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AbsolutePathTransformer - Class in
Creates links with the absolute path.
AbsolutePathTransformer() - Constructor for class
AbsolutePathTransformer(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates new transformer.
absoluteTargetPath - Variable in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractorOperation
absolutSourcePath - Variable in class
AbstractBoolVoter<T> - Class in
Used to create boolean voters which can't return integer values.
AbstractBoolVoter() - Constructor for class
AbstractCondition - Class in
Base for Conditions, providing name and description.
AbstractCondition(String, String) - Constructor for class
AbstractConditionalRepositoryTask - Class in
An abstract implementation of a RepositoryTask that only needs to be executed when a specific node is not found in the repository.
AbstractConditionalRepositoryTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
AbstractContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
Abstract implementation of ContentDecorator that filters out nothing and wraps everything to carry the decoration to the entire graph.
AbstractContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
AbstractContext - Class in info.magnolia.context
Default implementation of the Context interface.
AbstractContext() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
AbstractCorsFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cors
Filter capable of handling CORS and CORS pre-flight requests.
AbstractCorsFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter
AbstractCorsFilter.Headers - Enum in info.magnolia.cors
CORS related headers.
AbstractCorsFilter.RequestType - Enum in info.magnolia.cors
Type of the request determined from the incoming HttpServletRequest.
AbstractErrorHandler - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
Provides basic behavior for ErrorHandlers.
AbstractErrorHandler() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.AbstractErrorHandler
AbstractGuiceComponentConfigurer - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Abstract base class for configurers that interact with Guice.
AbstractGuiceComponentConfigurer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.AbstractGuiceComponentConfigurer
AbstractHttpClientCallback - Class in
A base class for HttpClientCallback implementations, providing a default set of configurable filters to accept the request.
AbstractHttpClientCallback() - Constructor for class
AbstractI18nContentSupport - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
An abstract implementation of I18nContentSupport which stores the locale specific content in node data having a local suffix: <name>_<locale>.
AbstractI18nContentSupport() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties - Class in info.magnolia.init
Abstract implementation, providing the basic behavior expected from a MagnoliaConfigurationProperties implementation.
AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties(List<PropertySource>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
AbstractMapBasedContext - Class in info.magnolia.context
This is a simple Map based implementation.
AbstractMapBasedContext() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
AbstractMapBasedContext(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
AbstractMessagesImpl - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Provides localized strings.
AbstractMessagesImpl(String, Locale) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
AbstractMgnlFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A magnolia filter configured in the config repository.
AbstractMgnlFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
AbstractModuleVersionHandler - Class in info.magnolia.module
Extend this and register your deltas in the constructor using the register method.
AbstractModuleVersionHandler() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionToLatestTask - Class in info.magnolia.module
The task which modifies the "version" property to the version being installed.
AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionUpdateTask - Class in info.magnolia.module
The task which modifies the "version" property to the version we're updating to.
AbstractNodeBuilderTask - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task
Base class for Tasks using the info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder API.
AbstractNodeBuilderTask(String, String, ErrorHandling, NodeOperation...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.AbstractNodeBuilderTask
AbstractNodeOperation - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
Abstract implementation of NodeOperation.
AbstractNodeOperation() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.AbstractNodeOperation
AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_0
Since 5.5, Please use AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask
AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask
AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.nodetype
Task allowing to register or un-register nodeTypes.
AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.nodetype.AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask
AbstractPredicate<T> - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Superclass for Predicates.
AbstractPredicate() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate
AbstractPropertySource - Class in
Abstract implementation of PropertySource, providing the basic mechanisms for implementation based on an instance of Properties.
AbstractPropertySource(Properties) - Constructor for class
AbstractRepositoryStrategy - Class in info.magnolia.context
Basic implementation of the RepositoryAcquiringStrategy providing storage of JCR sessions and hierarchy manager instances to extending classes.
AbstractRepositoryStrategy(RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.AbstractRepositoryStrategy
AbstractRepositoryTask - Class in
An abstract implementation of AbstractTask which simply wraps the execute call in a try/catch block, avoiding many verbose and irrelevant code lines in actual tasks, leaving room for smarter and more interesting exception handling, when they can actually be handled.
AbstractRepositoryTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
AbstractRequestHeaderPatternVoter - Class in
Voters which match the request headers against a pattern.
AbstractRequestHeaderPatternVoter() - Constructor for class
AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource - Class in
Abstract implementation of PropertySource, providing the basic mechanisms for loading Properties from a given InputStream.
AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource.ConstructingProperties - Class in
A subclass of Properties which populates itself with a given InputStream.
AbstractSystemContext - Class in info.magnolia.context
This is the system context using the not secured HierarchyManagers.
AbstractSystemContext() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.AbstractSystemContext
AbstractTask - Class in
Abstract implementation of the Task interface which handles the mandatory properties name and description.
AbstractTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
AbstractUser - Class in
Abstract user implementation.
AbstractUser() - Constructor for class
accept(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil.Filter
accept(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil.PatternFilter
accept(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.importexport.Bootstrapper.BootstrapFilter
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
accept(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.ClasspathResourcesFilterAdapter
accept(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.files.FileExtractor.Transformer
A filter in the same vein as and such, except this returns the (absolute) targetPath of a file to be extracted, or null if the file should not be extracted.
accept(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.ModuleFileExtractorTransformer
acceptResource(InstallContext, String) - Method in class
Override this method to filter resources to bootstrap.
acceptResource(InstallContext, String) - Method in class
Accepts any resource under "/mgnl-bootstrap/moduleName" including any subfolders.
accepts(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
accepts(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
accepts(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface
Let the implementation if it wants to handle this request.
acceptsEncoding(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
acceptsEncoding(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestHeaderUtil
acceptsGzipEncoding(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
acceptsGzipEncoding(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestHeaderUtil
Access - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Simply utility class for AccessManager.
AccesscontrolNodeFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
since 5.4.4. Use JcrExportCommand with JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter instead.
AccesscontrolNodeFilter(XMLReader) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.AccesscontrolNodeFilter
accessControlProviderIsSet() - Method in class
AccessDefinition - Interface in
Definition for action permissions.
AccessDeniedException - Exception in
since 5.5. Use AccessDeniedException.
AccessDeniedException() - Constructor for exception
AccessDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception
AccessDeniedException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception
AccessDeniedException(Exception) - Constructor for exception
AccessManager - Interface in
Handles ACL checks and knows the users permissions.
AccessManagerImpl - Class in
Default implementation for AccessManager.
AccessManagerImpl() - Constructor for class
AccessRestrictedException - Exception in info.magnolia.monitoring
Explicit LoginException telling that there's a certain restriction preventing users from accessing the system.
AccessRestrictedException() - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.monitoring.AccessRestrictedException
ACL - Interface in
A concrete ACL (workspace, path and permissions).
ACLImpl - Class in
Basic ACL implementation.
ACLImpl(String, List<Permission>) - Constructor for class
acquireReadLock() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
ACTION_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_COPY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_CREATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_DEACTIVATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_DELETE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_LOGIN - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_LOGOUT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_MODIFY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_MOVE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
ACTION_SECURITY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Activatable() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
ACTIVATED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
ACTIVATION_STATUS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
ACTIVATION_STATUS_ACTIVATED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
ACTIVATION_STATUS_ACTIVATED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
ACTIVATION_STATUS_MODIFIED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
ACTIVATION_STATUS_MODIFIED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
ACTIVATION_STATUS_NOT_ACTIVATED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
ACTIVATION_STATUS_NOT_ACTIVATED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
ActivationManager - Interface in
since 5.6 get receivers directly from info.magnolia.publishing.PublishingCoreModule.
ActivationManagerFactory - Class in
since 5.6 without replacement.
ActivationManagerFactory() - Constructor for class
ActivationStatusImportPostProcessor - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors
Post-processes imported nodes and set activation status to false if needed.
ActivationStatusImportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.ActivationStatusImportPostProcessor
ACTIVATOR_ID - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
ACTIVE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
is versioning is active.
add(Principal) - Method in interface
add(Principal) - Method in class
Adds principal to the internal collection of principals.
add(String) - Method in interface
Add a name to the list.
ADD - Static variable in interface
add(String, String, String) - Method in class
Adds link to a resource (group or role) to the principal (user or group).
add(H) - Method in class info.magnolia.event.EventHandlerCollection
AddActivatableMixinForContentNodeTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_2
Add the mixIn NodeTypes.Activatable.NAME to the NodeTypes.ContentNode node type definition.
AddActivatableMixinForContentNodeTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.AddActivatableMixinForContentNodeTask
AddActivatableMixinForMgnlResourceTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Adds activatable mixin to the NodeTypes.Resource node type.
AddActivatableMixinForMgnlResourceTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.AddActivatableMixinForMgnlResourceTask
addAll(Collection<Principal>) - Method in interface
addAll(Collection<Principal>) - Method in class
Adds principals to the internal collection of principals.
addAllowed(String) - Method in class
addAllowed(String) - Method in class
addAllowType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
Add to allow list.
addAndVerifyHeader(HttpServletResponse, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
addAndVerifyHeader(HttpServletResponse, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestHeaderUtil
addBypass(Voter) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
addChannel(String, ChannelConfiguration) - Method in class
addClientCallback(HttpClientCallback) - Method in class
addCommand(String, Command) - Method in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Catalog
addCommand(Command) - Method in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Chain
addCommand(Command) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
addCommand(String, Command) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
addComment(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
addComponent(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
addComponent(ComponentConfiguration) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
addComponent(ComponentProviderConfiguration, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
addComponents(ComponentsDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
addComponents(ComponentProviderConfiguration, ComponentsDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
addCondition(Condition) - Method in class
addConditions(List<Condition>) - Method in class
addConfigurer(ConfigurerDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
addConfigurer(ComponentConfigurer) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
addDependency(DependencyDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
addDocument(String, String, String, File) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
addFalseConditionIfExpressionIsContained(String, String) - Method in class
addFalseConditionIfExpressionIsNotContained(String, String) - Method in class
addFilter(MgnlFilter) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilter
addFilter(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addFilter(String, Filter) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addFilter(String, Class<? extends Filter>) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
AddFilterBypassTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.initial
Adds bypass to an existing filter.
AddFilterBypassTask(String, String, Class, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.initial.AddFilterBypassTask
addFingerprintToLink(String, Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.LinkUtil
addFingerprintToLink(String, Calendar) - Static method in class
Insert a finger-print into a link that is based on the last modified date.
addGroup(User, String) - Method in class
addGroup(String) - Method in class
addGroup(String) - Method in class
Adds this user to a group.
addGroup(User, String) - Method in class
addGroup(String) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 use manager instead
addGroup(Group, String) - Method in interface
Adds a group to a group.
addGroup(String) - Method in class
Add a subgroup to this group.
addGroup(Group, String) - Method in class
addGroup(User, String) - Method in class
addGroup(String) - Method in class
addGroup(String) - Method in interface
since 4.5 - use UserManager.addGroup(User, String) instead.
addGroup(User, String) - Method in interface
Adds user to a group.
AddGroupToGroupTask - Class in
A task to nest a group inside another, using GroupManager.
AddGroupToGroupTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
addHandler(Class<? extends Event<H>>, H) - Method in interface info.magnolia.event.EventBus
addHandler(Class<? extends Event<H>>, H) - Method in class info.magnolia.event.ResettableEventBus
addHandler(Class<? extends Event<H>>, H) - Method in class info.magnolia.event.SimpleEventBus
AddHeadersFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Filter that adds configured headers.
AddHeadersFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AddHeadersFilter
addHost(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
ADDIBLE - Static variable in interface
addJspFile(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addLeadingSlash(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.PathUtil
addListener(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addListener(T) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addListener(Class<? extends EventListener>) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addLocale(LocaleDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
AddLockableMixinToActivatableMixinTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Adds lockable mixin JcrConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE to the NodeTypes.Activatable node type.
AddLockableMixinToActivatableMixinTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.AddLockableMixinToActivatableMixinTask
AddLockableMixinToVersionableMixinTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Adds lockable mixin JcrConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE to the NodeTypes.Versionable node type.
AddLockableMixinToVersionableMixinTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.AddLockableMixinToVersionableMixinTask
addLockToken(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
addLogConfigurations(LogConfiguration) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
addLoginHandlers(LoginHandler) - Method in class
addMappedRepositoryName(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
addMappedRepositoryName(String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
addMapping(HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
Adds a mapping (used by content2bean).
addMapping(URI2RepositoryMapping) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
addMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
addMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.HostSecurityFilter
Adds a mapping (used by content2bean).
addMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping
See SRV.11.2 Specification of Mappings in the Servlet Specification for the syntax of mappings.
addMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.WebContainerResourcesImpl
addMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
addMapping(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinition
AddMimeMappingTask - Class in
Task that adds a mime mapping to server/MIMEMapping.
AddMimeMappingTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
addMixin(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
addMixin(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
addModule(Module) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProviderBuilder
addNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
addNode(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
addNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
addNode(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
addNode(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
addNode(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
addNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
addNode(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
addNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
addNode(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
addNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
addNode(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
addParam(ServletParameterDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
addParameter(String, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
since 4.0 - should not be needed anymore since MAGNOLIA-2449 - request parameters should be correctly wrapped.
addParameter(StringBuffer, String, String) - Static method in class
Appends a parameter to the given url, using ?, or & if there are already parameters in the given url.
addparameterValues(String, String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
since 4.0 - should not be needed anymore since MAGNOLIA-2449 - request parameters should be correctly wrapped.
addPattern(PatternDelegate) - Method in class
addPermission(String, String, long) - Method in class
addPermission(Role, String, String, long) - Method in class
addPermission(String, String, long) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 use manager instead
addPermission(Role, String, String, long) - Method in interface
Add permission to the specified role, assuming current user has enough rights to perform such operation.
AddPermissionTask - Class in
A task to add a permission to a role, using RoleManager.
AddPermissionTask(String, String, String, String, long, boolean) - Constructor for class
AddPermissionTask(String, String, String, String, String, long, boolean) - Constructor for class
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface
addProperty(String, Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Adds property.
addProperty(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
since 5.5.6 - kept for runtime compatibility. If a class was compiled against this method previously, removal of it would cause a NoSuchMethodError during runtime.
addProperty(PropertyDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
addRejected(String) - Method in class
addRejected(String) - Method in class
addRepository(RepositoryDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
addRepository(RepositoryDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinition
addRepositoryDefinition(RepositoryDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
ADDRESS_LINE - Static variable in interface
addRole(User, String) - Method in class
addRole(String) - Method in class
Simply log that its a dummy user.
addRole(String) - Method in class
addRole(User, String) - Method in class
addRole(String) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 use manager instead
addRole(Group, String) - Method in interface
Grants a role to a group.
addRole(String) - Method in class
addRole(Group, String) - Method in class
addRole(User, String) - Method in class
addRole(String) - Method in class
addRole(String) - Method in class
addRole(String) - Method in interface
since 4.5 - use UserManager.addRole(User, String) instead.
addRole(User, String) - Method in interface
Grants user role.
AddRoleToGroupTask - Class in
A task to add a role to a group, using GroupManager.
AddRoleToGroupTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
AddRoleToUserTask - Class in
A task to add a role to a user, using UserManager.
AddRoleToUserTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
addRule(String, IPSecurityManagerImpl.Rule) - Method in class
addServlet(ServletDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
addServlet(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addServlet(String, Servlet) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addServlet(String, Class<? extends Servlet>) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
addSource(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
addSubscribers(Subscriber) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 means of setting the subscribers are implementation detail and should not be exposed
addSubscriptions(Subscription) - Method in interface
addTask(Task) - Method in class
Tasks are meant to be immutable.
addTask(Task) - Method in class
addTasks(List<Task>) - Method in class
addTransformer(String, LinkTransformer) - Method in class
addTypeMapping(TypeMappingDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
addTypeMapping(Key<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
addTypeMapping(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
AddURIPermissionTask - Class in
Adds a URI permission to a role.
AddURIPermissionTask(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
AddURIPermissionTask(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
addUserManager(String, UserManager) - Method in class
AddUsersPermissionTask - Class in
A task to add a permission to all users under provided path.
AddUsersPermissionTask(String, String, String, String, long, NodeNameHelper) - Constructor for class
AddUsersPermissionTask(String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class
AddUserToGroupTask - Class in
A task to add a user to a group, using UserManager.
AddUserToGroupTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
addVersion(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Add version of the specified node and all child nodes while ignoring the same node type.
addVersion(Node, Rule) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Add version of the specified node and all child nodes based on the given Rule.
addVersion(Node, Rule, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
addVersion(Node, Rule, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Add version of the specified node and all child nodes based on the given Rule and userName.
addVersionLabel(String, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
addVoter(Voter) - Method in class
addVoter(Voter<T>) - Method in class
addWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.RepositoryDefinition
addWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
addWorkspaceMapping(WorkspaceMappingDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
addWorkspaceMapping(WorkspaceMappingDefinition) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
addWorkspaceMapping(WorkspaceMappingDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
Adds workspace mapping, if the physical workspace doesn't exist it is added.
addWorkspaceMappingDefinition(WorkspaceMappingDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
aggregateDirectAndTransitiveGroups(Collection<String>, String, GroupManager) - Method in class
aggregateDirectAndTransitiveRoles(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, String, GroupManager) - Method in class
AggregationState - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Aggregates the necessary information to render content.
AggregationState() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
aggregationState - Variable in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
AggregatorFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Reads the accessed content from the repository and puts it into the AggregationState.
AggregatorFilter(Provider<WebContext>, VersionManager, NodeNameHelper) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AggregatorFilter
AggregatorFilter(Provider<WebContext>, VersionManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AggregatorFilter
AggregatorFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AggregatorFilter
AlertUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Stores a message in the request.
ALL - Static variable in interface
Default Channel to use in case none of the ChannelResolver could successfully resolve.
ALL - Static variable in interface
All permissions combined.
ALL_NODES_EXCEPT_JCR_FILTER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
since 5.0 - obsolete as there's no nodetypes with namespace jcr
ALL_PROPERTIES_EXCEPT_JCR_AND_MGNL_FILTER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
since 5.0 - obsolete as there's no nodetypes with namespace jcr. In addition you could use JCRMgnlPropertyHidingPredicate
AllChildrenTask - Class in
The AllChildrenTask helps traversing all level-1 children and execute changes on them.
AllChildrenTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
AllowOptionMethodForRequestsTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Allows OPTIONS method for requests if node and property existence conditions are met.
AllowOptionMethodForRequestsTask() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.AllowOptionMethodForRequestsTask
allowsMethod(String) - Method in class
alwaysFalse() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate
alwaysTrue() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate
ami - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
and(AbstractPredicate<? super T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate
AND - Static variable in interface
AndVoting<T> - Class in
Return the maximum vote but only if all voters voted positive.
AndVoting() - Constructor for class
annotationType() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.NamedImpl
ANONYMOUS_USER - Static variable in interface
Anonymous user name.
APPLICATION_SCOPE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Attribute visibility scope, its visible to all sessions of this application.
applyDeltas(ModuleDefinition, List<Delta>, InstallContextImpl) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
Applies to given deltas for the given module.
applyPendingChanges(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingSessionWrapper
Area() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Area
ArrayDelegateTask - Class in
A task that simply delegates to an array of other tasks.
ArrayDelegateTask(String) - Constructor for class
ArrayDelegateTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
ArrayDelegateTask(String, Task...) - Constructor for class
ArrayDelegateTask(String, String, Task...) - Constructor for class
asIterable(NodeIterator) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
asList(Iterable<Node>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
AsynchronousContext - Class in info.magnolia.context
Context usable when original web context might be already released.
AsynchronousContext.OperationFactory - Class in info.magnolia.context
Wraps Callable so it can be executed in asynchronous context.
ATTRIBUTE_COMMENT - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
ATTRIBUTE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
ATTRIBUTE_INCLUDING_CHILDREN - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RestorePreviousVersionCommand
ATTRIBUTE_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_NODE_TYPE_ONLY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RestorePreviousVersionCommand
ATTRIBUTE_PATH - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
ATTRIBUTE_RECURSIVE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
ATTRIBUTE_REPOSITORY - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
ATTRIBUTE_REQUEST_CHARACTER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
since 5.3.3 use AggregationState
ATTRIBUTE_REQUEST_URI - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
since 5.3.3 use AggregationState
ATTRIBUTE_REQUESTOR - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
since 5.4.4, use Context.ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME.
ATTRIBUTE_RULE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RuleBasedCommand
You can pass a rule to the command (optional).
ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
User name attribute.
ATTRIBUTE_UUID - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
ATTRIBUTE_VERSION - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
ATTRIBUTE_VERSION_MAP - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
attributeRemoved(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
attributeReplaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
AttributeStrategy - Interface in info.magnolia.context
Contract for attribute storage and management.
AUDIT_TRAIL - Static variable in class info.magnolia.audit.LoggingLevel
AuditLoggingManager - Class in info.magnolia.audit
Class for auditory logging, it's optional to define it, configured in
AuditLoggingManager() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
AuditLoggingUtil - Class in info.magnolia.audit
Utilities class used to log 'auditory actions'.
AuditLoggingUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
authenticate(CredentialsCallbackHandler, String) - Method in class
authenticate(CredentialsCallbackHandler, String) - Method in class
authenticate(CredentialsCallbackHandler, String) - Method in interface
Performs an authentication using the CredentialsCallbackHandler to retrieve the user name and password.
authenticate(CredentialsCallbackHandler, String) - Method in class
AuthenticatedVoter - Class in
Checks if the current user is authenticated.
AuthenticatedVoter() - Constructor for class
AUTHENTICATION_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class
AUTHOR_ID - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
AutoDetectNormalizer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer.AutoDetectNormalizer


BackupTask - Class in
Backs up a node in the same workspace under a specific backup path.
BackupTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
BackupTask(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Base64CallbackHandler - Class in
Base 64 callback handler supporting Basic authentication.
Base64CallbackHandler() - Constructor for class
Base64CallbackHandler(String) - Constructor for class
basename - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
The name of the bundle.
BasePatternVoter - Class in
Voters which uses the urls to match against the pattern.
BasePatternVoter() - Constructor for class
BaseRepositoryCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
Base class for the commands that work with the repository.
BaseRepositoryCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
BaseSecurityFilter - Class in
Provides basic infrastructure for filters which check if a request is authorized.
BaseSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
BaseVersionManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
This version manager uses an extra workspace to manage the versions.
BaseVersionManager(SystemContext, RepositoryManager, CopyUtil) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
BaseVoterImpl<T> - Class in
Abstract voter.
BaseVoterImpl() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
BasicClientCallback - Class in
Sends HTTP basic authentication headers.
BasicClientCallback() - Constructor for class
BasicFileExtractor - Class in info.magnolia.module.files
Basic file extractor; does not do any check but provides the actual file extraction mechanisms, via FileExtractorOperations.
BasicFileExtractor() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractor
BasicFileExtractorOperation - Class in info.magnolia.module.files
A simple FileExtractorOperation which just extracts a resource from the class path to the filesystem.
BasicLogin - Class in
Handles HTTP basic authentication requests.
BasicLogin() - Constructor for class
BeanMerger - Interface in info.magnolia.beanmerger
Main interface used for Bean Merge.
BeanMergerBase - Class in info.magnolia.beanmerger
Base implementation of interface BeanMerge.
BeanMergerBase() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerBase
BeanMergerUtil - Class in info.magnolia.beanmerger
Utility implementation of interface BeanMerge.
BeanMergerUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerUtil
beanStack - Variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
BeanTypeResolver - Class in info.magnolia.transformer
BeanTypeResolver is a utility which allows the developers to inject custom bean type deduction logic into the to-bean transformers.
BeanTypeResolver() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.transformer.BeanTypeResolver
BeanTypeResolver(Set<TypeResolver>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.transformer.BeanTypeResolver
BetwixtModuleDefinitionReader - Class in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
This implementation of ModuleDefinitionReader uses Betwixt to read and convert module descriptor files.
BetwixtModuleDefinitionReader() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.BetwixtModuleDefinitionReader
BinaryInFile - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
since 5.0 use Session.getValueFactory() and then ValueFactory.createBinary( instead.
BinaryInFile(File) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.BinaryInFile
binaryTransformer - Variable in class
since 5.0 use AbsolutePathTransformer(boolean, boolean, boolean) directly or register custom editor link transformer.
BooleanUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Util to convert strings to booleans.
BooleanUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.BooleanUtil
boolVote(T) - Method in class
boolVote(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(T) - Method in class
boolVote(T) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
boolVote(T) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(User) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
boolVote(Object) - Method in class
BoolVoterSet<T> - Class in
Voter combining a set of other voters based on a given logical operation.
BoolVoterSet() - Constructor for class
BoolVoterSet(Voter<T>...) - Constructor for class
bootstrap(String[], int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil
bootstrap(String, String, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil
bootstrap(InstallContext, int) - Method in class
bootstrap(InstallContext, int) - Method in class
bootstrap(InstallContext, int) - Method in class
bootstrap(String, String, int, InputStream) - Method in class
BOOTSTRAP_AUTHOR_INSTANCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModuleVersionHandler
BootstrapConditionally - Class in
A Task which bootstraps if the node targeted by the bootstrap file does not exist.
BootstrapConditionally(String, String) - Constructor for class
Bootstraps the given resource if the corresponding node does not exist yet, does nothing otherwise.
BootstrapConditionally(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Bootstraps the given resource if the corresponding node does not exist yet, does nothing otherwise.
BootstrapConditionally(String, String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
Bootstraps the given resource if the corresponding node does not exist yet, executes the given task otherwise.
BootstrapConditionally(String, String, String, String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
Executes the given task if the specified node exists in the specific repository, bootstraps the given resource otherwise.
BootstrapFileUtil - Class in
Util class to extract nodes, properties from bootstrap files.
BootstrapFileUtil() - Constructor for class
Bootstrapper - Class in info.magnolia.importexport
Bootstrapper: loads content from xml/yaml when a magnolia is started with an uninitialized repository.
Bootstrapper.BootstrapFilter - Interface in info.magnolia.importexport
Filter used to provide an additional filtering for the bootstrap files.
bootstrapRepositories(String[], Bootstrapper.BootstrapFilter) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.Bootstrapper
Repositories appears to be empty and the "magnolia.bootstrap.dir directory is configured in web.xml.
bootstrapRepository(String[], String, Bootstrapper.BootstrapFilter) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.Bootstrapper
Bootstrap a specific repository.
BootstrapResourcesTask - Class in
Base class for tasks which bootstrap resources.
BootstrapResourcesTask() - Constructor for class
BootstrapResourcesTask(int) - Constructor for class
BootstrapResourcesTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapResourcesTask(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleModuleResource - Class in
Bootstraps a classpath resources relative to the module's bootstrap folder: /mgnl-bootstrap/<module-name>>.
BootstrapSingleModuleResource(String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleModuleResource(String, int) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleModuleResource(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleModuleResource(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleModuleResource(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleResource - Class in
A Task which bootstraps a single file.
BootstrapSingleResource(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleResource(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleResource(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleResource(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleResourceAndOrderAfter - Class in
Bootstrap a single file, and places the bootstrapped node after the specified node.
BootstrapSingleResourceAndOrderAfter(String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleResourceAndOrderAfter(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleResourceAndOrderBefore - Class in
Bootstrap a single file, and places the bootstrapped node before the specified node..
BootstrapSingleResourceAndOrderBefore(String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapSingleResourceAndOrderBefore(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
BootstrapUtil - Class in info.magnolia.importexport
Utilities to bootstrap set of files and/or to export content into a specified directory.
BootstrapUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil
BufferedElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
build(String, NodeOperation...) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeBuilderUtil
build(String, String, NodeOperation...) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeBuilderUtil
build(ComponentConfigurer...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProviderBuilder
build() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProviderBuilder
build() - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem.Builder
BUILD_NUMBER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
Builder() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem.Builder
buildQuery(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
Creates a simple SQL2 query statement.
buildRepositoryResult() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
buildResult(Path) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
bundle - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
The current bundle.
bypasses(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
bypasses(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultiChannelFilter
bypasses(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.OncePerRequestAbstractMgnlFilter
BYTE_TO_MEGABYTE_FACTOR - Static variable in class info.magnolia.monitoring.SystemMonitor
byteArrayToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class


