvertNewLineTag
doEndTag() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
doStartTag() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
doStartTag() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag
doTag() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
doTag() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.PoweredByTag
doTag() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
doTag() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag


EXPAND_ALL - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Expand all expand all the nodes.
EXPAND_NONE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Do not use expand functions.
EXPAND_SHOW - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Expand all expand only page that should be displayed in navigation.
externalLink(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Returns an external link prepended with http:// in case the protocol is missing or an empty String if the link does not exist.
externalLinkTitle(ContentMap, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Return a link title based on the @param linkTitlePropertyName.


getCurrentActivePage() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
since 4.5 - use #getCurrentActivePageNode instead.
getCurrentActivePageNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
getFilename() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
getFilename() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
getFilename() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
getImageContentNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
getRequest() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
getSnippets() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag
Extract a collection of snippets from any paragraph in the given page.
getTemplatingElementClass() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag


imageContentNodeName - Variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
Attribute: The name of the new content node to create.
info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms - package info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms
This file Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Magnolia International Ltd.
info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn - package info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn
This file Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Magnolia International Ltd.
info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib - package info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
This file Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Magnolia International Ltd.
inherit(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
inherit(ContentMap, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
inheritList(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
inheritProperty(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
initContentElement(AbstractContentTemplatingElement) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
Init attributes common to all AbstractContentTemplatingElement.
InitTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms
since 5.4, please use PageTag instead.
InitTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.InitTag
isAuthorInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
isEditMode() - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
isFromCurrentPage(ContentMap) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
isInherited(ContentMap) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
isPreviewMode() - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
isPublicInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction


JspTemplatingFunction - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn
Static wrapper of the Templating function class.
JspTemplatingFunction() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction


language() - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Get the language used currently.
link(ContentMap) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
link(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
linkForProperty(Property) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
FIXME Add a LinkUtil.createLink(Property property)....
linkForWorkspace(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Create link for the Node identified by nodeIdentifier in the specified workspace.


mandatoryMapConvertor(Object, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
Currently only support Map attrValue.
mapConvertor(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
Currently only support Map attrValue.
metaData(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Returns the string representation of a property from the metaData of the node or null if the node has no Magnolia metaData or if no matching property is found.


NODEDATA_ACCESSKEY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Page property: access key.


page(ContentMap) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Returns the page's ContentMap of the passed ContentMap.
PageTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms
A jsp tag for making page editor aware of current page and related dialog.
PageTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.PageTag
parent(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
parentContentNodeName - Variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
Attribute: The node where the images are to be saved.
PoweredByTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
A simple tag which can display the version and edition of the running Magnolia instance.
PoweredByTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.PoweredByTag
prepareTemplatingElement(C) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
Implementations of this method should prepare the TemplatingElement with the known parameters.
prepareTemplatingElement(AreaElement) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
prepareTemplatingElement(ComponentElement) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.ComponentTag
prepareTemplatingElement(InitElement) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.InitTag
prepareTemplatingElement(PageElement) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.PageTag
PROPERTIES_CONTENTTYPE_VALUE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
The valye of the contentType nodeData in the properties node.
PROPERTIES_EXTENSION_VALUE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
The value of the extension nodeData in the properties node.


release() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ConvertNewLineTag
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
rescale(Content, Content) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
Checks to see if the previously scaled image needs to be rescaled.
root(ContentMap, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction


ScaleImageTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
Creates a scaled copy of an image.
ScaleImageTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
search(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
SearchResultSnippetTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
Output a set of snippets taken from any paragraph in the given page mathing any of the search term.
SearchResultSnippetTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag
setActiveCss(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
Css class added to the current page link.
setAllowOversize(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
Allow resizing images beyond their original dimensions?
setArea(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
setBackgroundRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Set 8-bit RGB values for background colour.
setChars(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag
Number of characters to include in search snippets.
setClassProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Name for a page property that will hold a css class name which will be added to the html class attribute.
setComponents(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
setContent(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
setContentFilter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
A variable in the pageContext that contains a content filter, determining if a given page should be drawn or not.
setContextAttributes(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
setContextAttributes(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.ComponentTag
setCreateAreaNode(Boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
displayed between the page names, e.g.
setDialog(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
setDialog(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.ComponentTag
setDialog(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.InitTag
setDialog(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.PageTag
setDivCSS(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The CSS class that will be applied to the div that contains these text images.
setEditable(Boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
setEditable(Boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.ComponentTag
setEndLevel(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
The end level for navigation, defaults to 0.
setExcludeCurrent(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
Exclude the current (active) page from the breadcrumb.
setExpandAll(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Sitemap mode.
setFontFace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Set the TrueType font to render with.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Set the point size of the font.
setHideInNav(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Name for the "hide in nav" nodeData.
setHideProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
Name for a page property which, if set, will make the page hidden in the breadcrumb.
setImageContentNodeName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
Setter for the imageContentNodeName tag attribute.
setImageContentNodeName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
The name of the new contentNode that will contain the scaled version of the image.
setImageContentNodeName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The name of the new contentNode to create, under which all image nodes will be saved.
setLink(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
Create links to pages.
setMarkFirstAndLastElement(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
If set to true, a "first" or "last" css class will be added to the list of css classes of the first and the last li in each ul.
setMaxHeight(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
The maximum height of the image in pixels.
setMaxSnippets(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag
Maximum number of snippets to print out.
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
The maximum width of the image in pixels.
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
setNofollow(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Name for the "nofollow" nodeData.
setNolinkCurrent(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
Add current page but without links.
setOpenMenu(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
Name for the "open menu" nodeData.
setPage(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag
A Content node of type mgnl:content (a magnolia page), typically returned by the simpleSearch tag.
setPara(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ConvertNewLineTag
If true each line will be wrapped in a
setParentContentNodeName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.BaseImageTag
Setter for the parentContentNodeName tag attribute.
setParentContentNodeName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
The name of the content node that contains the image to be copied and scaled.
setParentContentNodeName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The name of the parent of the new contentNode.
setParentNodeDataName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.ScaleImageTag
The name of the data node that contains the image data to be copied and scaled.
setPath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
setPattern(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.PoweredByTag
Sets a different message pattern than the default.
setQuery(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag
Search query.
setRelativeLevels(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
If set to true, the startLevel and endLevel values are treated relatively to the current active page.
setStartLevel(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
At which level to start.
setStartLevel(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
The start level for navigation, defaults to 0.
setStyle(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
The css class to be applied to the first ul.
setText(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Set the text to be rendered by the Txt2PngFactory.
setText(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The text to be converted.
setTextBackColor(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The color of the background in hexadecimal format, e.g.
setTextFontColor(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The color of the text in hexadecimal format, e.g.
setTextFontFace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The font face of the text, e.g.
setTextFontSize(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The size of the text, in points, e.g.
setTextRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Set 8-bit RGB values for text colour.
setTextSplit(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
The method used to split the text into sub-strings: 'none', 'words', or 'characters'.
setTitleProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Breadcrumb
Name for a page property which holds the title to display in breadcrumbs.
setType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AreaTag
setUp() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
Initialize settings.
setUuid(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
setWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cms.AbstractTag
setWrapperElement(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
When specified, all links will have the anchortext wrapped in the supplied element.
siblings(ContentMap) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
Returns an instance of SiblingsHelper for the given contentMap.
SimpleNavigationTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
Draws a simple, css based, navigation menu.
SimpleNavigationTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
simpleSearch(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.cmsfn.JspTemplatingFunction
stripHtmlTags(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SearchResultSnippetTag


Text2PngFactory - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
Class to generate PNG images from TrueType font strings.
Text2PngFactory() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Construct factory without setting font.
Text2PngFactory(String, int) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Construct factory with given font face and size.
Text2PngFactory(String, int, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory
Construct factory with given font face and size.
TextToImageTag - Class in info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib
Tag that converts text into PNG images, and outputs a div element containing a set of img elements.
TextToImageTag() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.TextToImageTag
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.Text2PngFactory


wrapperElement - Variable in class info.magnolia.templating.jsp.taglib.SimpleNavigationTag
html element to wrap the anchortext.
A B C D E G I J L M N P R S T W 

Copyright © 2003–2016 Magnolia International Ltd.. All rights reserved.