Package info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.gwt.client.applauncher

Interface Summary
VAppLauncherView View interface of client side AppLauncher.
VAppLauncherView.Presenter Presenter for the AppLauncher view.

Class Summary
VAppGroupJSO Client side of App group description class.
VAppLauncher Client side impl of AppLauncher.
VAppLauncherViewImpl Implementation of AppLauncher view.
VAppTile The tile of one single app in AppLauncher.
VAppTileGroup The container that groups semantically similar apps.
VAppTileJSO App tile data object received from server.
VPermanentAppTileGroup The permanent App Group.
VTemporaryAppGroupBar The holder of the temporary app group tiles - the ones that expand to show the temporary app group.
VTemporaryAppGroupBarTile A tile representing a Temporary App Group - displayed in the Temporary App Group Bar.
VTemporaryAppTileGroup The temporary app group.

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