CallTrackingFilter - Class in info.magnolia.debug
Logs whatever has been recorded with the TrackingStatus.
CallTrackingFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.debug.CallTrackingFilter
canAccess(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
canAccessRoot(Set<Principal>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
canAdd(User) - Method in class
canAdd(User) - Method in interface
canAddMixin(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
cancelMerge(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
cancelMerge(String, Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
canDelete(User) - Method in class
canDelete(User) - Method in interface
CandidateParameterResolver - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Parameter resolver which looks for suitable parameters in a set of candidates.
CandidateParameterResolver(Object[]) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.CandidateParameterResolver
canExecute(User) - Method in class
canExecute(User) - Method in interface
canHandleValue(TypeMapping, TransformationState, PropertyTypeDescriptor, Map.Entry<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.CollectionPropertyHidingTransformer
canHandleValue(TypeMapping, TransformationState, PropertyTypeDescriptor, Map.Entry<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
canHandleValue(TypeMapping, TransformationState, PropertyTypeDescriptor, Map.Entry<String, Object>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Returns whether this transformer can consume the given value and assign it to the currently-processed bean.
canMove(User) - Method in class
canMove(User) - Method in interface
canRead(Path, ItemId) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
canRead(Path, ItemId) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
canRead(Path, ItemId) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.NodeTypeBasedPermissions
canRead(Path, ItemId) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.RootOnlyPermissions
canRead(User) - Method in class
canRead(User) - Method in interface
canWrite(User) - Method in class
canWrite(User) - Method in interface
Catalog - Interface in info.magnolia.commands.chain
Replacement for org.apache.commons.chain.Catalog.
CGLIB_FOOTPRINT - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.dynamic.MagnoliaProxy
chain(Messages) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesChain
Append messages to the chain.
chain(Messages, Messages) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
chain(String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
chain(Messages, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
chain(String, Messages) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
Chain - Interface in info.magnolia.commands.chain
Replacement for org.apache.commons.chain.Chain.
ChainBase - Class in info.magnolia.commands.chain
Replacement for org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.
ChainBase() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
ChainBase(Command) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
ChainBase(Command...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
ChainBase(Collection<Command>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
ChainedNodeIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
An implementation of NodeIterator which will chain several iterators making them behave like one.
ChainedNodeIterator(List<NodeIterator>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
ChainedNodeIterator(NodeIterator...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
chainWithDefault(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
ChangeAllPropertiesWithCertainValueTask - Class in
Changes all properties in an entire workspace that are of type PropertyType.STRING and has a certain value.
ChangeAllPropertiesWithCertainValueTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeAllPropertiesWithCertainValueTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeAllPropertiesWithCertainValueTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeAllPropertiesWithCertainValueTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeAllPropertiesWithCertainValueTask(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeNodeTypeOfSubAppsTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Task will find all subApps which are primary node type mgnl:content and will change it to mgnl:contentNode.
ChangeNodeTypeOfSubAppsTask(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.ChangeNodeTypeOfSubAppsTask
ChangeNodeTypeTask - Class in
Changes a node type.
ChangeNodeTypeTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
changePassword(User, String) - Method in class
changePassword(User, String) - Method in class
changePassword(User, String) - Method in class
changePassword(User, String) - Method in interface
Sets a new password.
ChangeTemplateTask - Class in
Task to change the template of page or component.
ChangeTemplateTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeTemplateTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeVirtualUriMappingTask - Class in
Task for changing Virtual URI mappings - replaces old toURI and oldURI values with new ones.
ChangeVirtualUriMappingTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeVirtualUriMappingTask(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class
ChangeVirtualUriMappingTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ChangeVirtualUriMappingTask(String, String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class
Channel - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
POJO keeping all information about a channel.
Channel() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.Channel
ChannelConfiguration - Class in
Keep the configuration for a channel.
ChannelConfiguration() - Constructor for class
ChannelManager - Interface in
Defines a manager for channel configurations.
ChannelManagerImpl - Class in
Map to host channel configurations.
ChannelManagerImpl() - Constructor for class
ChannelResolver - Interface in
Defines a type that can resolve what channel is to be used.
ChannelVisibilityContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
ContentDecorator that hides content based on a multi-value property called excludeChannels.
ChannelVisibilityContentDecorator(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChannelVisibilityContentDecorator
ChannelVisibilitySessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Session wrapper that applies ChannelVisibilityContentDecorator to a session.
ChannelVisibilitySessionWrapper(Session, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChannelVisibilitySessionWrapper
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.ImportXmlRootFilter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MagnoliaV2Filter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MetadataUuidFilter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.RemoveMixversionableFilter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodeFilter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.VersionFilter
check(InstallContext) - Method in interface
check(InstallContext) - Method in class
check(InstallContext) - Method in class
check(InstallContext) - Method in class
check(InstallContext) - Method in class
check(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IsNotAProblematicEnvironmentCondition
check(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.SystemTmpDirCondition
checkAndAddMixin(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Verifies the existence of the mix:versionable and adds it if not.
checkAndModifyPartOfPropertyValue(InstallContext, Node, String, String, String) - Method in class
Checks if property contains concrete string.
CheckAndModifyPartOfPropertyValueTask - Class in
If the property (Property) contains the expected string, then it will be replaced by the new string.
CheckAndModifyPartOfPropertyValueTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CheckAndModifyPartOfPropertyValueTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
checkAndModifyPropertyValue(InstallContext, Node, String, String, String) - Method in class
Checks that the given String property has the expected value.
checkAndModifyPropertyValue(InstallContext, Node, String, Collection<String>, String) - Method in class
Checks that the given String property has one of the expected values.
CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask - Class in
If the specified property (NodeData) has the expected value, then it will be replaced by the new value.
CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask(String, String, String, Collection<String>, String) - Constructor for class
CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask(String, String, String, String, String, Collection<String>, String) - Constructor for class
checkDependencies(Map<String, ModuleDefinition>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.model.reader.DependencyChecker
Checks dependencies between the given modules, throws a ModuleDependencyException if there is a dependency mismatch.
checkDependencies(Map<String, ModuleDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.DependencyCheckerImpl
checkFilterDispatchersConfiguration(String, List, List) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
Returns: +1 if all mandatory dispatchers are present and no additional unsupported dispatcher is present, or this filter class isn't registered.
checkForInstallOrUpdates() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager
Checks if we need to do any module installation, update or uninstall.
checkForInstallOrUpdates() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
In addition to checking for install or updates, this method also loads repositories when there are no pending install or update tasks.
checkIfInitialized() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - use RepositoryManager.checkIfInitialized() directly.
checkIfInitialized(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
checkIfInitialized() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
checkIfInitialized(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
checkIfInitialized() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Verify the initialization state of all the workspaces.
checkIfInitialized(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Verifies the initialization state of a workspace.
checkin() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
checkin(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
checkin() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
checkin(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
checkInitialized() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
checkInput() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractorOperation
checkNode(Node, InstallContext) - Method in class
checkNode(Node, InstallContext) - Method in class
checkNode(Node, InstallContext) - Method in class
CheckNodeDelegateTask - Class in
A task that delegates to another if a checkNode is true, or to an optional other if it is false.
CheckNodeDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
checkNodeType(Node, String, String...) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
CheckOrCreateLastActivatedPropertyTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_0
This task checks whether the node specified by workspace and path constructor parameters has the mgnl:lastActivated property set, and if not, sets it to the current date &time (by calling NodeTypes.Activatable#update(Node, String, boolean).
CheckOrCreateLastActivatedPropertyTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.CheckOrCreateLastActivatedPropertyTask
checkOrCreateProperty(InstallContext, Node, String, String) - Method in class
CheckOrCreatePropertyTask - Class in
Sets the specified property with a new value or creates the property with the new value.
CheckOrCreatePropertyTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CheckOrCreatePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CheckOrCreatePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
checkout() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
checkout(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
checkOutput() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractorOperation
checkPermission(ItemId, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
checkPermission(Path, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
checkPermission(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
checkPermission(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
checkPermissions(String, String, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
Uses access manager to authorize this request.
checkpoint(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
checkpoint(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
checkPrecondition(String, String) - Static method in class
checkSpecificDependency(ModuleDefinition, DependencyDefinition, Map<String, ModuleDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.DependencyCheckerImpl
checkValidNodePath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
checkXmlSettings() - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
WORKAROUND for tomcat 5.0/jdk 1.5 problem tomcat\common\endorsed contains an xml-apis.jar needed by tomcat and loaded before all xmsl stuff present in the jdk (1.4 naming problem).
ChildFilteringContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Content decorator that filters out child nodes with given predicate.
ChildFilteringContentDecorator(AbstractPredicate<Node>, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringContentDecorator
ChildFilteringContentDecorator(AbstractPredicate<Node>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringContentDecorator
ChildFilteringNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
NodeWrapper that hides children based on a predicate.
ChildFilteringNodeWrapper(Node, AbstractPredicate<Node>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringNodeWrapper
ChildFilteringNodeWrapper(Node, AbstractPredicate<Node>, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringNodeWrapper
ChildFilteringNodeWrapper(Node, AbstractPredicate<Node>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringNodeWrapper
ChildrenExistsDelegateTask - Class in
A task that delegates to another depending on existence of children.
ChildrenExistsDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
ChildrenExistsDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
ChildWrappingNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
since magnolia 4.5.8 use ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper instead
ChildWrappingNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
Classes - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Entry point to the currently configured ClassFactory, as well as some additional utility methods for manipulating Class objects.
Classes() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Classes
Classes.ClassFactoryProvider - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
ClassFactoryProvider is used to hide the "swapability" of ClassFactory.
ClassFactory - Interface in info.magnolia.objectfactory
ClassFactory implementations are responsible for locating and instantiating classes.
ClassFactoryProvider(ClassFactory) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Classes.ClassFactoryProvider
classForName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
Returns the class denoted by the supplied class name without initializing the class.
classForName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
classNameToWords(Exception) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExceptionUtil
Translates an exception class name to an english-readable idiom.
classNameToWords(Throwable) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExceptionUtil
ClasspathPropertySource - Class in
Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded on the classpath from a given path.
ClasspathPropertySource(String) - Constructor for class
ClasspathResourcesFilterAdapter - Class in info.magnolia.module.files
A ClasspathResourcesUtil.Filter which delegates to a FileExtractor.Transformer.
ClasspathResourcesFilterAdapter(FileExtractor.Transformer) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.files.ClasspathResourcesFilterAdapter
ClasspathResourcesUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Util to find resources in the classpath (WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes).
ClasspathResourcesUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
ClasspathResourcesUtil.Filter - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.util
Filter for filtering the resources.
ClasspathResourcesUtil.PatternFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
A filter using a regex pattern.
ClasspathSpool - Class in info.magnolia.cms.servlets
since 5.4, use info.magnolia.module.resources.servlets.ResourcesServlet instead.
ClasspathSpool() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.servlets.ClasspathSpool
ClassPropertyBasedTypeResolver - Class in info.magnolia.transformer
TypeResolver implementation which relies on the presence of the "" property in the provided bean related data.
ClassPropertyBasedTypeResolver() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.transformer.ClassPropertyBasedTypeResolver
cleanComment(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
cleanHandle(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
Clean a handle.
clear() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
clear() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
clear() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
clear() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
clear() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
clearAll() - Method in interface
clearAll() - Method in class
removes all principals from the collection.
clearAll() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
clearRepositories() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
clone(Node, Node, Predicate, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.CopyUtil
clone() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
clone() - Method in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Command
This method allows to create new clone of a command, so the instances in the CommandManager's catalogs are masters, and the execution always uses clone created by this method.
NOTE: CommandsManager clone the command instances by standard Java cloning mechanism.
clone() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.DelegateCommand
clone() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCommand
clone() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
clone() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
clone(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
clone(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingWorkspaceWrapper
clone() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
clone() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
close() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
close() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
close() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangedOutputStream
collect() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AggregatorFilter
Collect content from the pre configured repository and attach it to the HttpServletRequest.
collectAllChildren(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Get all children (by recursion) using MAGNOLIA_FILTER (filter accepting all nodes of a type with namespace mgnl).
collectAllChildren(Node, Predicate) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Get all children (by recursion) using a Predicate.
collectAllChildren(List<Node>, Node, Predicate) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Get all children (by recursion) using a Predicate.
collectFromClasspathString(Collection<String>, String, ClasspathResourcesUtil.Filter) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
collectFromFileSystem(ClasspathResourcesUtil.Filter, Collection<String>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
collectFromURLs(Collection<String>, URL[], ClasspathResourcesUtil.Filter) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
CollectionPropertyHidingTransformer - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl
A transformer which "hides" a collection node.
CollectionPropertyHidingTransformer(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.CollectionPropertyHidingTransformer
collectResources(FileExtractor.Transformer) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractor
collectUniquePropertyNames(Node, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Collects all property names of given type, sorting them (case insensitive) and removing duplicates in the process.
combine(ComponentProviderConfiguration) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
combinePathAndName(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
combinePropertyIterators(PropertyIterator, List<PropertyIterator>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
Combines the inherited properties and provides them as a PropertyIterator.
command - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor
Command - Interface in info.magnolia.commands.chain
A replacement for the org.apache.commons.chain.Command interface.
COMMAND_DELIM - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
commands - Variable in class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
commands - Variable in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
CommandsManager - Class in info.magnolia.commands
Manages configured commands and command catalogs and performs execution of commands.
CommandsManager(ModuleRegistry, Node2BeanProcessor, EventBus) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
CommandsManager(Node2BeanProcessor) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
CommandTransformer - Class in info.magnolia.commands
Command to transform old "impl" reference to implementing class to new "class" node data name for references.
CommandTransformer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.CommandTransformer
COMMENT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
COMMENT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Versionable
compare(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.StringLengthComparator
compare(Node, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.CreationDateComparator
compare(Node, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.NodeIdentifierComparator
compare(Node, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.NodeNameComparator
compare(Node, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.NodePathComparator
compare(Node, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.PropertyStringComparator
compare(Version, Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionComparator
compilePermissions(Set<Principal>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
CompleteUrlPathTransformer - Class in
Constructs URLs by prefixing the path with ServerConfiguration.getDefaultBaseUrl().
CompleteUrlPathTransformer() - Constructor for class
CompleteUrlPathTransformer(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Component() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Component
ComponentConfiguration<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
Represents a configuration of a component for a specific type.
ComponentConfiguration() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
ComponentConfiguration(Class<T>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
ComponentConfigurationException - Exception in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
Exception thrown when parsing components configuration fails.
ComponentConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurationException
ComponentConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurationException
ComponentConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurationException
ComponentConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurationException
ComponentConfigurationPath - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
A string-based representation of a node path, in the form of repository:/path/to/node, or /path/to/node (where the repository defaults to "config").
ComponentConfigurationPath(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentConfigurationPath
ComponentConfigurationReader - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
Reads components defined in xml.
ComponentConfigurationReader() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurationReader
ComponentConfigurer - Interface in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
Component configurers are called to customize the ComponentProviderConfiguration before its used to create a ComponentProvider.
ComponentDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Component as defined in module descriptor.
ComponentDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
ComponentFactory<T> - Interface in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Implementations of ComponentFactory provide their own instantiation mechanisms.
ComponentFactoryUtil - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Utility method to work with ComponentFactorys.
ComponentFactoryUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentFactoryUtil
ComponentProvider - Interface in info.magnolia.objectfactory
ComponentProvider is responsible for providing components, these can be scoped as singletons or live in narrower scopes such as local and session, or be non scoped in which case a new instances will be created.
ComponentProviderConfiguration - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
Configuration used to create component providers.
ComponentProviderConfiguration() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
Builder for creating ComponentProviderConfigurations from component definitions.
ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
Components - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Static access utility for the currently set ComponentProvider.
Components() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
ComponentsDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Set of components as defined in module descriptor.
ComponentsDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
CompositeCallback - Class in
since 4.5 - not needed anymore. The SecurityCallbackFilter can be configured to accept multiple HttpClientCallbacks, and the callback themselves accept a request or not.
CompositeCallback() - Constructor for class
CompositeFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A single filter which in turn executes a chain of other filters.
CompositeFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilter
CompositeFilterTransformer - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A special content2bean transformer for filters.
CompositeFilterTransformer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilterTransformer
compute(Object, BiFunction) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
computeIfAbsent(Object, Function) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
computeIfPresent(Object, BiFunction) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
condition(InstallContext) - Method in class
condition(InstallContext) - Method in class
Condition - Interface in
Conditions are checked prior to the installation or update of a module.
condition(InstallContext) - Method in class
condition(InstallContext) - Method in class
condition(InstallContext) - Method in class
condition(InstallContext) - Method in class
condition(InstallContext) - Method in class
condition(InstallContext) - Method in class
ConditionalDelegateTask - Class in
A task that delegates to another if a condition is true, or to an optional other if it is false.
ConditionalDelegateTask(String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
ConditionalDelegateTask(String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
CONFIG - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
CONFIG - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
ConfigLoader - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
This class is an entry point to all config.
ConfigLoader(ModuleManager, ModuleRegistry, ProductDescriptorExtractor, MessagesManager, VersionConfig, ServletContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigLoader
Initialize a ConfigLoader instance.
ConfigLoader(ModuleManager, ModuleRegistry, LicenseFileExtractor, MessagesManager, VersionConfig, ServletContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigLoader
configuration - Variable in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.AbstractGuiceComponentConfigurer
ConfigurationException - Exception in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
Thrown when initial configuration can't be loaded.
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigurationException
ConfigurationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigurationException
ConfigurationException(Exception) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigurationException
ConfigurationParsingException - Exception in info.magnolia.map2bean
This exception is thrown if in the process of reading and interpreting of the configuration file a error occurs.
ConfigurationParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.map2bean.ConfigurationParsingException
configure() - Method in class info.magnolia.event.EventBusProtector
configure() - Method in class info.magnolia.event.SystemEventBusConfigurer
configure() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.AbstractGuiceComponentConfigurer
configure() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentConfigurationModule
configure() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceContextAndScopesConfigurer
configure() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceParentBindingsModule
configure() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuicePropertyConfigurer
ConfiguredAccessDefinition - Class in
Configured definition for action permissions.
ConfiguredAccessDefinition() - Constructor for class
ConfiguredComponentConfiguration<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
Configuration for a components which is configured in a workspace.
ConfiguredComponentConfiguration() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
ConfiguredComponentConfiguration(Class<T>, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
ConfiguredComponentConfiguration(Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
ConfiguredComponentFactory<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Builds a component configured in the repository by using node2bean.
ConfiguredComponentFactory(String, String, ComponentProvider) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ConfiguredComponentFactory
ConfiguredOperationPermissionDefinition - Class in
Configured definition for actions permissions.
ConfiguredOperationPermissionDefinition() - Constructor for class
configureNodeType() - Method in class
ConfigurerDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Component configurer as defined in module descriptor.
ConfigurerDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.ConfigurerDefinition
ConfigUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
since 5.5.3, please see methods description to find out what to use instead
ConfigUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ConfigUtil
ConfigUtil.MapDTDEntityResolver - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
since 5.5.3 without replacement
ConstructingProperties(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
consume(EventIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ObservationBasedDelayedExecutor
contains(Principal) - Method in interface
contains(String) - Method in interface
Checks if this collection contains object with the specified name.
contains(Principal) - Method in class
Checks if this collection contains specified principal.
contains(String) - Method in class
Checks if this collection contains principal with the specified name.
contains(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionRange
containsKey(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
containsKey(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
containsKey(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
containsKey(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
containsValue(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
This implementation is very slow!
containsValue(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
containsValue(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
Content() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Content
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
ContentDecorator - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
Applies custom behavior in a graph of JCR objects by wrapping objects.
ContentDecoratorNodeIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
NodeIterator that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorNodeIterator(NodeIterator, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeIterator
ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper<D extends ContentDecorator> - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
Node wrapper that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper(Node, D) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
ContentDecoratorPropertyIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
PropertyIterator that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyIterator
ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper<D extends ContentDecorator> - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
Property wrapper that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper(Property, D) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper<D extends ContentDecorator> - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
Session wrapper that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper(Session, D) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
ContentDecoratorUtil - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
Utility class for ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorUtil
ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
VersionHistory wrapper that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper(VersionHistory, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
ContentDecoratorVersionIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
VersionIterator that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorVersionIterator(VersionIterator, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper<D extends ContentDecorator> - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
VersionManager wrapper that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper(VersionManager, D) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
Version wrapper that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper(Version, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
ContentDecoratorWorkspaceWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
Workspace wrapper that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
ContentDecoratorWorkspaceWrapper(Workspace, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorWorkspaceWrapper
ContentMap - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Map based representation of JCR content.
ContentMap(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
ContentNode() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.ContentNode
ContentRepository - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
ContentSecurityFilter - Class in
Used to check if the user can read the requested content.
ContentSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
ContentTypeCheckingResponseWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A wrapper that cross-checks the content type against the extension in the original request URI.
ContentTypeCheckingResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeCheckingResponseWrapper
ContentTypeFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Sets content type and encoding for requests based on the uri extension and prepares uri path information in the aggregation state.
ContentTypeFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
ContentTypeFilter(ServerConfiguration) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
Context - Interface in info.magnolia.commands.chain
Replacement for org.apache.commons.chain.Context.
Context - Interface in info.magnolia.context
This interface defines all the methods which should be implemented by any configured magnolia context.
context - Variable in class info.magnolia.context.DefaultRepositoryStrategy
CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
Context attribute prefix, to obtain a property definition like ${contextAttribute/property}, that can refer to any context attribute.
CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
Context attribute prefix, to obtain a property definition like ${contextAttribute/property}, that can refer to any context attribute.
CONTEXT_PARAM_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
Context parameter prefix, to obtain a property definition like ${contextParam/property}, that can refer to any context parameter.
CONTEXT_PARAM_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
Context parameter prefix, to obtain a property definition like ${contextParam/property}, that can refer to any context parameter.
ContextDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.context
Subclass this context if you like to decorate an other context.
ContextDecorator(Context) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
ContextFactory - Class in info.magnolia.context
Default context provider.
ContextFactory() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.ContextFactory
ContextFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
This class initializes the current context and configures MDC logging.
ContextFilter(WebContextFactory) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContextFilter
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
CONTINUE_PROCESSING - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Command
convert(Class, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.VersionConverter
convertAbsoluteLinksToUUIDs(String) - Static method in class
Parses provided html and transforms all the links to the magnolia format.
convertJackrabbitPermissionsToMagnoliaPermissions(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
convertLinksFromUUIDPattern(String, LinkTransformer) - Static method in class
Converts provided html with links in UUID pattern format to any other kind of links based on provided link transformer.
convertLinksFromUUIDPattern(String) - Static method in class
ConvertMetaDataUpdateTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_0
Update task for migration content with MetaData sub nodes to instead use mixins on the content node itself.
ConvertMetaDataUpdateTask(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.ConvertMetaDataUpdateTask
convertNodeAndChildren(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.MetaDataAsMixinConversionHelper
convertPermissions(String) - Static method in class
Return String-representation of permissions convert from provided long-permission (old).
convertPropertyStringToObject(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertiesImportExport
convertPropertyValue(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
convertPropertyValue(Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Transforms the simple basic jcr property value objects to more complex properties.
convertUUIDtoHandle(String, String) - Static method in class
Transforms a uuid to a handle beginning with a /.
convertUUIDtoURI(String, String) - Static method in class
Transforms a uuid to an uri.
copy(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorWorspaceWrapper
copy(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorWorspaceWrapper
copy(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningWorkspaceWrapper
copy(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningWorkspaceWrapper
copy(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
copy(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
copy(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingWorkspaceWrapper
copy(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingWorkspaceWrapper
copyAndClose(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractorOperation
copyInSession(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Session based copy operation.
CopyNodeTask - Class in
Copies a node by performing a in session copy operation.
CopyNodeTask(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
CopyNodeTask(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
CopyOrReplaceNodePropertiesTask - Class in
Copies a node's properties to another node.
CopyOrReplaceNodePropertiesTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CopyPropertyTask - Class in
Copies a property.
CopyPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
CopyPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
CopyUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Util to copy nodes and hierarchies between workspaces.
CopyUtil(SystemContext, RepositoryManager, FileSystemHelper) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.CopyUtil
CopyUtil(SystemContext, RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.CopyUtil
CORE_VERSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
Core version number read from core module definition.
CoreModule - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Core module life cycle class.
CoreModule() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModule
CoreModule(VirtualURIManager, CommandsManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModule
since 5.4.5 use CoreModule.CoreModule()
CoreModuleVersionHandler - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Special VersionHandler for the core module.
CoreModuleVersionHandler(RepositoryManager, NodeNameHelper) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModuleVersionHandler
CoreModuleVersionHandler(RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModuleVersionHandler
CorsConfiguration - Interface in info.magnolia.cors
CORS Configuration contains all server information required to handle CORS requests, including pre-flight.
CorsException - Exception in info.magnolia.cors
Exception occurring when CORS request does not meet the criteria or is server configuration is mis-configured.
CorsException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.cors.CorsException
CorsResponseFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cors
Filter that handles CORS requests.
CorsResponseFilter(CorsConfiguration) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cors.CorsResponseFilter
CosMultipartRequestFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
since 6.2, use MultipartRequestFilter
CosMultipartRequestFilter(FileSystemHelper) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CosMultipartRequestFilter
CosMultipartRequestFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CosMultipartRequestFilter
createAbsoluteLink(Property) - Static method in class
Creates absolute link including context path for provided Property.
createAbsoluteLink(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates absolute link including context path to the provided content and performing all URI2Repository mappings and applying locales.
createAbsoluteLink(Node) - Static method in class
Creates absolute link including context path to the provided node and performing all URI2Repository mappings and applying locales.
createActivity(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
createActivity(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
createChildNodeDefinition(NodeTypeManager, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, int, String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypeTemplateUtil
Create a NodeDefinitionTemplate set as 'childNodeDefinition' on a 'nodeType'.
createCollectionFromMap(Map<?, ?>, Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
Creates collection from map.
createConfiguration(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
createConfiguration(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
Created() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Created
CREATED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Created
CREATED_BY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Created
createDateExpression(Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Expression for searching - representing a date.
createDateExpression(int, int, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
createDateExpression(Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
since 4.5.4 use info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil.createDateExpression(calendar)
createDateTimeExpression(Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Expression for searching - representing a date and time.
createDateTimeExpression(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
createDateTimeExpression(Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
since 4.5.4 use info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil.createDateTimeExpression(calendar)
createDateTimeExpressionIgnoreTimeZone(Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Expression for searching - not considering the timezone.
createDateTimeExpressionIgnoreTimeZone(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
createDateTimeExpressionIgnoreTimeZone(Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
since 4.5.4 use info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil.createDateTimeExpressionIgnoreTimeZone(calendar)
createExcerpt(TermPositionVector, String, int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchHTMLExcerpt
createExportPath(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
Prior to 4.5 Magnolia used to produce export xml filenames where the / (slash) separating sub nodes was replaced by a dot.
createExternalLink(Node) - Static method in class
Creates a complete url to access given node from external systems applying all the URI2Repository mappings and locales.
createFactory(Class<? extends ComponentFactory<T>>, ComponentProvider) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentFactoryUtil
Uses the empty constructor or passes the ComponentProvider if such a constructor exists.
createFilter(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
createGroup(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new group in the root folder.
createGroup(String) - Method in class
createGroup(String, String) - Method in class
Creates a new group in a specific folder.
createIndexingConfiguration(NamespaceMappings) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchIndex
createInitialStructure() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Create structure needed for version store workspace.
createInstance(Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
createLink(Node) - Static method in class
Creates link guessing best possible link format from current site and provided node.
createLink(Property) - Static method in class
Creates link guessing best possible link format from current site and provided Property.
createLink(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates link guessing best possible link format from current site and provided content.
createLinkInstance(Node) - Static method in class
Creates Link to provided Node.
createLinkInstance(Property) - Static method in class
createLinkInstance(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates link to the content denoted by repository and uuid.
createLinkInstance(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Creates link to the content identified by the repository and path.
createLinkInstance(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Creates link based on provided parameters.
createListener(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
createLoginContext(CredentialsCallbackHandler, String) - Static method in class
createNewName(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.RenameSameNameSiblingNodesTask
Create a new unique name.
Override this method in order to create a unique name based on another pattern.
CreateNodePathTask - Class in
A Task to create a full path, i.e the parent doesn't need to exist.
CreateNodePathTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CreateNodePathTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CreateNodePathTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
createNodes(Node, String...) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertiesImportExport
Each property is one item in the properties varargs passed in.
createNodes(Node, InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertiesImportExport
Each property or node in the stream has to be separated by the \n.
CreateNodeTask - Class in
Creates a node in the given parent with the given name and type.
CreateNodeTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CreateNodeTask(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
createNodeType(NodeTypeManager, String, String[], boolean, boolean, String, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypeTemplateUtil
Create a NodeTypeTemplate used a NodeType definition.
createPath(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.PathUtil
createPath(Node, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Creates a node under the specified parent and relative path, then returns it.
createPath(Node, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Creates a node under the specified parent and relative path, then returns it.
createPropertyDefinition(NodeTypeManager, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, String[], String[], Value[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypeTemplateUtil
Create a PropertyDefinitionTemplate set as 'propertyDefinition' on a 'nodeType'.
createRole(String) - Method in class
createRole(String, String) - Method in class
Create a new role in a specific folder without any security restrictions.
createRole(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new role in the root folder without any security restrictions.
createRole(String, String) - Method in interface
createRootFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
createServlet(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
createSession(Credentials) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.registry.DefaultSessionProvider
createSession(Credentials) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.registry.SessionProvider
createSimpleMixinNodeType(NodeTypeManager, String, String, HashMap<String, Integer>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypeTemplateUtil
Create a simple mixin NodeTypeTemplate with a single supertype, no child nodes and several property.
Property are set by defaultto
- autoCreated="false"
- mandatory="false"
- onParentVersion="COPY"
- protected="false"
- multiple="false"
createSimpleNodeType(NodeTypeManager, String, List<String>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypeTemplateUtil
Create a simple NodeTypeTemplate with a list of supertype, one generic child node and two generic properties.
createSubject(User) - Static method in class
createSubjectAndPopulate(User) - Static method in class
createSystemUIFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
Initializes the required filter(s) if we need to go through SystemUI initialization screens.
createUser(String, String) - Method in class
createUser(String, String, String) - Method in class
createUser(String, String) - Method in class
createUser(String, String, String) - Method in class
createUser(String, String) - Method in class
createUser(String, String, String) - Method in class
createUser(String, String) - Method in interface
Creates a user without security restrictions.
createUser(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Creates a user on given path.
createUserNode(String, String, Session) - Method in class
createUserNode(String, String, Session) - Method in class
createValue(String, int, ValueFactory) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Transforms a string to a jcr value object.
createValue(Object, ValueFactory) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
createVersion(Node, Rule, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Create version of the specified node and all child nodes based on the given Rule.
createWebContext(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextFactory
createWebContext(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContextFactory
createWebContext(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextFactoryImpl
createWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
createWorkspace(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
createWorkspace(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
createWorkspace(String, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Registers permanently new workspace and makes it available in Magnolia.
CREATION_DATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - use NodeTypes.Created.CREATED instead
CreationDateComparator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.comparator
Compares the creation date of two nodes.
CreationDateComparator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.CreationDateComparator
CredentialsCallbackHandler - Class in
A JAAS CallbackHandler using plain text passwords.
CredentialsCallbackHandler() - Constructor for class
Default constructor required by java security framework.
CredentialsCallbackHandler(String, char[]) - Constructor for class
CredentialsCallbackHandler(String, char[], String) - Constructor for class
csrfCheckPasses(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
CsrfSecurityFilter - Class in
Ensure that the request is not a CSRF attack.
CsrfSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
CsrfTokenSecurityFilter - Class in
Filter that handles setup and validation of tokens to prevent CSRF attacks.
CsrfTokenSecurityFilter(Provider<Context>) - Constructor for class
ctx - Variable in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
current() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Classes.ClassFactoryProvider
CUSTOM_BASENAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.TemplateMessagesUtil
Name of the custom basename.
CustomFilterConfig(FilterConfig, Map) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator.CustomFilterConfig
CustomFilterConfig - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Custom FilterConfig for manually initializing filters.
CustomFilterConfig(String, ServletContext, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomFilterConfig
CustomFilterConfig(String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomFilterConfig
CustomServletConfig - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Custom ServletConfig for manually initializing servlets.
CustomServletConfig(String, ServletContext, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomServletConfig
CustomServletConfig(String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomServletConfig
since 5.3.3 - not used


DataTransporter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport
Utility class for manipulation of XML/YAML files (mainly JCR XML).
DataTransporter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
DateUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Util to format and parse dates.
declareRoles(String...) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
decodePassword(String) - Method in class
Since 4.5.8. Password is now encoded by BCrypt and therefore cannot be decoded.
decodePath(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
decode a path (ex.
decorate(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingContentDecorator
decrypt(String) - Static method in class
decrypt(String, String) - Static method in class
decSessionCount() - Method in class info.magnolia.stats.JCRStats
deepUnwrap(Class<? extends DelegateNodeWrapper>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
deepUnwrap(Node, Class<? extends DelegateNodeWrapper>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Removes a wrapper by type.
deepUnwrap(Class<? extends DelegateNodeWrapper>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
Removes a wrapper by type.
deepUnwrap(Class<? extends DelegateSessionWrapper>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
Removes a wrapper by type.
deepUnwrapAll(Node, Class<? extends DelegateNodeWrapper>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Removes all wrappers of a given type.
DEFAULT_BASENAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
Use this basename if no other is provided.
DEFAULT_BASENAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.TemplateMessagesUtil
Use this basename if the string is not found in the custom basename.
DEFAULT_CATALOG - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
DEFAULT_EXTENSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
DEFAULT_EXTENSION - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_ICON - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
DEFAULT_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
Default value for the MAGNOLIA_INITIALIZATION_FILE parameter.
DEFAULT_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
DEFAULT_JAAS_LOGIN_CHAIN - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_MAPPING - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
DEFAULT_META_NODE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - there's no longer such a subnode
DEFAULT_PLATFORM_COMPONENTS_CONFIG_LOCATION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
DEFAULT_REALM - Static variable in interface
The default realm is Realm.REALM_ALL.
DEFAULT_REPOSITORY - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_SUPERUSER_ROLE - Static variable in interface
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
DefaultACLBasedPermissions - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Permission based on user ACL for given workspace.
DefaultACLBasedPermissions(List<Permission>, SessionImpl, Map<?, ?>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
DefaultClassFactory - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
A ClassFactory implementation which uses the default class loader and the thread context class loader.
DefaultClassFactory() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.DefaultClassFactory
DefaultCorsConfiguration - Class in info.magnolia.cors
Default CORS configuration implementation.
DefaultCorsConfiguration() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
DefaultFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter
DefaultI18nContentSupport - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
This implementation support a language prefix like /en/*.
DefaultI18nContentSupport() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultI18nContentSupport
defaultLocale - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
If no locale can be determined the default locale will be set.
DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties - Class in info.magnolia.init
This implementation of MagnoliaConfigurationProperties sets up the following list of PropertySource: InitPathsPropertySource ModulePropertiesSource (all properties exposed my modules) Sources provided by MagnoliaPropertiesResolver SystemPropertySource EnvironmentPropertySource This class along with DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver provide a replacement for PropertiesInitializer since 4.5.
DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties(MagnoliaInitPaths, ModuleRegistry, MagnoliaPropertiesResolver, SystemPropertySource, EnvironmentPropertySource) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties(MagnoliaInitPaths, ModuleRegistry, MagnoliaPropertiesResolver) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths - Class in info.magnolia.init
A simple wrapper about the few initial variables used to resolve PropertySource.
DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths(ServletContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths(MagnoliaServletContextListener, ServletContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
since 5.6, was only introduced in 4.5 for retro-compatibility with potential subclasses of former MgnlServletContextListener.
DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver - Class in info.magnolia.init
Resolves the paths of the properties files to load.
DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver(ServletContext, MagnoliaInitPaths, SystemPropertySource, EnvironmentPropertySource) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver(ServletContext, MagnoliaInitPaths) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
DefaultMessagesImpl - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Loads the message from properties files accessed as classpath resources.
DefaultMessagesImpl(String, Locale) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesImpl
DefaultMessagesManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Default MessagesManager implementation.
DefaultMessagesManager(Node2BeanProcessor, SystemContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
DefaultMessagesManager() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
DefaultMessagesManager(Node2BeanProcessor) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
DefaultMessagesManager.MessagesID - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Used as the key in the Map.
DefaultModuleVersionHandler - Class in info.magnolia.module
A version handler which provides the most common installation tasks: register repositories, nodetypes and workspaces as stated in the module definition, bootstrap the module's mgnl-bootstrap files, extract the module's mgnl-files files, register the module's servlets.
DefaultModuleVersionHandler() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.DefaultModuleVersionHandler
DefaultRepositoryManager - Class in info.magnolia.repository
Manages all used Repositories.
DefaultRepositoryManager(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties, WorkspaceMapping, FileSystemHelper) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
DefaultRepositoryManager() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
DefaultRepositoryManager(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties, WorkspaceMapping) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
DefaultRepositoryStrategy - Class in info.magnolia.context
Uses a user based access manager.
DefaultRepositoryStrategy(RepositoryManager, UserContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.DefaultRepositoryStrategy
DefaultSessionProvider - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.registry
Default-Implementation for a SessionProvider.
DefaultSessionProvider(String, Repository, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.registry.DefaultSessionProvider
DefaultVirtualURIMapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.5.6, default URI mapping has been relocated to the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-7016).
DefaultVirtualURIMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
DefaultVoting<T> - Class in
The highest returned vote is taken (8 or -10, ..) and returned.
DefaultVoting() - Constructor for class
DeferringEventListener(EventListener, long, long) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.DeferringEventListener
DeferringEventListener - Class in info.magnolia.observation
A listener using an ObservationBasedDelayedExecutor.
DeferringEventListener(EventListener, long, long) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.observation.DeferringEventListener
delay - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor
DelayedExecutor - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
There are many places where we like to delay an execution (in case of a serie of fired events).
DelayedExecutor(Runnable, long, long) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor
DelayedExecutor.RunnableWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Resets the timestamp after starting the execution.
DelegateCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands
Delegate to an other command at runtime.
DelegateCommand(CommandsManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.DelegateCommand
DelegateNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper for JCR node.
DelegateNodeWrapper() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
DelegateNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
DelegatePropertyWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper for JCR property.
DelegatePropertyWrapper(Property) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
DelegateSessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper for JCR Session.
DelegateSessionWrapper(Session) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
DelegateVersionManagerWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper for JCR version manager.
DelegateVersionManagerWrapper(VersionManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
DelegateVoter<T> - Class in
since 5.6. Not used/needed.
DelegateVoter() - Constructor for class
DelegateWorkspaceWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper for JCR workspace.
DelegateWorkspaceWrapper(Workspace) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
DelegatingNodeIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
Delegating NodeIterator intended to be used by subclasses for decoration.
DelegatingNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingNodeIterator
DelegatingPropertyIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
Delegating PropertyIterator intended to be used by subclasses for decoration.
DelegatingPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingPropertyIterator
DelegatingUserManager - Class in
A UserManager delegating to a set of user managers.
DelegatingUserManager(Map<String, UserManager>) - Constructor for class
DELETABLE - Static variable in interface
delete() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Delete the file, taking care of closing an open input stream.
DeleteCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
The command to delete one Item.
In case Item is a Node, all the Node children are removed.
DeleteCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.DeleteCommand
Deleted() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
DELETED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
DELETED_BY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
DELETED_NODE_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
DELETED_NODE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
deleteNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
deleteWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
Delta - Interface in
A Delta represents the differences from one version of a module to another.
DeltaBuilder - Class in
Helper class to build Delta instances.
DeltaType - Enum in
Enum for deltas.
DENY - Static variable in class
DependencyChecker - Interface in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
Utility class to check dependencies between instances of ModuleDescriptors and sort them according to their dependencies.
DependencyCheckerImpl - Class in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
Default implementation of DependencyChecker.
DependencyCheckerImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.DependencyCheckerImpl
DependencyDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Models a dependency between modules.
DependencyDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
DependencyDefinition(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
deprecated(String, Object...) - Static method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem
DeprecationUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
A silly utility class to help marking stuff as deprecated even if they're not used directly (taglib attributes for instance).
DeprecationUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.DeprecationUtil
DeprecationUtil - Class in info.magnolia.util
Provides convenience methods for processing Deprecated and MgnlDeprecated annotations.
DerbyTestPersistenceManager - Class in info.magnolia.debug
A PM which measures the time spent in saving.
DerbyTestPersistenceManager() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.debug.DerbyTestPersistenceManager
describe() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
describe() - Method in class
describe() - Method in class
describe() - Method in class
describe() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.PropertySource
Provides a description of this source, typically the location of the file that was used to load the properties this source holds.
DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilter
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator
destroy() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManager
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
Destroys the target filter after waiting for all requests to complete.
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
Delegates the destroy() call to the wrapper servlet, then to this filter itself.
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.servlets.ClasspathSpool
destroy() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
destroyRootFilter(MgnlFilter) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
determineContextPath(ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
determineLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
Extracts the language from the uri.
determineLocale() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
This method uses the current agregation state to set the locale used for the rendering process .
determineLocalFromString(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
determineRootPath(ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
Figures out the root path where the webapp is deployed.
determineServerName(ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
Figures out the local host name, makes sure it's lowercase, and use its unqualified name if the "" init parameter is set to true.
determineWebappFolderName(String, ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
Digester - Class in
since 4.5.3 - use SecurityUtil instead.
dirtyOps - Variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator
dispatch(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestDispatchUtil
Returns true if processing took place, even if it fails.
dispatch(H) - Method in interface info.magnolia.event.Event
Dispatches the event to a handler.
dispatch(Event<H>) - Method in class info.magnolia.event.EventHandlerCollection
dispatch(ModulesStartedEvent.Handler) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModulesStartedEvent
dispatch(PopulateModulesEvent.Handler) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.PopulateModulesEvent
dispatch(StartModuleEvent.Handler) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.StartModuleEvent
dispatch(StopModuleEvent.Handler) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.StopModuleEvent
DispatcherType - Enum in info.magnolia.cms.util
Enumeration of dispatcher types, matches the semantics for filter mappings in web.xml.
DispatchRule - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Used to configure if a filter is executed for a specific dispatcher type (REQUEST, FORWARD, INCLUDE, ERROR).
DispatchRule() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRule
DispatchRule(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRule
DispatchRules - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Similar to the dispatch mapping in the web.xml.
DispatchRules() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRules
dispose(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 without replacement
dispose() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.BinaryInFile
DO_NOTHING - Static variable in class
doAuthenticate(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
since 4.5, should not be needed, and does nothing.
doCallback(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
since 4.5
Document - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime
A wrapper for a temporary uploaded file.
Document(File, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Used to create a document based on a existing file.
doDispatch(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterDispatcher
Calls the target filter if it matches the request otherwise passes the request on to the next filter in web.xml.
doExec(Session) - Method in class
doExec() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.RepositoryOp
doExec() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.VoidOp
doExec(Node, ErrorHandler) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.AbstractNodeOperation
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.AbstractNodeBuilderTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionToLatestTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
Executes task and adds role to the specified group.
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.AllowOptionMethodForRequestsTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for4_5.RenameACLNodesTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for4_5.UpdateUserManagers
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.CheckOrCreateLastActivatedPropertyTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.ConvertMetaDataUpdateTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.GrantReadPermissionToRolesTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.initial.AddFilterBypassTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.MigrateVersionWorkspacesToNewStructureTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.nodetype.AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.RenameVersionNodesTask
doExecute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.WarnOnCorsAddedByAddHeadersFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AddHeadersFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AggregatorFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContextFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.HostSecurityFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InterceptFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterChain
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultiChannelFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestFilter
Determine if the request has multipart content and if so parse it into a MultipartForm and store it as a request attribute.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.OncePerRequestAbstractMgnlFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangeSupportFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RepositoryMappingFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
Read lock must be held when invoking this method.
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
Dispatches the request to the servlet if not already bypassed.
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.VirtualUriFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupportFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
Check if a request parameter PARAMETER_LOGOUT is set.
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.CorsResponseFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.CallTrackingFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.DumpHeadersFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.PerformanceTestFilter
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.InstallationFilter
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.servlets.ClasspathSpool
All static resource requests are handled here.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.InstallationResourcesServlet
doInSystemContext(MgnlContext.Op<T, E>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Executes the given operation in the system context and sets it back to the original once done (also if an exception is thrown).
doInSystemContext(MgnlContext.Op<T, E>, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Executes the given operation in the system context and sets it back to the original once done (also if an exception is thrown).
DomainNameRegexVoter - Class in
Checks if the request has domain that matches configured regex.
DomainNameRegexVoter() - Constructor for class
doneMerge(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
doneMerge(String, Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
doneMerge(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
since 4.4, should not be used anymore, replaced by the WebContainerResourcesImpl.WEB_CONTAINER_RESOURCE_MARKER_ATTRIBUTE.
DontDispatchOnForwardAttributeVoter - Class in
since 4.4, use WebContainerResourcesImpl instead
DontDispatchOnForwardAttributeVoter() - Constructor for class
DOT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
doWithConfiguration(ComponentProvider, ComponentProviderConfiguration) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleInstancesConfigurer
doWithConfiguration(ComponentProvider, ComponentProviderConfiguration) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurer
doWithConfiguration(ComponentProvider, ComponentProviderConfiguration) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
doWithConfiguration(ComponentProvider, ComponentProviderConfiguration) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.AbstractGuiceComponentConfigurer
DummyUser - Class in
since 4.3.6 - usage needs to be reviewed - see MAGNOLIA-3269
DummyUser() - Constructor for class
dump(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DumperUtil
dump(Node, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DumperUtil
dump(Node, int, PrintStream) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DumperUtil
dump(Node, int, PrintWriter) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DumperUtil
Dump a JCR Node to a Writer.
dump(Node, PrintWriter) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DumperUtil
Dump only this JCR-Node to a writer.
dumpChanges(Session, PrintWriter) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DumperUtil
DumperUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Used to dump 1:1 repository content.
DumperUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.DumperUtil
DumpHeadersFilter - Class in info.magnolia.debug
A Filter which dumps the headers for the request and the response.
DumpHeadersFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.debug.DumpHeadersFilter
dumpSession(HttpSession, StringBuffer) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
dumpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSessionBindingEvent, StringBuffer) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
dumpStacktrace(StringBuffer) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
DuplicateNodePredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Predicate filtering based on the previous appearance of the node.
DuplicateNodePredicate() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.DuplicateNodePredicate


editAccessControlPolicies(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaACLEditor
editAccessControlPolicies(Principal) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaACLEditor
EDITION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
EditorLinkTransformer - Class in
since 5.0 use AbsolutePathTransformer directly or register custom editor link transformer.
EditorLinkTransformer() - Constructor for class
EMAIL - Static variable in interface
EmptyMessages - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
A null-pattern implementation of the messages interface.
EmptyMessages() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.EmptyMessages
encodePassword(String) - Method in class
encodePath(String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
encrypt(String) - Static method in class
encrypt(String, String) - Static method in class
endDocument() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.ImportXmlRootFilter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MagnoliaV2Filter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MetadataUuidFilter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.RemoveMixversionableFilter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodeFilter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.VersionFilter
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MetadataUuidFilter
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.NamespaceFilter
ENFORCE_CHANNEL_PARAMETER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultiChannelFilter
Entity - Interface in
entrySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
entrySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
entrySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
entrySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
EnumCaseInsensitive - Class in info.magnolia.util
A utility to retrieve enum constants in a case-insensitive manner.
EnumCaseInsensitive() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.util.EnumCaseInsensitive
ENV_PROPERTY_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
System property prefix, to obtain a property definition like ${systemProperty/property}, that can refer to any System property.
ENV_PROPERTY_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
System property prefix, to obtain a property definition like ${systemProperty/property}, that can refer to any System property.
EnvironmentPropertySource - Class in
A PropertySource exposing the current environment variables.
EnvironmentPropertySource() - Constructor for class
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
True if the basename and the locale are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager.MessagesID
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.BinaryInFile
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ImplementationConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.InstanceConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ProviderConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.NamedImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.DeferringEventListener
error(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.files.FileExtractionLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
error(String, Object...) - Static method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem
ERROR_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
ERROR_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
ERROR_STRING - Static variable in class
ErrorHandler - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
ErrorHandler implementations can decide what to do with certain conditions.
ErrorHandling - Enum in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task
A shortcut enum for tasks, selecting either of these error handling styles.
escapeMetaCharacters(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping
escapeSql(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.EscapeUtil
Escapes the characters in a String to be suitable to pass as value to an SQL query.
EscapeUtil - Class in info.magnolia.util
Utilities to escaping characters for preventing XSS attack.
escapeXss(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.EscapeUtil
escapeXss(String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.EscapeUtil
evaluate(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionVersionIteratorWrapper
evaluate(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeIterator
evaluate(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyIterator
evaluate(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringNodeIterator
evaluate(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringPropertyIterator
evaluate(T) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringRangeIterator
evaluate(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate
evaluateNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
evaluateNode(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
Evaluates if a node should be hidden by wrappers.
evaluateNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
evaluateNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringContentDecorator
evaluateProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
evaluateProperty(Property) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
Evaluates if a property should be hidden by wrappers.
evaluateProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
evaluateProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyFilteringContentDecorator
evaluateTyped(T) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.AbstractPredicate
evaluateTyped(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.DuplicateNodePredicate
evaluateTyped(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.JCRMgnlPropertyHidingPredicate
evaluateTyped(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.JCRPropertyHidingPredicate
evaluateTyped(Item) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.LocalisedItemFilteringPredicate
evaluateTyped(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeFilteringPredicate
evaluateTyped(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeNamePredicate
evaluateTyped(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodePropertyNamePredicate
evaluateTyped(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeTypeParentPredicate
evaluateTyped(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeTypePredicate
evaluateTyped(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.PropertyFilteringPredicate
evaluateTyped(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.RuleBasedNodePredicate
evaluateTyped(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.StringPropertyValueFilterPredicate
Event<H extends EventHandler> - Interface in info.magnolia.event
Marker interface for events used in the EventBus.
EventBus - Interface in info.magnolia.event
Event bus which fires events to a set of registered handlers.
EventBusProtector - Class in info.magnolia.event
Protects event buses in the parent ComponentProvider by wrapping them with resettable wrappers.
EventBusProtector() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.event.EventBusProtector
EventHandler - Interface in info.magnolia.event
Marker interface for handlers used in the EventBus.
EventHandlerCollection<H extends EventHandler> - Class in info.magnolia.event
Simple thread safe collection of handlers for a specific event.
EventHandlerCollection() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.event.EventHandlerCollection
exceptionToWords(Exception) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExceptionUtil
Translates an exception class name to an english-readable idiom, along with the exception's message.
exceptionToWords(Throwable) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExceptionUtil
ExceptionUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Util to handle exceptions.
ExceptionUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExceptionUtil
ExchangeException - Exception in
since 5.6 use info.magnolia.publishing.exception.PublicationException instead.
ExchangeException() - Constructor for exception
ExchangeException(String) - Constructor for exception
ExchangeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
ExchangeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
exclude(String...) - Method in class
exclude(Key<?>...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceParentBindingsModule
exclude(Class<?>...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceParentBindingsModule
EXCLUDE_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChannelVisibilityContentDecorator
EXCLUDE_META_DATA_FILTER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
since 5.0 - obsolete as there's no nodetypes with namespace jcr and because of MAGNOLIA-4640
EXCLUDED_BY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
EXCLUDED_KEYS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
ExclusiveWrite - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
A system wide lock.
exec() - Method in class
exec(Session) - Method in class
exec() - Method in class
exec() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.LockingOp
exec() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.Op
exec() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.RepositoryOp
exec() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.VoidOp
exec(Node, ErrorHandler) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.AbstractNodeOperation
exec() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeBuilder
Execute the operations.
exec(Node, ErrorHandler) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeOperation
EXECUTABLE - Static variable in interface
EXECUTE - Static variable in interface
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
execute(Context) - Method in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Command
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.DelegateCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.DeleteCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExtractCommentCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.LogCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MessageCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RestorePreviousVersionCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCommand
Make sure that the context is castable to a magnolia context.
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCommand
This is the actual method to be overridden in descendant classes.
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
A good-citizen task should execute itself responsibly: it should know what to do in case of problems: for instance, fixable or irrelevant issues should usually just be logged used the InstallContext methods, when the user can fix them later on.
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
A good-citizen task should execute itself responsibly: it should know what to do in case of problems: for instance, fixable or irrelevant issues should usually just be logged used the InstallContext methods, when the user can fix them later on.
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(InstallContext) - Method in interface
A good-citizen task should execute itself responsibly: it should know what to do in case of problems: for instance, fixable or irrelevant issues should usually just be logged used the InstallContext methods, when the user can fix them later on.
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class
execute(Writer, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerNullUI
execute(Writer, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerUI
execute(Writer, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerWebUI
execute(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappBootstrap
executeBootstrapImport(File, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
executeCommand(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
Executes the given command in the given catalog with the given parameters.
executeCommand(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
Executes the given command in the default catalog with the given parameters.
executeCommand(Command, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
Executes the given command with the given parameters.
executeCommand(Command, Map<String, Object>, Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
Executes the given command with given context.
ExecuteCommandTask - Class in
Task that executes command.
ExecuteCommandTask(String, String, Class<? extends Command>, Object...) - Constructor for class
executeExport(OutputStream, boolean, boolean, Session, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
executeStartupTasks() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
Process startup tasks.
export(Node, File) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil
EXPORT_EXTENSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
EXPORT_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
EXPORT_FORMAT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
EXPORT_KEEP_HISTORY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
EXPORT_MIME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
EXPORT_OUTPUT_STREAM - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
ExportCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
since 5.4.4. Use JcrExportCommand instead.
ExportCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
exportDocumentView(String, ContentHandler, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningSession
exportDocumentView(String, OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningSession
exportDocumentView(String, ContentHandler, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
exportDocumentView(String, OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
exportNode(String, String, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.exporter.YamlExporter
exportProperty(String, String, Value) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.exporter.YamlExporter
exportProperty(String, String, int, Value[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.exporter.YamlExporter
exportSystemView(String, ContentHandler, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningSession
exportSystemView(String, OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningSession
exportSystemView(String, ContentHandler, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
exportSystemView(String, OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
exposeGlobally() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProviderBuilder
ext - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping.MIMEMappingItem
EXTENDING_NODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
EXTENDING_NODE_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
ExtendingNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
This wrapper allows extending other nodes (mainly useful to extend configurations).
ExtendingNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
Default constructor.
ExtendingNodeWrapper(Node, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
Call directly for test purposes only.
ExtendingNodeWrapper(Node, Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
Does not support the extends property but chains the two nodes directly.
EXTENSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
EXTENSION_LOWER_CASE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
EXTENSION_UPPER_CASE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
ExtensionVoter - Class in
Parameters (as Magnolia's configuration nodes): allow: comma separated lists of allowed extensions. deny: comma separated lists of denied extensions. Returns: false if the extension is not a valid mimetype (as configured in config:/server/MIMEMapping. false if the allow list exists, but the extension is not in the allow list. false if the deny list exists and the extension is in the deny list. true in all other cases. Typed to Object, as it can vote on both a passed String, or the current MgnlContext.webContext if any.
ExtensionVoter() - Constructor for class
EXTERNAL_LINK_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Pattern that matches external and mailto: links.
ExternalUser - Class in
A user which is not stored in Magnolia.
ExternalUser(Subject) - Constructor for class
since 4.5 use ExternalUser(java.util.Map,, instead
ExternalUser(Map<String, String>, GroupList, RoleList) - Constructor for class
ExternalUserManager - Class in
Manages the JAAS users.
ExternalUserManager() - Constructor for class
extract() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractorOperation
ExtractCommentCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
Extracts comment from the resource and put it in the context.
ExtractCommentCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExtractCommentCommand
extractFile(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractor
extractFile(String, FileExtractor.Transformer) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractor
extractFile(String, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.files.FileExtractor
Extracts the given resource from the classpath and stores it as absTargetPath.
extractFile(String, FileExtractor.Transformer) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.files.FileExtractor
Extracts the given resource from the classpath and stores it as dictacted by the given Transformer.
extractFiles(FileExtractor.Transformer) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractor
extractFiles(FileExtractor.Transformer) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.files.FileExtractor
Extracts all found resources from the classpath, using the given Transformer.


