
Class Summary
AbstractAccessFieldFactory<D extends FieldDefinition> Abstract super class for field builder that provide fields for editing ACLs.
AccessControlList Represents an access control list as visualized in the UI with the access type separated from the path.
AccessControlList.Entry An entry in the access control list.
AccessControlList.EntryKey Used for testing equality of entries.
EnabledFieldDefinition A definition for the Enabled field.
EnabledFieldFactory Enabled field GUI builder.
GroupManagementFieldDefinition A definition for the Group Management field.
GroupManagementFieldFactory GUI builder for the Group Management field.
GroupManagementFieldFactory.Group Internal bean to represent basic group data.
RoleManagementFieldDefinition A definition for the Role Management field.
RoleManagementFieldFactory GUI builder for the Role Management field.
SystemLanguagesFieldDefinition Field definition that returns the languages defined under CONFIG:/server/i18n/system/languages as options.
WebAccessFieldDefinition Field definition for the web access field.
WebAccessFieldFactory<D extends WebAccessFieldDefinition> Field builder for the web access field.
WorkspaceAccessFieldDefinition Field definition for the workspace ACL field.
WorkspaceAccessFieldFactory<D extends WorkspaceAccessFieldDefinition> Field builder for the workspace ACL field.

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