Factory() - Constructor for class
Factory() - Constructor for class
Factory() - Constructor for class
Factory() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class
FALLBACK_LOCALE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
Use this locale if no other provided.
FALLBACK_NODEDATA - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
The name of the property to store the current system language.
FalseCondition - Class in
A Condition which always return false.
FalseCondition(String, String) - Constructor for class
FalseVoter - Class in
Returns false.
FalseVoter() - Constructor for class
File - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime
Wraps a Node and exposes it into a simple file-like bean.
File(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
FileExtractionLogger - Interface in info.magnolia.module.files
A callback-type interface used by clients of FileExtractor to be informed about errors.
FileExtractor - Interface in info.magnolia.module.files
A component to extract files from modules.
FileExtractor.Transformer - Interface in info.magnolia.module.files
Transforms a resource path into a file system path.
FileSystemHelper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Class to retrieve files or directories used by Magnolia.
FileSystemHelper(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.FileSystemHelper
FileSystemPropertySource - Class in
Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded on the file system from a given path.
FileSystemPropertySource(String) - Constructor for class
FileSystemPropertySource(File) - Constructor for class
Filter - Interface in info.magnolia.commands.chain
A replacement for org.apache.commons.chain.Filter.
filter(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
Implement this method to specificy if a given property (given its value and the parent node name) should be removed.
filter(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.UselessNameFilter
filterBy(Locale) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.LocalisedItemFilteringPredicate
filterByDefaultLocale() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.LocalisedItemFilteringPredicate
FilterDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Used to decorate a normal (not magnolia) filter.
FilterDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator
FilterDecorator.CustomFilterConfig - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Exposes the parameters configured using content2bean as FilterConfig to the servlet API.
filterDuplicates(NodeIterator) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
FILTERED_NODES - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.VersionFilter
FILTERED_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.VersionFilter
FilteredEventListener - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
The FilteredEventListener decorates a given EventListener and allows to ignore specific Events according to a given Predicate.
FilteredEventListener(EventListener, Predicate) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.FilteredEventListener
FilteringNodeIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
NodeIterator hiding all nodes that do not pass the predicate, returned nodes can also be wrapped effectively extending the condition to the whole hierarchy.
FilteringNodeIterator(NodeIterator, AbstractPredicate<Node>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringNodeIterator
FilteringNodeIterator(NodeIterator, AbstractPredicate<Node>, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringNodeIterator
FilteringNodeIterator(NodeIterator, AbstractPredicate<Node>, NodeWrapperFactory) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringNodeIterator
FilteringPropertyIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
PropertyIterator hiding all properties that do not pass the predicate, returned properties can also be wrapped.
FilteringPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator, AbstractPredicate<Property>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringPropertyIterator
FilteringPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator, AbstractPredicate<Property>, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringPropertyIterator
FilteringPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator, AbstractPredicate<Property>, PropertyWrapperFactory) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringPropertyIterator
FilteringRangeIterator<T> - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
Base class for implementing filtering JCR iterators.
FilteringRangeIterator(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringRangeIterator
filterIsDeprecated(String, String) - Method in class
FilterManager - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.filters
The FilterManager implementation is responsible for providing a MgnlFilterDispatcher which delegates to one single filter which is either the filter chain configured in the config workspace or the primitive system UI when a system/module installation or update is needed.
FilterManagerImpl - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Default FilterManager implementation; uses node2bean and observation to maintain the filter chain configured at .
FilterManagerImpl(ModuleManager, SystemContext, Node2BeanProcessor, ComponentProvider) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
filterMustBeRegisteredWithCorrectDispatchers(String) - Method in class
filterNodeType(NodeIterator, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
FilterOrderingTask - Class in
Orders a filter after a given set of other filters.
FilterOrderingTask(String, String[]) - Constructor for class
FilterOrderingTask(String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class
FilterOrderingTask(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class
FilterOrderingTask(String, String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class
filterParentNodeType(NodeIterator, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
filterParentNodeType(RowIterator, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Filters rows of result set from query by provided selector and returns such nodes in the NodeIterator.
findAccessControlList(Iterable<Principal>, String) - Static method in class
findAccessControlList(Subject, String) - Static method in class
findAllGroupsInFolder(Node, Collection<Group>) - Method in class
Finds all groups located in the provided node or in sub-folders within it and adds them to the given collection.
findAllUsersInFolder(Node, Collection<User>) - Method in class
Finds all users located in the provided node or in sub-folders within it and adds them to the given collection.
FindAndChangeTemplateIdTask - Class in
Task which find all content with specific template id and change template id to new one.
FindAndChangeTemplateIdTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
FindAndChangeTemplateIdTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
findFirstEncounteredDeprecatedSuperType(Class<?>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.DeprecationUtil
Searches for Deprecated super types of the given clazz.
findModuleDescriptors() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.BetwixtModuleDefinitionReader
findPrincipal(Subject, Class<T>) - Static method in class
findPrincipalNode(String, Session) - Method in class
Helper method to find a group.
findPrincipalNode(String, Session) - Method in class
Helper method to find a role.
findPrincipalNode(String, Session) - Method in class
Helper method to find a user in a certain realm.
findPrincipalNode(String, Session) - Method in class
findPrincipalNode(String, Session, String) - Method in class
findPrincipalNode(String, Session, String, Node) - Method in class
Find principal nodes of type NodeTypes.User#NAME, NodeTypes.Group#NAME or NodeTypes.Role#NAME.
findPrincipalNodes(Node, String) - Method in class
Find nodes located in the provided node or in sub-folders within it that have the provided nodeType.
findResources(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
Return a collection containing the resource names which match the regular expression.
findResources(Pattern) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
Return a collection containing the resource names which match the regular expression.
findResources(ClasspathResourcesUtil.Filter) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
Return a collection containing the resource names which passed the filter.
findUsersOrGroupsHavingAssignedGroupOrRoleWithUid(Session, Node, String) - Method in class
fireEvent(Event<H>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.event.EventBus
Fires the event on the bus (synchronously).
fireEvent(Event<H>) - Method in class info.magnolia.event.ResettableEventBus
fireEvent(Event<H>) - Method in class info.magnolia.event.SimpleEventBus
FixUserRolePermissionsPropertyTask - Class in
Task to fix permissions property of a user role.
FixUserRolePermissionsPropertyTask(String) - Constructor for class
Folder() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Folder
followLifecycleTransition(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
forEach(BiConsumer) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
format(Date, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Supports implicit formats like: date, date long, datetime, dateime long, time and time long.
format(Date, String, Locale) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
format(String, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class
format(String, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class
format(String, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class
FORMAT_DATE_LONG - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
FORMAT_DATE_MEDIUM - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
FORMAT_DATE_SHORT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
FORMAT_DATETIME_LONG - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
FORMAT_DATETIME_MEDIUM - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
FORMAT_DATETIME_SHORT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
FORMAT_DEFAULTPATTERN - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Default date format.
FORMAT_TIME_LONG - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
FORMAT_TIME_MEDIUM - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
FORMAT_TIME_SHORT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
formatDate(Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Uses the current locale (user) to format the date.
formatDateTime(Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Uses the current locale (user) to format the date and time.
FormClientCallback - Class in
Renders a login form using Freemarker and the template configured with FormClientCallback.loginForm.
FormClientCallback(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties, Provider<WebContext>) - Constructor for class
FormClientCallback(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties) - Constructor for class
since 5.4.3 use FormClientCallback(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties, Provider) instead.
FormLogin - Class in
Uses the the "mgnlUserId" and "mgnlUserPSWD" parameters to login.
FormLogin() - Constructor for class
forName(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ClassFactory
forName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.DefaultClassFactory
FORWARD_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestDispatchUtil
FORWARD_QUERY_STRING_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
FORWARD_QUERY_STRING_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
FORWARD_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
FORWARD_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
FORWARD_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class
The request attribute under which the original request URI is stored on an forwarded dispatcher request.
ForwardVoter - Class in
This voter returns true if the request has been forwarded.
ForwardVoter() - Constructor for class
from(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter.RequestType
FROM_URI - Static variable in class
FROM_URI_NODEDATANAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIManager
fromURI - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
frozen - Variable in class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
FULL_NAME - Static variable in interface


generateJavaScript(Writer, Messages) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
Adds Variables to a JS which can be used with the getMessage(key) method.
generateKeyPair(int) - Static method in class
GenericTasks - Class in info.magnolia.setup.initial
Groups tasks which are need to do a fresh install of magnolia 4.5 (or higher).
GenericTasks() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.initial.GenericTasks
genericTasksForNewInstallation() - Static method in class info.magnolia.setup.initial.GenericTasks
get(String, Object[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
Replace the {n} parameters in the string.
get(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesImpl
Get the message from the bundle.
get(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.EmptyMessages
get(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.Messages
Get the message from the bundle.
get(String, Object[]) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.Messages
Replace the {n} parameters in the string.
get(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesChain
Get the string searching in the chain.
get(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
get(String, Object[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
Get a message with parameters inside: the value {0} must be a number.
get(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
get(String, String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
get(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
get(String, String, String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
get(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
get(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
get(String) - Method in interface
Get principal associated to the specified name from the collection.
get(String) - Method in class
Gets principal associated to the specified name from the collection.
get(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
get(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
get(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
get(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.registry.SessionProviderRegistry
get(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
GET - Static variable in class
get() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleInstanceProvider
get() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceConfiguredComponentProvider
get() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceObservedComponentProvider
get(K) - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
get() - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationResult
get() - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationResult.TransformationResultImpl
GET_POST - Static variable in class
getAbsolute() - Method in class
Creates instance of absolute link transformer that will prepend the context path, will use URI2Repository mapping while constructing links and will localize the link if localization is set up.
getAbsolute(boolean) - Method in class
Creates instance of absolute link transformer that will optionally prepend the context path, but will always use URI2Repository mapping while constructing links and will localize the link if localization is set up.
getAbsoluteFileSystemPath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.FileSystemHelper
Gets absolute filesystem path, adds application root if path is not absolute.
getAbsoluteFileSystemPath(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getAbsolutePath(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3 without replacement
getAbsolutePath(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getAbsoluteTransformer() - Method in class
Gets registered absolute path transformer.
getAccessControlManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getAccessibleWorkspaceNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getAccessManager(String, Subject) - Static method in class
Creates instance of AccessManager configured with subject principal permissions for requested workspace/repository.
getAccessManager(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
getAccessManager(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Get a an AccessManager for logical entities.
getAccessManager(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
Delegates call to the original context.
getAccessManager(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getAccessManager(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Get access manager for a resource, usually a workspace.
getAccessManager(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.SimpleContext
Delegate to the inner context.
getACLs(User) - Method in class
getACLs(User) - Method in class
getACLs(String) - Method in interface
getACLs(User) - Method in class
Sets access control list from a list of roles under the provided content object.
getACLs(String) - Method in class
getACLs(Node) - Method in class
getACLs(String) - Method in interface
Obtain list of ACLs defined for specified role.
getACLs(User) - Method in interface
getAction() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
getActivationManager() - Static method in class
getActivationStatus() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getActivationStatus(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
Returns the activation status of the node.
getActivatorId() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getActivity() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
getActivity() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
getAdd() - Method in class
getAdd() - Method in interface
getAddMethod(Class<?>, String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TypeMappingImpl
since 5.0 - use setters
getAddMethod() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
since 5.0 - use setter instead.
getAggregationState() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getAggregationState() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Returns the AggregationState if we're in a WebContext, throws an IllegalStateException otherwise.
getAggregationState() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Retrieves the Aggregator instance, which gathers all info regarding the current request (paths, etc).
getAggregationState() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
getAggregationStateProvider() - Method in class
getAllFrozenNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getAllGroups() - Method in class
getAllGroups() - Method in class
getAllGroups() - Method in interface
Get all groups assigned to this group, collected recursively from subgroups.
getAllGroups() - Method in interface
Get all groups defined in the system.
getAllGroups(String) - Method in interface
getAllGroups() - Method in class
getAllGroups() - Method in class
getAllGroups(String) - Method in class
getAllGroups() - Method in class
getAllGroups() - Method in class
getAllGroups() - Method in interface
Get all groups this user belongs to, collected recursively including supergroups.
getAllLinearFrozenNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getAllLinearVersions() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getAllowed() - Method in class
getAllowed() - Method in class
getAllowedHeaders() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cors.CorsConfiguration
getAllowedHeaders() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
getAllowedHeaders() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
getAllowedLifecycleTransistions() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getAllowedMethods() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cors.CorsConfiguration
getAllowedMethods() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
getAllowedMethods() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
getAllowedOrigins() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cors.CorsConfiguration
getAllowedOrigins() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
getAllowedOrigins() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
getAllowedRedirects() - Method in class
List of URL patterns matching URLs that are allowed as redirect targets after a successful login.
getAllRepositoryNames() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - use RepositoryManager.getWorkspaceNames() directly.
getAllRoles() - Method in class
getAllRoles() - Method in class
getAllRoles() - Method in class
getAllRoles() - Method in class
getAllRoles() - Method in interface
Get all roles assigned to this user, collected recursively including groups and supergroups.
getAllSubGroups(String) - Method in interface
Returns all sub-groups of the given group.
getAllSubGroups(String) - Method in class
getAllSuperGroups(String) - Method in interface
Returns all super-groups of the given group, i.e.
getAllSuperGroups(String) - Method in class
getAllUsers() - Method in class
getAllUsers() - Method in class
getAllUsers() - Method in class
Get all users managed by this user manager.
getAllUsers() - Method in interface
Get all users.
getAllVersions(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Get all versions.
getAllVersions() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getAllVersionsUnfiltered() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionVersionIteratorWrapper
Returns all versions regardless of the workspace they were versioned from.
getAncestor(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getAncestor(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChild
getAncestor(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getAncestor(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
getAncestor(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getAncestor(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getAncestors(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Get all Ancestors until level 1.
getAnchor() - Method in class
getAnnotatedComponents() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
getAnnotatedTypeMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
getAnonymousSubject() - Static method in class
getAnonymousSubject() - Method in class
getAnonymousUser() - Method in class
getAnonymousUser() - Method in class
SystemUserManager does this.
getAnonymousUser() - Method in class
SystemUserManager does this.
getAnonymousUser() - Method in class
getAnonymousUser() - Static method in class
getAnonymousUser() - Method in class
getAnonymousUser() - Method in interface
Get Anonymous user, this user must always exist in magnolia repository.
getApplicablePolicies(Principal) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
getApplicablePolicies(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
getAppRootDir() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.FileSystemHelper
Gets the root directory for the magnolia web application.
getAppRootDir() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getAtomName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Returns the parameter name.
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
getAttribute(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
Get the attribute value.
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
Use the Map.get().
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.AttributeStrategy
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Get attribute value.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Get attribute value without passing a scope.
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
Delegates call to the original context.
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getAttribute(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MapAttributeStrategy
getAttribute(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Get attribute value.
getAttribute(String, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Get the attribute from the specified scope.
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.RequestAttributeStrategy
getAttribute(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getAttribute(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getAttributeNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getAttributeNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getAttributes(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
getAttributes() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
Merge the scopes maps.
getAttributes(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
Ignore scope and return the inner map.
getAttributes() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
Returns the inner map.
getAttributes(int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.AttributeStrategy
getAttributes(int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Get a map of a attributes set in the scope.
getAttributes() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Get an over all map.
getAttributes(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
Delegates call to the original context.
getAttributes(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getAttributes() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getAttributes(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MapAttributeStrategy
Ignore scope and return the inner map.
getAttributes() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MapAttributeStrategy
Returns the inner map.
getAttributes(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.RequestAttributeStrategy
getAttributeStrategy() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
getAtts() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
Returns the atts.
getAuthorId() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getAvailableLocales() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
getAvailableLocales() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
getBackupPath() - Method in class
getBasename() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
If no basename is provided this method returns DEFAULT_BASENAME.
getBasename() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager.MessagesID
Returns the basename.
getBasename() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.Messages
If no basename is provided this method returns DEFAULT_BASENAME.
getBaseNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getBaseVersion(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Returns the current base version of given node.
getBaseVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getBaseVersion(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
getBaseVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getBaseVersion(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
getBasicInstallTasks(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getBasicInstallTasks(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.DefaultModuleVersionHandler
This method should generally not be overridden.
getBasicInstallTasks(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModuleVersionHandler
getBCrypt(String) - Static method in class
getBCrypt(String) - Static method in class
getBinary() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getBindingContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getBindingContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
getBoolean(Node, String, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Return the boolean representing the node property value.
getBoolean() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getBooleanProperty(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.PropertySource
getBootstrapDirs() - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.Bootstrapper
Return the standard bootstrap dirs defined in the file.
getBrowserLink(String) - Method in class
Creates instance of link transformer that will transform any provided links to either absolute or relative path based on the current server configuration.
getBundle() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesImpl
Returns the bundle for the current basename.
getBypasses() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
getCacheDirectory() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3 without replacement.
getCacheDirectoryPath() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3 without replacement.
getChained(String, String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
getChained(String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
getChainedWithDefault(String, String, String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
getChainedWithDefault(String, String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
getChannel() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getChannel() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getChannels() - Method in interface
getChannels() - Method in class
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getCheckedPath() - Method in class
Returns a path in a repository in the form repository:path (e.g.
getChildren(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
getChildren(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Returns the children of the node to be transformed.
getClassFactory() - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Classes
getClassifier() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
getClassLoader() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getClassName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ConfigurerDefinition
getClassName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getClassName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
getClientCallbacks() - Method in class
getCollection() - Method in interface
getCollection() - Method in class
getCollectionEntryType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
getCollectionFromNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getCollectionKeyType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
getCommand(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Catalog
getCommand(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
Get the command.
getCommand(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
Use a delimiter to separate the catalog and command name.
getCommand(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
getCommandName() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.DelegateCommand
getCommands() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.chain.ChainBase
Returns unmodifiable list of commands.
getComment() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
getComment() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
getComment(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
Returns the comment set when then node was last deleted or null if no comment has been set.
getComment(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Versionable
Returns the comment set when then node was last versioned or null if no comment has been set.
getComment() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
getCommentTemplate() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExtractCommentCommand
getCompleteUrl() - Method in class
Creates instance of Complete URL link transformer that will create fully qualified and localized link to content denoted by Link provided to its transform method.
getCompleteURLTransformer() - Method in class
Gets registered complete URL transformer.
getComponent(Class<T>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentProvider
Returns the component mapped for a given type.
getComponent(Class<T>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
Returns a component from the currently set ComponentProvider.
getComponent(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
getComponent(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
getComponentFactory(Class<T>, Class<? extends ComponentFactory<T>>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
getComponentProvider() - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
Returns the currently set ComponentProvider.
getComponents() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
getComponents() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getComponents() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
getComponentsFromModules(String, List<ModuleDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
Reads component definitions from module descriptors and return a ComponentProviderConfiguration containing all components with the given id.
getComponentType() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
getComponentWithAnnotation(Class<T>, Annotation) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
getCompression() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
getCondition() - Method in class
getConditions() - Method in interface
Returns the list of Conditions which have to be checked before this Delta's Tasks can be executed.
getConditions() - Method in class
getConditions() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappDelta
getConfig() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator
getConfigJCRSession() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
getConfigJCRSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getConfigPath() - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 there's no real need to expose this as such a location is an implementation detail.
getConfigurationProfile() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
getConfigured(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
getConfigurer(ConfigurerDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
getConfigurers() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
getConfigurers() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
getConnectTimeout() - Method in interface
getConstructor() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterInfo
getContainingHistory() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getContainingHistory() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
getContentDecorator() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getContentDecorator() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
getContentDecorator() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
getContentDecorator() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
getContentEncoding(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
getContentEncodingOrDefault(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
getContentHandler(OutputStream) - Method in enum info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.Format
getContentHandler(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in enum info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.Format
getContentType() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
getContext(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getContextPath(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
getContextPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getContextPath() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
getContextPath() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Get the current context path.
getContextPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
getContextPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
getContextPath() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaInitPaths
getContextPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getContextRelativePath(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns the current path relative to the context path, the current path is the path used in the latest forward or include dispatch.
getCoreVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
getCorrespondingNodePath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getCorsResponseFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter
getCorsResponseFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
getCountry() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
getCreated() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getCreated() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
getCreated(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Created
Returns the creation date of a node or null if creation date isn't set.
getCreatedBy(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Created
Returns the name of the user that created a node.
getCreationDate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getCredentials() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.DefaultRepositoryStrategy
getCurrentBean() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
getCurrentBean() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
getCurrentCalendar() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
getCurrentClassLoader() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
getCurrentContentNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getCurrentContentNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getCurrentLoginResult() - Static method in class
getCurrentlyConfiguredClassName() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Classes.ClassFactoryProvider
getCurrentlyInstalled(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getCurrentlyInstalled(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleVersionHandler
getCurrentlyInstalled(InstallContext) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleVersionHandler
Gets the currently installed version number of this module.
getCurrentlyInstalled(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappVersionHandler
getCurrentModuleDefinition() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
Allows generic tasks to know what's being installed/updated.
getCurrentModuleDefinition() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getCurrentModuleDefinition() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContext
Gets the current module definition.
getCurrentModuleDefinition() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContextImpl
getCurrentNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
getCurrentNode() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
getCurrentType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
getCurrentType() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
getCurrentURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getCurrentURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getCurrentUserName() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
getCurrentUserName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator
getCurrentUTCCalendar() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Get UTC Calendar for current time.
getCurrentVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleAndDeltas
getDate(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Return the Calendar representing the node property value.
getDate(Node, String, Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Return the Calendar representing the node property value.
getDate() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getDateFormat() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
getDateProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getDecimal() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterInfo
getDecoratedFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator
getDefaultBaseUrl() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
getDefaultExporterClass() - Method in enum info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.Format
getDefaultExtension() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
getDefaultLocale() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
getDefaultMapping() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
getDefaultRule() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RestorePreviousVersionCommand
getDefaultRule() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RuleBasedCommand
getDefaultSeparator() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
getDefaultSessionTrackingModes() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getDefaultUpdate(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
The minimal delta to be applied for each update, even if no delta was specifically registered for the version being installed.
getDefaultUpdateConditions(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getDefaultUpdateTasks(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getDefaultVoting() - Static method in class
getDefaultWorkspace(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
Get default workspace name.
getDefinition() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getDefinition() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getDefinition(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
getDefinition(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
getDelay() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
getDelegate() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.util.PatternDelegate
Returns the delegate that this bean holds.
getDelegate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
Returns the delegate.
getDelegatePath() - Method in class
getDelete() - Method in class
getDelete() - Method in interface
getDeleted(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
Returns the date when the node was deleted or null if no deletion date has been stored on the node.
getDeletedBy(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
Returns the name of the user that deleted the node or null if no deleting user has been stored on the node.
getDeltas(InstallContext, Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getDeltas(InstallContext, Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleVersionHandler
getDeltas() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleAndDeltas
getDeltas(InstallContext, Version) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleVersionHandler
Returns the deltas to be applied to update from the given Version from to the current one.
getDeltas(InstallContext, Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappVersionHandler
getDeltaTypes() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleManagementState
getDeltaTypesDescription(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleManagementState
Returns one of the given Strings depending on the combination of delta types in the registered deltas.
getDependencies() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getDependencies() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDefinition
getDependentNodeTypes(NodeTypeDefinition, NodeTypeRegistry, NamePathResolver, NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.nodetype.AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask
since 5.4.3, use NodeTypeRegistry.getDependentNodeTypes(Name). This function was added to keep the implementation jackrabbit-API agnostic. But we already have jackrabbit dependencies in the passed params, so it essentially is useless. Apart from that it was causing the migration to fail, as the returned Map did not retain the order of the nodeTypes.
getDeprecatedReadMethods(TypeMapping, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.DeprecationUtil
Returns Deprecated methods from parentClass.
getDeprecationMessage(Class<?>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.DeprecationUtil
Returns human readable deprecation information for given deprecatedClass.
getDeprecationMessage(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.DeprecationUtil
Returns human readable deprecation information for given actualClass and deprecatedParentClass.
getDeprecationMessage(Method) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.DeprecationUtil
Returns human readable deprecation information for given deprecatedMethod.
getDeprecationMessage(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.DeprecationUtil
Returns human readable deprecation information.
getDepth() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getDepth() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChild
getDepth() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getDepth() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in interface
Description what will be checked, and how the user can fix it if it's not set properly.
getDescription() - Method in interface
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in interface
Description what will happen during the execution.
getDescription() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getDescription() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappDelta
getDestination() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
getDetails() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.Message
getDigest(String, String) - Static method in class
getDigest(byte[], String) - Static method in class
getDigest(String, String) - Static method in class
Message Digesting function.
getDigest(byte[], String) - Static method in class
Message Digesting function.
getDigestInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class
getDigestOutputStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class
getDirectSubGroups(String) - Method in interface
Returns sub-groups directly assigned to the given group.
getDirectSubGroups(String) - Method in class
getDirectSuperGroups(String) - Method in interface
Returns direct super-groups of the given group.
getDirectSuperGroups(String) - Method in class
getDispatcherType(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns the dispatcher type of the request, the dispatcher type is defined to be identical to the semantics of filter mappings in web.xml.
getDispatcherType(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns the dispatcher type of the request, the dispatcher type is defined to be identical to the semantics of filter mappings in web.xml.
getDispatching() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
getDispatchRule(DispatcherType) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRules
getDisplayName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
Returns the displayName or the name if displayName wasn't set.
getDocument(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
getDocuments() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
getDomain() - Method in class
getDouble() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getDoubleProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getEditor(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
getEditorLink() - Method in class
getEditorTransformer() - Method in class
Gets registered editor link transformer.
getEffectiveMajorVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getEffectiveMinorVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getEffectivePolicies(Set<Principal>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
getEffectivePolicies(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
getEffectivePolicies(Path, CompiledPermissions) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
getEffectivePolicies(Set<Principal>, CompiledPermissions) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
getEffectiveSessionTrackingModes() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getElementAsStream(String, String) - Static method in class
getEmail() - Method in class
getEncodedString(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
Replace all "*" with RegexWildcardPattern.MULTIPLE_CHAR_PATTERN.
getEntries() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
getEntries() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
getEventTypesMask() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
getExactMethod(Class<?>, String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TypeMappingImpl
since 5.0 - use setters
getException() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
getException(Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
getException() - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem
getExceptionMessage(Exception) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
Creates a string message out of an exception.
getExcludedNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.PropertyFilteringPredicate
getExcludedTypes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.PropertyFilteringPredicate
getExecute() - Method in class
getExecute() - Method in interface
getExecutedTaskCount() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
getExecutedTaskCount() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getExporterClass() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
getExposedInterfaces() - Method in class
getExposedInterfaces() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
getExt() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
getExtension() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Returns the file extension.
getExtension() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
getExtension() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getExtension() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getExtension(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.PathUtil
Returns the extension of the file denoted by the path excluding the dot.
getExtension() - Method in class
getExtraInstallTasks(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
Override this method to add specific install tasks to your module.
getFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class
getFallbackLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
getFallbackLocale() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
The default locale to be used.
getFallbackPath() - Method in class
getFalseValue() - Method in class
getFile() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Returns the uploaded file.
getFile() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getFile() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getFileName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Returns the file name without extension.
getFileName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
getFileName(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.PathUtil
getFileName() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
getFileName() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
getFileName() - Method in class
getFilenameFromResource(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil
getFileNameWithExtension() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Returns the full file name with extension (if existing).
getFilePath(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.servlets.ClasspathSpool
getFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper.Switcher
This method is provided for introspection only.
getFilterAndAcquireReadLock() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper.Switcher
Returns the current filter with a read lock held for the current thread.
getFilterDispatcher() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManager
getFilterDispatcher() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
getFilteredNodeName() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.AccesscontrolNodeFilter
getFilteredNodeName() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodeFilter
Implement this method to specify the name of the node you want to filter.
getFilteredPropertyName() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
Implement this method to specify the name of the property you want to filter.
getFilteredPropertyName() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.UselessNameFilter
getFilteringPredicate() - Method in class
Override this method to specify a Predicate where we should stop visiting the hierarchy, e.g.
getFilterManager(ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
getFilterName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator.CustomFilterConfig
getFilterName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomFilterConfig
getFilterRegistration(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getFilterRegistrations() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getFilters() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilter
getFilters() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
getFolder(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.PathUtil
getFormat() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
getFrom() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionRange
should not be public - since 5.0.2
getFromRepository(String) - Method in class
getFromURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
getFromURI() - Method in interface
getFrozenNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getFrozenNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
getFullpathFromResource(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil
getGenericParameterType() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterInfo
getGroup(String) - Method in interface
Get a group by name.
getGroup(String) - Method in class
getGroupManager() - Method in class
getGroupManager() - Static method in class
Returns the configured GroupManager.
getGroupManager() - Method in interface
getGroupManager() - Method in class
getGroups() - Method in class
getGroups() - Method in class
getGroups() - Method in interface
Get groups that are directly assigned to group.
getGroups() - Method in class
Returns read only groups collection.
getGroups() - Method in class
getGroups() - Method in class
getGroups() - Method in interface
Get groups that are directly assigned to the user.
getGroupsWithGroup(String) - Method in interface
getGroupsWithGroup(String) - Method in class
getGroupsWithRole(String) - Method in interface
Returns all groups having assigned the provided role.
getGroupsWithRole(String) - Method in class
getHandle(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
Get the handle for this uri.
getHandle(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
Create a node handle based on an uri.
getHandle() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getHandle() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getHandlePrefix() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
getHeader(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationRequestWrapper
Introduced for MAGNOLIA-3233.
getHeaderName() - Method in class
getHeaders() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AddHeadersFilter
getHeaders(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationRequestWrapper
Introduced for MAGNOLIA-3233.
getHistoryFile() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3 without replacement
getHistoryFilePath() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3 without replacement
getHost() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping
getHost() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
getHostPattern() - Method in class
getHosts() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
getI18nBasename() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MessageCommand
getI18nSupport() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupportFactory
getI18nTransformer() - Method in class
Gets registered complete URL transformer.
getId() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
getId() - Method in interface
Gets identifier of the group.
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface
Gets identifier of the role.
getId() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier() - Method in interface
Gets user identifier.
getIdentifier() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getIdentifierBehavior() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
getIdentifierBehavior() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
getImplementation() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getImplementation() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.TypeMappingDefinition
getImplementation(Class<T>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentProvider
Returns the implementation type mapped for a given type.
getImplementation(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
getImplementation() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ImplementationConfiguration
getImplementation(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
getImplementation(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
getImplementation(Key<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
getImportContentHandler(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getImportContentHandler(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getImportPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
getIndex() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator.CustomFilterConfig
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomFilterConfig
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomServletConfig
getInitParameter(ServletContext, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator.CustomFilterConfig
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomFilterConfig
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomServletConfig
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getInitParameterObject(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator.CustomFilterConfig
This is a custom method to get recursive configuration parameters like maps or list.
getInjector() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
getInputStreamForFile(File) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
Creates a stream from the (zipped/gzipped) XML/YAML file.
getInstall(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getInstallConditions() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getInstallConditions() - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModuleVersionHandler
getInstallContext() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager
getInstallContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
since 4.5, use IoC
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
since 4.5, use IoC
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
since 4.5, use IoC
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
since 4.5, use IoC !
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionManager
since 5.4 - use IoC instead
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
since 4.5, use IoC to access FilterManager.
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
since 4.5, use IoC !
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExclusiveWrite
Get exclusive singleton class object.
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
since 4.5, use IoC !
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextFactory
since 4.5, use IoC, i.e., declare a dependency on ContextFactory in your component.
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Get the current context of this thread.
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.debug.PerformanceTestStatus
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
Gets instance of the status configured for current request or new one if none is configured yet.
getInstance(boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
Gets instance of the status configured for current request or new one if none is configured yet.
getInstance(boolean, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
Gets instance of the status configured for current request or new one if none is configured yet.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets the current singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.Factory
since 4.5, use IoC.
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry.Factory
since 4.5, use IoC !
getInstance() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.InstanceConfiguration
getInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.stats.JCRStats
getInstanceUuid() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
getInternalWorkspaceName(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - do not use.
getIP() - Method in class
getIsActivated() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getItem(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
getItem(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getItemName() - Method in class
getItemPath() - Method in class
getItemType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
getItemTypes() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RuleBasedCommand
getJaasChain() - Method in class
getJCRNode(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
Retrieve the Node.
getJCRNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
getJCRNode() - Method in class
getJCRPropertyType(Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
getJCRSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
getJCRSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AsynchronousContext
getJCRSession(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
getJCRSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
getJCRSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getJCRSession(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Note: this is the way to go, if you no longer want to rely on the Content-API.
getJCRSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.SimpleContext
getJCRSession(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
getJCRSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getJspConfigDescriptor() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getKey() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
getKeys() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
getKeys() - Method in class
getKeys() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.PropertySource
getLanguage() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguage() - Method in interface
getLastActionDate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getLastActivated(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
Returns the date when the node was last activated or null if no activation date has been stored on the node.
getLastActivatedBy(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
Returns the name of the user that last activated the node or null if no activating user has been stored on the node.
getLastActivatedVersion(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
Returns the latest activated version name or null if the version name isn't set.
getLastActivatedVersionCreated(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
Returns the latest activated version creation time or null if the version creation time isn't set.
getLastModification(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil
getLastModified(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.servlets.ClasspathSpool
getLastModified(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
Returns the date when this node was last modified.
getLastModified(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.InstallationResourcesServlet
getLastModifiedBy(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
Returns the name of the user that last modified the node.
getLatestVersion(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
getLazy() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getLength() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Returns the file length in bytes.
getLength() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
getLength() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPattern
Returns the pattern length.
getLength() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPattern.MatchAllPattern
getLength() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getLengths() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getLevel() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult
getLevel() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
getLevel() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
getLevel() - Method in class
getLevel() - Method in class
getLinearPredecessor() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getLinearPredecessor() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
getLinearSuccessor() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getLinearSuccessor() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
getLines(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.TextFileUtil
getList() - Method in class
getList() - Method in interface
Returns list of permissions for this principal.
getList() - Method in interface
Gets list of groups/roles as strings.
getList() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleManagementState
getLocalCalendarFromUTC(Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Get the equivalent UTC calendar to a local calendar.
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
If the aggregation state local is not set explicitly the contexts locale is returned.
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
Returns the current locale.
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager.MessagesID
Returns the locale.
getLocale() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
Get the current locale used for rendering content.
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
Creates the locale for this definition if not yet set.
getLocale() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.Messages
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
If not yet set try to get the locale of the user.
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractSystemContext
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AsynchronousContext
getLocale() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Get the current locale.
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getLocale() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Get the context's locale object.
getLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.UserContextImpl
getLocales() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
getLocales() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
Returns the available locales.
getLocalName() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
Returns the localName.
getLocalSessionCount() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractRepositoryStrategy
Returns the number of sessions managed by this strategy.
getLocation() - Method in class
getLocation() - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem
getLocations() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
Used in tests, potentially in subclasses.
getLock() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getLockManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getLockTimePeriod() - Method in class
getLockTimePeriod() - Method in class
getLockTimePeriod() - Method in class
getLockTimePeriod() - Method in interface
Gets a time period for account lock.
getLockTokens() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getLog() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.LogCommand
getLogConfiguration(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
getLogConfigurations() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
getLogEntries() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Get map which contains audit-log entries of actions (Create, Modify, Delete, Move) which were done in this session and were not yet saved.
getLogger() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.LogCommand
getLogicalWorkspaceName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.registry.DefaultSessionProvider
getLogicalWorkspaceName() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.registry.SessionProvider
getLogicalWorkspaceName() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.WorkspaceMappingDefinition
getLogicalWorkspaceNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
getLoginException() - Method in class
getLoginForm() - Method in class
getLoginHandlers() - Method in class
getLogName() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
getLong(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
getLong(Node, String, Long) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
getLong() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getLongProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getMainComponents() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigLoader
getMainContentNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getMainContentNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getMajor() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
getMajorVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getMap() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
getMap() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MapAttributeStrategy
getMappedRepositoryName(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
getMappedWorkspaceName(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
getMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
The mapping to use for this uri.
getMapping() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
getMapping() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
getMappingComparator() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
getMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
getMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
getMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
since 5.3 - was here to make node2bean think it's dealing with a Collection called mappings. Not needed anymore.
getMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.HostSecurityFilter
getMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping
getMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.WebContainerResourcesImpl
getMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
getMatchedSubscription(String, String) - Method in interface
getMatcher() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping.MatchingResult
getMatchingEndPosition() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping.MatchingResult
getMaxAge() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cors.CorsConfiguration
getMaxAge() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
getMaxAge() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
getMaxDelay() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
getMaxFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class
getMaxFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class
getMaxFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class
getMaxFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in interface
Gets a number of failed attempts before locking account.
getMaxVersionAllowed() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
Get maximum number of versions allowed in version history.
getMBeanServer() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.MBeanUtil
getMD5Hex(String) - Static method in class
Gets MD5 encoded -> hex string.
getMD5Hex(byte[]) - Static method in class
Gets MD5 encoded -> hex string.
getMD5Hex(String) - Static method in class
getMD5Hex(DigestInputStream) - Static method in class
getMD5Hex(DigestOutputStream) - Static method in class
getMessage() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
Returns the currently set message.
getMessage(Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
getMessage() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MessageCommand
getMessage() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.Message
getMessage() - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem
getMessages() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
getMessages(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
getMessages(Locale) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
getMessages(String, Locale) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
getMessages() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.TemplateMessagesUtil
Get the messages for the templates.
getMessages() - Method in class
getMessages() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
TODO: This duplicates methods from MessagesManager : remove either.
getMessages(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
TODO: This duplicates methods from MessagesManager : remove either.
getMessages() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Get the default messages.
getMessages(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Get the messages of the named bundle.
getMessages() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getMessages(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getMessages() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
getMessages(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
getMessages() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
A Map of messages where the key is the module name.
getMessages() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getMessagesInternal(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
getMessagesInternal(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
getMetaData(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil
since 5.0 use NodeTypes
getMethods() - Method in class
getMimeExtension() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
getMIMEType(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
Get MIME type String.
getMimeType(String, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
getMimeType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getMIMETypeIcon(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
Returns the icon used for rendering this type.
getMIMETypeIconStyle(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
Returns the icon css style name.
getMIMETypeOrDefault(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
Returns the mime-type associated with this extension, or the server's default.
getMinor() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
getMinorVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getMixinNodeTypes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getModificationDate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getModule() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleAndDeltas
getModuleDefinitions() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
Returns the list of known ModuleDefinitions, as ordered by the loading mechanism (typically in dependency order).
getModuleDefinitions() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
getModuleInstance(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
Returns the module's instance.
getModuleInstance(Class<T>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
Returns the module's instance.
getModuleInstance(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
getModuleInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
getModuleInstanceProperties(ModuleDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
since 6.1. The module instance should be created by info.magnolia.config.module.ModuleConfigurationRegistry.
getModuleKey() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
The key used in the map of messages.
getModuleName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.StartModuleEvent
getModuleName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.StopModuleEvent
getModuleNames() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
Returns the names of configured modules.
getModuleNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
getModulesNode() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
getModulesNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getMove() - Method in class
getMove() - Method in interface
getMsg() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.LogCommand
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Channel
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
getName() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilter
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
Read lock must be held when invoking this method.
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in class
Gets name given to this principal.
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
getName() - Method in enum info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter.Headers
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
getName(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
This method return the node's name on success, otherwise it handles the RepositoryException by throwing a RuntimeRepositoryException.
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingNodeWrapper
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingPropertyWrapper
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceWrapper
Returns logical workspace name.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
Description of what has changed.
getName() - Method in interface
Description of what has changed.
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.PropertyDefinition
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDefinition
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.RepositoryDefinition
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletParameterDefinition
getName() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
getName() - Method in class
getNamedDispatcher(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getNames() - Method in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Catalog
getNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
getNamespacePrefix(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getNamespacePrefixes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getNamespaceRegistry() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getNearestAncestorOfType(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Returns the nearest ancestor of a certain node type or null if none of the ancestors have the node type.
getNextContentLocale(Locale, Set<Locale>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
getNextLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
Returns the closest locale for which AbstractI18nContentSupport.isLocaleSupported(Locale) is true.
getNextVersion(Version) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
getNextVersionLabel(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
getNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
getNode(Node, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
getNode(Node, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
Returns named localized child (if exists) of provided node (or non localized in case localized child doesn't exist).
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
getNode(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
getNode(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.SessionUtil
Return the Node for the Given Path from the given repository.
getNode(Session, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.SessionUtil
Return the Node for the Given Path from the given repository.
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.I18nNodeWrapper
getNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper
getNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.WrappingPropertyWrapper
getNode2BeanTransformer() - Method in class
getNode2BeanTransformer() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
getNodeByIdentifier(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
getNodeByIdentifier(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Get a Node by identifier.
getNodeByIdentifier(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.SessionUtil
Return the Node by the given identifier from the given repository.
getNodeByIdentifier(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getNodeByIdentifier(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper
getNodeByUUID(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
getNodeByUUID(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getNodeByUUID(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper
getNodeIdentifierIfPossible(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Used for building exception messages where we want to avoid handling another exception inside a throws clause.
getNodePathIfPossible(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getNodePredicate() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter
getNodePredicate() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
getNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getNodes(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getNodes(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
getNodes(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
getNodes(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
getNodes(Node, Predicate) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getNodes(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getNodes(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
getNodes(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
getNodes(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
getNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getNodes(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getNodes(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getNodes(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getNodes(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getNodeStream(String, String) - Method in class
getNodeType() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
getNodeType() - Method in class
getNodeTypeFile() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.RepositoryDefinition
getNodeTypeManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getNodeTypeManager() - Method in class
getNodeTypeName(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
Return the NodeType-name for the provided Node.
getNodeTypes() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
getNodeTypes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeFilteringPredicate
getNodeTypesToRegister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.AddActivatableMixinForMgnlResourceTask
getNodeTypesToRegister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.AddLockableMixinToActivatableMixinTask
getNodeTypesToRegister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.AddLockableMixinToVersionableMixinTask
getNodeTypesToRegister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.Register50NodeTypeTask
Define the list of NodeTypeDefinition to create and update.
getNodeTypesToRegister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.RemoveMetaDataInNodeTypeDefinitionTask
Return a NodeTypeDefinition list where the metaData child node definition has been removed.
getNodeTypesToRegister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.AddActivatableMixinForContentNodeTask
getNodeTypesToRegister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.nodetype.AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask
Get a List of NodeTypeDefinition to register or update (in case they are already created).
getNodeTypesToUnregister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.AddActivatableMixinForMgnlResourceTask
getNodeTypesToUnregister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.AddLockableMixinToActivatableMixinTask
getNodeTypesToUnregister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.AddLockableMixinToVersionableMixinTask
getNodeTypesToUnregister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.Register50NodeTypeTask
Nothing to remove.
getNodeTypesToUnregister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.RemoveMetaDataInNodeTypeDefinitionTask
getNodeTypesToUnregister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.AddActivatableMixinForContentNodeTask
getNodeTypesToUnregister(NodeTypeManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.nodetype.AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask
Get a List of NodeTypeDefinition.getName() to un-register.
getObservationManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getObserved() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getObserved(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
getObserved(Class<T>, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
getObservedNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
getObservedObject() - Method in class
getObservedObject() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
since 4.3 - info.magnolia.objectfactory.DefaultComponentProvider#newInstance(Class) returns a proxy of the observed object instead of this factory, so this method shouldn't be needed publicly.
getObservedPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
getObservedPaths() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
getOp() - Method in class
getOp() - Method in class
getOrAddNode(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Gets or adds node depending on whether it existed or not.
getOrCreateCurrentModuleConfigNode() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
getOrCreateCurrentModuleConfigNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getOrCreateCurrentModuleNode() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
getOrCreateCurrentModuleNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getOrCreateUser(String, String) - Method in class
getOrDefault(Object, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getOriginalBrowserURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getOriginalBrowserURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getOriginalBrowserURL() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getOriginalBrowserURL() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getOriginalContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractSystemContext
getOriginalContext() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.SystemContext
Return context set at the moment of invocation of system context operation.
getOriginalNodeType() - Method in class
Get original node type.
getOriginalRequestURI(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns the original request uri.
getOriginalRequestURI(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns the original request uri.
getOriginalRequestURLIncludingQueryString(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns the original request url.
getOriginalRequestURLIncludingQueryString(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns the original request url.
getOriginalURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
Returns the original request URI, decoded and without the context path.
getOriginalURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getOriginalURL() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getOriginalURL() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getOriginalUrl() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
getOriginalUrlPattern() - Method in class
getOSName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
getOSName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
getOtherwise() - Method in class
getOutputResourceName(String, String) - Method in class
getOutputStream() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
getOutputStream() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
getParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
since 4.0 - should not be needed anymore since MAGNOLIA-2449 - request parameters should be correctly wrapped.
getParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestWrapper
getParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationRequestWrapper
getParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getParameter(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Get parameter value as string.
getParameter(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Get a parameter value as string.
getParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Get parameter value as string.
getParameterAnnotations() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterInfo
getParameterIndex() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterInfo
getParameterMap() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestWrapper
getParameterMap() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationRequestWrapper
getParameterName() - Method in class
getParameterName() - Method in class
getParameterNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
since 4.0 - should not be needed anymore since MAGNOLIA-2449 - request parameters should be correctly wrapped.
getParameterNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestWrapper
getParameters() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
since 4.0 - should not be needed anymore since MAGNOLIA-2449 - request parameters should be correctly wrapped.
getParameters() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
getParameters() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getParameters() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Get parameter value as a Map<String, String>.
getParameters() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Get all parameter values as a Map<String, String>.
getParameters() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Get parameter values as a Map (unlike HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap() which returns a Map, so don't expect to retrieve multiple-valued form parameters here).
getParameters() - Method in class
getParameters() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
getParameterType() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterInfo
getParameterValue() - Method in class
getParameterValue() - Method in class
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
since 4.0 - should not be needed anymore since MAGNOLIA-2449 - request parameters should be correctly wrapped.
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestWrapper
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationRequestWrapper
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getParameterValues(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
getParameterValues(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Get parameter values as string[].
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Get parameter values as string[].
getParams() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
getParent() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getParent() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChild
getParent() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getParent() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
getParent() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getParent() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getParent() - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentProvider
getParent() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
getParentPath(String) - Method in class
getParentRepositoryName(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - do not use.
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in interface
getPatch() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChild
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentConfigurationPath
getPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
getPathIfPossible(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Return the Path of the node.
getPathnameFromResource(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil
getPathTo() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
getPattern() - Method in interface
getPattern() - Method in class
getPattern() - Method in class
getPatterns() - Method in class
getPatternString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
getPatternString() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPattern
Returns the pattern string.
getPatternString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPattern.MatchAllPattern
getPermissionAsName(long) - Static method in class
getPermissionList() - Method in interface
Get permission list assigned to this access manager.
getPermissionList() - Method in class
getPermissions(String) - Method in interface
Get permissions assigned to the given path.
getPermissions(String) - Method in class
getPermissions() - Method in interface
getPermissions() - Method in class
getPhase() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContext
Returns the phase the lifecycle is in.
getPhase() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContextImpl
getPhysicalWorkspaceName() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceWrapper
getPhysicalWorkspaceName() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.WorkspaceMappingDefinition
getPlatformComponents() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
getPlatformComponentsResources() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
Returns a list of resources that contain platform components.
getPolicies(Principal) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
getPolicies(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
getPolicies(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaACLEditor
getPolicies(Principal) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaACLEditor
getPosition() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator
getPosition() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
getPosition() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
getPosition() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingNodeIterator
getPosition() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingPropertyIterator
getPosition() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringRangeIterator
getPosition() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
getPostedForm() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getPostedForm() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Get form object assembled by MultipartRequestFilter.
getPostedForm() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Get form object assembled by MultipartRequestFilter.
getPostedForm() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Get form object assembled by MultipartRequestFilter.
getPredecessors() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getPredecessors() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
getPreviousVersion(Version) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
getPreviousVersionLabel(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
getPrimaryItem() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getPrimaryNodeType() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getPrimaryNodeType() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChild
getPrimaryNodeType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getPriority() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.Message
getPrivateKey() - Method in class
getPrivateKey() - Static method in class
getPrivilegeManagerImpl() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
getPrivileges(Path) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
getPrivileges(String, Set<Principal>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
getPrivileges(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
getProblems() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
getProblems() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
getProblems() - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationResult
Mis-configured properties, failed conversion of sub-parts etc.
getProblems() - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationResult.TransformationResultImpl
getProperties() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
since 4.5 - while this still "works" and returns an aggregate of the local properties and those provided by MagnoliaConfigurationProperties, writing to this Property object will not be reflected anywhere.
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getProperties(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getProperties(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
getProperties(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
getProperties(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
getProperties(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
getProperties(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
getProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getProperties(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getProperties(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getProperties(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getProperties(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getProperty(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
getProperty(Node, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
getProperty(Node, String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
getProperty(Node, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
Returns localized property of given name and current locale.
getProperty(Node, String, Locale) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
Returns localized property of given named and given locale.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in interface
Gets an arbitrary property from this group.
getProperty(String) - Method in class
FIXME: Yet another method that is questionable.
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in interface
Gets an arbitrary property from this user.
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.PropertySource
Returns a value corresponding to the given key, or null if not known.
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getProperty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
getProperty(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
since 4.5 - use getPropertyOrNull instead
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getProperty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.I18nNodeWrapper
getProperty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.WrappingPropertyWrapper
getProperty() - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
Convenience method which returns the value of the given property, or null if it does not exist.
getProperty() - Method in class
getPropertyDescriptors(TypeMapping) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
This method is not synchronized to avoid thread blocking, but the method guarantees that the returned map is not mutated afterward.
getPropertyName() - Method in class
getPropertyOrNull(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Return the Property relative to the Node or null if it's not existing or in case of any RepositoryException.
getPropertyPredicate() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter
getPropertyPredicate() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
getPropertySource(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
getPropertySource(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
getPropertyType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.CollectionPropertyHidingTransformer
getPropertyTypeDescriptor(Class<?>, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TypeMappingImpl
getPropertyTypeDescriptor(String, TypeMapping) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
getPropertyTypeDescriptor(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeMapping
getPropertyValue(String, String) - Static method in class
getPropertyValueObject(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Return the Value Object from a property.
getProvider() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getProvider(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
getProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
getProvider() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
getProviderClass() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ProviderConfiguration
getProviders() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.registry.SessionProviderRegistry
getPublicKey() - Method in interface
Returns public key used by target instance to authenticate incoming activations.
getPublicKey() - Method in class
getPublicKey() - Static method in class
getQName() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
Returns the qName.
getQueryManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getQueryString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
Returns the original request query string.
getQueryString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getRead() - Method in class
getRead() - Method in interface
getReadMethod() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
getReadTimeout() - Method in interface
getRealm() - Method in class
getRealm() - Method in class
getRealmName() - Method in class
getRealmName() - Method in class
getRealmName() - Method in class
getRealPath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getReferences(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getReferences() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getReferences() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getReferences(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getRejected() - Method in class
getRejected() - Method in class
getRelative(Node) - Method in class
Creates instance of Relative link transformer that will translate path to the provided Link relative to the content provided here.
getRelative(String) - Method in class
Creates instance of Relative link transformer that will translate path to the provided Link relative to path provided here.
getRelativeTransformer() - Method in class
Gets registered relative path transformer.
getReleaseTime() - Method in class
getReloadMonitor() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
Returns the object used to synchronize on to keep multiple reload operations to occur at the same time.
getRepositories() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getRepositories() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinition
getRepositoriesConfigFile() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3 without replacement DefaultRepositoryManager.loadRepositories() and ConfigUtil
getRepositoriesConfigFilePath() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3 without replacement DefaultRepositoryManager.loadRepositories() and ConfigUtil
getRepository(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - use RepositoryManager.getRepository(String) directly.
getRepository(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
Get the repository to use for this uri.
getRepository() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
getRepository() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getRepository() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getRepository() - Method in interface
getRepository() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
getRepository() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getRepository() - Method in class
getRepository() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentConfigurationPath
getRepository(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getRepository(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Returns repository instance for a repository.
getRepository(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
Returns repository specified by the repositoryID as configured in repository config.
getRepositoryDefinition(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getRepositoryDefinition(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Returns repository mapping as configured, or null if not found.
getRepositoryDefinition(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
Returns a configured repository definition.
getRepositoryDefinitions() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getRepositoryDefinitions() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
getRepositoryDefinitions() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
getRepositoryMapping(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
getRepositoryName() - Method in class
getRepositoryName() - Method in class
getRepositoryName() - Method in class
getRepositoryName() - Method in class
getRepositoryName() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.WorkspaceMappingDefinition
getRepositoryName() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryNameMap
getRepositoryNameForWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getRepositoryNameForWorkspace(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
getRepositoryProvider(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
getRepositoryProvider(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getRepositoryProvider(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Returns the provider instance for a repository.
getRepositoryProvider(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
Returns repository provider specified by the repositoryID as configured in repository config.
getRepositoryStrategy() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
getRepositoryStrategy() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.JCRSessionPerThreadSystemContext
getRequest() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getRequest() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.RequestAttributeStrategy
getRequest() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Avoid calls to this method wherever possible.
getRequest() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Avoid the call to this method where ever possible.
getRequestCharacterEncoding() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getRequestUri(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns the request uri for the request.
getRequestUri(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns the request uri for the request.
getRequired(K) - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
getResolver() - Method in class
getResource(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
Get the resource using the current class loader.
getResource() - Method in class
getResource(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getResourceName(String) - Method in class
getResourcePaths(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getResourcesToBootstrap(InstallContext) - Method in class
Override this method to bootstrap specific resource files.
getResourcesToBootstrap(InstallContext) - Method in class
getResourcesToBootstrap(InstallContext) - Method in class
getResponse() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getResponse() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Avoid depending on this as much as possible.
getResponse() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
getResponseCharacterEncoding() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getResult(Path) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
getRetentionManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getRole(String) - Method in class
getRole(String) - Method in interface
Get the specific role.
getRoleManager() - Method in class
getRoleManager() - Static method in class
Returns the configured RoleManager.
getRoleManager() - Method in interface
getRoleManager() - Method in class
getRoleNameById(String) - Method in class
getRoleNameById(String) - Method in interface
Retrieve role name by its identifier.
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in interface
Get roles that are directly assigned to group.
getRoles() - Method in class
Returns read only roles collection.
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in interface
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class
since 5.4.3 Use RoleBaseVoter.getRoles() instead.
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in interface
Get roles that are directly assigned to the user.
getRoles() - Method in class
getRootFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
Returns the root filter, note that the filter is destroyed if the filter chain is reloaded.
getRootNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
getRootNode(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.AbstractNodeBuilderTask
getRootNode(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.ModuleConfigNodeBuilderTask
getRootNode(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.ModuleNodeBuilderTask
getRootNode(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.NodeBuilderTask
getRootNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getRootNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper
getRootPath() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
getRootPath() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaInitPaths
getRootVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getRule(String) - Method in class
getRule() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RuleBasedCommand
getRules() - Method in class
getScope() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getScope() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
getSecuritySupport() - Static method in class
getSelector() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
A selector is the part between the first SelectorUtil.SELECTOR_DELIMITER and the extension of an URI.
getSelector() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getSelector() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SelectorUtil
get selector as requested from the URI.
getSelector(int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SelectorUtil
Get the selector by index Warning - this might change in the future - see MAGNOLIA-2343 for details.
getSelectors() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getSelectors() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getSelfMappingPath() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.SelfMappingServlet
Returns a Servlet mapping path ("/foo" or "/foo/*" are typical examples).
getSeparator() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
getServerInfo() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
getServerInfo() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaInitPaths
getServerInfo() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getServerName() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
The server name is resolved to the full name obtained by using InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(), which may also contain the server domain, depending on your server configuration/operating system.
getServerName() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaInitPaths
Returns the name of the server where the webapp is running, lowercase.
getServlet() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
getServlet(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getServletClass() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
getServletContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator.CustomFilterConfig
getServletContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomFilterConfig
getServletContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomServletConfig
getServletContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getServletContext() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Returns the current servlet context.
getServletContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Returns the current servlet context.
getServletContextName() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getServletDefinition() - Method in class
getServletMappings(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
getServletName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
getServletName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.CustomServletConfig
getServletNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getServletRegistration(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getServletRegistrations() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getServlets() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getServlets() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
getSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractRepositoryStrategy
getSession(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.JCRSessionStrategy
getSession(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil
getSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
getSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorWorkspaceWrapper
getSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getSession(String, Credentials) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getSession(String, Credentials) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
getSessionCookieConfig() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getSessionCount() - Method in class info.magnolia.stats.JCRStats
getSessionCount() - Method in interface info.magnolia.stats.JCRStatsMBean
getSessionForWrappedNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.LazyNodeWrapper
getSessionForWrappedNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.SystemNodeWrapper
getSessionTimeout() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getSeverityType() - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem
getSHA1Hex(String) - Static method in class
Gets SHA-1 encoded -> hex string.
getSHA1Hex(byte[]) - Static method in class
Gets SHA-1 encoded -> hex string.
getSHA1Hex(String) - Static method in class
getSharedSet() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getSiblingAfter(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getSiblingBefore(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getSiblings(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Gets the siblings of this node.
getSiblings(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Gets the siblings of this node with certain type.
getSiblings(Node, Predicate) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Gets the siblings of this node according to predicate.
getSiblingsAfter(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Gets the siblings after this node.
getSiblingsAfter(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Gets the siblings after this node with certain type.
getSiblingsBefore(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Gets the siblings before this node.
getSiblingsBefore(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Gets the siblings before this node with certain type.
getSingleton(Class<T>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentProvider
since 4.5, use IoC. If you really need to look up a component, then use ComponentProvider.getComponent(Class)
getSingleton(Class<T>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
since 4.5, use IoC to inject the component or use #getComponent(Class).
getSingleton(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingNodeIterator
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingPropertyIterator
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringRangeIterator
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
getSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.BinaryInFile
getSortedCollectionFromNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
getSources() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
getSources() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaPropertiesResolver
Returns the paths to load, TODO: in which order ?
getStartupDelta(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getStartupDelta(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleVersionHandler
getStartupDelta(InstallContext) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleVersionHandler
It seems irrelevant to have startup tasks in a VersionHandler. These should probably be moved to ModuleLifecycle.
getStartupDelta(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappVersionHandler
getStartupTasks(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
Override this method to add specific startup tasks to your module.
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
getStatus() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getStatus() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager
Returns the status as discovered by checkForInstallOrUpdates().
getStatus() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
getStream() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Returns a stream from the uploaded file.
getStream(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
getStream(String, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
Checks last modified and returns the new content if changed and the cache flag is not set to true.
getStream() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
getStream() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.BinaryInFile
getStream() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getString(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Return the String representing the node property value.
getString(Node, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Return the String representing the node property value.
getString() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getString() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingPropertyWrapper
getStringProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getSubject() - Method in class
getSubject() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
getSubject() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AsynchronousContext
getSubject() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
getSubject() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
getSubject() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getSubject() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
getSubject() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.UserContextImpl
getSubscribers() - Method in interface
getSubscriptions() - Method in interface
getSuccessors() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
getSuccessors() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
getSuperuserRole() - Method in interface
getSuperuserRole() - Method in class
getSuperuserRole() - Method in class
getSystemComponents() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
getSystemContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextFactory
since 4.5, use IoC, i.e., declare a dependency on SystemContext in your component.
getSystemContext() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
since 4.5, use IoC, i.e., declare a dependency on SystemContext in your component.
getSystemNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Get the Magnolia system node created under the given node.
getSystemSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
getSystemSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getSystemSession(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
getSystemSession(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
getSystemSubject() - Static method in class
getSystemUser() - Method in class
getSystemUser() - Method in class
SystemUserManager does this.
getSystemUser() - Method in class
SystemUserManager does this.
getSystemUser() - Method in class
getSystemUser() - Static method in class
getSystemUser() - Method in class
getSystemUser() - Method in interface
Get system user, this user must always exist in magnolia repository.
getTargetFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterDispatcher
Returns the current target filter, the returned instance will be destroyed if the target filter is replaced.
getTargetFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
getTargetFilterAndAcquireReadLock() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterDispatcher
Returns the current target filter with a read lock held.
getTasks() - Method in interface
Should not return a read-only List, as the version handler might add tasks as appropriate.
getTasks() - Method in class
getTasks() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappDelta
getTempDirectory() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.FileSystemHelper
Gets the temporary directory set in magnolia properties.
getTempDirectory() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3, use FileSystemHelper.getTempDirectory() instead.
getTempDirectoryPath() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getTemplate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
getTemplate(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil
since 5.0 use NodeTypes.RenderableMixin#getTemplate(Node)
getTemplate(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Renderable
Returns the template assigned to the node or null of none has been assigned.
getTemplateContext() - Method in class
Simply sets "errorString" in case of login exception.
getTemplateName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getTemplateName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getTestPrefix() - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.DerbyTestPersistenceManager
getTestString() - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.CallTrackingFilter
getThen() - Method in class
getTimeStamp() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
getTimestamp() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.Message
getTitle() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - only for backwards compatibility.
getTo() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionRange
should not be public - since 5.0.2
getTokenizedConfigFile(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.FileSystemHelper
Try to get the configuration file and replace tokens.
getTokenizedConfigFile(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ConfigUtil
getTotalTaskCount() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
getTotalTaskCount() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
getToURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
getToURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping
getToURI() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult
getToURI() - Method in interface
getTransformer() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
Can return a custom transformer.
getTransformerFromAnnotation(AnnotatedElement) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TypeMappingImpl
getTransformers() - Method in class
getTransformLineBreaks() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingContentDecorator
getTrimmedLinesMatching(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.TextFileUtil
getTrueValue() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Returns the mime type for this file.
getType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
getType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
getType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getType() - Method in interface
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getType() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.TypeMappingDefinition
getType() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappDelta
getType() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
getTypeDescriptor(Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TypeMappingImpl
getTypeDescriptor(Class<?>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeMapping
getTypeMapping() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
getTypeMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
getTypeMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
getUI() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager
getUI() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
getUnderlyingRepository() - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
getUnderlyingRepository() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
Gets the repository instance initialized on init() call.
getUnfilteredSize() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionVersionIteratorWrapper
Returns size for all versions from all workspaces, unlike FilteringRangeIterator.getSize() that returns filtered results by workspace.
getUniqueLabel(Session, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getUniqueLabel(Session, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getUniqueLabel(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getUniqueName(Session, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeNameHelper
Checks if an item already exists with given name in JCR, and returns a unique name; if necessary, an increment is appended to the name.
getUniqueName(Session, String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeNameHelper
Checks if an item already exists with given name in JCR, and returns a unique name; if necessary, an increment is inserted into the name, before the given extension.
getUniqueName(Node, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeNameHelper
getUpdateDeltas(InstallContext, Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
getURI(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
Get the uri to use for this handle.
getURI(Link) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
getURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
Create a uri based on a handle.
getURI(Link) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
getUri() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
Returns the uri.
getURI2RepositoryManager() - Method in class
getUriExtension(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
getURIMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIManager
Checks for the requested URI mapping in Server config : Servlet Specification 2.3 Section 10 "Mapping Requests to Servlets".
getURIMapping(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIManager
Checks for the requested URI mapping in Server config : Servlet Specification 2.3 Section 10 "Mapping Requests to Servlets".
getURIMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.VirtualUriFilter
getURIMapping(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.VirtualUriFilter
getURIMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIManager
getURIPrefix() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
getUriPrefix() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
getUriPrefix() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
getUris() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cors.CorsConfiguration
getUris() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
getUris() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
getURISuffix(Link) - Method in class
Gets reminder of the URI after the path (i.e.
getURL() - Method in interface
getUrl() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
Returns the configured Url.
getUrlPattern() - Method in class
getUsedFilter(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Get Rule used for this version.
getUser() - Method in class
getUser() - Method in class
getUser(String) - Method in class
getUser(Subject) - Method in class
getUser(String) - Method in class
getUser(Subject) - Method in class
Initialize new user using JAAS authenticated/authorized subject.
getUser(Map<String, String>, GroupList, RoleList) - Method in class
getUser(String) - Method in class
Get the user object.
getUser(Subject) - Method in class
getUser(String) - Method in class
getUser(String) - Method in interface
Find a specific user.
getUser(Subject) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 jaas login module should just request the user, not pass the subject around to the user manager
getUser() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
getUser() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AsynchronousContext
getUser() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
If this is not a UserContext this method will very likely return the system user.
getUser() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
Delegates call to the original context.
getUser() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
getUser() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
A short cut for the current user.
getUser() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.SimpleContext
Delegate to the inner context.
getUser() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.UserContextImpl
getUserById(String) - Method in class
getUserById(String) - Method in class
getUserById(String) - Method in class
Get the user object.
getUserById(String) - Method in interface
Find a specific user.
getUserID() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getUserManager() - Method in class
getUserManager(String) - Method in class
getUserManager() - Static method in class
Returns the configured UserManager.
getUserManager() - Method in interface
Returns a generic UserManager, either for a default realm, or an implementation which delegates to other UserManager instances.
getUserManager(String) - Method in interface
Returns a UserManager for the given realm.
getUserManager() - Method in class
Returns a UserManager which is delegating to the configured UserManagers.
getUserManager(String) - Method in class
getUserManagers() - Method in class
getUserName() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
getUsersWithGroup(String) - Method in class
getUsersWithGroup(String, boolean) - Method in class
getUsersWithGroup(String, boolean) - Method in class
Default implementation for external userManagers.
getUsersWithGroup(String) - Method in class
Default implementation for external userManagers.
getUsersWithGroup(String) - Method in class
getUsersWithGroup(String, boolean) - Method in class
getUsersWithGroup(String) - Method in interface
Returns all users which are the provided group.
getUsersWithGroup(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Returns all users which are in the provided group.
getUsersWithRole(String) - Method in class
getUsersWithRole(String) - Method in class
Default implementation for external userManagers.
getUsersWithRole(String) - Method in class
getUsersWithRole(String) - Method in interface
getUTCCalendarFromDialogString(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Convert a string date from a dialog date to a UTC calendar ready to be stored in the repository.
getUTCCalendarFromLocalDate(Date) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Convert a local date time to a UTC calendar.
getUuid() - Method in class
since 4.5.1, use MgnlUser.getIdentifier() instead
getUuid() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
getUUID() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getUUID() - Method in class
getValidatedLabel(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getValidatedLabel(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
getValidatedName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeNameHelper
Replace illegal characters based on magnolia property magnolia.ut8.enabled.
getValidatedName(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeNameHelper
If charset equals UTF-8, replaces the following characters with a dash - :
getValue() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getValue() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.PropertyDefinition
getValue() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletParameterDefinition
getValue() - Method in class
getValueFactory() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getValueObject(Value) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Return the Value Object from a Value.
getValues() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getValuesStringList(Value[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
getValueString(Property) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Returns value of the property converted to string no matter what it's type actually is.
getValueString(Value) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Returns value converted to string no matter what it's type actually is.
getVersion(Node, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Get named version.
getVersion(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getVersion(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
Returns the version object of a labelled version.
getVersion(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionToLatestTask
getVersion(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionUpdateTask
getVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the version number for which this Delta is needed.
getVersion() - Method in class
getVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
getVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDefinition
getVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappDelta
getVersionableIdentifier() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getVersionableUUID() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getVersionByLabel(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getVersionComment() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
getVersionDate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
getVersionedNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Get node from version store.
getVersionedNode(Session, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Get node from version store.
getVersionedNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeContentDecorator
getVersionedNodeChild() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChildContentDecorator
getVersionFromManifest() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
Returns the current magnolia version, read from the jar Manifest.
getVersionFromManifest() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
Returns the current magnolia version, read from the jar Manifest.
getVersionHandler() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
getVersionHandler(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
getVersionHandler(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
getVersionHistory(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Get history of this node as recorded in the version store.
getVersionHistory() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getVersionHistory(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
getVersionHistory() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getVersionHistory(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
getVersionInfoList(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
Returns version history of a content as a List of VersionInfos.
getVersionLabels() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getVersionLabels(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getVersionManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningWorkspaceWrapper
getVersionManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorWorkspaceWrapper
getVersionManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getVersionName() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
getVersionRange() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
getVersionUser() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
getVersionWorkspaceForNode(RepositoryManager, Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
Get version store session.
getVirtualServerName() - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
getVoter() - Method in class
getVoter() - Method in class
getVoters() - Method in class
getVoters() - Method in class
getVoters() - Method in class
getVoters() - Method in class
getVoting() - Method in class
getVoting() - Method in class
getWeakReferences() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getWeakReferences(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
getWeakReferences() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getWeakReferences(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getWebappFolderName() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
getWebappFolderName() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaInitPaths
Returns the last token in the webapp path (e.g.
getWebContext() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Throws an IllegalStateException if the current context is not set, or if it is not an instance of WebContext.
getWebContext(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Throws an IllegalStateException if the current context is not set, or if it is not an instance of WebContext.
getWebContextOrNull() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Returns the current context if it is set and is an instance of WebContext, returns null otherwise.
getWithDefault(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
You can provide a default value if the key is not found.
getWithDefault(String, Object[], String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
With default value and replacement strings.
getWithDefault(String, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.Messages
You can provide a default value if the key is not found.
getWithDefault(String, Object[], String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.Messages
With default value and replacement strings.
getWithDefault(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
Use a default string.
getWithDefault(String, Object[], String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
Get a message with parameters inside: the value {0} must be a number.
getWithDefault(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
getWithDefault(String, String, String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
getWithDefault(String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
getWithDefault(String, String, String, String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
getWorkspace() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
getWorkspace() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
getWorkspace() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
getWorkspace() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getWorkspace() - Method in class
getWorkspace() - Method in class
getWorkspace() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
getWorkspace() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
getWorkspaceMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getWorkspaceMapping(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
getWorkspaceMapping(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
getWorkspaceMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getWorkspaceMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinition
getWorkspaceMappings() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
getWorkspaceMappings() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryNameMap
getWorkspaceNameFromResource(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil
getWorkspaceNames(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceXmlUtil
Create and return list of workspaces names.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Returns workspace names.
getWorkspaceNamesMatching(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceXmlUtil
getWorkspaceNamesWithIndexer() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceXmlUtil
since 4.5 - directly use #getWorkspaceNamesMatching(String, String, boolean) instead.
getWorkspaces() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.RepositoryDefinition
getWorkspaces() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
getWrappedContext() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
Returns the context wrapped by this decorator.
getWrappedNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
getWrappedNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
getWrappedNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.LazyNodeWrapper
getWrappedProperty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
getWrappedRequest(ServletRequest, Class<T>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Finds a request wrapper object inside the chain of request wrappers.
getWrappedRequest(ServletRequest, Class<T>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Finds a request wrapper object inside the chain of request wrappers.
getWrappedSession() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
getWrappedVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
getWrappedVersionHistory() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
getWrappedVersionManager() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
getWrappedWorkspace() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
getWrite() - Method in class
getWrite() - Method in interface
getWriteMethod() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
getXmlFileName() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
getXmlStream() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
getXPathNodeQueryString(String) - Static method in class
getXpathPropertyQueryString(String) - Static method in class
getXslStreamForXmlFile(File) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
GrantReadPermissionToRolesTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_2
Add a read permission to role itself if not already defined.
GrantReadPermissionToRolesTask(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.GrantReadPermissionToRolesTask
grants(Path, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
grants(Path, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.NodeTypeBasedPermissions
grants(Path, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.RootOnlyPermissions
GROUP - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Group - Interface in
A user group.
Group() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Group
GroupList - Interface in
Marker interface.
GroupManager - Interface in
Manages groups, groups are identified by name and can be organized in folders.
GuiceComponentConfigurationModule - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Guice configuration module that adds bindings based on a ComponentProviderConfiguration.
GuiceComponentConfigurationModule(ComponentProviderConfiguration) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentConfigurationModule
GuiceComponentProvider - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
ComponentProvider implementation based on Guice.
GuiceComponentProvider(Map<Key, Class>, GuiceComponentProvider) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
GuiceComponentProviderBuilder - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Builder for creating a GuiceComponentProvider.
GuiceComponentProviderBuilder() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProviderBuilder
GuiceConfiguredComponentProvider<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Guice Provider that creates an object by reading it from the repository.
GuiceConfiguredComponentProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceConfiguredComponentProvider
GuiceContextAndScopesConfigurer - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Registers request and session scopes and providers for accessing MgnlContext.
GuiceContextAndScopesConfigurer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceContextAndScopesConfigurer
GuiceObservedComponentProvider<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Guice provider that creates an object by reading it from the repository and by using observation updates the object if the repository changes.
GuiceObservedComponentProvider(String, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceObservedComponentProvider
GuiceParameterResolver - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Parameter resolver that finds parameters by querying for them in a Guice Injector.
GuiceParameterResolver(Injector) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceParameterResolver
GuiceParameterResolver(GuiceComponentProvider) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceParameterResolver
GuiceParentBindingsModule - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Bridges a Guice Injector to another Injector by adding bindings for all explicit bindings in the injector being used as parent.
GuiceParentBindingsModule(Injector) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceParentBindingsModule
GuicePropertyConfigurer - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Guice configuration module which exposes Magnolia properties.
GuicePropertyConfigurer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuicePropertyConfigurer
GuicePropertyConfigurer.NamedImpl - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
since 5.5.5 - use Components.named(String) instead.
GuiceUtils - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Utilities for guice.
GuiceUtils() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceUtils
GZ - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter


HANDLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Override this method to provide the specific functionality.
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Delegates the processing to the first matching Callback in patterns.
handle(Callback[]) - Method in class
Handle name and password callbacks called during the JAAS login processing.
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface
Returns a login result or LoginResult.NOT_HANDLED if the handler can't handle the request.
handle(RepositoryException, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.AbstractErrorHandler
handle(RepositoryException, Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.ErrorHandler
The operation calling this method isn't expected to do anything here; the ErrorHandler implementation will attempt to build a fully formed message, then decide what to do with it.
handle(Event) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.PopulateModulesEvent.Handler
handleError(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class
Actions to take when a CSRF attack is detected.
handleMissingProperty(TransformationState, Object, String, Object, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
handleNode(Node, InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask
Take action on a sibling node.
In this case, simply display in the install screen the sibling node name and path.
handleNode(Node, InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.RenameSameNameSiblingNodesTask
handlePossibleCsrf(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class
Actions to take when a CSRF attack is detected.
HandlerRegistration - Interface in info.magnolia.event
Registration returned when registering a handler with a EventBus.
has(String) - Method in interface
Checks if the name exist in this list.
hasAccess(User) - Method in interface
hasAccess(User) - Method in class
hasAccess(AccessDefinition, User) - Method in class
hasAccess(User) - Method in class
hasAny(String, String, String) - Method in class
hasAny(String, String, String) - Method in class
hasAny(String, String, String) - Method in class
hasAny(String, String, String) - Method in interface
hasAnyActiveSubscriber() - Method in interface
hasAttribute(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Check if this attribute exists in the local scope.
hasAttribute(String, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Check if this attribute exists in the specified scope.
hasCapability(String, Object, Object[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
hasExplicitBindingFor(Injector, Class<?>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceUtils
hasExplicitBindingFor(Injector, Key<?>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceUtils
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager.MessagesID
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.BinaryInFile
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ImplementationConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.InstanceConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ProviderConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.NamedImpl
hashCode() - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.DeferringEventListener
hasInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Used to check if an instance is already set since getInstance() will always return a context.
hasMixin(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Checks if the node has a mixin assigned.
hasModulesNode() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
hasModulesNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
hasNext() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator
hasNext() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
hasNext() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
hasNext() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingNodeIterator
hasNext() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingPropertyIterator
hasNext() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringRangeIterator
hasNext() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
hasNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
hasNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
hasNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
hasNode(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
hasNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
hasNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
hasPendingChanges() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
hasPermission(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
hasPreviousVersion(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
Checks if a version label of a Node has a previous version.
hasPrivileges(String, Privilege[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
hasPrivileges(String, Set<Principal>, Privilege[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
hasProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
hasProperty(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
hasProperty(Node, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
hasProperty(Node, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
Returns true if localized property or default property exists false if there is no variation of property for any locale.
hasProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
hasProperty(String) - Method in class
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.PropertySource
hasProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
hasProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
hasProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
hasProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.I18nNodeWrapper
HasPropertyDelegateTask - Class in
A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified property exists or not.
HasPropertyDelegateTask(String, String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
HasPropertyDelegateTask(String, String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
HasPropertyDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
HasPropertyDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
hasRepository(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
hasRepository(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
hasRepositoryMapping(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - use RepositoryManager.hasRepository(String) directly.
hasRole(String) - Method in class
Dummy user has full access, always returns true.
hasRole(String) - Method in class
hasRole(String) - Method in interface
hasRole(String) - Method in class
hasRole(String) - Method in class
hasRole(String) - Method in class
hasRole(String) - Method in interface
Is this user in a specified role?
hasSameUnderlyingSession(Session, Session) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.SessionUtil
hasVersion(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
HasVersion() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.HasVersion
hasVersionLabel(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
hasVersionLabel(Version, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
hasWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
hasWorkspace(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
headerContains(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
headerContains(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestHeaderUtil
hexToByteArray(String) - Static method in class
HierarchicalUserManager - Class in
A variation of a MgnlUserManager which stores users hierarchically using the following structure: /<path>/<first letter of user name>/<first two letters of user name>.
HierarchicalUserManager() - Constructor for class
HierarchyBasedI18nContentSupport - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Serves i18n content found in a per locale hierarchy structure.
HierarchyBasedI18nContentSupport() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.HierarchyBasedI18nContentSupport
HIGHEST_LEVEL - Static variable in interface
HOLD_LOCK_IN_SECONDS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
HOLD_LOCK_IN_SECONDS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RestorePreviousVersionCommand
holdsLock() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.5.6, host based regex URI mapping has been relocated to the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-7016).
HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping
HostBasedVirtualURIMapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.5.6, host based URI mapping has been relocated to the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-7016).
HostBasedVirtualURIMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
HostURIMapping object to receive "mapping" nodes in configuration.
hosts - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
HostSecurityFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A filter that hides urls dependending on the request host name.
HostSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.HostSecurityFilter
HostURIMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping
HostURIMapping(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping
HTMLEscapingAggregationState - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Wrapper around AggregationState created in order to escape all output to rendering.
HTMLEscapingAggregationState(Provider<AggregationState>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
HTMLEscapingContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
HTML escaping content decorator for use by node and property wrapper classes.
HTMLEscapingContentDecorator(boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingContentDecorator
HTMLEscapingNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Node wrapper for escaping HTML in property values.
HTMLEscapingNodeWrapper(Node, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingNodeWrapper
HTMLEscapingNodeWrapper(Node, HTMLEscapingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingNodeWrapper
HTMLEscapingPropertyWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Node wrapper for escaping HTML in property values.
HTMLEscapingPropertyWrapper(Property, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingPropertyWrapper
HTMLEscapingPropertyWrapper(Property, HTMLEscapingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingPropertyWrapper
HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.context
A wrapper around WebContext which will return an escaped AggregationState.
HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper(WebContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
HttpClientCallback - Interface in
Implementations are responsible for prompting the user for his credentials.


I18N_CONFIG_PATH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
The node name where the configuration for i18n is stored.
I18nContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Content decorator providing internationalization support.
I18nContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.I18nContentDecorator
I18nContentSupport - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Support for i18n content.
I18nContentSupportFactory - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
since 4.5.5, use Components.getComponent(Class) instead.
I18nContentSupportFactory() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupportFactory
I18nContentSupportFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Rewrites the i18n uris and sets the current locale.
I18nContentSupportFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupportFilter
since 5.5.4, use I18nContentSupport(I18nContentSupport) instead.
I18nContentSupportFilter(I18nContentSupport) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupportFilter
I18nNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
A Node wrapper implementation which knows about i18n support and uses it to select child nodes and properties.
I18nNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.I18nNodeWrapper
I18nPathTransformer - Class in
Creates links with the absolute path and prefixes it with selected locale if this is supported, falls back to current one otherwise.
I18nPathTransformer() - Constructor for class
I18nPathTransformer(boolean, boolean, boolean, Locale) - Constructor for class
icon - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping.MIMEMappingItem
ICON - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
ICONS_PATH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
iconStyle - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping.MIMEMappingItem
IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_2
Identify all sibling nodes for a defined workspace, sub path and nodeTypes.
If the nodesTypes is empty or null, search all 'nt:base' nodes.
IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask(String, String, String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask
ifTrue(boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Executes all then() defined ops only when passed in flag is evaluated true, behaves as noop otherwise.
IfVoter<T> - Class in
Conditional voter.
IfVoter() - Constructor for class
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodeFilter
IMAGE_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Pattern to find a image.
impersonate(Credentials) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
Same as VERSION_NUMBER, but read from the manifest.
ImplementationConfiguration<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
A simple mapping from type to implementation.
ImplementationConfiguration() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ImplementationConfiguration
ImplementationConfiguration(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ImplementationConfiguration
IMPORT_IDENTIFIER_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
IMPORT_XML_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
IMPORT_XML_STREAM - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
ImportCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
since 5.4.4. Use JcrImportCommand instead.
ImportCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
importDocument(Document, String, String, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
Converts a xml/yaml document into a file.
importFile(File, String, String, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
Creates an InputStream backed by the specified xml/yaml file.
ImportNodesFromPropertiesTask - Class in
A Task which will import nodes and properties using a .properties file.
ImportNodesFromPropertiesTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ImportPostProcessor - Interface in info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors
Post processor used to transform nodes following an import operation.
importProperties(Properties, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
since 4.0 - use the PropertiesImportExport class instead.
importXML(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
importXML(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
ImportXmlRootFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
since 5.4.4. Use JcrExportCommand with JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter instead.
ImportXmlRootFilter(XMLReader) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.ImportXmlRootFilter
importXmlStream(InputStream, String, String, String, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
Imports XML stream into repository.
importXmlStream(InputStream, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
Imports XML stream into repository.
importYamlStream(InputStream, Node, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
importYamlStream(InputStream, String, String, String, String, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
Imports YAML stream into repository.
include(String, Writer) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
include(String, Writer) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Includes/render the given path into the given Writer, by wrapping it in the current HttpServletResponse.
include(String, Writer) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Does an include using the request that was set when setting up this context, or using the request wrapped by the pageContext if existing.
INCLUDE_CONTEXT_PATH_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
INCLUDE_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
INCLUDE_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
INCONSISTENT_VERSIONS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.setup.MigrateVersionWorkspacesToNewStructureTask
incSessionCount() - Method in class info.magnolia.stats.JCRStats
info(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
info(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
info.magnolia.annotation.deprecation - package info.magnolia.annotation.deprecation
info.magnolia.api - package info.magnolia.api
info.magnolia.audit - package info.magnolia.audit
info.magnolia.beanmerger - package info.magnolia.beanmerger - package
info.magnolia.cms.beans.config - package info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime - package info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime
info.magnolia.cms.core - package info.magnolia.cms.core
info.magnolia.cms.core.version - package info.magnolia.cms.core.version - package
info.magnolia.cms.filters - package info.magnolia.cms.filters
info.magnolia.cms.i18n - package info.magnolia.cms.i18n
info.magnolia.cms.license - package info.magnolia.cms.license
info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor - package info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor - package - package - package
JAAS and Client callbacks - package
Login handlers and filters - package
info.magnolia.cms.servlets - package info.magnolia.cms.servlets
info.magnolia.cms.util - package info.magnolia.cms.util
info.magnolia.commands - package info.magnolia.commands
info.magnolia.commands.chain - package info.magnolia.commands.chain
info.magnolia.commands.impl - package info.magnolia.commands.impl
info.magnolia.context - package info.magnolia.context
info.magnolia.cors - package info.magnolia.cors
info.magnolia.debug - package info.magnolia.debug
info.magnolia.dynamic - package info.magnolia.dynamic
info.magnolia.event - package info.magnolia.event
info.magnolia.exception - package info.magnolia.exception
info.magnolia.importexport - package info.magnolia.importexport
info.magnolia.importexport.command - package info.magnolia.importexport.command
info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler - package info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler
info.magnolia.importexport.exporter - package info.magnolia.importexport.exporter
info.magnolia.importexport.filters - package info.magnolia.importexport.filters
info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors - package info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors
info.magnolia.init - package info.magnolia.init - package
info.magnolia.jackrabbit - package info.magnolia.jackrabbit
info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene - package info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene
info.magnolia.jcr - package info.magnolia.jcr
info.magnolia.jcr.comparator - package info.magnolia.jcr.comparator
info.magnolia.jcr.decoration - package info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
info.magnolia.jcr.function - package info.magnolia.jcr.function
info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance - package info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance
info.magnolia.jcr.iterator - package info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean - package info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl - package info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl
info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder - package info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task - package info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task
info.magnolia.jcr.predicate - package info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
info.magnolia.jcr.registry - package info.magnolia.jcr.registry
info.magnolia.jcr.util - package info.magnolia.jcr.util
info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper - package info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper - package
info.magnolia.logging - package info.magnolia.logging
info.magnolia.map2bean - package info.magnolia.map2bean
info.magnolia.module - package info.magnolia.module - package
info.magnolia.module.files - package info.magnolia.module.files
info.magnolia.module.model - package info.magnolia.module.model
info.magnolia.module.model.reader - package info.magnolia.module.model.reader
info.magnolia.module.ui - package info.magnolia.module.ui
info.magnolia.module.webapp - package info.magnolia.module.webapp
This package contains the necessary classes to determine if the web-app needs to be bootstrapped, and to do so.
info.magnolia.monitoring - package info.magnolia.monitoring
info.magnolia.objectfactory - package info.magnolia.objectfactory
info.magnolia.objectfactory.annotation - package info.magnolia.objectfactory.annotation
info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration - package info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice - package info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
info.magnolia.observation - package info.magnolia.observation
info.magnolia.registry - package info.magnolia.registry
info.magnolia.repository - package info.magnolia.repository
info.magnolia.repository.definition - package info.magnolia.repository.definition
info.magnolia.repository.mbean - package info.magnolia.repository.mbean
info.magnolia.servlet - package info.magnolia.servlet
info.magnolia.setup - package info.magnolia.setup
This package contains the classes necessary to install and update Magnolia's core module.
info.magnolia.setup.for4_5 - package info.magnolia.setup.for4_5
info.magnolia.setup.for5_0 - package info.magnolia.setup.for5_0
info.magnolia.setup.for5_2 - package info.magnolia.setup.for5_2
info.magnolia.setup.for6_0 - package info.magnolia.setup.for6_0
info.magnolia.setup.initial - package info.magnolia.setup.initial
info.magnolia.setup.nodetype - package info.magnolia.setup.nodetype
info.magnolia.stats - package info.magnolia.stats
info.magnolia.transformer - package info.magnolia.transformer
info.magnolia.util - package info.magnolia.util - package - package
inGroup(String) - Method in class
Always returns true.
inGroup(String) - Method in class
Is this user in a specified group?
inGroup(String) - Method in class
inGroup(String) - Method in class
inGroup(String) - Method in interface
Is this user in a specified group?
InheritanceContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance
Provides inheritance on JCR level by applying wrapper objects.
InheritanceContentDecorator(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance
Wrapper applied to the destination node.
InheritanceNodeWrapper - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance
Interface implemented by node wrappers that participate in providing inheritance.
inheritsNodes(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
Decides if a node inherits child nodes.
inheritsProperties(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
Decides if a node inherits properties.
init() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - use RepositoryManager.init() directly.
init() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
Reads all configured mime mapping (config/server/MIMEMapping).
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
Initialize bean.
init(AMContext, AccessControlProvider, WorkspaceAccessManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
init(AMContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
init(Session, Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContextFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator
init(FilterConfig) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManager
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
Initializes the servlet and its mappings.
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
Called through the initialization process.
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
init(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
init(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.servlets.ClasspathSpool
init(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
init(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Method used to initialize the context.
init(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.InitPhaseMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
init() - Method in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
init(RepositoryDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.InstallationFilter
init() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
init(RepositoryDefinition) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
Initializes repository, this depends on the underlying repository implementation.
init() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Initializes by loading configuration from repositories.xml.
init() - Method in class
initAsWebContext(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletContext) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
since 4.5, use WebContextFactory.
initBean(TransformationState, Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandTransformer
initBean(TransformationState, Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
initBean(TransformationState, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Called after all properties are set.
initClone(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
initClone(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
initFilters(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilter
The first time called by the main filter.
initializeServlet(FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
initLogging() - Static method in class info.magnolia.logging.Log4jConfigurer
initLogging(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties, FileSystemHelper) - Static method in class info.magnolia.logging.Log4jConfigurer
Initialize Log4J, including setting the web app root system property.
initMap() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
The lazy Map creates messages objects with a fall back to the default locale.
initParametersToMap(ServletConfig) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns the init parameters for a ServletConfig object as a Map, preserving the order in which they are exposed by the ServletConfig object.
initParametersToMap(FilterConfig) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns the init parameters for a FilterConfig object as a Map, preserving the order in which they are exposed by the FilterConfig object.
initParametersToMap(ServletConfig) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns the init parameters for a ServletConfig object as a Map, preserving the order in which they are exposed by the ServletConfig object.
initParametersToMap(FilterConfig) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns the init parameters for a FilterConfig object as a Map, preserving the order in which they are exposed by the FilterConfig object.
InitPathsPropertySource - Class in
InitPathsPropertySource(MagnoliaInitPaths) - Constructor for class
InitPhaseMagnoliaConfigurationProperties - Class in info.magnolia.init
This implementation of MagnoliaConfigurationProperties is used during startup-phase.
InitPhaseMagnoliaConfigurationProperties(MagnoliaInitPaths, MagnoliaPropertiesResolver, SystemPropertySource, EnvironmentPropertySource) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.InitPhaseMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
InitPhaseMagnoliaConfigurationProperties(MagnoliaInitPaths, MagnoliaPropertiesResolver) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.InitPhaseMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
initRootFilter(MgnlFilter, FilterConfig) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
initRootPath(ServletContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
since 4.5, use or subclass MagnoliaInitPaths.
initServername(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
since 4.5, use or subclass MagnoliaInitPaths.
initWebappName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
since 4.5, use or subclass MagnoliaInitPaths.
injectMembers(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
inStage(Stage) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProviderBuilder
install(Version, String) - Static method in class
INSTALL_FILES_PATH - Static variable in class
InstallationFilter - Class in info.magnolia.module.ui
Filter responsible for executing the update/install mechanism.
InstallationFilter(ModuleManager, FilterManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ui.InstallationFilter
InstallationResourcesServlet - Class in info.magnolia.module.ui
This is a _very_ primitive servlet that serves resources off of the classpath.
InstallationResourcesServlet() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ui.InstallationResourcesServlet
InstallContext - Interface in info.magnolia.module
The InstallContext provides Tasks and install/update UI with methods to log, get content and status.
InstallContext.Message - Class in info.magnolia.module
Log messages kept in the InstallContext.
InstallContext.MessagePriority - Enum in info.magnolia.module
Priority for InstallContext.Messages.
InstallContextImpl - Class in info.magnolia.module
Default implementation of InstallContext; provided by the ModuleManager.
InstallContextImpl(ModuleRegistry) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
INSTALLER_PATH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerWebUI
InstallFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
since 5.4, use InstallationFilter
InstallFilter(ModuleManager, FilterManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InstallFilter
installOrUpdateModule(ModuleManager.ModuleAndDeltas, InstallContextImpl) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
InstallStatus - Enum in info.magnolia.module
An enum identifying the status/result of the install/update in InstallContext.
InstanceConfiguration<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
A configuration providing a concrete instance or a factory of type ComponentFactory or Provider.
InstanceConfiguration(Class<T>, Object) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.InstanceConfiguration
InstanceFactory() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration.InstanceFactory
InstanceFactory() - Constructor for class
instanciateDeferredEventListener(EventListener, long, long) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
instantiateDefault() - Method in class
instantiateDefault() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
instantiateEventListener() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
INTERCEPT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InterceptFilter
Request parameter: the INTERCEPT holds the name of an administrative action to perform.
intercept(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InterceptFilter
Request and Response here is same as received by the original page so it includes all post/get data.
InterceptFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
since 5.1. This class is no longer used as part of its job is now done by the page editor and part by the MultiChannelFilter.
InterceptFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InterceptFilter
internalGetSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractRepositoryStrategy
internalGetSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.DefaultRepositoryStrategy
internalGetSession(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.SystemRepositoryStrategy
invalue - Variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
InverseVoter<T> - Class in
Inverses the returned value of the wrapped voter.
InverseVoter() - Constructor for class
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.ProxyBasedBeanMerger.MergeInvoker
IPSecurityManager - Interface in
Used to check if a client has access based on his IP address.
IPSecurityManager.Factory - Class in
Factory to get the singleton instance.
IPSecurityManagerImpl - Class in
A very limited implementation of IPSecurityManager.
IPSecurityManagerImpl() - Constructor for class
IPSecurityManagerImpl.InstanceFactory - Class in
Provides a custom transformer as the current configuration is not c2b friendly.
IPSecurityManagerImpl.IPSecurityManagerTransformer - Class in
Transformer which uses the IP value of the rule as the key.
IPSecurityManagerImpl.Rule - Class in
Basic rule.
IPSecurityManagerTransformer() - Constructor for class
isAbsolute(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3 for file system operation use for example Path.isAbsolute() jcr just simply check if path starts with "/"
isAcItem(ItemImpl) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
isAcItem(Path) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
isActivated(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
Returns true if the node has been activated.
isActive() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
isActive() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
Checks active flag in version config.
isActive() - Method in interface
isAddContextPath() - Method in class
isAddContextPathToBrowserLinks() - Method in class
isAdmin() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
IsAdminInstanceDelegateTask - Class in
A task that depends on the value of the /server/admin config value.
IsAdminInstanceDelegateTask(String, Task) - Constructor for class
IsAdminInstanceDelegateTask(String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
IsAdminInstanceDelegateTask(String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
IsAdminInstanceDelegateTask(String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
isAllowCrossRealmDuplicateNames() - Method in class
isAllowed(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Implementations need to return false if the request can not be proceeded with, but also need to set an appropriate error code.
isAllowed(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
isAllowed(String) - Method in interface
isAllowed(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface
isAllowed(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
isAllowed(String) - Method in class
isAllowed(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Checks access from Listener / Authenticator / AccessLock.
isAllowed(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
since 4.5.5 - use Rule.isAllowed(Node) instead.
isAllowed(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
True if given nodeType is allowed.
isAnonymous() - Static method in class
Checks if the currently acting user is anonymous.
isArray() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
isArray() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
isAuditLoggingActive() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
AuditLogging is active when at least one of log configurations is active.
isAuthenticated() - Static method in class
isAuthorized(AccessManager, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
isAuthorized(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Validates user permissions on URI.
isBeanEnabled(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
isBeforeOrEquivalent(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
isBelowAllThresholds(long, long, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.monitoring.SystemMonitor
isChainClass(Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandTransformer
isCharValid(int, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3, without replacement (this method never meant to be public)
isCheckedOut() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
isCheckedOut(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
isClusteredWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
Verify that workspace exists in clustered repository.
isClusterMaster() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
isCollection() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
isCollection() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
isCommandClass(Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandTransformer
isComponentConfigurationPath(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentConfigurationPath
isConcrete(Class<?>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Classes
isConcrete(Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
isConfigured(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
isDecoratedWith(Node, Class<? extends ContentDecorator>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorUtil
Determines if the passed node is wrapped by a ContentDecorator that is assignment compatible with the passed class.
isDecorating(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
Check if node is decorated by this class.
isDeleteMetaDataIfEmptied() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.MetaDataAsMixinConversionHelper
isDeprecated() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DeprecationUtil
isDeprecated(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DeprecationUtil
isDeprecated(AnnotatedElement) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.DeprecationUtil
Checks whether the given parameter element is Deprecated or not.
isEditorBinaryLink() - Method in class
isEmpty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
Checks if the property field is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
isEmpty() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
isEmpty() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
isEmpty() - Method in class info.magnolia.event.EventHandlerCollection
isEmpty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
isEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
isEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationFilter
isEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
isEnabled() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
isEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns false if the user was explicitly disabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCommand
isEnabled() - Method in interface
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEquivalent(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
Compares major, minor and patch revisions of this Version against the given Version.
isError(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns true if the request is rendering an error page, either due to a call to sendError() or an exception being thrown in a filter or a servlet that reached the container.
isError(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns true if the request is rendering an error page, either due to a call to sendError() or an exception being thrown in a filter or a servlet that reached the container.
isExceptionSet() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
Checks if an exception is set.
isExceptionSet(Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
isExtending() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
Check if node extends another.
isExternalLinkOrAnchor(String) - Static method in class
Determines whether the given link is external link or anchor (i.e.
isFilterRegistered(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
isFirstSibling(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
isForceCreation() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
isForcePreDelete() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
isForceUnpublishState() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
isFormat() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
isForward(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns true if the request is currently processing a forward operation.
isForward(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns true if the request is currently processing a forward operation.
isGranted(AccessManager, String, long) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Access
AccessManager is no longer supported and used. Use JCR Session based security instead.
isGranted(ItemId, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
isGranted(Path, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
isGranted(Path, Name, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
isGranted(String, long) - Method in interface
Determines wether the specified permissions are granted to the given path.
isGranted(String, long) - Method in class
isGranted(Node, long) - Static method in class
Convenience call hiding all ugly details of permission conversions.
isGranted(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Convenience call hiding all ugly details of permission conversions.
isGranted(Session, String, long) - Static method in class
Return whether given session has requested permission on provided path.
isGranted(Session, String, String) - Static method in class
Return whether given session has requested permission on provided path.
isGranted(Node, long) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
isImplementation(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
isInclude(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns true if the request is currently processing an include operation.
isInclude(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns true if the request is currently processing an include operation.
isIncludeSubNodes() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
isInherited() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator.DestinationNodeInheritanceNodeWrapper
isInherited() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceNodeWrapper
IsInstallSamplesTask - Class in
A Task which delegates depending on the magnolia.bootstrap.samples property.
IsInstallSamplesTask(String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
IsInstallSamplesTask(String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
isInternalRelativeLink(String) - Static method in class
Determines if the given link is internal and relative.
isInvalidMaxVersions() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Check if max version index is lower then one.
isInvalidMaxVersions() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionManager
Since version is set "only revert" always return true.
isInverse() - Method in class
isKeepHistory() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
isLastSibling(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
isLazy() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
isListenerRegistered(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
isLive() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
isLoadOnStartup() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
isLocaleSupported(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
isLocked() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
isMakeBrowserLinksRelative() - Method in class
isMap() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
isMap() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
isMatching() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping.MatchingResult
isMemoryLimitReached() - Method in class info.magnolia.monitoring.SystemMonitor
Evaluates whether the memory limit is reached.
isMergeable(Class) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerBase
isMessageSet() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
Checks if a message is set.
isMessageSet(Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
isModified() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
isModified() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
IsModuleInstalledOrRegistered - Class in
A Task which delegates depending on the existence of a module.
IsModuleInstalledOrRegistered(String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
IsModuleInstalledOrRegistered(String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
IsModuleInstalledOrRegistered(String, String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
IsModuleInstalledOrRegistered(String, String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
IsModuleRegistered - Class in
A Task which delegates depending on whether a module is registered.
IsModuleRegistered(String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
IsModuleRegistered(String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
IsModuleRegistered(String, String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
IsModuleRegistered(String, String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
isModuleRegistered(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
isModuleRegistered(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
isModuleRegistered(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
isModuleRegistered(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
isMultipart(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Returns true if the request has a content type that indicates that is a multipart request.
isMultipart(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
Returns true if the request has a content type that indicates that is a multipart request.
isMultiple() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
Tells if multiple wrapping with this content decorator is enabled.
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.I18nContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MagnoliaSessionContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyAndChildWrappingContentDecorator
isMultipleWrapEnabled() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyFilteringContentDecorator
isNew() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
isNew() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
isNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
isNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
isNodeType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
isNodeType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChild
isNodeType(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Checks if the node is of the supplied node type or if the node type is a mixin checks if the node has the mixin.
isNodeType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
isNot() - Method in class
isNot() - Method in class
IsNotAProblematicEnvironmentCondition - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_2
A Condition prohibiting to install in problematic environments - unless explicitly allowed.
IsNotAProblematicEnvironmentCondition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IsNotAProblematicEnvironmentCondition
IsNotAProblematicEnvironmentCondition(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IsNotAProblematicEnvironmentCondition
isObserved(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
isObserved() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
isOptional() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
isParentNodeTypeOnly() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RestorePreviousVersionCommand
isPeriodicSaves() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.MetaDataAsMixinConversionHelper
isPrettyPrint() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
isPreviewMode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
isPreviewMode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
isProvider(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
isReady() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangedOutputStream
isRecursive() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
isRegisteredExtensionsOnly() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
isSame(Node, Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Returns true if both arguments represents the same node.
isSame(Item) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
isSame(Item) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
isSameNameSiblingNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask
Return true if the node match the siblingMatcherPattern.
isSameNameSiblings(Node, Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Check if node1 and node2 are siblings.
isSanitizeXssUri() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
since 5.6 - use {info.magnolia.rendering.engine.RenderingEngine#getEscapeHtml()} instead.
isSaveAfterImport() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
isServletMappingRegistered(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
isServletMappingRegistered(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
isServletOrMappingRegistered(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
isServletRegistered(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
isSessionLocked(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Returns true if this session is locked.
isSimpleType(Class) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerBase
Checks whether type represents a primitive a boxed primitive, e.g Double or Integer a String, Class or URL.
isSourceChildInherited(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
Decides if a specific child node of one of the source should be inherited.
isSpecialProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
isStrictlyAfter(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
isSubscribed(String, String) - Method in interface
isSupportedExtension(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.Format
isSupportsCredentials() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cors.CorsConfiguration
isSupportsCredentials() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
isSupportsCredentials() - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
isSystemInstance() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
isSystemLocked() - Static method in class
Return true if system is locked.
isSystemUIMode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
Checks if Magnolia is ready to operate or if we need to go through SystemUI initialization screens.
isToMagnoliaResources() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRule
isToWebContainerResources() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRule
isTrace() - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.CallTrackingFilter
isUsageMetrics() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
isUseI18N() - Method in class
isUseURI2RepositoryMapping() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
isValid() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping
isValid() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping
isValid() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
isValid() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RegexpVirtualURIMapping
isValid() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RotatingVirtualURIMapping
isValid() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping
Validate necessary info to check VirtualUriMapping is valid.
isValidateContentType() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
isValidName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeNameHelper
isValidName(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeNameHelper
isVersionManually() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
isWebContainerResource(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.WebContainerResources
True if this request requests a web container resource.
isWebContainerResource(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.WebContainerResourcesImpl
isWebContext() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Returns true if the current context is set and is an instance of WebContext.
isWrappedWith(Node, Class<? extends DelegateNodeWrapper>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Check if node is wrapped by an instance of the given wrapper (subclasses of the wrapper are taken into account).
isWrapping(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
Recursively checks if node is decorated by this class.
isWrapping(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
Recursively checks if node is wrapped by this class.
isWrapWriter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangeSupportFilter
itemExists(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
itemExists(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
iterator() - Method in interface
iterator() - Method in class
Returns an iterator over the collection of principals.
iterator() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.NodeIterableAdapter


Java6Normalizer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer.Java6Normalizer
javaScriptString(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
JCR_CONTENT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
JCR_DATA - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
JCR_FROZEN_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
JCR_FROZENNODE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
JCR_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Prefix for jcr-properties.
JCR_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
Namespace for jcr nodes and properties.
JCR_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
JCR_ROOT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
JCR_SYSTEM_EXCLUDING_PREDICATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.FilteredEventListener
Predicate evaluating to false if the path for a given Event starts with '/jcr:system'.
JcrExportCommand - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.command
Command for exporting from a JCR workspace.
JcrExportCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
JcrExportCommand.Compression - Enum in info.magnolia.importexport.command
Exported file compression.
JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.command
Default filters for JcrExportCommand.
JcrExportCommand.Format - Enum in info.magnolia.importexport.command
Export format.
JcrImportCommand - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.command
Import command with YAML format support.
JcrImportCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
JCRMgnlPropertiesFilteringNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Filtering node wrapper with predicate to to filter properties.
JCRMgnlPropertiesFilteringNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.JCRMgnlPropertiesFilteringNodeWrapper
JCRMgnlPropertyHidingPredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Simple predicate implementation hiding all jcr and mgnl properties.
JCRMgnlPropertyHidingPredicate() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.JCRMgnlPropertyHidingPredicate
JCRPropertiesFilteringNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Filtering node wrapper with hardcoded predicate to simplify unwrapping when needed.
JCRPropertiesFilteringNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.JCRPropertiesFilteringNodeWrapper
JCRPropertyHidingPredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Simple predicate implementation hiding all jcr properties.
JCRPropertyHidingPredicate() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.JCRPropertyHidingPredicate
JCRSessionOp<R> - Class in
Operation requiring session access.
JCRSessionOp(String) - Constructor for class
JCRSessionPerThreadSystemContext - Class in info.magnolia.context
A system context which creates JCR sessions per thread (request).
JCRSessionPerThreadSystemContext() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.JCRSessionPerThreadSystemContext
JCRSessionStrategy - Interface in info.magnolia.context
Contract for repository access providers.
JCRStats - Class in info.magnolia.stats
Collects and provides information about number of JCR sessions used by this instance of Magnolia.
JCRStats() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.stats.JCRStats
JCRStatsMBean - Interface in info.magnolia.stats
Provides current session count.
JS_OBJECTNAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
Name of the javascript object used to make the messages public to the javascripts.


keyFromValue(V) - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
keys() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesImpl
Iterate over the keys.
keys() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.EmptyMessages
keys() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.Messages
Iterate over the keys.
keys() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesChain
Return all keys contained in this chain.
keySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
keySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
keySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
keySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
keySet() - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap


LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface
LANGUAGES_NODE_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
Under this node all the available languages are stored.
LAST_ACTION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - use NodeTypes.Activatable.LAST_ACTIVATED instead
LAST_ACTIVATED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
LAST_ACTIVATED_BY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
LAST_ACTIVATED_VERSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
LAST_ACTIVATED_VERSION_CREATED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - use NodeTypes.LastModified.LAST_MODIFIED instead
LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
LAST_MODIFIED_BY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
LastModified() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
lastNodeName - Variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
LastUpdatePropertyWrapper(Property, MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
LastUpdateSessionWrapper(Session, MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdateSessionWrapper
LastUpdateWorkspaceWrapper(Workspace, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdateWorkspaceWrapper
LAZY_SINGLETON - Static variable in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes
LazyInitPrintWriter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Writer that only opens the underlying writer when there is something needed to be written.
LazyInitPrintWriter(ServletResponse) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.LazyInitPrintWriter
LazyNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Node wrapper that will reacquire the node if its session is closed.
LazyNodeWrapper(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.LazyNodeWrapper
LazyNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.LazyNodeWrapper
LazyObservedComponentFactory<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
ComponentFactory that provides an instance by reading it from a repository.
LazyObservedComponentFactory(String, String, Class<T>, ComponentProvider) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.LazyObservedComponentFactory
LazySingleton - Annotation Type in info.magnolia.objectfactory.annotation
Apply this to implementation classes when you want only one instance that is to be constructed lazily.
LazySingletonScope() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.LazySingletonScope
LegacyComponentsConfigurer - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
This ComponentConfigurer configures components from properties.
LegacyComponentsConfigurer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.LegacyComponentsConfigurer
LicenseFileExtractor - Class in info.magnolia.cms.license
since 5.4.3 - use ProductDescriptorExtractor instead
LicenseFileExtractor() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil - Class in info.magnolia.context
Returns HierarchyManagers which use a life time session.
LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil
LightModuleDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDefinition
LightModuleDefinitionReader - Class in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
LightModuleDefinitionReader is capable of finding and reading the light module definitions.
LightModuleDefinitionReader(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties, Map2BeanTransformer) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader
LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
Similar to ModuleDefinition this class supports only a sub-set of usual module definition properties.
LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDependencyDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
DependencyDefinition targeted for light module definitions.
LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleVersionHandler - Class in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
ModuleVersionHandler that doesn't do a thing, not even register a module version in JCR.
LightModuleDependencyDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDependencyDefinition
LightModuleVersionHandler() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleVersionHandler
Link - Class in
Representation of the link to a content in Magnolia CMS.
Link() - Constructor for class
A constructor for undefined links.
Link(Node) - Constructor for class
Link(Property) - Constructor for class
LINK_OR_IMAGE_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Pattern to find a link.
LINK_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Pattern to find a link.
LinkException - Exception in
Exception thrown when an error during link creation or retrieval.
LinkException() - Constructor for exception
LinkException(String) - Constructor for exception
LinkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
LinkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
linkTransformer - Variable in class
since 5.0 use AbsolutePathTransformer(boolean, boolean, boolean) directly or register custom editor link transformer.
LinkTransformer - Interface in
Implementing classes declare the intent of translating Magnolia UUID links to desired output like absolute, relative or other special kinds of links.
LinkTransformerManager - Class in
Single point of access for all Link Transformers.
LinkTransformerManager() - Constructor for class
LinkUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
since 5.4.1 use LinkUtil instead.
LinkUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.LinkUtil
LinkUtil - Class in
Utility methods for various operations necessary for link transformations and handling.
LinkUtil() - Constructor for class
ListBasedEventIterator(List) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator
listenerIsDeprecated(String, String) - Method in class
listenerMustBeRegistered(String) - Method in class
load() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigLoader
Load magnolia configuration from repositories.
load() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
Reads all configured mime mapping (config/server/MIMEMapping).
load() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
Its a fixed config bean.
load() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
Load i18n configuration.
load() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
loadAllModuleProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
loadAllProperties(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
loadAndClose(InputStream) - Method in class
loadBeanProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
since 4.5, replaced by a new ClasspathPropertySource("/").
loadDefinitions() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager
Loads modules definitions, validates dependencies and sorts modules by dependencies.
loadDefinitions() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
loadJaasConfig(FileSystemHelper) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigLoader
loadModuleProperties(List<ModuleDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
Load the properties defined in the module descriptors.
loadPropertiesFile(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
Try to load a file.
loadPropertiesFiles(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
loadRepository(RepositoryDefinition) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
loadRepository(RepositoryDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
loadRepository(RepositoryDefinition) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Adds a repository definition and instantiates its provider.
loadWorkspace(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
loadWorkspace(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
loadWorkspace(String, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Loads a workspace by registering namespaces and node types on a workspace that has not previously been loaded.
LOCAL - Static variable in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes
HTTP servlet request scope.
LOCAL_SCOPE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Attribute visibility scope.
locale - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
The current locale.
LOCALE - Static variable in interface
locale - Variable in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
The locale for this context.
LocaleDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
General language definition.
LocaleDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
LocaleDefinition(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
LocalisedItemFilteringPredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Simple predicate implementation hiding all items of a different locale other than provided.
localizeURI(String, Locale) - Method in class
LocalScope() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.LocalScope
LocalScoped - Annotation Type in info.magnolia.objectfactory.annotation
Apply this to implementation classes when you want the instance to be created and held per operation.
Lock - Class in
since 5.3.6 - no longer used, will be removed without replacement.
lock(boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
LockingOp(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.LockingOp
Performs operation only if shallow lock can be obtained within reasonable time on a path specified by params.
LockingOp(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.LockingOp
Performs operation only if shallow or deep lock can be obtained within reasonable time on a path specified by params.
LockingOp(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.LockingOp
Performs operation only if shallow lock can be obtained within reasonable time on a path specified by params.
LockingOp(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.LockingOp
Performs operation only if shallow or deep lock can be obtained within reasonable time on a path specified by params.
LockingOp(String, String, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.LockingOp
Performs operation only if shallow or deep lock can be obtained within reasonable time on a path specified by params.
log(String, String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
log(String, String, NodeType, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Log activate, deactivate incl.
log(String, String, String, NodeType, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Log publish, unpublish.
log(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Log copy, move.
log(String, long, String, NodeType, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Log create, modify, delete and move in session.
log(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Log copy to another workspace.
log(UserContext) - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Log user logout.
log(LoginResult, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Log user login.
log - Variable in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerBase
log - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContextFilter
log - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
log - Static variable in class
log - Static variable in class
log - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCommand
log - Variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
log - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
log - Variable in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
log - Variable in class
since 4.5 - declare proper static final Logger in sublcasses.
log(InstallContext.Message) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
log(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
log(Exception, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
log(String, Throwable) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
LOG4J_CONFIG - Static variable in class info.magnolia.logging.Log4jConfigurer
Init parameter specifying the location of the Log4J config file.
Log4jConfigurer - Class in info.magnolia.logging
Log4j initializer.
Log4jConfigurer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.logging.Log4jConfigurer
logActionCreate(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Method which take care of storing creation of node into audit-log entries map.
logActionCreate(String, String, NodeType, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Method which take care of storing creation of node into audit-log entries map.
logActionDelete(String, String, NodeType) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Method which take care of storing delete action into audit-log entries map.
logActionModify(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Method which take care of storing modification action into audit-log entries map.
logActionModify(String, String, NodeType, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Method which take care of storing modification action into audit-log entries map.
logActionMove(String, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Method which take care of storing move action into audit-log entries map.
LogCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
Command outputting the value of "message" property into current log file.
LogCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.LogCommand
LogConfiguration - Class in info.magnolia.audit
Defines action based log configurations.
LogConfiguration() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
LoggingLevel - Class in info.magnolia.audit
Defines custom logging level for auditory data.
LoggingLevel() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.LoggingLevel
login(Subject) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
login(Subject) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.UserContext
login(Subject) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.UserContextImpl
login() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
LoginAuthTypePropertyMovedToFilter - Class in info.magnolia.setup.initial
Updates authentication type configuration.
LoginAuthTypePropertyMovedToFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.initial.LoginAuthTypePropertyMovedToFilter
LoginFilter - Class in
Performs a login operation.
LoginFilter() - Constructor for class
LoginFormPropertyMovedToFilter - Class in info.magnolia.setup.initial
Updates login form location.
LoginFormPropertyMovedToFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.initial.LoginFormPropertyMovedToFilter
LoginHandler - Interface in
Called by the LoginFilter.
LoginHandlerBase - Class in
LoginHandlerBase() - Constructor for class
LoginResult - Class in
The result of a login operation.
LoginResult(int) - Constructor for class
LoginResult(int, LoginException) - Constructor for class
LoginResult(int, Subject) - Constructor for class
logout() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.UserContext
logout() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.UserContextImpl
logout() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Closes opened JCR sessions and invalidates the current HttpSession.
logout() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
logout() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.mbean.TrackingSessionWrapper
LogoutFilter - Class in
Performing the logout operation if the parameter "mgnlLogout" is present.
LogoutFilter() - Constructor for class
logSecurity(String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingUtil
Log a security event.
logSessionEvent(HttpSessionEvent, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger


MAGNOLIA_ALLOW_PROBLEMATIC_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IsNotAProblematicEnvironmentCondition
MAGNOLIA_APP_ROOTDIR - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_APP_ROOTDIR - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_BOOTSTRAP_ROOTDIR - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_BOOTSTRAP_ROOTDIR - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_BOOTSTRAP_SAMPLES - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_BOOTSTRAP_SAMPLES - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_CACHE_STARTDIR - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_CACHE_STARTDIR - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_CONTEXTPATH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_CONTEXTPATH - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_DEFINITIONS_CLASSPATH - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_EXCHANGE_HISTORY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_EXCHANGE_HISTORY - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_FILTER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Node filter accepting all nodes of a type with namespace mgnl.
MAGNOLIA_INITIALIZATION_FILE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
Context parameter name.
MAGNOLIA_JACKRABBIT_PASSWORD_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_JACKRABBIT_USER_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_PROFILE_ENV - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
Enable profile based configuration by setting MAGNOLIA_PROFILE.
MAGNOLIA_REPOSITORIES_CLUSTER_CONFIG - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_REPOSITORIES_CLUSTER_CONFIG - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_REPOSITORIES_CLUSTER_MASTER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_REPOSITORIES_CLUSTER_MASTER - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_REPOSITORIES_CONFIG - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_REPOSITORIES_CONFIG - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_REPOSITORIES_HOME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_REPOSITORIES_HOME - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_SERVERNAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_SERVERNAME - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_UNQUALIFIED_SERVER_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaInitPaths
Context parameter name.
MAGNOLIA_UPLOAD_TMPDIR - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_UPLOAD_TMPDIR - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_UTF8_ENABLED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_UTF8_ENABLED - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MAGNOLIA_WEBAPP - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
MAGNOLIA_WEBAPP - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
MagnoliaAccessManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
this class will change package as part of removal direct JR dependencies.
MagnoliaAccessManager() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
MagnoliaAccessProvider - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Magnolia specific ACL provider.
MagnoliaAccessProvider() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider
MagnoliaACLEditor - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Delegate ACL editor.
MagnoliaACLEditor(AccessControlEditor) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaACLEditor
MagnoliaConfigurationProperties - Interface in info.magnolia.init
MagnoliaConfigurationProperties instances provides access to system-wide configuration properties.
MagnoliaInitPaths - Interface in info.magnolia.init
Provides a minimal set of paths required to setup Magnolia.
MagnoliaPropertiesResolver - Interface in info.magnolia.init
Implementations of this class figure out where PropertySource are located.
MagnoliaProxy - Interface in info.magnolia.dynamic
Marker interface conventionally indicating that an object has undergone some dynamic bytecode manipulation/enhancement.
MagnoliaScopes - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Servlet scopes that use WebContext to get request and session.
MagnoliaScopes.LazySingletonScope - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Scope for lazy singletons.
MagnoliaScopes.LocalScope - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Scope for object local to the current request.
MagnoliaScopes.SessionScope - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice
Scope for object local to the current session.
MagnoliaServletContextListener - Class in info.magnolia.init
Point of entry for Magnolia CMS, initializes the component providers, starts logging, triggers loading of properties and finally delegates to ConfigLoader for completing initialization.
MagnoliaServletContextListener() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
MagnoliaSessionContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Decorator used to prevent same-name siblings on the root level.
MagnoliaSessionContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MagnoliaSessionContentDecorator
MagnoliaSessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
As explained in MAGNOLIA-5433, same-name siblings, although allowed by JCR, aren't allowed in Magnolia.
MagnoliaSessionWrapper(Session, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MagnoliaSessionWrapper
MagnoliaV2Filter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
since 5.4.4. Use JcrExportCommand with JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter instead.
MagnoliaV2Filter(XMLReader) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MagnoliaV2Filter
Instantiates a new version filter.
make(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
makePathRelative(String, String) - Static method in class
Make a absolute path relative.
makeSources(MagnoliaInitPaths, ModuleRegistry, MagnoliaPropertiesResolver) - Static method in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
since 5.4.7, without replacement.
Map2BeanTransformer - Class in info.magnolia.map2bean
Transforms a map to a bean graph.
Map2BeanTransformer(ComponentProvider, TypeMapping, PreConfiguredBeanUtils, BeanTypeResolver) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
Map2BeanTransformer(ComponentProvider, TypeMapping, PreConfiguredBeanUtils) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
MAP_TYPE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeMapping
MapAttributeStrategy - Class in info.magnolia.context
Hashtable based implementation of the AttributeStrategy.
MapAttributeStrategy() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MapAttributeStrategy
MapDTDEntityResolver(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ConfigUtil.MapDTDEntityResolver
mapPathToRepository(String) - Static method in class
Maps a path to a repository.
Mapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A URI mapping as configured for filters and servlets.
Mapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping
Mapping.MatchingResult - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
MappingResult() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult
mapsTo(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
mapURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
mapURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping
mapURI(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping
mapURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
mapURI(String, String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.QueryAwareVirtualURIMapping
Maps an incoming URI and queryString to a new target URI.
mapURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RegexpVirtualURIMapping
mapURI(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RegexpVirtualURIMapping
mapURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RotatingVirtualURIMapping
Maps an incoming URI to a new target URI.
mapURI(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping
Maps an incoming URI to a new target URI.
markAsDeleted(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
Command to mark node as deleted and remove all the non-system content.
Context parameter: DELETED_NODE_PROP_NAME : Node name to delete. Context.ATTRIBUTE_UUID : Identifier of the parent node. Context.ATTRIBUTE_PATH : Path of the parent node
MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
match(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping
match(String) - Method in interface
True if this permission matches the path.
match(String) - Method in class
match(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.util.PatternDelegate
Does the current request match the expected condition?
match(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
match(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPattern
Does the patter match the given url?
match(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPattern.MatchAllPattern
match(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
Compares the reques with the url and host patterns.
MATCH_ALL - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPattern
A pattern which matches any input.
MatchAllPattern() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPattern.MatchAllPattern
Instantiates a new MatchAllPattern instance.
matchBCrypted(String, String) - Static method in class
matchBCrypted(String, String) - Static method in class
matches(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
True if this mapping can get applied to the specified uri.
matches(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
matches(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilter
matches(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
Read lock must be held when invoking this method.
matches(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
matches(String) - Method in class
matches(String) - Method in class
matches(String) - Method in class
matchesDispatching(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
MatchingResult(Matcher, boolean, int) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping.MatchingResult
MAX_VERSION_INDEX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
maximum index to keep.
maxDelay - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor
MBeanUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Util to register MBeans.
MBeanUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.MBeanUtil
MD5 - Static variable in class
MD5 - Static variable in class
MD5CheckingFileExtractor - Class in info.magnolia.module.files
A FileExtractor which performs an MD5 check on the extracted files.
MD5CheckingFileExtractor(FileExtractionLogger, Session) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.files.MD5CheckingFileExtractor
MEMORY_LIMIT_IS_REACHED_STRING_FORMAT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.monitoring.SystemMonitor
MEMORY_THRESHOLD_IN_MB - Static variable in class info.magnolia.monitoring.SystemMonitor
MEMORY_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.monitoring.SystemMonitor
MEMORY_VALUES_STRING_FORMAT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.monitoring.SystemMonitor
merge(List<?>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMerger
merge(List) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerBase
merge(Object...) - Static method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerUtil
merge(Object, Object, BiFunction) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
merge(InputStream, InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.WorkspaceConfigurationMerger
Create an on the fly workspaceXml configuration by merging elements from repositoryXml into workspaceStubXml: Every direct child element of the Workspace element of repositoryXml is added as a direct child element to the Workspace element of workspaceStubXml unless an element of the same name already exists. No elements are added if a Workspace element does not exist in either repositoryXml or workspaceStubXml. Every empty direct child element from thw Workspace element of workspaceStubXml is removed.
merge(String, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
merge(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
merge(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
merge(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
merge(String, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
merge(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
merge(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
mergeBean(List) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerBase
mergeBean(List) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.ProxyBasedBeanMerger
mergeCollections(List<Collection>) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerBase
mergeMaps(List<Map>) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.BeanMergerBase
Message(InstallContext.MessagePriority, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.Message
Message(InstallContext.MessagePriority, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.Message
Message(InstallContext.MessagePriority, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.Message
MessageCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
A command setting a message using the AlertUtil.
MessageCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MessageCommand
Messages - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Storage of messages - key value pairs.
MessagesChain - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Chains messages.
MessagesChain(Messages) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesChain
Create a chain passing the wrapped head of the chain.
MessagesID(String, Locale) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager.MessagesID
MessagesManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
since 5.1.1. You should use info.magnolia.i18nsystem mechanism instead.
MessagesManager() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
MessagesUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
since 5.1.1. You should use info.magnolia.i18nsystem mechanism instead, e.g. info.magnolia.i18nsystem.SimpleTranslator.
MessagesUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesUtil
MetaData - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
since 5.0 - use instead the corresponding methods in NodeUtil
MetaData(Node, AccessManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 4.5 use MetaData(Node) instead.
MetaData(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
MetaData() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.MetaData
METADATA_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
Properties starting with this prefix are considered metadata and are skipped during transformation.
MetaDataAsMixinConversionHelper - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors
Converts the MetaData sub node into properties on the mixins mgnl:created, mgnl:lastModified, mgnl:renderable, mgnl:activatable and mgnl:activatable.
MetaDataAsMixinConversionHelper() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.MetaDataAsMixinConversionHelper
MetaDataImportPostProcessor - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors
Post-processes imported nodes and transforms imported MetaData nodes into properties on their parent nodes defined by mixins.
MetaDataImportPostProcessor() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.MetaDataImportPostProcessor
MetaDataUtil - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
since 5.0 - use NodeTypes instead.
MetaDataUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil
MetadataUuidFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
since 5.4.4. Should not be needed anymore.
MetadataUuidFilter(XMLReader, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MetadataUuidFilter
Instantiates a new MetadataUuidFilter filter.
MGNL_DEFAULT_RESOURCES_ROOT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.servlets.ClasspathSpool
Default root directory for resources streamed from the classpath.
MGNL_NODE_DATA - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
MGNL_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Prefix for mgnl-properties.
MGNL_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
Namespace for Magnolia extensions.
MGNL_PREVIEW_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InterceptFilter
Attribute used for enabling the preview mode.
MGNL_PREVIEW_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultiChannelFilter
MgnlAuditLogEntry - Class in info.magnolia.audit
Class where audit logging entry is stored before it's written into log during save.
MgnlAuditLogEntry(String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
MgnlAuditLogEntry(String, String, NodeType, String, long) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
MgnlAuditLogEntry(String, String, NodeType, String, String, long) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLogEntry
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.audit
Magnolia audit logging content decorator for use by node, property and session wrapper classes.
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.audit
A Node wrapper implementation which inform Magnolia audit logging content decorator MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator about action (Create, Modify, Delete) on the node.
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper(Node, MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.audit
A Property wrapper implementation which inform Magnolia audit logging content decorator MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator about modify action on the property parent node.
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper(Property, MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorSessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.audit
A Session wrapper implementation which inform Magnolia audit logging content decorator MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator about action (Move, Delete) on the node.
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorSessionWrapper(Session, MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorWorspaceWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.audit
A Workspace wrapper implementation which log action (Copy, Move) directly into audit-log output because the change done in workspace is persisted immediately.
MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorWorspaceWrapper(Workspace, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorWorspaceWrapper
MgnlCatalog - Class in info.magnolia.commands
Named command catalogs.
MgnlCatalog() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
MgnlCatalog(Map<String, Command>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
MgnlCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands
To make the coding of commands as easy as possible the default values set in the config are set and the values of the context are set as properties too if the naming matches.
MgnlCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCommand
MgnlContext - Class in info.magnolia.context
This class allows obtaining of the current Request without passing the request around the world.
MgnlContext() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Do not instantiate this class.
MgnlContext.LockingOp - Class in info.magnolia.context
Operation that is performed only if JCR lock can be issued on the path specified by combination of parameters in constructor.
MgnlContext.Op<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in info.magnolia.context
A simple execution interface to be used with the doInSystemContext method.
MgnlContext.RepositoryOp - Class in info.magnolia.context
An Op that does not return values and can only throw RepositoryExceptions.
MgnlContext.VoidOp - Class in info.magnolia.context
An Op that does not return values and can only throw RuntimeExceptions.
MgnlDeprecated - Annotation Type in info.magnolia.annotation.deprecation
An annotation to capture information regarding Deprecated classes and/or methods.
MgnlException - Exception in info.magnolia.exception
Generic, top-level exception thrown by various Magnolia subsystems.
MgnlException() - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.exception.MgnlException
MgnlException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.exception.MgnlException
MgnlException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.exception.MgnlException
MgnlException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.exception.MgnlException
MgnlFilter - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Interface for filters managed by Magnolia, exposing support for the bypass mechanism.
MgnlFilterChain - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A implementation of FilterChain having a bypass mechanism.
MgnlFilterChain(FilterChain, MgnlFilter[]) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterChain
MgnlFilterDispatcher - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Dispatches requests onto Magnolias filter chain, if the filter chain is bypassed for this request it passes it on to the next filter in web.xml.
MgnlFilterDispatcher() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterDispatcher
MgnlGroup - Class in
A group implementation.
MgnlGroup(String, String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class
MgnlGroupManager - Class in
Group manager working directly with JCR API and returning simple groups (no JCR node aware).
MgnlGroupManager(NodeNameHelper) - Constructor for class
MgnlGroupManager() - Constructor for class
MgnlInstantiationException - Exception in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Thrown by classes of this package when a component can't be instantiated.
MgnlInstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.MgnlInstantiationException
MgnlInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.MgnlInstantiationException
MgnlInstantiationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.MgnlInstantiationException
MgnlKeyPair - Class in
Private and public key holder.
MgnlKeyPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper that ensures that logical name of the Workspace will be returned as its name.
The mgnlSystem and mgnlVersion workspaces are created for each defined repository in the configuration.
MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator
MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper that can return both logical and physical workspace name.
MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Node wrapper is needed in order to have multiple wrap feature work correctly.
MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceWrapper(Workspace, ContentDecorator, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceWrapper
MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameNodeWrapper(Node, MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameNodeWrapper
MgnlMainFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Entry point for Magnolia filter dispatching.
MgnlMainFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
MgnlNodeType - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
since 5.0 use NodeTypes for mgnl nodeType or property names or JcrConstants for jcr ones.
MgnlNodeType() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Decorator to set appropriate Mgnl specific properties (e.g.
MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator
MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Updates parent page or parent content mgnl:lastUpdated property on modification.
MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdateSessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
since 5.2.2 - pls use MgnlPropertySettingSessionWrapper instead.
MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdateWorkspaceWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
since 5.2.2 - pls use MgnlPropertySettingWorkspaceWrapper instead.
MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingSessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Updates all specific properties upon certain actions.
MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingWorkspaceWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Updates destination parent page or parent content mgnl:lastUpdated property on move or copy operations.
MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper to handle all required content modifications.
MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper(Node, MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
MgnlPropertySettingSessionWrapper(Session, MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingSessionWrapper
MgnlPropertySettingWorkspaceWrapper(Workspace, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingWorkspaceWrapper
MgnlRole - Class in
Wraps a role jcr-node.
MgnlRole(String, String, Collection<ACL>) - Constructor for class
MgnlRoleManager - Class in
Manages the users stored in the RepositoryConstants.USER_ROLES workspace.
MgnlRoleManager(NodeNameHelper) - Constructor for class
MgnlRoleManager() - Constructor for class
MgnlUser - Class in
A read-only snapshot of a Magnolia user as found in JCR at the moment of creation (e.g.
MgnlUser(String, String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Map<String, String>, String, String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class
This constructor is mainly used by MgnlUserManager or by custom extensions of this object.
MgnlUser(String, String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Map<String, String>, String, String) - Constructor for class
MgnlUser(String, String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
MgnlUserManager - Class in
Manages the users stored in Magnolia itself.
MgnlUserManager(NodeNameHelper) - Constructor for class
There should be no need to instantiate this class except maybe for testing.
MgnlUserManager() - Constructor for class
MgnlVersioningContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
MgnlVersioningContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningContentDecorator
MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Wrapper providing support for Magnolia specific versioning ops (by copy).
MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper(Node, MgnlVersioningContentDecorator, VersionManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper(Node, MgnlVersioningContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper(Node, MgnlVersioningContentDecorator, RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
MgnlVersioningSession - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Session wrapper enabling Magnolia specific way of handling versioning on all child nodes.
MgnlVersioningSession(Session, MgnlVersioningContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningSession
MgnlVersioningSession(Session) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningSession
MgnlVersioningWorkspaceWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Workspace wrapper enabling Magnolia specific way of handling versioning on all child nodes.
MgnlVersioningWorkspaceWrapper(Workspace, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningWorkspaceWrapper
MgnlVersionSessionDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Decorator that is only used in version workspaces.
MgnlVersionSessionDecorator(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator
MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Wrapper that ensures that mgnl:hasVersion mixin is removed from source node if versioned node is being removed.
MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionVersionIteratorWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Wrapper that returns only relevant versions for the versioned node.
MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionWorkspaceWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Makes sure we don't lose wrapper.
MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Wrapper that ensures that mgnl:hasVersion mixin is removed from source node if versioned node is being removed.
MgnlVersionSessionNodeWrapper(Node, MgnlVersionSessionDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionNodeWrapper
MgnlVersionSessionVersionIteratorWrapper(String, VersionIterator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionVersionIteratorWrapper
MgnlVersionSessionWorkspaceWrapper(Workspace, MgnlVersionSessionDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionWorkspaceWrapper
MgnlVersionSessionWrapper(Session, MgnlVersionSessionDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionWrapper
MigrateVersionWorkspacesToNewStructureTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Migrates version store to the new structure.
MigrateVersionWorkspacesToNewStructureTask(RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.MigrateVersionWorkspacesToNewStructureTask
mime - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping.MIMEMappingItem
MIME_APPLICATION_ZIP - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
MIME_GZIP - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
MIME_TEXT_XML - Static variable in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
MIMEMapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.4.6. This class will be replaced (see MAGNOLIA-6576).
MIMEMapping.MIMEMappingItem - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
Used to keep the configuration in memory.
MIMEMappingItem() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping.MIMEMappingItem
MissingNodetypesException - Exception in info.magnolia.jackrabbit
Exception thrown when node type used for creation of new content is not registered in given repository.
MissingNodetypesException() - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jackrabbit.MissingNodetypesException
MIX_ACCESSCONTROLLABLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Mixin: node has access control.
MIX_DELETED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
MIX_LOCKABLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
MIX_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Prefix for jcr mixin's.
MIX_REFERENCEABLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Mixin: node can be referenced.
MIX_VERSIONABLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Mixin: node can be versioned.
modifyCurrentValue(String) - Method in class
modifyCurrentValue(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.initial.LoginAuthTypePropertyMovedToFilter
modifyCurrentValue(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.initial.LoginFormPropertyMovedToFilter
ModuleAndDeltas(ModuleDefinition, Version, List<Delta>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleAndDeltas
ModuleBootstrapTask - Class in
A task to bootstrap a module.
ModuleBootstrapTask() - Constructor for class
ModuleConfigNodeBuilderTask - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task
A task using the info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder API, applying operations on a the config node of the current module.
ModuleConfigNodeBuilderTask(String, String, ErrorHandling, NodeOperation...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.ModuleConfigNodeBuilderTask
ModuleConfigurationObservingManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Base class for managers that monitor configuration within modules and react when its changed to reload.
ModuleConfigurationObservingManager(String, ModuleRegistry) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
ModuleDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Describes a module.
ModuleDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
ModuleDefinition(String, Version, String, Class<? extends ModuleVersionHandler>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
ModuleDefinitionReader - Interface in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
ModuleDefinitionReader is responsible for reading/decoding module descriptor files into ModuleDefinition instances.
ModuleDependencyBootstrapTask - Class in
A Task which will bootstrap files if an optional module is installed or registered: any resource under "/info/magnolia/module/moduleName/setup/dependencyName".
ModuleDependencyBootstrapTask(String) - Constructor for class
ModuleDependencyException - Exception in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
Thrown when a module dependency is missing or present with an unsupported version.
ModuleFileExtractorTransformer - Class in info.magnolia.module.files
A FileExtractor.Transformer which accepts files with paths like /mgnl-files/.../moduleName/...
ModuleFileExtractorTransformer(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.files.ModuleFileExtractorTransformer
ModuleFilesExtraction - Class in
A task which extracts all files for a module.
ModuleFilesExtraction() - Constructor for class
ModuleInstanceProvider<T> - Class in info.magnolia.module
Provider for the module instance of a module.
ModuleInstanceProvider(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleInstanceProvider
ModuleInstancesConfigurer - Class in info.magnolia.module
Guice configuration module that binds providers for module classes.
ModuleInstancesConfigurer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleInstancesConfigurer
ModuleLifecycle - Interface in info.magnolia.module
Manages the lifecycle of an installed instance of a Magnolia Module.
ModuleLifecycleContext - Interface in info.magnolia.module
This interface currently provides a hook allowing modules to register ObserverManager instances, which can observer other modules' nodes.
ModuleLifecycleContextImpl - Class in info.magnolia.module
This default implementation of ModuleLifecycleContext allows the ModuleManager to set the current "phase" of installation; other ModuleLifecycleContext clients have read-only access to the phase.
ModuleLifecycleContextImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContextImpl
ModuleManagementException - Exception in info.magnolia.module
Thrown by ModuleManager and ModuleDefinitionReader when module definitions can't be loaded.
ModuleManagementException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagementException
ModuleManagementException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagementException
ModuleManagementState() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleManagementState
ModuleManager - Interface in info.magnolia.module
ModuleManager is responsible for the lifecycle of modules.
ModuleManager.Factory - Class in info.magnolia.module
since 4.5, use IoC.
ModuleManager.ModuleAndDeltas - Class in info.magnolia.module
Represents what's to be done for each module.
ModuleManager.ModuleManagementState - Class in info.magnolia.module
Represent what's to be done for all modules.
ModuleManagerImpl - Class in info.magnolia.module
TODO : factor out into simpler units.
ModuleManagerImpl(InstallContextImpl, ModuleDefinitionReader, ModuleRegistry, DependencyChecker, Node2BeanProcessor, RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
ModuleManagerImpl(InstallContextImpl, Set<ModuleDefinitionReader>, ModuleRegistry, DependencyChecker, Node2BeanProcessor, RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
ModuleManagerNullUI - Class in info.magnolia.module.ui
An implementation of ModuleManagerUI which does everything by itself, with no human intervention and simply logs its results.
ModuleManagerNullUI(ModuleManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerNullUI
ModuleManagerUI - Interface in info.magnolia.module.ui
User Interface for the install/update mechanism.
ModuleManagerWebUI - Class in info.magnolia.module.ui
An implementation of ModuleManagerWebUI which is meant to be used through a web interface, with human interaction.
ModuleManagerWebUI(ModuleManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerWebUI
moduleName - Variable in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleInstanceProvider
ModuleNodeBuilderTask - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task
A task using the info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder API, applying operations on a the root node of the current module.
ModuleNodeBuilderTask(String, String, ErrorHandling, NodeOperation...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.ModuleNodeBuilderTask
ModulePropertiesSource - Class in
A PropertySource exposing properties from all known module descriptors.
ModulePropertiesSource(ModuleRegistry) - Constructor for class
ModuleRegistry - Interface in info.magnolia.module
Holds instances and definitions of modules.
ModuleRegistry.Factory - Class in info.magnolia.module
since 4.5, use IoC !
ModuleRegistryImpl - Class in info.magnolia.module
Keeps references to module descriptors and instances.
ModuleRegistryImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
ModulesStartedEvent - Class in info.magnolia.module
Event sent when all modules have been started by the ModuleManager.
ModulesStartedEvent() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.ModulesStartedEvent
ModulesStartedEvent.Handler - Interface in info.magnolia.module
Event handler for ModulesStartedEvent.
ModuleVersionHandler - Interface in info.magnolia.module
This class provides Delta's to be applied to install/update/uninstall modules.
ModuleVersionToLatestTask() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionToLatestTask
ModuleVersionUpdateTask(Version) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler.ModuleVersionUpdateTask
monitor - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorWorspaceWrapper
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningSession
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MagnoliaSessionWrapper
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingSessionWrapper
move(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingWorkspaceWrapper
MOVEABLE - Static variable in interface
MoveAndRenamePropertyTask - Class in
A task to move and rename properties, taking default values into account.
MoveAndRenamePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
MoveAndRenamePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
moveNode(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Moves a node, using session-scoped operation.
moveNode(Node, Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
moveNodeAfter(Node, Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
moveNodeBefore(Node, Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
MoveNodeTask - Class in
This task moves a specified Node to a new destination.
MoveNodeTask(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
MoveNodeTask(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
moveProperty(Property, Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
MovePropertyTask - Class in
Moves a property.
MovePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
MovePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Multibinding - Annotation Type in info.magnolia.objectfactory.annotation
Components with this annotation (directly or in one of their super types) will be registered in multi-bind mode (as well as regular mode) for the type where the annotation is.
MultiChannelFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Filter that resolves the site to use by considering variation of the set channel.
MultiChannelFilter(ChannelManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultiChannelFilter
MultipartForm - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime
A util class to access file uploads in multipart post requests.
MultipartForm() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
MultipartRequestFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A Filter that determines if a HttpServletRequest contains multipart content and if so parses it into a request attribute for further processing.
MultipartRequestFilter(FileSystemHelper) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestFilter
MultipartRequestFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestFilter
MultipartRequestWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
HttpServletRequestWrapper that adds additional parameters passed in using multipart submit.
MultipartRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest, MultipartForm) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultipartRequestWrapper
MULTIPLE_CHAR_PATTERN - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
Regexp pattern used for the simple keyword *.


NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Name of the base node.
name - Variable in class
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.event.SystemEventBus
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Area
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Component
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Content
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.ContentNode
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Created
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Folder
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Group
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.HasVersion
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.MetaData
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.NodeData
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Page
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Renderable
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Resource
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Role
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.System
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.User
NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Versionable
NAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
named(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
NamedImpl(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuicePropertyConfigurer.NamedImpl
NamedImpl - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Represents an instantiated @Named annotation.
NamedImpl(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.NamedImpl
NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
magnolia namespace.
NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
NamespaceFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
This filter allows skipping "unwanted" name spaces, by giving an explicit white-list of allowed namespaces.
NamespaceFilter(String...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.NamespaceFilter
needsCallback(SecurityCallbackFilter.StatusSniffingResponseWrapper) - Method in class
needsDefaultMapping() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
needsUpdateOrInstall() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleManagementState
newAggregationState() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextFactoryImpl
Override this method if you need to provide a specific subclass of AggregationState.
newAggregationState() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
newBeanInstance(TransformationState, Map<String, Object>, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
newBeanInstance(TransformationState, Map<String, Object>, ComponentProvider) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Instantiates the bean.
newErrorHandler(InstallContext) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.AbstractNodeBuilderTask
newGroupInstance(Node) - Method in class
newInstance(String, Object...) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Classes
Convenience/shortcut method for instantiating new classes.
newInstance(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ClassFactory
Instantiates the given class with the given parameters.
newInstance(Class<T>, Class<?>[], Object...) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ClassFactory
Instantiates the given class with the given parameters, using a constructor that matches the given argTypes exactly.
newInstance() - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentFactory
Called by the ComponentProvider to create a component.
newInstance(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentProvider
Creates a new instance of the passed interface / class by using the registered implementation.
newInstance(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
newInstance() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ConfiguredComponentFactory
newInstance(Class<T>, Class<?>[], Object...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.DefaultClassFactory
newInstance(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.DefaultClassFactory
newInstance(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
newInstance() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.LazyObservedComponentFactory
newInstance(Class<?>, ParameterResolver...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObjectManufacturer
Creates an object of the given type using parameters provided by a set of parameter resolvers.
newInstance() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
newInstanceWithParameterResolvers(Class<T>, ParameterResolver...) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ComponentProvider
newInstanceWithParameterResolvers(Class<T>, ParameterResolver...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
newInstanceWithParameterResolvers(Key<T>, ParameterResolver...) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProvider
newInvoker(List) - Method in class info.magnolia.beanmerger.ProxyBasedBeanMerger
newMessages(DefaultMessagesManager.MessagesID) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
Initializes a new Messages instances for the given MessagesID.
newOperation(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractor
newOperation(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.MD5CheckingFileExtractor
newProperty(InstallContext, Node, String, Object) - Method in class
Checks that the given property does not exist and creates it with the given value, logs otherwise.
NewPropertyTask - Class in
Creates a new property.
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, Object) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, Value) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, Node) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, Binary) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, Calendar) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, Long) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, Double) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class
NewPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class
newRealm(String) - Static method in class
newRoleInstance(Node) - Method in class
newServletInstance() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
newState() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
newState() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Create a state object to share the state between the processor and transformer.
newUserInstance(Node) - Method in class
newVersionHandler(ModuleDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
newXmlContentHandler(OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.XmlContentHandlerFactory
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingNodeIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingPropertyIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringNodeIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringPropertyIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringRangeIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingNodeIterator
next() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingPropertyIterator
nextElement() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
nextEvent() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator
nextNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeIterator
nextNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
nextNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingNodeIterator
nextNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringNodeIterator
nextNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingNodeIterator
nextProperty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyIterator
nextProperty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingPropertyIterator
nextProperty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringPropertyIterator
nextProperty() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingPropertyIterator
nextVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionVersionIteratorWrapper
nextVersion() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
NO_LOGIN - Static variable in class
Returned if a login handler was able to perform the operation but the authentication failed.
Node2BeanException - Exception in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
Exception thrown during execution of content to bean transformation.
Node2BeanException() - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanException
Node2BeanException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanException
Node2BeanException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanException
Node2BeanException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanException
Node2BeanProcessor - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
Transforms nodes to beans or maps.
Node2BeanProcessorImpl - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl
Contains the logic for traversing the hierarchy and do the calls to the transformer.
Node2BeanProcessorImpl(TypeMapping, Node2BeanTransformer) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
Node2BeanTransformer - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
Contract for transformation from node to java beans.
Node2BeanTransformerImpl - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl
Concrete implementation using reflection, generics and setter methods.
Node2BeanTransformerImpl(PreConfiguredBeanUtils, BeanTypeResolver) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
Node2BeanTransformerImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
since 5.4 - use IoC, don't instantiate directly. You should not have to instantiate this if you use magnolia-configuration mechanisms introduced in 5.4.
Node2BeanTransformerImpl(PreConfiguredBeanUtils) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
Node2BeanTransformerImpl(Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
since 5.4 - use IoC, don't instantiate directly. You should not have to instantiate this if you use magnolia-configuration mechanisms introduced in 5.4.
Node2BeanTransformerImpl(PreConfiguredBeanUtils, Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>, BeanTypeResolver) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
NODE_ACLROLES - Static variable in class
NODE_ACLUSERS - Static variable in class
NODE_GROUPS - Static variable in class
Name of the subnode under which the assigned groups get saved.
NODE_ROLES - Static variable in class
Name of the subnode under which the assigned roles get saved.
NodeBuilder - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
Entry point for using the node builder API.
NodeBuilder(Node, NodeOperation...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeBuilder
NodeBuilder(ErrorHandler, Node, NodeOperation...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeBuilder
NodeBuilderTask - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task
A task using the info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder API, applying operations on a given path.
NodeBuilderTask(String, String, ErrorHandling, String, NodeOperation...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.NodeBuilderTask
NodeBuilderTask(String, String, ErrorHandling, String, String, NodeOperation...) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.NodeBuilderTask
NodeBuilderUtil - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
Some util methods to interfere with the NodeBuilder.
NodeBuilderUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeBuilderUtil
NodeData() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.NodeData
nodeExists(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
nodeExists(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
NodeExistsDelegateTask - Class in
A task that delegates to another depending on whether a specified node exists or not.
NodeExistsDelegateTask(String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
NodeExistsDelegateTask(String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
NodeExistsDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, Task) - Constructor for class
NodeExistsDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
NodeFilteringPredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
AbstractPredicate for filtering JCR nodes.
NodeFilteringPredicate() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeFilteringPredicate
NodeFunctions - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.function
Various functions for Nodes.
NodeFunctions() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.function.NodeFunctions
NodeIdentifierComparator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.comparator
Compares two nodes by the value of their identifier.
NodeIdentifierComparator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.NodeIdentifierComparator
NodeIterableAdapter - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
Adapter for NodeIterator that always returns the same iterator.
NodeIterableAdapter(NodeIterator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.NodeIterableAdapter
nodeMatches(Node) - Method in class
nodeMatches(Node) - Method in class
nodeMatches(Node) - Method in class
nodeMatches(Node) - Method in class
Implement this method to define which nodes should subsequently be operated upon.
nodeMatches(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for6_0.RemoveMIMEIconsTask
NodeNameComparator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.comparator
Compares two nodes by their name.
NodeNameComparator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.NodeNameComparator
nodeNameHelper - Variable in class
NodeNameHelper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Util component for creation of an unique and validated node name.
NodeNameHelper(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeNameHelper
NodeNamePredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Predicate filtering nodes based on the node name.
NodeNamePredicate(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeNamePredicate
NodeOperation - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
A NodeOperation instance describes an "atomic" operation to apply to a node ("context").
NodeOperationException - Exception in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
A RuntimeException thrown by ErrorHandler implementations; clients of NodeBuilder should expect and handle this.
NodeOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeOperationException
NodeOperationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeOperationException
NodeOperationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeOperationException
nodePath - Variable in class
NodePathComparator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.comparator
Compares two nodes by the value of their path.
NodePathComparator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.NodePathComparator
NodePredicateContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
ContentDecorator that applies a predicate to all nodes and properties in a JCR object graph.
NodePredicateContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
NodePredicateContentDecorator(AbstractPredicate<Node>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
NodePropertyNamePredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Predicate filtering nodes based on property name.
NodePropertyNamePredicate(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodePropertyNamePredicate
nodeStack - Variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
NodeTypeBasedPermissions - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Permissions are retrieved from requested node or from its ancestor, if the node isn't one of valid node types specified via constructor.
NodeTypeBasedPermissions(List<Permission>, SessionImpl, Map<?, ?>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.NodeTypeBasedPermissions
NodeTypeParentPredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Predicate filtering based on the primary type of the node.
NodeTypeParentPredicate(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeTypeParentPredicate
NodeTypePredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Predicate filtering based on the primary type of the node.
NodeTypePredicate(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeTypePredicate
NodeTypePredicate(String, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeTypePredicate
NodeTypes - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Magnolia defined NodeTypes together with their properties and some convenience methods.
NodeTypes() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
NODETYPES - Static variable in class
NodeTypes.Activatable - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the mixin mgnl:activatable.
NodeTypes.Area - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:area.
NodeTypes.Component - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:component.
NodeTypes.Content - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:content.
NodeTypes.ContentNode - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:contentNode.
NodeTypes.Created - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the mixin mgnl:created.
NodeTypes.Deleted - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the mixin mgnl:deleted.
NodeTypes.Folder - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:folder.
NodeTypes.Group - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:group.
NodeTypes.HasVersion - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Mixin that marks node that have versions.
NodeTypes.LastModified - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the mixin mgnl:lastModified.
NodeTypes.MetaData - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:metaData.
NodeTypes.NodeData - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:nodeData.
NodeTypes.Page - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:page.
NodeTypes.Renderable - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the mixin mgnl:renderable.
NodeTypes.Resource - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:resource.
NodeTypes.Role - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:role.
NodeTypes.System - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:reserve.
NodeTypes.User - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the nodeType mgnl:user.
NodeTypes.Versionable - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Represents the mixin mgnl:versionable.
NodeTypeTemplateUtil - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Utility class used to create:
- NodeTypeTemplate.
NodeTypeTemplateUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypeTemplateUtil
NodeUtil - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Various utility methods to collect data from JCR repository.
NodeUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
NodeVisitor - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Visitor used with utility methods in NodeUtil to visit nodes in a hierarchy.
NodeVisitorTask - Class in
The NodeVisitorTask helps traversing a repository, match nodes and execute changes on them.
NodeVisitorTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
NodeWrapperFactory - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Factory for wrapping nodes.
NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Session wrapper for wrapping nodes returned by a session.
NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper(Session) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper
NONE - Static variable in interface
NonNormalizer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer.NonNormalizer
noop() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
No operation; can be useful in ternary expression, for instance.
normalizeNFC(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer.AutoDetectNormalizer
normalizeNFC(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer.Java6Normalizer
normalizeNFC(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer.NonNormalizer
normalizeNFC(String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer
normalizeNFC(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer
Normalizes the given String to the NFC form.
normalizeNFC(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer.Normalizer
NoSameNameSiblingsCondition - Class in
Install condition to verify that Magnolia node types don't allow same name siblings.
NoSameNameSiblingsCondition(RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class
NoSuchComponentException - Exception in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Thrown by ComponentProvider methods.
NoSuchComponentException() - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.NoSuchComponentException
NoSuchComponentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.NoSuchComponentException
NoSuchComponentException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.NoSuchComponentException
NoSuchComponentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.objectfactory.NoSuchComponentException
NOT_HANDLED - Static variable in class
Returned if a login handler is not able to perform the operation.
NotVoter<T> - Class in
Does invert the boolean outcome of a voter.
NotVoter() - Constructor for class
NT_AREA - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
NT_BASE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: base.
NT_COMPONENT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
NT_CONTENT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: content.
NT_CONTENTNODE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: content node.
NT_FILE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: file.
NT_FOLDER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: folder.
NT_FROZENNODE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
NT_HIERARCHY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: hierarchyNode.
NT_METADATA - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: metadata.
NT_PAGE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
NT_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Prefix for our nodeTypes.
NT_RESOURCE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: resource.
NT_UNSTRUCTURED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Node type: unstructured.


ObjectManufacturer - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Creates objects by dynamically resolving the parameters to use.
ObjectManufacturer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObjectManufacturer
ObservationBasedDelayedExecutor(EventListener, long, long) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ObservationBasedDelayedExecutor
ObservationUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration instead
ObservationUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
ObservationUtil.DeferringEventListener - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
since 5.4.6 use DeferringEventListener instead
ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
since 5.4.6 use DeferringEventListener.ListBasedEventIterator instead
ObservationUtil.ObservationBasedDelayedExecutor - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
since 5.4.6 use DeferringEventListener.ObservationBasedDelayedExecutor instead
observe(String, String, EventListener) - Static method in class info.magnolia.observation.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration
Creates a WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar object for configuring and registering the EventListener.
ObservedComponentFactory<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Generic observed singleton factory.
ObservedComponentFactory(String, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
ObservedComponentFactory(String, String, Class<T>, ComponentProvider) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
of(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.LazyNodeWrapper
of(Class<T>, Class<? extends Provider<T>>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ProviderConfiguration
OnAdminVoter - Class in
Checks if the admin flag (config:/server/admin) is set.
OnAdminVoter() - Constructor for class
OncePerRequestAbstractMgnlFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A base abstract class for filters that should not be executed more than once for each request.
OncePerRequestAbstractMgnlFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.OncePerRequestAbstractMgnlFilter
onChildNodes() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Executes then() ops on all child nodes.
onChildNodes(AbstractPredicate<Node>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Executes then() ops on all child nodes that are evaluated true by the predicate.
onClear() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
onDetermineLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
onDetermineLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultI18nContentSupport
onDetermineLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.HierarchyBasedI18nContentSupport
onDetermineLocale() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.RequestLocaleAwareI18nContentSupport
onEvent(EventIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.FilteredEventListener
onEvent(EventIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.DeferringEventListener
onEvent(EventIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
onEvent(EventIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.DeferringEventListener
onModuleStart(StartModuleEvent) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.StartModuleEvent.Handler
onModuleStartupCompleted(ModulesStartedEvent) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModulesStartedEvent.Handler
onModuleStop(StopModuleEvent) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.StopModuleEvent.Handler
onRegister(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
onRegister(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
onResolveType(TypeMapping, TransformationState, TypeDescriptor, ComponentProvider) - Method in class
onResolveType(TypeMapping, TransformationState, TypeDescriptor, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandTransformer
onResolveType(TypeMapping, TransformationState, TypeDescriptor, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.CollectionPropertyHidingTransformer
onResolveType(TypeMapping, TransformationState, TypeDescriptor, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
Called once the type should have been resolved.
onStart() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
onStart() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
onStartup() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerNullUI
onStartup() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerUI
onStartup() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerWebUI
openOutput(File) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractorOperation
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class
Implement this method to apply changes to each of the nodes that are matched by NodeVisitorTask.nodeMatches(Node).
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.ChangeNodeTypeOfSubAppsTask
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.GrantReadPermissionToRolesTask
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.RemoveOpenWFEPermissionsTask
operateOnNode(InstallContext, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.for6_0.RemoveMIMEIconsTask
OperationFactory(RepositoryManager, Context, Provider<SystemContext>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.AsynchronousContext.OperationFactory
OperationPermissionDefinition - Interface in
Definition for getting/resolving actions permissions.
Ops - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
Factory methods for most common NodeOperation implementations.
Ops() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
OPTIONS_METHOD - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter
OR - Static variable in interface
orderAfter(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Orders the node directly after a given sibling.
orderBefore(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Convenience - delegate to Node.orderBefore(String, String).
orderBefore(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
orderBefore(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
OrderedProperties - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Subclass of java.util.Properties which keeps the order in which properties were loaded, by delegating to a LinkedHashMap.
OrderedProperties() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
OrderFilterBeforeTask - Class in
Orders a filter before a given set of other filters.
OrderFilterBeforeTask(String, String[]) - Constructor for class
OrderFilterBeforeTask(String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class
OrderFilterBeforeTask(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class
OrderFilterBeforeTask(String, String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class
orderFirst(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Orders the node first among its siblings.
orderLast(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Orders the node last among its siblings.
OrderNodeAfterTask - Class in
Orders a node after the specified sibling node.
OrderNodeAfterTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
OrderNodeAfterTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
OrderNodeBeforeTask - Class in
Orders a node before the specified sibling node.
OrderNodeBeforeTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
OrderNodeBeforeTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
orderNodeDown(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Orders the node down one step among its siblings.
OrderNodeTo1stPosTask - Class in
since 5.2.2 - use OrderNodeToFirstPositionTask instead
OrderNodeTo1stPosTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
OrderNodeToFirstPositionTask - Class in
Sets the Node of a given path in a given repository to the first position of all children.
OrderNodeToFirstPositionTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
OrderNodeToFirstPositionTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
orderNodeUp(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Orders the node up one step among its siblings.
ORIGINAL_PATH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Original path of the source node.
originalContextThreadLocal - Static variable in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractSystemContext
OrVoting<T> - Class in
Returns the first positive vote.
OrVoting() - Constructor for class
overloadWithSystemProperties() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
Overload the properties with set system properties.


Page() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Page
PARAM_PATH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InterceptFilter
request parameter: node path, used for paragraph deletion.
PARAM_REPOSITORY - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InterceptFilter
request parameter: repository name.
paramAnalyzerIsNotSet() - Method in class
Until is fixed the param "analyzer" should not be around.
PARAMETER_LOGOUT - Static variable in class
PARAMETER_PSWD - Static variable in class
PARAMETER_REALM - Static variable in class
PARAMETER_RETURN_TO - Static variable in class
PARAMETER_USER_ID - Static variable in class
ParameterInfo - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Holds details about a constructors parameter.
ParameterInfo(Constructor, int) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterInfo
ParameterResolver - Interface in info.magnolia.objectfactory
Used to resolve a parameter when invoking a constructor.
parentComponentProvider - Variable in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.AbstractGuiceComponentConfigurer
parse(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionRange
parseAndFormat(OutputStream, XMLReader, String, String, Session, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
Exports the content of the repository, and format it if necessary.
parseDate(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Uses the current locale (user) to parse the date.
parseDateTime(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
Uses the current locale (user) to parse the date and time.
parseLazyFlag(ComponentDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
parseLink(String) - Static method in class
Parses provided URI to the link.
parseStringValue(String, Set<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
parseStringValue(String, Set<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
Parse the given String value recursively, to be able to resolve nested placeholders.
parseUUIDLink(String) - Static method in class
Parses UUID link pattern string and converts it into a Link object.
parseVersion(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
Factory method that will parse a version string and return the correct Version implementation.
parseVersion(int, int, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
PartialBootstrapTask - Class in
PartialBootstrapTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
PartialBootstrapTask(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
PartialBootstrapTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Bootstraps fragment of file.
PartialBootstrapTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Bootstraps newly created file.
PartialBootstrapTask(String, String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
PartialBootstrapTask(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
PASSWORD - Static variable in interface
PATH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
path including fileName: /en/mainColumnParagraph/04/file/report2004.Pdf.
Path - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
since 5.5.3, please see methods description to find out what to use instead
PATH_WITHOUT_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PathExistenceDelegateTask - Class in
Checks if multiple paths exist/do not exist before executing passed task.
PathExistenceDelegateTask(String, String, String[], String[], Task) - Constructor for class
PathExistenceDelegateTask(String, String, String, String[], String[], Task) - Constructor for class
pathResolver - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
Used to convert a jackrabbit Path abstraction into a path string with slashes and namespaces.
PathUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Utility class used to handle paths for documents in DMS.
PathUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.PathUtil
pattern - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
PatternDelegate - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.util
A simple generic interface that can be used to configure anything that can be selected based on some conditions (i.e.
PatternFilter(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil.PatternFilter
PatternFilter(Pattern) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil.PatternFilter
peekBean(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
peekBean(int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
peekNode(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
peekNode(int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
peekType(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
peekType(int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
PerformanceTestFilter - Class in info.magnolia.debug
Logs whatever has been recorded with the PerformanceTestStatus.
PerformanceTestFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.debug.PerformanceTestFilter
PerformanceTestStatus - Class in info.magnolia.debug
Key based time measuring.
PerformanceTestStatus() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.debug.PerformanceTestStatus
performInstallOrUpdate() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager
performInstallOrUpdate() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
performInstallOrUpdate() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerWebUI
PERMANENT_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestDispatchUtil
Permission - Interface in
A permission is a collection of rights and can match paths.
PERMISSION_ANY - Static variable in class
PERMISSION_NAME_ADD - Static variable in interface
PERMISSION_NAME_ALL - Static variable in interface
PERMISSION_NAME_EXECUTE - Static variable in interface
PERMISSION_NAME_READ - Static variable in interface
PERMISSION_NAME_REMOVE - Static variable in interface
PERMISSION_NAME_SET - Static variable in interface
PERMISSION_NAME_SYNDICATE - Static variable in interface
PERMISSION_NAME_WRITE - Static variable in interface
PermissionImpl - Class in
Concrete implementation of Permission using UrlPattern to match pathes.
PermissionImpl() - Constructor for class
permissionMapping - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
PERMISSIONS_FOR_LEGACY_PAGES - Static variable in class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModuleVersionHandler
Cleans up security-base role from no longer valid URis (basically legacy adminInterface pages not yet ported to M5).
PERMISSIONS_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class
PermissionUtil - Class in
Collection of methods for handling permission related processing.
PermissionUtil() - Constructor for class
PHASE_MODULE_RESTART - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContext
A module is restarted.
PHASE_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContext
The system is shutting down.
PHASE_SYSTEM_STARTUP - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContext
System is starting up.
PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
Placeholder prefix: "${".
PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
Placeholder suffix: "}".
PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
PlainTextCallbackHandler - Class in
Plain text callback handler supporting Form based authentication.
PlainTextCallbackHandler() - Constructor for class
PlainTextCallbackHandler(String, char[]) - Constructor for class
PlainTextCallbackHandler(String, char[], String) - Constructor for class
PLATFORM_COMPONENTS_CONFIG_LOCATION_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
pop() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
pop() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
pop() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
pop() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
popBean() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
popBean() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
popCurrentEntry() - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.TransformationState
popNode() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
popNode() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
popProvider() - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
popType() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
popType() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
populateModuleInstance(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
since 6.1. The module instance should be created by info.magnolia.config.module.ModuleConfigurationRegistry.
PopulateModulesEvent - Class in info.magnolia.module
Event sent when modules should be instantiated by info.magnolia.config.module.ModuleInstanceRegistry.
PopulateModulesEvent() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.PopulateModulesEvent
PopulateModulesEvent.Handler - Interface in info.magnolia.module
Event handler for PopulateModulesEvent.
populateNode(Node, String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertiesImportExport
PostNodeVisitor - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Used in NodeUtil.visit(Node, NodeVisitor) if the visitor wants to use post order.
postprocess(Context, Exception) - Method in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Filter
postProcessNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.ActivationStatusImportPostProcessor
postProcessNode(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.ImportPostProcessor
postProcessNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.MetaDataImportPostProcessor
postProcessNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.UpdateVersionMixinPostProcessor
postVisit(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.util.PostNodeVisitor
PreConfiguredBeanUtils - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl
A wrapper around beanutils where we centrally register our custom converters.
PreConfiguredBeanUtils() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.PreConfiguredBeanUtils
preDeleteNode(Node, Context, Lock) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
preDeleteNode(Node, Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
prefixLink(String) - Method in class
prefixLink(String) - Method in class
previewMode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.InterceptFilter
PrincipalCollection - Interface in
A collection of principals.
PrincipalCollectionImpl - Class in
Principal collection implementation based on simple list.
PrincipalCollectionImpl() - Constructor for class
PrincipalCollectionImpl(Collection<Principal>) - Constructor for class
PrincipalList - Interface in
A list of Strings.
PrincipalNotFoundException - Exception in
Throw when a Principal is search and not found.
PrincipalNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception
PrincipalUtil - Class in
Utility methods for handling JAAS principals.
PrincipalUtil() - Constructor for class
printVersionInfo() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.license.LicenseFileExtractor
Print version info to System.out.
printVersionInfo() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
Print version info to System.out.
PROCESSING_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.commands.chain.Command
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
processPropertyFilesString(ServletContext, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
since 4.5, this is done by DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver(javax.servlet.ServletContext, info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaInitPaths). Note: when remove this class and method, this code will need to be cleaned up and moved to info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
PRODUCT_DOMAIN - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
ProductDescriptorExtractor - Class in info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor
Extracts product information from the info/magnolia/cms/pddescriptor/pddescriptor.xml file.
ProductDescriptorExtractor() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
PROFILE_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
Default value for the MAGNOLIA_INITIALIZATION_FILE parameter in profile based configuration.
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
PROPERTIES_CONTENTNODE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PropertiesImportExport - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Utility class providing support for properties-like format to import/export jcr data.
PropertiesImportExport() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertiesImportExport
PropertiesInitializer - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 4.5 - replaced by classes in the info.magnolia.init package.
PropertiesInitializer(ModuleRegistry) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
PROPERTY_CONTENTTYPE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_EMAIL - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_ENABLED - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_ENCODING - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_EXTENSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_FILENAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_HEIGHT - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_ICON - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_LASTACCESS - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_LASTMODIFIED - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_RULE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Property name for collection rule.
PROPERTY_SIZE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PROPERTY_TIMEZONE - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_TITLE - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_WIDTH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
PropertyAndChildWrappingContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Content decorator that wraps all properties.
PropertyAndChildWrappingContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyAndChildWrappingContentDecorator
PropertyAndChildWrappingNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Node wrapper that wraps all returned properties and wraps all returned nodes to extend its property wrapping scheme to an entire hierarchy.
PropertyAndChildWrappingNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyAndChildWrappingNodeWrapper
PropertyAndChildWrappingNodeWrapper(Node, PropertyAndChildWrappingContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyAndChildWrappingNodeWrapper
PropertyDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Property as defined in a module descriptor.
PropertyDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.PropertyDefinition
propertyExists(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
propertyExists(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
PropertyFilteringContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Content decorator that filters out properties.
PropertyFilteringContentDecorator(AbstractPredicate<Property>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyFilteringContentDecorator
PropertyFilteringContentDecorator(AbstractPredicate<Property>, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyFilteringContentDecorator
PropertyFilteringNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Node wrapper that filters out properties based on a predicate, child nodes acquired via this wrapper are also wrapped in order to filter properties on them as well.
PropertyFilteringNodeWrapper(Node, AbstractPredicate<Property>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyFilteringNodeWrapper
PropertyFilteringNodeWrapper(Node, AbstractPredicate<Property>, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyFilteringNodeWrapper
PropertyFilteringPredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
AbstractPredicate for filtering JCR properties.
PropertyFilteringPredicate() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.PropertyFilteringPredicate
propertyName - Variable in class
PropertySource - Interface in info.magnolia.init
Basic Magnolia configuration typically happens with a set of files typically called "", loaded in a given order, from different location.
PropertyStringComparator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.comparator
Compares the string representations of two node properties identified by the property name.
PropertyStringComparator(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.comparator.PropertyStringComparator
PropertyTypeDescriptor - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
Describes a property.
PropertyTypeDescriptor() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
PropertyUtil - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Property-related utility methods.
PropertyUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
PropertyValuesTask - Class in
A tasks that offers helper methods to check on certain properties.
PropertyValuesTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
PropertyVoter - Class in
Checks if the named Magnolia property has the expected value.
PropertyVoter() - Constructor for class
PropertyWrapperFactory - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Factory for wrapping properties.
PROVIDER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
Provider - Interface in info.magnolia.repository
Repository provider.
PROVIDER_ADDRESS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
PROVIDER_EMAIL - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
ProviderConfiguration<T> - Class in info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration
Configuration for a provider that acts as a factory, supported types are ComponentFactory and Provider.
ProviderConfiguration(Class<T>, Class<? extends Provider<T>>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ProviderConfiguration
ProviderConfiguration() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ProviderConfiguration
providerForComponentFactory(Class<? extends ComponentFactory<T>>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceUtils
providerForComponentFactory(ComponentFactory<T>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceUtils
providerForInstance(T) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceUtils
ProviderImpl - Class in info.magnolia.jackrabbit
Provider implementation for Apache JackRabbit JCR repository.
ProviderImpl(FileSystemHelper, MagnoliaConfigurationProperties) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
ProviderImpl(FileSystemHelper) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
since 6.1 - use {@link #ProviderImpl(FileSystemHelper, MagnoliaConfigurationProperties) instead.
ProviderImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
since 6.1 - use {@link #ProviderImpl(FileSystemHelper, MagnoliaConfigurationProperties) instead.
PROXY_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestDispatchUtil
ProxyBasedBeanMerger - Class in info.magnolia.beanmerger
Proxy-based bean merger.
ProxyBasedBeanMerger() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.beanmerger.ProxyBasedBeanMerger
ProxyBasedBeanMerger.MergeInvoker - Class in info.magnolia.beanmerger
Merge Invoker.
proxyFactory - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.dynamic.MagnoliaProxy
pswd - Variable in class
PublicApi - Annotation Type in info.magnolia.api
PublicApi indicates that annotated type is mature and can be re-used in the client code.
purgeContent(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
push(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
push(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
push(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
push(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
pushBean(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
pushBean(Object) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
pushEntry(String, Object, PropertyTypeDescriptor) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.TransformationState
pushNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
pushNode(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
pushProblem(TransformationProblem) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
pushProblem(TransformationProblem) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
pushProvider(ComponentProvider) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
pushType(TypeDescriptor) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
pushType(TypeDescriptor) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
put(Object, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
put(Object, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
put(Object, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
put(String, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
put(K, V) - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
put(V) - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
putAll(Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
putAll(Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
putIfAbsent(Object, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper


QueryAwareVirtualURIMapping - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.5.6, query aware uri mapping interface is redundant and don't use for others URI mappings have been relocated to the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-7016).
QueryElementsAndDisplayWarningTask - Class in
Displays user a warning message based on the query statement and workspace passed in.
QueryElementsAndDisplayWarningTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
QueryElementsAndDisplayWarningTask(String, String, String, String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
QueryTask - Class in
An abstract task to perform operations on nodes returned by a given query.
QueryTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
QueryUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Util to execute queries as simple as possible.
QueryUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
quietNewInstance(String, Object...) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Classes
Convenience/shortcut for Classes.newInstance(String, Object...), returning null both in case of a ClassNotFoundException or if the class could not be instantiated.


RangedOutputStream - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Range limited output stream.
RangedOutputStream(ServletOutputStream, RangeSupportFilter.RangeInfo) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangedOutputStream
RangeInfo(int, int, int) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangeSupportFilter.RangeInfo
RangeIteratorImpl<T> - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
Intended as a base class when implementing JCR iterators, sub-classes need only implement the special next methods such as nextNode() for NodeIterator.
RangeIteratorImpl(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
RangeIteratorImpl(RangeIterator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
RangeIteratorImpl(Iterator<T>, int) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
RangeSupportFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
This filter will process any incoming requests containing Range or If-Range headers and swallow all produced output except for that matching the requested range.
RangeSupportFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangeSupportFilter
RangeSupportFilter.RangeInfo - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Requested byte range.
READ - Static variable in interface
read(byte[], long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.BinaryInFile
read(Reader) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.BetwixtModuleDefinitionReader
read(Reader) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader
read(Reader) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.model.reader.ModuleDefinitionReader
read(Reader) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurationReader
read(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinitionReader
Load repository mappings and params using repositories.xml.
READABLE - Static variable in interface
readAll() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.BetwixtModuleDefinitionReader
readAll() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader
readAll() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.model.reader.ModuleDefinitionReader
Reads all found module definitions.
readAll(List<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurationReader
readCache - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
readCollection(TransformationState) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
readConfiguration(List<String>, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder
Reads component definitions from the specified resources and returns a ComponentProviderConfiguration.
readFormatted(XMLReader, File, OutputStream) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
readFormatted(XMLReader, InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
readFromResource(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.BetwixtModuleDefinitionReader
readFromResource(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader
readFromResource(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.model.reader.ModuleDefinitionReader
readFromResource(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfigurationReader
readMap(TransformationState) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
readValue(TransformationState) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
readVirtualURIMapping(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIManager
realm - Variable in class
The realm to which we login.
Realm - Interface in
Provides the name for the default realm.
Realm.Factory - Class in
Factory for providing realms.
Realm.RealmImpl - Class in
Implementation of the realm.
REALM_ADMIN - Static variable in interface
The realm for the admin interface.
REALM_ALL - Static variable in interface
No realm --> all users.
REALM_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface
Contains not removable system users: anonymous, superuser.
RealmCallback - Class in
RealmCallback() - Constructor for class
RealmImpl(String) - Constructor for class
REDIRECT_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestDispatchUtil
RedirectClientCallback - Class in
An HttpClientCallback implementation which redirects to a configured path or URL.
RedirectClientCallback() - Constructor for class
REFERRER - Static variable in class
refresh(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
refresh(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
refresh(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
regexp - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping
RegexpVirtualURIMapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.5.6, regex URI mapping has been relocated to the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-7016).
RegexpVirtualURIMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RegexpVirtualURIMapping
register(SessionProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.registry.SessionProviderRegistry
register(Delta) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.AbstractModuleVersionHandler
Registers the delta needed to update to version v from the previous one.
register() - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar
Registers the EventListener in the ObservationManager.
Register50NodeTypeTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_0
Register the new M5.0 nodeType definition.
Register50NodeTypeTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.Register50NodeTypeTask
registerCatalog(Node, Map<String, MgnlCatalog>) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
registerCatalogs(Node, Map<String, MgnlCatalog>) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
registerChangeListener(EventListener) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
registerChangeListener(String, String, EventListener) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerChangeListener(String, String, boolean, EventListener) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerChangeListener(String, String, boolean, String, EventListener) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerChangeListener(String, String, boolean, String, int, EventListener) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerChangeListener(String, String, boolean, String[], EventListener) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerChangeListener(String, String, boolean, String[], int, EventListener) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerChangeListener(EventListener) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
registerDeferredChangeListener(String, String, EventListener, long, long) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerDeferredChangeListener(String, String, boolean, EventListener, long, long) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerDeferredChangeListener(String, String, boolean, String, EventListener, long, long) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerDeferredChangeListener(String, String, boolean, String[], EventListener, long, long) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar instead to register listeners
registerImplementation(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
registerImplementation(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
registerInstance(Class<T>, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
registerMBean(String, Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.MBeanUtil
registerModuleDefinition(String, ModuleDefinition) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
registerModuleDefinition(String, ModuleDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
registerModuleInstance(String, Object) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
registerModuleInstance(String, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
RegisterModuleServletsTask - Class in
Reads the servlets to register from the module descriptor.
RegisterModuleServletsTask() - Constructor for class
registerModuleVersionHandler(String, ModuleVersionHandler) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistry
registerModuleVersionHandler(String, ModuleVersionHandler) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleRegistryImpl
registerNamespace(String, String, Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
registerNamespace(String, String, Workspace) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
Register namespace with the repository.
registerNodeTypes() - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
registerNodeTypes(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
registerNodeTypes(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
registerNodeTypes() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
Node type registration is entirely dependent on the implementation.
registerNodeTypes(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
Node type registration is entirely dependent on the implementation.
registerNodeTypes(InputStream) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
since 6.1, use Provider.registerNodeTypes(String) instead.
RegisterNodeTypeTask - Class in
Registers (or re-registers) node type.
RegisterNodeTypeTask(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
RegisterNodeTypeTask(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
registerProvider(Class<T>, Class<? extends Provider<T>>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentProviderConfiguration
RegisterServletTask - Class in
Registers a servlet definition from a module descriptor into the /server/filters/servlets node.
RegisterServletTask(ServletDefinition, NodeNameHelper) - Constructor for class
RegisterServletTask(ServletDefinition) - Constructor for class
registerWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
registerWorkspace(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
Register a new workspace in the current repository.
RegistrationException - Exception in info.magnolia.registry
since 5.4 - should not be used by anything than other deprecated code
RegistrationException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.registry.RegistrationException
RegistrationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.registry.RegistrationException
RegistryMap<K,V> - Class in info.magnolia.registry
since 5.4, see info.magnolia.config.registry.RegistryMap; please consider implementing info.magnolia.config.registry.Registry instead.
RegistryMap() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
RelativePathTransformer - Class in
Transformer creating links relative to provided path.
RelativePathTransformer() - Constructor for class
RelativePathTransformer(Node, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
RelativePathTransformer(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.LogCommand
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MessageCommand
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RuleBasedCommand
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCommand
If a clone is passivated we call this method.
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
Release any resource used by this Context (e.g.
release(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractRepositoryStrategy
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AsynchronousContext
release() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Release any resource used by this Context (e.g.
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.DefaultRepositoryStrategy
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
release() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.JCRSessionStrategy
release() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil
release() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Releases the current thread (if not a system context) and calls the releaseThread() method of the system context.
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.SimpleContext
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.SystemRepositoryStrategy
release() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Closes opened JCR sessions.
releaseJCRSessions() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
releaseReadLock() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
releaseSession(Session, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractRepositoryStrategy
releaseThread() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.JCRSessionPerThreadSystemContext
releaseThread() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.ThreadDependentSystemContext
Release all thread related stuff of the system context.
reload() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - use RepositoryManager.reload() directly.
reload() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.MIMEMapping
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
Read config and reload bean.
reload(List<Node>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIManager
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesImpl
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
Reload i18n configuration.
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.EmptyMessages
reload() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.Messages
Reload the messages.
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesChain
Reload the chain.
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.MessagesManager
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
reload(List<Node>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ModuleConfigurationObservingManager
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
reload(List<Node>) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager
since 5.4.5. This should not be public but only protected. Use super#reload() instead.
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
reload(Class<T>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ReloadableClassFactory
reload() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
reload() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Re-load all configured repositories.
ReloadableClassFactory - Interface in info.magnolia.objectfactory
A class factory which can reload the latest version of a given class.
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
Remove version history while removing the content.
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionNodeWrapper
remove(Principal) - Method in interface
remove(Principal) - Method in class
Removes principal from the collection if present or does nothing in case principal was not present in the collection.
REMOVE - Static variable in interface
remove(String, String, String) - Method in class
This call is lenient and will not throw exception in case principal doesn't exist! Instead it will simply return without making any change.
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
remove(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
remove(H) - Method in class info.magnolia.event.EventHandlerCollection
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingNodeIterator
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingPropertyIterator
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringRangeIterator
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
remove(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
remove(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
remove(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
remove() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
remove(K) - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
removeActivity(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
removeAllowType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
Remove from allow list.
removeAndPutAll(Collection<K>, Map<K, V>) - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
removeAndPutAll(Collection<K>, Collection<V>) - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
use the Map.remove().
removeAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractSystemContext
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.AttributeStrategy
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Remove an attribute.
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
Delegates call to the original context.
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MapAttributeStrategy
removeAttribute(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Remove an attribute in the local scope.
removeAttribute(String, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Remove an attribute in the specified scope.
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.RequestAttributeStrategy
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
RemoveDuplicatePermissionTask - Class in
A task to find and remove duplicate permission from a role and a workspace.
RemoveDuplicatePermissionTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
RemoveDuplicatePermissionTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
removeFingerprintAndExtensionFromLink(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.LinkUtil
removeFingerprintAndExtensionFromLink(String) - Static method in class
Remove the extension and fingerPrint if present.
removeGroup(User, String) - Method in class
removeGroup(String) - Method in class
removeGroup(String) - Method in class
Remove a group.
removeGroup(User, String) - Method in class
removeGroup(String) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 use manager instead
removeGroup(Group, String) - Method in interface
Removes group from a group.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class
Remove a subgroup from this group.
removeGroup(Group, String) - Method in class
removeGroup(User, String) - Method in class
removeGroup(String) - Method in class
removeGroup(String) - Method in interface
since 4.5 - use UserManager.removeGroup(User, String) instead.
removeGroup(User, String) - Method in interface
Removes user from a group.
removeHandler() - Method in interface info.magnolia.event.HandlerRegistration
Removes the handler from the event bus.
RemoveInstallFilesTask - Class in
Removes install file(s) from ${magnolia.home}/${filesPath} and its md5 node from "config:server/install/mgnl-files/${filesPath}".
RemoveInstallFilesTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
RemoveInstallFilesTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
removeItem(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
removeItem(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator.MgnlVersionSessionWrapper
removeItem(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
removeItem(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
removeLockToken(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
RemoveMetaDataInNodeTypeDefinitionTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_0
Remove metaData nodeType's defined as 'childNodeDefinition' for all registered nodeType that still define this dependency.
Create a list of registered nodeTypes that have metaData nodeType as 'childNodeDefinition'.
This list is then return by AbstractNodeTypeRegistrationTask.getNodeTypesToRegister(NodeTypeManager) and handled as an update of nodeType.
RemoveMetaDataInNodeTypeDefinitionTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_0.RemoveMetaDataInNodeTypeDefinitionTask
RemoveMIMEIconsTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for6_0
A task to remove legacy MIMEMapping properties.
RemoveMIMEIconsTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for6_0.RemoveMIMEIconsTask
removeMixin(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
removeMixin(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
RemoveMixversionableFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
since 5.4.4. Should not be needed anymore.
RemoveMixversionableFilter(XMLReader) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.RemoveMixversionableFilter
Instantiates a new MetadataUuidFilter filter.
RemoveNodesTask - Class in
Removes a list of nodes referenced by their absolute paths.
In case a Node does not exist, logs an info message if the flag RemoveNodesTask.displayInfoMessageForMissingNodes is set to true.
Otherwise just continues with the next absolute path from the list.
RemoveNodesTask(String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class
RemoveNodesTask(String, String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class
RemoveNodeTask - Class in
Removes the specified node.
RemoveNodeTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
RemoveNodeTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
RemoveNodeWoChildren - Class in
A task that removes node if that has no children.
RemoveNodeWoChildren(String, String) - Constructor for class
RemoveNodeWoChildren(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
RemoveOpenWFEPermissionsTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_2
Task that will find all openWFE permissions from the userroles workspace and remove them.
RemoveOpenWFEPermissionsTask(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.RemoveOpenWFEPermissionsTask
removeParameter(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
since 4.0 - should not be needed anymore since MAGNOLIA-2449 - request parameters should be correctly wrapped.
removePermission(String, String) - Method in class
removePermission(String, String, long) - Method in class
removePermission(Role, String, String, long) - Method in class
removePermission(String, String) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 use manager instead
removePermission(String, String, long) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 use manager instead
removePermission(Role, String, String, long) - Method in interface
Remove permission from the specified role.
RemovePermissionTask - Class in
A task to remove a permission from a role, using RoleManager.
RemovePermissionTask(String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class
RemovePermissionTask(String, String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class
removePolicy(String, AccessControlPolicy) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
removePolicy(String, AccessControlPolicy) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaACLEditor
removePrincipal(Iterable<Principal>, Class<T>) - Static method in class
RemovePropertiesTask - Class in
Removes a list of properties referenced by their absolute paths.
In case property does not exist, logs an info message if the flag RemovePropertiesTask.displayInfoMessageForMissingNodes is set to true.
Otherwise just continues with the next absolute path from the list.
RemovePropertiesTask(String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class
RemovePropertiesTask(String, String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class
removeProperty(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
remove specified property.
RemovePropertyTask - Class in
Removes a property and optionally logs its absence.
RemovePropertyTask(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
RemovePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
removeRole(User, String) - Method in class
removeRole(String) - Method in class
Simply log that its a dummy user.
removeRole(String) - Method in class
removeRole(User, String) - Method in class
removeRole(String) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 use manager instead
removeRole(Group, String) - Method in interface
Removes role from a group.
removeRole(String) - Method in class
removeRole(Group, String) - Method in class
removeRole(User, String) - Method in class
removeRole(String) - Method in class
removeRole(String) - Method in interface
since 4.5 - use UserManager.removeRole(User, String) instead.
removeRole(User, String) - Method in interface
Removes role from a user.
removeShare() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
removeSharedSet() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
removeVersion(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
removeVersionHistory(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Removes all versions of the node associated with given UUID.
removeVersionLabel(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
RenameACLNodesTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for4_5
Renames ACL nodes for all roles from the old format of acl_repositoryName_workspaceName to acl_workspaceName.
RenameACLNodesTask() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for4_5.RenameACLNodesTask
renameNode(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Renames a node.
renameNode(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
RenameNodesTask - Class in
Renames all nodes having a certain name and nodeType to the provided new name.
RenameNodesTask(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
RenameNodesTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
RenameNodeTask - Class in
This task renames a specified node.
RenameNodeTask(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
RenameNodeTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
RenamePropertiesTask - Class in
Renames all properties having a certain name to the provided new name.
RenamePropertiesTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
RenamePropertiesTask(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
renameProperty(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Renames a property by creating a new one and copying the value.
renameProperty(Property, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
RenamePropertyTask - Class in
Renames a property.
RenamePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
RenamePropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
RenameSameNameSiblingNodesTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for5_2
Identify all sibling nodes for a defined workspace, sub path and nodeTypes.
If the nodesTypes is empty or null, search all 'nt:base' nodes.
RenameSameNameSiblingNodesTask(String, String, String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.RenameSameNameSiblingNodesTask
RenameVersionNodesTask - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Changes versioned node names to uuids.
RenameVersionNodesTask(RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.RenameVersionNodesTask
render(String, Map<String, ?>, Writer) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleFreemarkerHelper
render(String, Writer) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerWebUI
Renderable() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Renderable
renderTempPage(Writer) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerNullUI
renderTempPage(Writer) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerUI
Not used anymore since 4.4 - but keeping this around; in the future, we might re-use this, as the page shown to regular users while the Magnolia instance is being updated by an admin; only admin(s) would have access to the update status pages.
renderTempPage(Writer) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ui.ModuleManagerWebUI
REP_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
Namespace for rep nodes and properties.
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
replace(Object, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
replaceAll(BiFunction) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
replaceFilter(SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper.Switcher
Replaces the current filter with a new one and returns the previous filter.
ReplaceIfExistsTask - Class in
A task which replaces a node by bootstrapping a file, only if it exists.
ReplaceIfExistsTask(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
replaceTargetFilter(MgnlFilter) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterDispatcher
Replaces the current filter with a new one and returns the previous filter.
replaceTokens(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ConfigUtil
since 5.5.3 without replacement
report(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.ErrorHandler
The operation calling this method is expected to pass a fully formed message; it should ideally contain some context information about the operation that caused an issue.
report(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.StrictErrorHandler
report(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.TaskLogErrorHandler
REPOSITORY_PSWD - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - do not use
REPOSITORY_USER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - do not use
RepositoryBackedSecurityManager - Class in
Common parent class for repo based security managers.
RepositoryBackedSecurityManager(NodeNameHelper) - Constructor for class
RepositoryBackedSecurityManager() - Constructor for class
RepositoryConstants - Interface in info.magnolia.repository
Constants used in the context of repository.
RepositoryDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Repository as defined in a module descriptor.
RepositoryDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.RepositoryDefinition
RepositoryDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.repository.definition
Represents a repository as defined in repositories.xml.
RepositoryDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
repositoryManager - Variable in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractRepositoryStrategy
RepositoryManager - Interface in info.magnolia.repository
Manages JCR repositories.
RepositoryMapping - Class in info.magnolia.repository
since 4.5 - use RepositoryDefinition instead.
RepositoryMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryMapping
RepositoryMappingDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.repository.definition
Represents the configuration defined in repositories.xml.
RepositoryMappingDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinition
RepositoryMappingDefinitionReader - Class in info.magnolia.repository.definition
Reads InputStream created out of repositories.xml into pojos using JDom.
RepositoryMappingDefinitionReader() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinitionReader
RepositoryMappingFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Maps a URI to content stored in the repository.
RepositoryMappingFilter(URI2RepositoryManager, Provider<AggregationState>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RepositoryMappingFilter
RepositoryMappingFilter(URI2RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RepositoryMappingFilter
RepositoryNameMap - Class in info.magnolia.repository
since 4.5 - use WorkspaceMappingDefinition instead.
RepositoryNameMap(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryNameMap
RepositoryNotInitializedException - Exception in info.magnolia.repository
Exception thrown when repository can't be initialized and thus also accessed by Magnolia.
RepositoryNotInitializedException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryNotInitializedException
RepositoryNotInitializedException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryNotInitializedException
RepositoryNotInitializedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryNotInitializedException
RepositoryOp() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.RepositoryOp
repositoryStrategyThreadLocal - Static variable in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractSystemContext
REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.MultipartForm
The name of the request attribute containing a MultipartForm instance.
RequestAttributeStrategy - Class in info.magnolia.context
An AttributeStrategy which delegates to the given WebContext's request.
RequestAttributeStrategy(WebContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.RequestAttributeStrategy
RequestDispatchUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Provides support for a simple syntax form of doing redirects and forwards.
RequestDispatchUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestDispatchUtil
RequestExtensionVoter - Class in
A voter which checks the extension set in the AggregationState object against a list of allowed and/or rejected extensions.
RequestExtensionVoter(Provider<AggregationState>) - Constructor for class
RequestHasParametersVoter - Class in
Checks if the request used the "POST" method or if there are request parameters.
RequestHasParametersVoter() - Constructor for class
RequestHeaderPatternRegexVoter - Class in
A voter taking a plain regex pattern which has to matched against the specified request header.
RequestHeaderPatternRegexVoter() - Constructor for class
RequestHeaderPatternSimpleVoter - Class in
Checks if the specified request header matches a specific pattern.
RequestHeaderPatternSimpleVoter() - Constructor for class
RequestHeaderUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Util to work with HTTP headers.
RequestHeaderUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestHeaderUtil
RequestLocaleAwareI18nContentSupport - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
Reads the local from the request.
RequestLocaleAwareI18nContentSupport() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.RequestLocaleAwareI18nContentSupport
RequestParametersVoter - Class in
since 5.5.3 in favor of RequestParameterVoter.
RequestParametersVoter() - Constructor for class
RequestParameterVoter - Class in
Voter that checks for a specific GET and POST parameter and an optional value.
RequestParameterVoter(Provider<WebContext>) - Constructor for class
requiresRedirect(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
We can assume that a redirect is needed in case the following criteria is met: We are dealing with a POST http request Request query string does not contain any of the authentication parameters, because otherwise we are probably dealing with e.g.
RescueSecuritySupport - Class in
To be used as a replacement of /server/security or SecuritySupportImpl in in case the configuration is messed up.
RescueSecuritySupport() - Constructor for class
RescueSecuritySupport.RescueUser - Class in
TODO extract as top level class? Currently this class is tested implicitly by RescueSecuritySupportTest.
RescueSecuritySupport.RescueUserManager - Class in
TODO: extract as top level class? Currently this class is tested implicitly by RescueSecuritySupportTest.
RescueUser(String, String) - Constructor for class
RescueUserManager() - Constructor for class
reset() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterChain
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class info.magnolia.event.ResettableEventBus
Remove all handlers that have been added through this wrapper.
resetAggregationState() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
resetAggregationState() - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Resets the current aggregation state if we're in a WebContext, throws an IllegalStateException otherwise.
resetAggregationState() - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.WebContext
Resets the current aggregator instance.
resetAggregationState() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
This will only reset the original URI/URL by calling AggregationState.resetURIs().
resetEventBuses() - Method in class info.magnolia.event.EventBusProtector
resetRootFilter() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
resetSessionLock(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Reset session lock.
resetSystemLock() - Static method in class
Reset system wide lock.
ResettableEventBus - Class in info.magnolia.event
Wraps an EventBus and remembers all handlers registered via this wrapper, so that they can easily all be cleared at once.
ResettableEventBus(EventBus) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.event.ResettableEventBus
resetURIs() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
The original URI/URL can only be set once.
resolve(TypeDescriptor, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.BeanTypeResolver
Resolve the exact bean type from the provided base type information and the map of raw bean properties.
resolve(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TypeResolver
resolveChannel(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface
resolveChannel(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultiChannelFilter
resolveDomain(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ConfigUtil.MapDTDEntityResolver
resolveLogoutRedirectLink(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
resolveParameter(ParameterInfo) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.CandidateParameterResolver
resolveParameter(ParameterInfo) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceParameterResolver
resolveParameter(ParameterInfo) - Method in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterResolver
Returns the instance to use for the parameter or UNRESOLVED if it cannot provider a value for this parameter.
resolvePreviewMode() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MultiChannelFilter
resolveRequestHeaderFromValue(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class
Retrieve the value of the specified header from the request.
resolveTransformer(TypeDescriptor, Node2BeanTransformer) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
resolveType(TypeMapping, TransformationState, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
resolveType(TypeMapping, TransformationState, ComponentProvider) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Resolves the class to use for the current node.
resolveType(TypeDescriptor, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.ClassPropertyBasedTypeResolver
resolveType(TypeDescriptor, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TypeResolver
Attempt to resolve the object type based on its properties and the base parent type.
resolveURIFromValue(Object) - Method in class
Resource() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Resource
resourcePath - Variable in class info.magnolia.module.files.BasicFileExtractorOperation
ResponseContentTypeVoter - Class in
since 5.3.13/5.4.4 use RequestExtensionVoter instead. Because the real Content-Type is not known at the execution time, it was only guessed from the extension in ContentTypeFilter.
ResponseContentTypeVoter() - Constructor for class
restartNeeded(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
restartNeeded(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
restore(Node, Version, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Restore specified version.
restore(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
restore(Version, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
restore(Version, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
restore(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
restore(Version, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
restore(Version, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
restore(Version[], boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
restore(String, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
restore(Version, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
restore(String, Version, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
restore(Version[], boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
restoreAllChildren(Node, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RestorePreviousVersionCommand
Restores all descendant nodes according to the following strategy: Restore descendants of the same type as the parent, if RestorePreviousVersionCommand.isParentNodeTypeOnly() is set to true Restore descendants according to the configured Rule for allowed node-types Restore descendants of type mgnl:metaData and node-types defined by itemTypes parameter of command definition (fallback behavior).
restoreByLabel(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningNodeWrapper
restoreByLabel(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
restoreByLabel(String, String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
RestorePreviousVersionCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
Command to restore a node and all its descendants to their previous version.
RestorePreviousVersionCommand(VersionManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RestorePreviousVersionCommand
rethrow(Throwable, Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExceptionUtil
This method helps palliating the absence of multi-catch (introduced in Java 7) - catch the lower common denominator exception and let this method do the rest - Use with great care!.
reverse() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
Set reverse.
revertExportPath(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
ROLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
Role - Interface in
A role is a collection of ACLs (permissions).
Role() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Role
RoleBaseVoter - Class in
Checks if the current user has access permissions by comparing user roles and configured roles.
RoleBaseVoter() - Constructor for class
RoleList - Interface in
Marker interface.
RoleManager - Interface in
Manages roles, roles are identified by name and can be organized in folders.
ROOT_VERSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
JCR version store root.
rootNodeFound - Variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.ImportXmlRootFilter
rootNodeWasFound() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.ImportXmlRootFilter
Root node was found should be called after parsing to check if a root node was indeed found.
RootOnlyPermissions - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
Permissions granting access to all users to root Caches the result of resolving paths from ids, the caching implementation based
RootOnlyPermissions(SessionImpl) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.RootOnlyPermissions
RotatingVirtualURIMapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.5.6, rotating URI mapping has been relocated to the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-7016).
RotatingVirtualURIMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RotatingVirtualURIMapping
Rule() - Constructor for class
Rule - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
This class defines the rules to be used by the activation content aggregator this is simply a collection of node types.
Rule() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
Rule(String[]) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
Generate list from string array.
Rule(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
Generate Rule from the string representation of Rule.
RuleBasedCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
Base class for rule based commands.
RuleBasedCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RuleBasedCommand
RuleBasedNodePredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
A ContentFilter using a Rule.
RuleBasedNodePredicate(Rule) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.RuleBasedNodePredicate
run() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor.RunnableWrapper
RunnableWrapper(Runnable) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor.RunnableWrapper
RuntimeRepositoryException - Exception in info.magnolia.jcr
Wraps RepositoryException as a runtime exception.
RuntimeRepositoryException(RepositoryException) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.RuntimeRepositoryException
RuntimeRepositoryException(String, RepositoryException) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.jcr.RuntimeRepositoryException


SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Wrapper for a MgnlFilter that using a read/write lock ensures that the destroy method waits for requests to complete before destroying the target filter.
SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper(MgnlFilter) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper.Switcher - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Construct for keeping a reference to a SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper and change it with the guarantee that the returned previous reference will not get more read locks.
SameChildNodeTypeIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
Creates iterator looping over all children of provided node that are of same node type.
SameChildNodeTypeIterator(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.SameChildNodeTypeIterator
SamplesBootstrapTask - Class in
A task which bootstraps the module's content under /mgnl-bootstrap-samples/ if the magnolia.bootstrap.samples property is set the true.
SamplesBootstrapTask() - Constructor for class
sanitizeToFile(URL) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ClasspathResourcesUtil
save() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
During node save action log all action which was done for the node and his childrens.
save() - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
During node save action log all action which was done in the session.
save() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
save() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
save() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
save() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.MgnlPropertySettingSessionWrapper
save() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
scope(Key<T>, Provider<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.LazySingletonScope
scope(Key<T>, Provider<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.LocalScope
scope(Key<T>, Provider<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.SessionScope
SCOPE_LOCAL - Static variable in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
SCOPE_SESSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
SCOPE_SINGLETON - Static variable in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
search(QueryObjectModel, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
Executes the query based on QOM and then pops-up in the node hierarchy until returnItemType is found.
search(String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
Executes the query with given language.Unlike in the old API item type has to be specified in query itself.
search(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
Executes the query using JCR SQL2 language.
search(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
Searches for statement and then pops-up in the node hierarchy until returnItemType is found.
search(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.QueryUtil
Searches for statement and then pops-up in the node hierarchy until returnItemType is found.
SearchHTMLExcerpt - Class in info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene
Provides an HTML excerpt highlighting the searched term.
SearchHTMLExcerpt() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchHTMLExcerpt
SearchIndex - Class in info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene
SearchIndex resolving workspace specific indexing configuration.
SearchIndex() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchIndex
Security - Class in
since 5.1 - use IoC to get SecuritySupport or directly use SecurityUtil instead.
Security() - Constructor for class
SECURITY_BASE_ROLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModuleVersionHandler
SECURITY_CONFIG_PATH - Static variable in class
SecurityCallbackFilter - Class in
A filter which handles 401, 403 HTTP response codes, as well as AccessDeniedExceptions, and renders an appropriate "login form" (which can consist of a redirect or anything else just as well).
SecurityCallbackFilter() - Constructor for class
SecurityCallbackFilter.StatusSniffingResponseWrapper - Class in
A simple HttpServletResponseWrapper which keeps track of the current http status code.
SecurityConstants - Class in
Common constants used throughout the security.
SecurityConstants() - Constructor for class
SecuritySupport - Interface in
Entry point to get the various managers like UserManager, GroupManager and RoleManager.
SecuritySupport.Factory - Class in
since 5.1 - use IoC instead
SecuritySupportBase - Class in
Base implementation of SecuritySupport using JAAS for authentication.
SecuritySupportBase() - Constructor for class
SecuritySupportImpl - Class in
SecuritySupportImpl() - Constructor for class
SecuritySupportObservedComponentFactory - Class in
Special ObservedComponentFactory used for providing a SecuritySupport already during the initialization phase - before the proper SecuritySupportImpl can been instantiated.
SecuritySupportObservedComponentFactory() - Constructor for class
SecurityUtil - Class in
Utility functions required in the context of Security.
SecurityUtil() - Constructor for class
selectAndHandleCallback(HttpServletRequest, SecurityCallbackFilter.StatusSniffingResponseWrapper) - Method in class
selectClientCallback(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
SELECTOR_DELIMITER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Path
since 5.5.3, use SelectorUtil.SELECTOR_DELIMITER instead.
SELECTOR_DELIMITER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SelectorUtil
SelectorUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Util class to handle selectors.
SelectorUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.SelectorUtil
SelfConfiguredCorsFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cors
CORS Filter implementation that may be configured to act on certain URIs.
SelfConfiguredCorsFilter(Provider<WebContext>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
SelfMappingServlet - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.filters
An optional interface that servlets wrapped by ServletDispatchingFilter can implement, to provide their own mapping.
sendError(int) - Method in class
sendError(int, String) - Method in class
sendRedirect(String) - Method in class
SERVER_FILTERS - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManager
Location in the config workspace where the Magnolia filter chain is configured.
SERVER_FILTERS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
ServerConfiguration - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
Holds the basic server configuration info.
ServerConfiguration() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
ServerConfiguration.InstanceFactory - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
A special instance factory preventing recursive instantiation.
SERVICE_CONTACT - Static variable in class
ServletContextPropertySource - Class in
Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded with the ServletContext from a given path.
ServletContextPropertySource(ServletContext, String) - Constructor for class
ServletContextWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.servlet
A general-purpose wrapper around ServletContext to help reducing boilerplate for servlet decorators.
ServletContextWrapper(ServletContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
ServletDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Servlet as defined in a module descriptor.
ServletDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
ServletDispatchingFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A filter that dispatches requests to a wrapped servlet.
ServletDispatchingFilter(ComponentProvider) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
servletIsDeprecated(String) - Method in class
servletIsNowWrapped(String) - Method in class
servletIsPresent(String) - Method in class
servletIsRemoved(String) - Method in class
servletMappingToRegex(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping
ServletParameterDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Servlet parameter as defined in a module descriptor.
ServletParameterDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletParameterDefinition
ServletUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Utility methods for operations related to Servlet API.
ServletUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
ServletUtils - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
since 4.5 - use ServletUtil instead.
ServletUtils() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtils
session - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.DefaultACLBasedPermissions
SESSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes
HTTP session scope.
session - Variable in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask
SESSION_SCOPE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Attribute visibility scope Shared by all requests from this session.
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
SessionDebugger - Class in info.magnolia.debug
A Filter and Listener that can help debugging session issues.
SessionDebugger() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.SessionDebugger
SessionProvider - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.registry
Provides a Session for a logical workspace name.
SessionProviderRegistry - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.registry
Central registry of all SessionsProviders.
SessionProviderRegistry() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.registry.SessionProviderRegistry
SessionScope() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.SessionScope
SessionScoped - Annotation Type in info.magnolia.objectfactory.annotation
Apply this to implementation classes when you want the instance to be created and held per session.
SessionUtil - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Session-related utility methods.
SessionUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.SessionUtil
set(Collection<Principal>) - Method in interface
set(Collection<Principal>) - Method in class
since 4.5
SET - Static variable in interface
set(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Created
Sets the current date as the node's creation date and uses MgnlContext to set the name of the creating user.
set(Node, String, Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Created
Sets the supplied date as the node's creation date and sets the name of the creating user.
set(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Deleted
set(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Renderable
Sets the template assigned to the node.
set(Node, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Versionable
Set the versioning comment on the node.
setAbsolutSourcePath(Node) - Method in class
setAbsolutSourcePath(String) - Method in class
setActivated() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setActivatorId(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - use NodeTypes.Activatable.update(javax.jcr.Node, String, boolean) to directly set userName and true false.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
setActive(boolean) - Method in interface
setActivity(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
setActivity(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
setAdd(AccessDefinition) - Method in class
setAddContextPath(boolean) - Method in class
setAddContextPathToBrowserLinks(boolean) - Method in class
setAddMethod(Method) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
since 5.0 - use setter instead.
setAdmin(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
setAllow(String) - Method in class
setAllowCrossRealmDuplicateNames(boolean) - Method in class
setAllowed(List<String>) - Method in class
setAllowed(List<String>) - Method in class
setAllowedHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
setAllowedHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
setAllowedMethods(List<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
setAllowedMethods(List<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
setAllowedOrigins(List<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
setAllowedOrigins(List<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
setAllowedRedirects(List<UrlPattern>) - Method in class
setAllowedTypes(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
setAnchor(String) - Method in class
setArray(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
setAtomName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Sets the parameter name.
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
Use the Map.put().
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractSystemContext
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.AttributeStrategy
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
Set attribute value, scope of the attribute is defined.
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
Delegates call to the original context.
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MapAttributeStrategy
setAttribute(String, Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Set attribute value, scope of the attribute is Context.LOCAL_SCOPE.
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Set attribute value, scope of the attribute is defined.
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.RequestAttributeStrategy
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
setAttributeStrategy(AttributeStrategy) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
setAtts(Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
Sets the atts.
setAuthorId(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setBindingContext(Annotation) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setBindingContext(Annotation) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
setBypasses(Voter[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
setChannel(Channel) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setChannel(Channel) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setChannels(Map<String, ChannelConfiguration>) - Method in class
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setClassName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ConfigurerDefinition
setClassName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setClassName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
setClientCallbacks(List<HttpClientCallback>) - Method in class
setCollection(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
setCollectionEntryType(TypeDescriptor) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
setCollectionKeyType(TypeDescriptor) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
setCommandName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.DelegateCommand
setComment(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
setComment(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
setComment(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
setCommentTemplate(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExtractCommentCommand
setComponentProvider(ComponentProvider) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.Components
Sets the current ComponentProvider.
setComponents(List<ComponentDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
setComponents(Collection<ComponentsDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setCompression(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
setCondition(Voter<T>) - Method in class
setConfig(Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator
setConfigurers(List<ConfigurerDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in interface
setContentType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
setContentType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeCheckingResponseWrapper
setCountry(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
setCreationDate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setCurrentBean(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
setCurrentBean(Object) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
setCurrentContentNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setCurrentContentNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setCurrentLoginResult(LoginResult) - Static method in class
Used by the login filter to depose the login result.
setCurrentModule(ModuleDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
setCurrentModuleDefinition(ModuleDefinition) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContextImpl
setCurrentURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setCurrentURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setDecoratedFilter(Filter) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterDecorator
setDefaultBaseUrl(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
setDefaultExtension(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
setDefaultLocale(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
since 4.0 - not used and should not be. Use setLocale() on the SystemContext instead. --note: do not remove the method, make it private. applicationLocale field is still needed. --and/or remove duplication with SystemContext.locale
SetDefaultPublicURITask - Class in
Sets the default virtual URI on public instances.
SetDefaultPublicURITask() - Constructor for class
SetDefaultPublicURITask(String) - Constructor for class
setDefaultSeparator(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
setDelay(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
Sets the delay of the deferred EventListener.
setDelegate(Object) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
Sets the delegate.
setDelegatePath(String) - Method in class
setDelete(AccessDefinition) - Method in class
setDeleteMetaDataIfEmptied(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.MetaDataAsMixinConversionHelper
setDeny(String) - Method in class
setDependencies(Collection<DependencyDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setDependencies(Collection<LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDependencyDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDefinition
setDescription(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setDispatching(DispatchRules) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
setDomain(String) - Method in class
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCommand
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setEnd(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RotatingVirtualURIMapping
Sets the end.
setError(DispatchRule) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRules
setException(String, Exception) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
setException(String, Exception, Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
setException(Exception) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
Store the exception.
setException(Exception, Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
setExcludedNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.PropertyFilteringPredicate
setExcludedTypes(Collection<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.PropertyFilteringPredicate
setExecute(AccessDefinition) - Method in class
setExporterClass(Class<? extends Exporter>) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
setExt(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
setExtension(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
setExtension(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
setExtension(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setExtension(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setExtension(String) - Method in class
setFallbackLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
setFallbackLocale(Locale) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
setFallbackPath(String) - Method in class
setFalseValue(int) - Method in class
setFile(File) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Sets a reference to the uploaded file.
setFile(File) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setFile(File) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setFileName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Sets the file name without extension.
setFileName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
setFileName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
setFileName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
setFileName(String) - Method in class
setFilters(MgnlFilter[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilter
setFilters(Map<String, ContentDecorator>) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
setForceCreation(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
setForcePreDelete(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
setForceUnpublishState(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
setFormat(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
setFormat(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
setForward(DispatchRule) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRules
setFromURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
setFromURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping
setFromURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RegexpVirtualURIMapping
setFromURI(String) - Method in interface
setGroupManager(GroupManager) - Method in class
setHandle(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setHandle(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setHandlePrefix(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
setHeader(HttpServletResponse, String, Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.RequestHeaderUtil
setHeaderName(String) - Method in class
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AddHeadersFilter
setHost(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping
setHost(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
Sets the host pattern (using SimpleUrlPattern internally).
setHostPattern(SimpleUrlPattern) - Method in class
setI18nBasename(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MessageCommand
setId(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
setIdentifier(Node, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertiesImportExport
Intentionally created this method to allow simple creation of subclasses actually setting the identifier (e.g.
setIdentifierBehavior(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
See ImportUUIDBehavior constants definition.
setIdentifierBehavior(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
setImplementation(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setImplementation(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.TypeMappingDefinition
setImplementation(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ImplementationConfiguration
setImportPath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
setInclude(DispatchRule) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRules
setIndexingConfiguration(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchIndex
setInitParameter(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
setInstance(Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Set context implementation instance.
setInstance(T) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.InstanceConfiguration
setInstanceUuid(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
setInverse(boolean) - Method in class
setIP(String) - Method in class
setItemType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
setItemTypes(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RuleBasedCommand
setJaasChain(String) - Method in class
setJCRNode(Node) - Method in class
setKeepHistory(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
setLanguage(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
setLastAccess() - Method in class
setLastActivationActionDate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setLazy(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setLazy(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
setLevel(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult
setLevel(int) - Method in class
setLevel(int) - Method in class
setLoadOnStartup(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface info.magnolia.context.Context
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.ContextDecorator
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
setLocale(Locale) - Static method in class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext
Set the locale for the current context.
setLocaleFor(User) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.UserContextImpl
setLocales(Collection<LocaleDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
setLocales(Map<String, Locale>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
setLocalName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
Sets the localName.
setLocation(String) - Method in class
The location field as sent to the browser.
setLockTimePeriod(int) - Method in class
setLockTimePeriod(int) - Method in class
setLockTimePeriod(int) - Method in class
setLockTimePeriod(int) - Method in interface
Sets a time period for account lock.
setLog(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.LogCommand
setLogConfigurations(List<LogConfiguration>) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.AuditLoggingManager
setLoginForm(String) - Method in class
setLoginHandlers(Collection<LoginHandler>) - Method in class
setLogName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
setMagnoliaConfigurationProperties(MagnoliaConfigurationProperties) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
since 4.5 - this is only here to allow tests to work until their tested classes are all converted.
setMainContentNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setMainContentNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setMakeBrowserLinksRelative(boolean) - Method in class
setMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractMapBasedContext
setMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.MapAttributeStrategy
setMap(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
setMappings(Collection<URI2RepositoryMapping>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
setMappings(Collection<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
setMappings(Collection<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.HostSecurityFilter
setMappings(Collection<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.Mapping
setMappings(Collection<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.WebContainerResourcesImpl
setMappings(Collection<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
setMappings(Map<String, WorkspaceMappingDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinition
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
setMaxDelay(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
Sets the maximum delay of the deferred EventListener.
setMaxFailedLoginAttempts(int) - Method in class
setMaxFailedLoginAttempts(int) - Method in class
setMaxFailedLoginAttempts(int) - Method in class
setMaxFailedLoginAttempts(int) - Method in interface
Sets a number of failed attempts before locking account.
setMaxVersionHistory(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Set version history to max version possible.
setMaxVersionHistory(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionManager
Set version history to max version possible.
setMessage(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
Store the message.
setMessage(String, Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
setMessage(String, Exception) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
Creates a message containing the exception message.
setMessage(String, Exception, Context) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.AlertUtil
setMessage(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MessageCommand
setMessages(Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultMessagesManager
setMethods(String) - Method in class
setMimeExtension(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
setModificationDate() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setMove(AccessDefinition) - Method in class
setMsg(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.LogCommand
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.Channel
setName(String) - Method in interface
setName(String) - Method in interface
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter
setName(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilter
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper
Read lock must be held when invoking this method.
setName(String) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 not used - use addProperty(Entity.NAME)
setName(String) - Method in interface
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets this principal name.
setName(String) - Method in interface
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.PropertyDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.RepositoryDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletParameterDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class
setNamespacePrefix(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
setNodePredicate(AbstractPredicate<Node>) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter
setNodePredicate(AbstractPredicate<Node>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
setNodeTypeFile(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.RepositoryDefinition
setNodeTypes(Collection<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeFilteringPredicate
setNot(boolean) - Method in class
setNot(boolean) - Method in class
setObserved(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setObserved(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
setObservedObject(T) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
setOp(String) - Method in class
setOp(String) - Method in class
setOptional(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
setOriginalBrowserURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setOriginalBrowserURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setOriginalBrowserURL(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setOriginalBrowserURL(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setOriginalContext(Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractSystemContext
setOriginalURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setOriginalURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setOriginalURL(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setOriginalURL(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setOriginalUrl(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
setOriginalUrlPattern(SimpleUrlPattern) - Method in class
setOtherwise(Voter<T>) - Method in class
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExportCommand
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
setPadding(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RotatingVirtualURIMapping
Sets the padding.
setParameterName(String) - Method in class
setParameterName(String) - Method in class
setParameters(Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
setParameters(String) - Method in class
setParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
setParameterValue(String) - Method in class
setParameterValue(String) - Method in class
setParams(Collection<ServletParameterDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletDefinition
setPasswordProperty(Node, String) - Method in class
setPath(String) - Method in class
setPath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
setPath(String) - Method in class
setPath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setPath(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
setPattern(UrlPattern) - Method in interface
setPattern(UrlPattern) - Method in class
setPattern(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ExtractCommentCommand
setPattern(String) - Method in class
setPattern(String) - Method in class
setPattern(String) - Method in class
setPattern(String) - Method in class
setPattern(String) - Method in class
setPatternString(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
Mainly used by ContentToBean.
setPeriodicSaves(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.MetaDataAsMixinConversionHelper
Sets whether to save periodically as the sub tree is converted.
setPermissionList(List<Permission>) - Method in interface
Sets the list of permissions this manager will use to determine access, implementation is free to define the structure of this list.
setPermissionList(List<Permission>) - Method in class
setPermissions(long) - Method in interface
setPermissions(long) - Method in class
setPhase(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycleContextImpl
setPolicy(String, AccessControlPolicy) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessManager
setPolicy(String, AccessControlPolicy) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaACLEditor
setPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand
setPreviewMode(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setPreviewMode(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setPrimaryType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setPrimaryType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setPrimaryType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperties(Object, Node, boolean, Node2BeanTransformer, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
setProperties(Map<String, Object>, Node2BeanTransformer, TransformationState) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
Populates the properties of the bean with values from the map.
setProperties(Object, Node, boolean, Node2BeanTransformer, ComponentProvider) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanProcessor
Similar to toBean() but uses a passed bean as the root bean.
setProperties(Collection<PropertyDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setProperty(String, Value) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Binary) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, double) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Calendar) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value[], int) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String[], int) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setProperty(String, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setProperty(String, double) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setProperty(String, Calendar) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setProperty(String, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.SystemProperty
setProperty(User, String, Value) - Method in class
setProperty(User, String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(User, String, Value) - Method in class
setProperty(User, String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets an arbitrary property for this group.
setProperty(TypeMapping, TransformationState, PropertyTypeDescriptor, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
since 4.5, use UserManager instead
setProperty(User, String, Value) - Method in class
setProperty(User, String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface
setProperty(User, String, Value) - Method in interface
setProperty(User, String, String) - Method in interface
Sets given property for the user and returns updated user object with new value of the property.
setProperty(TypeMapping, TransformationState, PropertyTypeDescriptor, Map) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.CommandTransformer
setProperty(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Binary) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Calendar) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, double) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String[], int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value[], int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setProperty(TypeMapping, TransformationState, PropertyTypeDescriptor, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.CollectionPropertyHidingTransformer
setProperty(TypeMapping, TransformationState, PropertyTypeDescriptor, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
setProperty(TypeMapping, TransformationState, PropertyTypeDescriptor, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Set this property on that bean.
setProperty(String, Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.Ops
Sets the value of an existing property, ignoring its current value.
setProperty(Node, String, Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Allows setting a Node's property from an object.
setProperty(String, Value) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Binary) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, double) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Calendar) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value[], int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String[], int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Binary) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Calendar) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, double) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, String[], int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value, int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(String, Value[], int) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingNodeWrapper
setProperty(Property) - Method in class
setProperty(String) - Method in class
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class
setPropertyPredicate(AbstractPredicate<Property>) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter
setPropertyPredicate(AbstractPredicate<Property>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.NodePredicateContentDecorator
SetPropertyTask - Class in
Sets a new value for a property.
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, Value) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, Node) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, Binary) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, Calendar) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, Long) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, Double) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class
SetPropertyTask(String, String, String, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class
setProvider(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setProvider(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryDefinition
setProviderClass(Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ProviderConfiguration
setQName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
Sets the qName.
setQueryString(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setQueryString(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setRead(AccessDefinition) - Method in class
setReadMethod(Method) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in interface
setRealm(String) - Method in class
setRealmName(String) - Method in class
setRealmName(String) - Method in class
setRecursive(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
setRegisteredExtensionsOnly(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
setRejected(List<String>) - Method in class
setRejected(List<String>) - Method in class
setRepositories(Collection<RepositoryDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setRepositories(Collection<RepositoryDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.definition.RepositoryMappingDefinition
setRepository(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
setRepository(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setRepository(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setRepository(String) - Method in interface
setRepository(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
setRepository(String, Repository) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
setRepositoryProvider(String, Provider) - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
setRepositoryStrategy(JCRSessionStrategy) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
setRequest(DispatchRule) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRules
setRequestCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
setResolver(ChannelResolver) - Method in class
setResponseCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
setRoleManager(RoleManager) - Method in class
setRoles(Collection<String>) - Method in class
setRoles(List<String>) - Method in class
setRule(Rule) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.RuleBasedCommand
setRules(Map<String, IPSecurityManagerImpl.Rule>) - Method in class
setSanitizeXssUri(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
since 5.6 - use {info.magnolia.rendering.engine.RenderingEngine#getEscapeHtml()} instead.
setSaveAfterImport(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
setScope(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setScope(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
setSelector(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
Warning - this might change in the future - see MAGNOLIA-2343 for details. The provided selector value is decoded upon settings according to rules described in URLDecoder.decode(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
setSelector(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setSeparator(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.LogConfiguration
setServletClass(Class<? extends Servlet>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
setServletName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ServletDispatchingFilter
setServlets(Collection<ServletDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setSessionLock(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Set session based lock.
setSessionTimeout(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
setSessionTrackingModes(Set<SessionTrackingMode>) - Method in class info.magnolia.servlet.ServletContextWrapper
setSize(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
setStart(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.RotatingVirtualURIMapping
Sets the start.
setStatus(int) - Method in class
setStatus(int, String) - Method in class
setStream(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrImportCommand
setSubscribers(Collection<Subscriber>) - Method in interface
since 5.3.3 means of setting the subscribers are implementation detail and should not be exposed
setSubscriptions(Collection<Subscription>) - Method in interface
setSuperuserRole(String) - Method in class
setSuperuserRole(String) - Method in class
setSupportsCredentials(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
setSupportsCredentials(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
setSystemLock() - Static method in class
Set system wide lock.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setTemplateName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setTemplateName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setTestPrefix(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.DerbyTestPersistenceManager
setTestString(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.CallTrackingFilter
setThen(Voter<T>) - Method in class
setTitle(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - only for backwards compatibility.
setToMagnoliaResources(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRule
setToURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
setToURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping
setToURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult
setToURI(String) - Method in interface
setToWebContainerResources(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.DispatchRule
setTrace(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.CallTrackingFilter
setTransformer(Node2BeanTransformer) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
setTransformers(Map<String, LinkTransformer>) - Method in class
setTrueValue(int) - Method in class
setTrueValue(int) - Method in class
setType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.Document
Sets the mime type for this file.
setType(TypeDescriptor) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
setType(Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
setType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setType(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.TypeMappingDefinition
setType(Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ComponentConfiguration
setTypeMappings(List<TypeMappingDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentsDefinition
setUnActivated() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
setupCharacterEncoding(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
setupContentType(String, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
setupContentTypeAndCharacterEncoding(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
SetupModuleRepositoriesTask - Class in
Bootstrap empty repositories for the current module.
SetupModuleRepositoriesTask() - Constructor for class
setUri(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement
Sets the uri.
setURIPrefix(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
setUriPrefix(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
setUriPrefix(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
setUris(List<SimpleUrlPattern>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.DefaultCorsConfiguration
setUris(List<SimpleUrlPattern>) - Method in class info.magnolia.cors.SelfConfiguredCorsFilter
setURL(String) - Method in interface
setUrl(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
Sets the Url pattern (using SimpleUrlPattern internally).
setUrlPattern(SimpleUrlPattern) - Method in class
setUsageMetrics(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration
setUseI18N(boolean) - Method in class
setUserManagers(Map<String, UserManager>) - Method in class
setUserName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
setUseURI2RepositoryMapping(boolean) - Method in class
setUuid(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.BaseRepositoryCommand
setUUID(String) - Method in class
setValidateContentType(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.ContentTypeFilter
setValue(Value) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(Value[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(Binary) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(double) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(Calendar) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
setValue(Value) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Value[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Binary) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(double) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Calendar) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Binary) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Calendar) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(double) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(String[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Value) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(Value[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator.LastUpdatePropertyWrapper
setValue(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.PropertyDefinition
setValue(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ServletParameterDefinition
setValue(String) - Method in class
setVersion(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
setVersion(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setVersion(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.LightModuleDefinitionReader.LightModuleDefinition
setVersionComment(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
setVersionDate(Date) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
setVersionedNode(VersionedNode) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeContentDecorator
setVersionedNodeChild(VersionedNodeChild) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChildContentDecorator
setVersionHandler(Class<? extends ModuleVersionHandler>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
setVersionManually(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
setVersionName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
setVersionUser(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
setVoter(Voter<T>) - Method in class
setVoter(AbstractBoolVoter<T>) - Method in class
setVoters(Voter) - Method in class
setVoters(List<Voter>) - Method in class
setVoters(Voter<T>[]) - Method in class
setVoters(Voter<T>[]) - Method in class
setVoting(Voting) - Method in class
setVoting(Voting<T>) - Method in class
setWorkspace(String) - Method in class
setWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ComponentDefinition
setWorkspace(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ConfiguredComponentConfiguration
setWorkspaces(List<String>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.RepositoryDefinition
setWrappedNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
setWrappedNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionHistoryWrapper
setWrappedNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
setWrappedNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
setWrappedNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
setWrappedNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.LazyNodeWrapper
setWrappedProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
setWrappedSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
setWrappedVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
setWrappedWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
setWrapWriter(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangeSupportFilter
RFP defines only byte ranges, however writers operate on characters which might be more then one byte long.
setWrite(AccessDefinition) - Method in class
setWriteListener(WriteListener) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangedOutputStream
setWriteMethod(Method) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.PropertyTypeDescriptor
setXmlFileName(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
setXmlStream(InputStream) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.ImportCommand
SHA1 - Static variable in class
SHA1 - Static variable in class
SHA256 - Static variable in class
There are five (5) FIPS-approved* algorithms for generating a condensed representation of a message (message digest): SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256,SHA-384, and SHA-512.
SHA256 - Static variable in class
There are five (5) FIPS-approved* algorithms for generating a condensed representation of a message (message digest): SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256,SHA-384, and SHA-512.
SHA384 - Static variable in class
SHA384 - Static variable in class
SHA512 - Static variable in class
SHA512 - Static variable in class
shouldIgnoreUpdate(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator
shutdown() - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
since 4.5 - use RepositoryManager.shutdown() directly.
shutdown() - Method in class info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager
shutdown() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryManager
Shuts down all repositories (through Provider instances) and clears all mappings.
shutdownLogging() - Static method in class info.magnolia.logging.Log4jConfigurer
Shuts down Log4J.
shutdownRepository() - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
shutdownRepository() - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
SilentSessionOp<R> - Class in
Session operation that just logs all exceptions instead of re-throwing them.
SilentSessionOp(String) - Constructor for class
SimpleContext - Class in info.magnolia.context
Simple context delegating methods to the thread local context.
SimpleContext() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.SimpleContext
Uses current instance of MgnlContext at the time of creation as it's internal reference context.
SimpleContext(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.SimpleContext
Decorate a map.
SimpleEventBus - Class in info.magnolia.event
Event bus implementation.
SimpleEventBus() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.event.SimpleEventBus
SimpleFreemarkerHelper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
A simple utility to render FreeMarker templates for those rare cases in magnolia-core that can't be extracted (yet), and thus can't use info.magnolia.freemarker.FreemarkerHelper of magnolia-freemarker-support or info.magnolia.rendering.engine.RenderingEngine of magnolia-rendering.
SimpleFreemarkerHelper(Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleFreemarkerHelper
If relative is true, templates will be loaded from the base class' package; if false, the paths will be relative to the root of the classpath.
SimpleUrlPattern - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
An implementation of URLPattern which matches strings using simple * or ? wildcards.
SimpleUrlPattern() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
Default constructor used by ContentToBean.
SimpleUrlPattern(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
Compile a regexp pattern handling * and ? chars.
SINGLE_CHAR_PATTERN - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
Regexp pattern used for the simple keyword ?.
SingleJCRSessionSystemContext - Class in info.magnolia.context
All Threads share the same jcr sessions.
SingleJCRSessionSystemContext() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.SingleJCRSessionSystemContext
SIZE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
size and unit depending of size in bytes, KB, or MB: 257.3.
size() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
size() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
size() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
size() - Method in class info.magnolia.event.EventHandlerCollection
size() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
SIZE_BYTES - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
size in bytes: 263492.
SIZE_KB - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
size in KB: 257.3.
SIZE_MB - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
size in MB: 0.2.
skip(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator
skip(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
skip(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.ChainedNodeIterator
skip(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingNodeIterator
skip(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.DelegatingPropertyIterator
skip(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringRangeIterator
skip(long) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.RangeIteratorImpl
SkipNodeFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
since 5.4.4. Use JcrExportCommand with JcrExportCommand.DefaultFilter instead.
SkipNodeFilter(XMLReader) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodeFilter
SkipNodePropertyFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
SkipNodePropertyFilter(XMLReader) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
Instantiates a new filter.
SkipNodePropertyFilter.BufferedElement - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
Temporary element storage node.
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
skipProperty - Variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
SLASH - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
sortByDependencyLevel(Map<String, ModuleDefinition>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.model.reader.DependencyChecker
sortByDependencyLevel(Map<String, ModuleDefinition>) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.DependencyCheckerImpl
sortInheritedNodes(NodeIterator, List<NodeIterator>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
Sorts the inherited nodes and provides a NodeIterator representing that order.
SOURCE_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Workspace of the source node.
sources - Variable in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
start() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
start(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.PerformanceTestStatus
start(ModuleLifecycleContext) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycle
startDocument() - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.ImportXmlRootFilter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MagnoliaV2Filter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MetadataUuidFilter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.NamespaceFilter
org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.xml.ToXmlContentHandler does not honour the prefix mapping thus exclusions need to be handled here.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.RemoveMixversionableFilter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodeFilter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.SkipNodePropertyFilter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.VersionFilter
startModule(Object, ModuleDefinition, ModuleLifecycleContextImpl) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
StartModuleEvent - Class in info.magnolia.module
Event sent when a module should be stopped by the ModuleManager.
StartModuleEvent(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.StartModuleEvent
StartModuleEvent.Handler - Interface in info.magnolia.module
Event handler for StartModuleEvent.
startModules() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager
startModules() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
startObservation() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
startObservation(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.MetadataUuidFilter
Skip unwanted name spaces, see MAGNOLIA-2756.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.NamespaceFilter
startServer() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
startup(ModuleDefinition, List<Task>) - Static method in class
startup(Version, String) - Static method in class
TODO : it seems irrelevant to have a Version in startup tasks.
startUsingConfiguredFilters() - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManager
startUsingConfiguredFilters() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.FilterManagerImpl
STATUS_FAILED - Static variable in class
STATUS_IN_PROCESS - Static variable in class
STATUS_NO_LOGIN - Static variable in class
STATUS_NOT_HANDLED - Static variable in class
STATUS_SUCCEEDED - Static variable in class
Special status indicating that login was successful but was done via a method that requires redirection, e.g.
StatusSniffingResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class
stop(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.PerformanceTestStatus
stop(ModuleLifecycleContext) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleLifecycle
stopModule(Object, ModuleDefinition, ModuleLifecycleContextImpl) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
StopModuleEvent - Class in info.magnolia.module
Event sent when a module should be stopped by the ModuleManager.
StopModuleEvent(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.StopModuleEvent
StopModuleEvent.Handler - Interface in info.magnolia.module
Event handler for StopModuleEvent.
stopModules() - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager
stopModules() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManagerImpl
stopServer() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener
store(ChangeLog) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.DerbyTestPersistenceManager
store(PropertyState) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.DerbyTestPersistenceManager
storeDeletionInfo(Node, Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
StrictErrorHandler - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder
An ErrorHandler which interrupts operations as soon as one error happens, by throwing a NodeOperationException.
StrictErrorHandler() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.StrictErrorHandler
string2DOM(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ConfigUtil
since 5.5.3 without replacement
string2JDOM(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ConfigUtil
since 5.5.3 without replacement
StringLengthComparator - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
A simple comparator that compares to String lengths.
StringLengthComparator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.StringLengthComparator
StringPropertyValueFilteringNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Filtering node wrapper with hardcoded predicate to simplify unwrapping when needed.
StringPropertyValueFilteringNodeWrapper(Node, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.StringPropertyValueFilteringNodeWrapper
StringPropertyValueFilterPredicate - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.predicate
Simple predicate implementation that filter property based on the desired value.
StringPropertyValueFilterPredicate(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.StringPropertyValueFilterPredicate
stripContextPathIfExists(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState
WARNING: If passing URI without context path but it starts with same text as the context path it will be stripped off as well!!!
stripContextPathIfExists(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
stripExtension(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.PathUtil
Removes the extension from a path if one exists.
stripParameterFromCacheLog(String, String) - Static method in class
stripPasswordFromCacheLog(String) - Static method in class
Used for removing password parameter from cache key.
stripPasswordFromUrl(String) - Static method in class
stripPathParameters(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ServletUtil
Strips path parameters from a URI.
Subscriber - Interface in
since 5.6 use info.magnolia.publishing.definition.ReceiverDefinition instead.
Subscription - Interface in
since 5.6 use info.magnolia.publishing.definition.WorkspaceDefinition instead.
supportsType(TypeDescriptor) - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.ClassPropertyBasedTypeResolver
supportsType(TypeDescriptor) - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TypeResolver
Report whether current resolver is capable of dealing with the object types related to the one provided.
supportsValueClaims() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.CompositeFilterTransformer
supportsValueClaims() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.CollectionPropertyHidingTransformer
supportsValueClaims() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanTransformerImpl
supportsValueClaims() - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer
Returns whether this transformer handles value claims, helping Node2BeanProcessor to report unknown bean properties.
supportsValueClaims() - Method in class
Switcher() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.SafeDestroyMgnlFilterWrapper.Switcher
SYNDICATE - Static variable in interface
SYSTEM - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
System() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.System
SYSTEM - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
SYSTEM_NODE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Sub-node containing the data used for the version/restore process.
SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer
System property prefix, to obtain a property definition like ${systemProperty/property}, that can refer to any System property.
SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX - Static variable in class info.magnolia.init.DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver
System property prefix, to obtain a property definition like ${systemProperty/property}, that can refer to any System property.
SYSTEM_PSWD - Static variable in interface
Magnolia system default password.
SYSTEM_SUPERUSER_PATH - Static variable in class
SYSTEM_USER - Static variable in interface
Magnolia system user name.
SystemContext - Interface in info.magnolia.context
This context is a system wide context with full access.
SystemEventBus - Interface in info.magnolia.event
Defines the name of the system event bus.
SystemEventBusConfigurer - Class in info.magnolia.event
Configures an EventBus bound to the name system.
SystemEventBusConfigurer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.event.SystemEventBusConfigurer
SystemMonitor - Class in info.magnolia.monitoring
Allows to monitor the system.
SystemMonitor() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.monitoring.SystemMonitor
SystemNodeWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Node wrapper that will reacquire the node using LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil if its session is closed.
SystemNodeWrapper(String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.SystemNodeWrapper
SystemNodeWrapper(Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.SystemNodeWrapper
SystemOrAdminUserVoter - Class in
Checks if the current user is a system or admin user by checking the user's Realm.
SystemOrAdminUserVoter() - Constructor for class
SystemProperty - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core
SystemPropertySource - Class in
A PropertySource exposing all System.props properties.
SystemPropertySource() - Constructor for class
SystemRepositoryStrategy - Class in info.magnolia.context
Uses a single full access AccessManager.
SystemRepositoryStrategy(RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.SystemRepositoryStrategy
SystemTmpDirCondition - Class in info.magnolia.setup
A Condition which checks the system temporary folder (as per the property) exists and is writable.
SystemTmpDirCondition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.SystemTmpDirCondition
SystemUserManager - Class in
Responsible to handle system users like anonymous and superuser.
SystemUserManager() - Constructor for class


Task - Interface in
A Task represents an atomic operation to be performed when installing, updating or uninstalling a module, as part of a Delta.
TaskExecutionException - Exception in
An exception thrown when a task can not be executed and can not be recovered from.
TaskExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception
TaskExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
taskId - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor
The current taskId.
TaskLogErrorHandler - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task
An ErrorHandler which logs handled errors to the InstallContext as warnings, and wraps unhandled exceptions in NodeOperationException.
TaskLogErrorHandler(InstallContext) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.TaskLogErrorHandler
TEMPLATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.runtime.File
TEMPLATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - use NodeTypes.Renderable.TEMPLATE instead
TEMPLATE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Renderable
TEMPLATE_TYPE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - no longer supported
TemplateMessagesUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.i18n
since 4.0 (officially)- informally since 3.0
TextFileConditionsUtil - Class in
Utility adding conditions for textFiles depending on provided regExps.
TextFileConditionsUtil(List<Condition>) - Constructor for class
TextFileUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Utility to check textFiles.
TextFileUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.TextFileUtil
textFilterClassesAreNotSet() - Method in class
then(NodeOperation...) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.AbstractNodeOperation
then(NodeOperation...) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeOperation
ThreadDependentSystemContext - Interface in info.magnolia.context
Some implementations of the system context release resources when a thread is not used anymore.
timer - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor
timestamp - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor
TITLE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData
since 5.0 - no longer supported
TMP_REFERENCED_NODES - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Node which contains stubs for referenced nodes.
TO_URI - Static variable in class
TO_URI_NODEDATANAME - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIManager
toBean(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
toBean(Node, Class<?>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
toBean(Node, boolean, Node2BeanTransformer, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
toBean(Node, boolean, Node2BeanTransformer, TransformationState, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
toBean(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanProcessor
Transforms given node to bean.
toBean(Node, Class<?>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanProcessor
Transforms given node to bean.
toBean(Node, boolean, Node2BeanTransformer, ComponentProvider) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanProcessor
Transforms the node to a bean using the passed transformer and component provider.
toBean(Map<String, Object>, Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
ToBeanTransformer<SRC_T> - Interface in info.magnolia.transformer
Common interface for the utilities which are capable of transforming some type of data into a bean.
toBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.BooleanUtil
Behaves much like org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils but returns the defaultValue if the input string is null, empty, or unrecognized.
toHEX(String) - Static method in class
Converts a byte array to a string Hex.
toHEX(byte[]) - Static method in class
Converts a byte array to a string Hex.
toI18NURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
toI18NURI(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
toI18NURI(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultI18nContentSupport
Adds the language prefix to the uri.
toI18NURI(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.HierarchyBasedI18nContentSupport
toI18NURI(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
Transform the internal uri to a i18n uri.
toI18NURI(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.RequestLocaleAwareI18nContentSupport
toMap(Node, boolean, Node2BeanTransformer, TransformationState, ComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
Transforms the children of provided content into a map.
toPath() - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.function.NodeFunctions
since 6.1, use NodeFunctions.toPath(Node) as a method reference
toPath(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.function.NodeFunctions
toPattern(Link) - Static method in class
Converts provided Link to an UUID link pattern.
toProperties(Node, AbstractPredicate<Node>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertiesImportExport
toRawURI(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
Removes the prefix.
toRawURI(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractI18nContentSupport
toRawURI(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultI18nContentSupport
toRawURI(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.HierarchyBasedI18nContentSupport
toRawURI(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupport
Remove all i18n tokens form the uri.
toRawURI(String, Locale) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.RequestLocaleAwareI18nContentSupport
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping.HostURIMapping
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangeSupportFilter.RangeInfo
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.AbstractMessagesImpl
Nice string.
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.i18n.LocaleDefinition
Uses the locals toString() method.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil.DeferringEventListener
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule
Get a string representation of this rule.
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.MgnlCatalog
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.PerformanceTestStatus
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.init.AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.BinaryInFile
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegatePropertyWrapper
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateVersionManagerWrapper
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.DependencyDefinition
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.ModuleDefinition
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionRange
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.module.ModuleManager.ModuleAndDeltas
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.LazySingletonScope
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.LocalScope
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.MagnoliaScopes.SessionScope
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.NamedImpl
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
toString() - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.DeferringEventListener
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
totalCalls - Variable in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
totalInits - Variable in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
totalTime - Variable in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
toURI - Variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.DefaultVirtualURIMapping
track() - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
Track all the callers and update aggregated stacktrace.
track(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
Track only calls where TrackingStatus.testString matches the argument.
TrackingSessionWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.repository.mbean
Tracks the session to keep count of open sessions.
TrackingSessionWrapper(Session, JCRStats) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.mbean.TrackingSessionWrapper
TrackingStatus - Class in info.magnolia.debug
Invocation aggregator.
TrackingStatus(boolean, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.debug.TrackingStatus
trackProblem(TransformationProblem.Builder) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
trackProblem(TransformationProblem.Builder) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TransformationState
trackProblem(TransformationProblem.Builder) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.TransformationState
transform(Node, Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
transform(Node, Class<T>, Node2BeanTransformer) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.Node2BeanProcessorImpl
transform(Node, Class<T>, Node2BeanTransformer) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanProcessor
Helper method which complements ToBeanTransformer interface allowing Node2Bean processing to be accomplished with a custom transformer instance.
transform(Link) - Method in class
Transforms Link into desired output.
transform(Link) - Method in class
transform(Link) - Method in class
transform(Link) - Method in interface
Transforms Link into desired output.
transform(Link) - Method in class
transform(Map<String, Object>, Class<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.map2bean.Map2BeanTransformer
transform(SRC_T, Class<T>) - Method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.ToBeanTransformer
TransformationProblem - Interface in info.magnolia.transformer
This introduces to encapsulate the type of problem and the relevant properties.
TransformationProblem.Builder - Class in info.magnolia.transformer
TransformationProblem.SeverityType - Enum in info.magnolia.transformer
Possible types of messages.
TransformationResult<T> - Interface in info.magnolia.transformer
This is used to track and aggregate errors during the process of conversion.
transformationResult(T, Collection<TransformationProblem>) - Static method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationResult
TransformationResult.TransformationResultImpl<T> - Class in info.magnolia.transformer
Default impl class.
TransformationResultImpl(T, Collection<TransformationProblem>) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationResult.TransformationResultImpl
TransformationState - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
This state contains three stacks.
TransformationState - Class in info.magnolia.map2bean
Carries contextual information about the state of map-to-bean transformation run.
TransformationState() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.map2bean.TransformationState
TransformationStateImpl - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl
Transformation state implementation.
TransformationStateImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl
TransformedBy - Annotation Type in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
Use this annotation on a type, a setter, or on another annotation, to specify the transformer which will be used by Node2Bean.
transformNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ServerConfiguration.InstanceFactory
transformNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceConfiguredComponentProvider
transformNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.ObservedComponentFactory
trigger() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DelayedExecutor
TrueCondition - Class in
A Condition which always return true.
TrueCondition(String, String) - Constructor for class
TrueVoter - Class in
Used to set a default not 0 outcome value.
TrueVoter() - Constructor for class
tryToMapHost() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.HostBasedVirtualURIMapping
Choose the mapping host that matches the request host, with the least number of additional characters.
TypeDescriptor - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
Describes the type under the transformation.
TypeDescriptor() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.TypeDescriptor
TypeMapping - Interface in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean
Contract for mapping of the type and its properties to appropriate java beans.
TypeMappingDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Type Mapping as defined in module descriptor.
TypeMappingDefinition() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.TypeMappingDefinition
TypeMappingImpl - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl
Basic type mapping implementation.
TypeMappingImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TypeMappingImpl
TypeResolver - Interface in info.magnolia.transformer
TypeResolver attempts to deduce the object type from the provided properties related to that object.
typeStack - Variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.impl.TransformationStateImpl


UNDEFINED_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION - Static variable in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
UNDEFINED_FROM - Static variable in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
UNDEFINED_TO - Static variable in class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
unescapeSql(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.EscapeUtil
Unescape previously escaped chars.
unescapeXss(String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.EscapeUtil
unescapeXss(String[]) - Static method in class info.magnolia.util.EscapeUtil
unhandledRepositoryException(RepositoryException, Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.AbstractErrorHandler
Override this method if you need finer grained control on RepositoryExceptions that haven't been handled by the handle() method yet, or if you want to try and keep on proceeding anyway.
UnicodeNormalizationFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Normalizes the current URI to the NFC form which is used internally.
UnicodeNormalizationFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationFilter
UnicodeNormalizationRequestWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Performs unicode normalization (NFC) for request parameters.
UnicodeNormalizationRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.UnicodeNormalizationRequestWrapper
UnicodeNormalizer - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
A wrapper around java.text.Normalizer note: If needed, one can use their own implementation, by setting the info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer$Normalizer system property.
UnicodeNormalizer() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.UnicodeNormalizer
UnicodeNormalizer.AutoDetectNormalizer - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Tries to load the normalizer dynamically and respects the property MagnoliaConfigurationProperties.MAGNOLIA_UTF8_ENABLED.
UnicodeNormalizer.Java6Normalizer - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Java 6 Normalizer wrapper.
UnicodeNormalizer.NonNormalizer - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Returns the original value unchanged.
UnicodeNormalizer.Normalizer - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.util
Used to normalize a String.
unload() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigLoader
unlock() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
unregister(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.registry.SessionProviderRegistry
unregister() - Method in interface info.magnolia.observation.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Handle
Removes related EventListener from the ObservationManager.
unregisterChangeListener(String, EventListener) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ObservationUtil
since 5.4.6 use WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Handle.unregister() to unregister listeners
unregisterNamespace(String, Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl
unregisterNamespace(String, Workspace) - Method in interface info.magnolia.repository.Provider
Unregister namespace with the repository.
UNRESOLVED - Static variable in interface
Constant indicating that no channel was resolved.
UNRESOLVED - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.objectfactory.ParameterResolver
unwrap() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.HTMLEscapingAggregationState
WARNING: doing for instance ${state.unwrap()} in a template and then calling any method on the raw {@link AggregationState} will disable automatic HTML escaping provided by this wrapper thus potentially exposing your webapp to XSS attacks.
unwrap() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
unwrap() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
unwrap(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
unwrap(Session) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.SessionUtil
unwrap(Version) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
unwrap() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
unwrapIf(RuntimeException, Class<E>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExceptionUtil
Given a RuntimeException, this method will: - throw its cause exception, if the cause exception is an instance of the type of the unwrapIf parameter - throw its cause exception, if the cause exception is a RuntimeException - throw the given RuntimeException otherwise.
unwrapSourceType(Class) - Static method in interface info.magnolia.dynamic.MagnoliaProxy
update(Node, String, boolean) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
Sets the name of the user that performed the most recent activation as well as to current time.
update(Node, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
update(Node, String, boolean, Version) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Activatable
Sets the name of the user that performed the most recent activation as well as to current time, last activated version name and last activated version creation time.
update(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
Sets the date of modification to current Calendar and uses MgnlContext to set the name of the user.
update(Node, Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
Sets the date of modification.
update(Node, String, Calendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.LastModified
Sets the date of modification and the name of the user modifying a node.
update(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
update(Version, String, Task) - Static method in class
Convenience factory method for an Update Delta with a single task.
update(String, String) - Static method in class
update(Version, String) - Static method in class
updateKeys(MgnlKeyPair) - Static method in class
updateLastAccessTimestamp(User) - Method in class
updateLastAccessTimestamp(User) - Method in class
updateLastAccessTimestamp(User) - Method in class
updateLastAccessTimestamp(User) - Method in class
updateLastAccessTimestamp(User) - Method in interface
Updates last access timestamp for the user.
updateMetaData(Node) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil
updateOrCreate(Node, String, GregorianCalendar) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil
Updates existing property or creates a new one if it doesn't exist already.
updateSecurityBaseRolePermissions() - Method in class info.magnolia.setup.CoreModuleVersionHandler
UpdateUserManagers - Class in info.magnolia.setup.for4_5
Updates user managers with properties used in account lockout feature.
UpdateUserManagers() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.for4_5.UpdateUserManagers
UpdateVersionMixinPostProcessor - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors
Adds/keeps/removes mgnl:hasVersion mixin for imported nodes.
UpdateVersionMixinPostProcessor(int, VersionManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.postprocessors.UpdateVersionMixinPostProcessor
URI2RepositoryManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
Maps uri prefixes to repositories.
URI2RepositoryManager() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryManager
URI2RepositoryMapping - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
Describes a uri to repository mapping.
URI2RepositoryMapping(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
URI2RepositoryMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.URI2RepositoryMapping
URI_REPOSITORY - Static variable in class
URI_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class
URIPatternVoter - Class in
Checks if URI matches the pattern.
URIPatternVoter() - Constructor for class
URIRegexVoter - Class in
A voter taking a plain regex pattern which has to matched against the current uri.
URIRegexVoter() - Constructor for class
URISecurityFilter - Class in
This Filter protects URI as defined by ROLE(s)/GROUP(s) ACL.
URISecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
URIStartsWithVoter - Class in
Checks if the URI starts with the given pattern.
URIStartsWithVoter() - Constructor for class
URL_CHAR_PATTERN - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.SimpleUrlPattern
URL_CHAR_PATTERN used to be a common prefix for both single/multiple-characters wildcard patterns— before 4.3.1, it used to be a complex white-listing regex. Standalone, it is however of no use.
UrlPattern - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.util
Pattern interface, used to match URLs.
UrlPattern.MatchAllPattern - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
A default implementation with matches any input.
UrlPatternDelegate - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
An implementation of PatternDelegate that evaluates as condition a request uri patter or a hostname pattern.
UrlPatternDelegate() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.UrlPatternDelegate
UselessNameFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
UselessNameFilter(XMLReader) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.UselessNameFilter
Instantiates a new filter.
USER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.MgnlNodeType
user - Variable in class
User - Interface in
Represents a magnolia user.
User() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.User
USER_GROUPS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
USER_GROUPS - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
USER_PATH_REPLACEMENT - Static variable in class
USER_ROLES - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
USER_ROLES - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
UserAgentVoter - Class in
A voter which checks the user agent header in request object against a list of allowed and/or rejected user agents.
UserAgentVoter() - Constructor for class
UserCallback - Class in
Used to transport the created User object back.
UserCallback(User) - Constructor for class
UserContext - Interface in info.magnolia.context
User aware context.
UserContextImpl - Class in info.magnolia.context
User aware context implementation able to release and discard all kept info upon user logout.
UserContextImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.UserContextImpl
UserManager - Interface in
Manages users.
USERS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
USERS - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
UTC_TIME_ZONE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
UTF8 - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
UUID_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Pattern to find a magnolia formatted uuid link.


validateGroupName(String) - Method in class
validateRoleName(String) - Method in class
validateUsername(String) - Method in class
value() - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.NamedImpl
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.cms.util.DispatcherType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter.Headers
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter.RequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.Compression
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.ErrorHandling
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.MessagePriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.module.InstallStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.ImplementationConfiguration
valueOf(Class<Y>, Object) - Static method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration.InstanceConfiguration
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem.SeverityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(Class<E>, String) - Method in class info.magnolia.util.EnumCaseInsensitive
ValueOfPropertyDelegateTask - Class in
A task which delegates to another if a property has a given value.
ValueOfPropertyDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, boolean, Task) - Constructor for class
ValueOfPropertyDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, boolean, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
ValueOfPropertyDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, Task) - Constructor for class
ValueOfPropertyDelegateTask(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, Task, Task) - Constructor for class
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.cms.util.DispatcherType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.OrderedProperties
values() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AbstractContext
values() - Method in class info.magnolia.context.HTMLEscapingWebContextWrapper
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter.Headers
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.cors.AbstractCorsFilter.RequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.Compression
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.importexport.command.JcrExportCommand.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.ErrorHandling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.module.InstallContext.MessagePriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.module.InstallStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class info.magnolia.registry.RegistryMap
values() - Static method in enum info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem.SeverityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyIsGrantedOrThrowException(Session, String, String) - Static method in class
Checks whether given session has requested permission on provided path.
version(Node, Context) - Method in class info.magnolia.commands.impl.MarkNodeAsDeletedCommand
Version - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Represents a module version.
Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.Version
Convenience constructor that could be used to register Deltas or update tasks.
VERSION_NUMBER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.pddescriptor.ProductDescriptorExtractor
VERSION_STORE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
VERSION_STORE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
VERSION_USER - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
User who created this version.
VERSION_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.BaseVersionManager
Name of the workspace.
Versionable() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes.Versionable
VersionCommand - Class in info.magnolia.commands.impl
Creates a version for the passed path in the website repository.
VersionCommand(VersionManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
VersionCommand() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.commands.impl.VersionCommand
VersionComparator - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
A simple Comparator that compares Version instances and ignores their classifier.
VersionComparator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionComparator
VersionConfig - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
Versioning configuration.
VersionConfig() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VersionConfig
VersionConverter - Class in info.magnolia.module.model.reader
A beanutils converter for Version.
VersionConverter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.reader.VersionConverter
VersionedNode - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Wrapper for version of the node exposing frozen node content as its own as used to happen in old Content API.
VersionedNode(Version, Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNode
VersionedNodeChild - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Wrapper for version of the node.
VersionedNodeChild(VersionedNode, Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChild
VersionedNodeChild(VersionedNodeChild, Node) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChild
VersionedNodeChildContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Content decorator for VersionedNodeChild.
VersionedNodeChildContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChildContentDecorator
VersionedNodeContentDecorator - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
Content decorator for VersionedNode.
VersionedNodeContentDecorator() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeContentDecorator
VersionFilter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.filters
VersionFilter(XMLReader) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.filters.VersionFilter
Instantiates a new version filter.
VersionInfo - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
A simple class that contains information about versions.
VersionInfo(String, Date, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
VersionInfo(String, Date, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionInfo
VersionManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.core.version
CE version of the VersionManager.
VersionManager() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionManager
since 5.4
VersionManager(SystemContext, RepositoryManager, CopyUtil) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionManager
VersionRange - Class in info.magnolia.module.model
Module dependencies can use a range syntax for versions.
VersionRange(String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionRange
since 5.0.2 use VersionRange.parse(String) instead - should not be public.
VersionRange(Version, Version) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.model.VersionRange
should not be public - since 5.0.2
VersionUtil - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.util
Various utility methods useful for JCR-Versioning.
VersionUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.util.VersionUtil
VIRTUAL_URI_MAPPING - Static variable in class
VirtualUriFilter - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
since 5.5.6, virtual URI mappings have been relocated to the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-3349).
VirtualUriFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.VirtualUriFilter
VirtualURIManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.5.6, VirtualURIManager has been replaced by a registry in the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-3349).
VirtualURIManager(ModuleRegistry, Node2BeanProcessor, EventBus) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIManager
VirtualURIMapping - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
since 5.5.6, virtual URI mappings have been relocated to the virtual-uri module (see MAGNOLIA-3349).
VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult - Class in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config
Mapping information returned by VirtualURIMapping.mapURI(String).
visit(Node, NodeVisitor) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
Visits the given node and then all of nodes beneath it except for metadata nodes and nodes of jcr type.
visit(Node, NodeVisitor, Predicate) - Static method in class info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
visit(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeVisitor
VoidOp() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.VoidOp
vote(Voter<T>[], T) - Method in class
vote(T) - Method in interface
vote(T) - Method in class
vote(Voter<T>[], T) - Method in class
vote(T) - Method in class
vote(T) - Method in class
vote(Voter<T>[], T) - Method in class
vote(T) - Method in class
vote(Voter<T>[], T) - Method in interface
Voter<T> - Interface in
Contract for decision making rules based on the voting.
VoterBasedConfiguredAccessDefinition - Class in
Voter based configured definition for action permissions.
VoterBasedConfiguredAccessDefinition() - Constructor for class
VoterSet<T> - Class in
Can take a set of voters.
VoterSet() - Constructor for class
VoterSetTransformer - Class in
Omit the voters child node.
VoterSetTransformer() - Constructor for class
Voting<T> - Interface in
Contract for decision maker (i.e.
Voting.Factory - Class in
since 4.4, use one of the constants Voting.AND, Voting.OR, Voting.HIGHEST_LEVEL


warn(String) - Method in interface info.magnolia.module.InstallContext
warn(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.module.InstallContextImpl
WarnCondition - Class in
Similar to the WarnTask, WarnCondition will always pass (return true) but will log a warning message in the InstallContext.
WarnCondition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
WarnCondition(String, String) - Constructor for class
Uses the description as the warning message.
warning(String, Object...) - Static method in interface info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem
WarnOnCorsAddedByAddHeadersFilter - Class in info.magnolia.setup
Task that will output warn message if any previous CORS configuration added with AddHeadersFilter found.
WarnOnCorsAddedByAddHeadersFilter() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.setup.WarnOnCorsAddedByAddHeadersFilter
WarnTask - Class in
A task which does nothing else than logging a warning message.
WarnTask(String, String) - Constructor for class
wasCausedBy(Throwable, Class<? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ExceptionUtil
Returns true if the given exception or any of the nested cause exceptions is an instance of the suspectedCause exception argument, or a subclass thereof.
WEB_CONTAINER_RESOURCE_MARKER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.WebContainerResourcesImpl
A request can be marked as requesting a web container resource by adding this attribute to the request.
WebappBootstrap - Class in info.magnolia.module.webapp
A Task used by the webapp module's version handler to bootstrap files under WEB-INF/bootstrap (i.e directories defined by the magnolia.bootstrap.dir property) TODO : exception handling...
WebappBootstrap() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappBootstrap
WebappDelta - Class in info.magnolia.module.webapp
A hard-coded Delta for the webapp module.
WebappVersionHandler - Class in info.magnolia.module.webapp
ModuleVersionHandler for the webapp module; bootstraps webapp content only if all workspaces are empty.
WebappVersionHandler() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappVersionHandler
WebappVersionHandler(RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.module.webapp.WebappVersionHandler
WebContainerResources - Interface in info.magnolia.cms.filters
Web container resources are resources which are served by the web container and not by the Magnolia CMS.
WebContainerResourcesImpl - Class in info.magnolia.cms.filters
A basic implementation which uses a request attribute to mark a request to a web container resource.
WebContainerResourcesImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.filters.WebContainerResourcesImpl
WebContext - Interface in info.magnolia.context
Context interface specialized for servlet requests; knows about HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse.
WebContextFactory - Interface in info.magnolia.context
Simple factory class, whose implementations are responsible for instantiating and initializing WebContext instances.
WebContextFactoryImpl - Class in info.magnolia.context
Default WebContextFactory, providing a hook to instantiate custom implementations of AggregationState.
WebContextFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.WebContextFactoryImpl
WebContextImpl - Class in info.magnolia.context
Context implementation keeping track of the current request, response, servletContext and pageContext.
WebContextImpl() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.context.WebContextImpl
Use init to initialize the object.
WEBSITE - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository
WEBSITE - Static variable in interface info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants
default repository ID's.
WebXmlConditionsUtil - Class in
A utility class for web.xml related conditions, which will add conditions to a given list of tasks based on some conditions.
WebXmlConditionsUtil(List<Condition>) - Constructor for class
WebXmlUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Contains utility methods to register or check for the existence of elements in web.xml.
WebXmlUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
WebXmlUtil(InputStream) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.WebXmlUtil
Test-friendly constructor.
withConfiguration(ComponentProviderConfiguration) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProviderBuilder
withDelay(Long, Long) - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar
withEventTypesMask(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar
withException(Exception) - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem.Builder
withLocation(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem.Builder
withMessage(String) - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem.Builder
withNodeTypes(String...) - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar
withParent(GuiceComponentProvider) - Method in class info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice.GuiceComponentProviderBuilder
withSeverityType(TransformationProblem.SeverityType) - Method in class info.magnolia.transformer.TransformationProblem.Builder
withSubNodes(boolean) - Method in class info.magnolia.observation.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar
workspace - Variable in class info.magnolia.setup.for5_2.IdentifySameNameSiblingNodesTask
WorkspaceConfigurationMerger - Class in info.magnolia.jackrabbit
Helper class for creating an on the fly workspace.xml configurations from a template repository.xml and a stub workspace.xml.
WorkspaceConfigurationMerger() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jackrabbit.WorkspaceConfigurationMerger
WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration - Class in info.magnolia.observation
Helper class for registering EventListener for workspace observation.
WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Handle - Interface in info.magnolia.observation
Handle used for unregistering EventListeners.
WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.Registrar - Class in info.magnolia.observation
Registrar for easing setup and de/registration of EventListener.
WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistrationException - Exception in info.magnolia.observation
Exception thrown when same instance of a EventListener is already registered.
WorkspaceEventListenerRegistrationException(String) - Constructor for exception info.magnolia.observation.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistration.WorkspaceEventListenerRegistrationException
workspaceHasOldIndexer() - Method in class
WorkspaceMapping - Class in info.magnolia.repository
Maintains a registry of repositories and a list of mappings from logical workspaces to the real workspaces in the repositories.
WorkspaceMapping() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.WorkspaceMapping
WorkspaceMappingDefinition - Class in info.magnolia.repository.definition
Represents a mapping from a logical workspace name to a physical workspace name in a repository.
WorkspaceMappingDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.repository.definition.WorkspaceMappingDefinition
workspaceName - Variable in class
WorkspaceObservingManager - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Manager that enables observing a specific workspace and specific node types.
WorkspaceObservingManager(String, String, boolean, String[], int) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
WorkspaceObservingManager(String, String, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
WorkspaceObservingManager(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceObservingManager
WORKSPACES - Static variable in class
WorkspaceXmlConditionsUtil - Class in
A utility class for workspace.xml related conditions, which will add conditions to a given list of tasks based on some conditions.
WorkspaceXmlConditionsUtil(List<Condition>) - Constructor for class
WorkspaceXmlUtil - Class in info.magnolia.cms.util
Contains utility methods to check workspace.xml.
WorkspaceXmlUtil() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.cms.util.WorkspaceXmlUtil
wrap(Callable<T>) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AsynchronousContext.OperationFactory
wrap(Runnable) - Method in class info.magnolia.context.AsynchronousContext.OperationFactory
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Wrap node by Magnolia audit logging node wrapper.
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChildContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeIterator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.inheritance.InheritanceContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringNodeIterator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingNodeIterator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ExtendingNodeWrapper
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.I18nContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator
wrapNode(Node) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.NodeWrapperFactory
wrapNode(Node) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.NodeWrappingDelegateSessionWrapper
wrapNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChildContentDecorator
wrapNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeContentDecorator
wrapNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
wrapNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
wrapNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildFilteringContentDecorator
wrapNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.ChildWrappingNodeWrapper
wrapped - Variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateNodeWrapper
wrapped - Variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateSessionWrapper
wrapped - Variable in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.DelegateWorkspaceWrapper
WrappingNodeIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
Node iterator wrapping all returned nodes using provided node wrapper.
WrappingNodeIterator(NodeIterator, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingNodeIterator
WrappingNodeIterator(NodeIterator, NodeWrapperFactory) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingNodeIterator
WrappingPropertyIterator - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
Property iterator wrapping all returned nodes using provided property wrapper.
WrappingPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator, ContentDecorator) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingPropertyIterator
WrappingPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator, PropertyWrapperFactory) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingPropertyIterator
WrappingPropertyWrapper - Class in info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper
Wrapper for a JCR Property that will wrap nodes and properties acquired via references.
WrappingPropertyWrapper(Property, NodeWrapperFactory, PropertyWrapperFactory) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.WrappingPropertyWrapper
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Wrap property by Magnolia audit logging property wrapper.
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeChildContentDecorator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionedNodeContentDecorator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyIterator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.FilteringPropertyIterator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.iterator.WrappingPropertyIterator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.HTMLEscapingContentDecorator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator
wrapProperty(Property) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyWrapperFactory
wrapPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
wrapPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyAndChildWrappingContentDecorator
wrapPropertyIterator(PropertyIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.PropertyFilteringContentDecorator
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Wrap session by Magnolia audit logging session wrapper.
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningContentDecorator
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapSession(Session) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorPropertyWrapper
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorWorkspaceWrapper
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MagnoliaSessionContentDecorator
wrapSession(Session) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator
wrapVersion(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapVersion(Version) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapVersion(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
wrapVersion(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionIterator
wrapVersion(Version) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
wrapVersionHistory(VersionHistory) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapVersionHistory(VersionHistory) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapVersionHistory(VersionHistory) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
wrapVersionHistory(VersionHistory) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionManagerWrapper
wrapVersionIterator(VersionIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator
wrapVersionIterator(VersionIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapVersionIterator(VersionIterator) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapVersionIterator(VersionIterator) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorNodeWrapper
wrapVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapVersionManager(VersionManager) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorWorkspaceWrapper
wrapVersions(Version[]) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorVersionWrapper
wrapWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.audit.MgnlAuditLoggingContentDecorator
Wrap workspace by Magnolia audit logging workspace wrapper.
wrapWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersioningContentDecorator
wrapWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.core.version.MgnlVersionSessionDecorator
wrapWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.AbstractContentDecorator
wrapWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in interface info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator
wrapWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecoratorSessionWrapper
wrapWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlLogicalWorkspaceNameMappingWorkspaceDecorator
wrapWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class info.magnolia.jcr.wrapper.MgnlPropertySettingContentDecorator
WRITABLE - Static variable in interface
write(int) - Method in class info.magnolia.cms.filters.RangedOutputStream
WRITE - Static variable in interface
All write permissions.


XML - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
XmlContentHandlerFactory - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler
A factory for ContentHandler instances streaming to XML.
XmlContentHandlerFactory() - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.XmlContentHandlerFactory


YAML - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
YamlContentHandler - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler
This ContentHandler streams SAX events into the output stream passed to the constructor converting to YAML.
YamlContentHandler(OutputStream) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.contenthandler.YamlContentHandler
YamlExporter - Class in info.magnolia.importexport.exporter
Exporter for YAML format.
YamlExporter(Session, ContentHandler, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class info.magnolia.importexport.exporter.YamlExporter
YYYY_MM_DD - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil
YYYY_MM_DD_T_HH_MM_SS - Static variable in class info.magnolia.cms.util.DateUtil


ZIP - Static variable in class info.magnolia.importexport.DataTransporter
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