Interface OverlayLayer

All Known Subinterfaces:
AppContext, AppInstanceController, Shell, SubAppContext, UiContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractUIContext, AppInstanceControllerImpl, OverlayPresenter, ShellImpl, SubAppContextImpl

public interface OverlayLayer

Implementers can open overlay views (with a degree of modality) over their display area.

Nested Class Summary
static class OverlayLayer.ModalityDomain
          The available locations of modality for opening a modal.
static class OverlayLayer.ModalityLevel
          The available levels of modality.
Method Summary
 void openAlert(MessageStyleType type, String title, String body, String confirmButtonText, AlertCallback cb)
          Alert dialog is a dialog where user is given a message and confirm button no chance to cancel.
 void openAlert(MessageStyleType type, View viewToShow, String confirmButtonText, AlertCallback cb)
          Alert dialog is a dialog where user is given a message and confirm button no chance to cancel.
 void openConfirmation(MessageStyleType type, String title, String body, String confirmButtonText, String cancelButtonText, boolean cancelIsDefault, ConfirmationCallback cb)
          Confirmation dialog is a dialog where user is presented a message and chance to confirm or to cancel.
 void openConfirmation(MessageStyleType type, View viewToShow, String confirmButtonText, String cancelButtonText, boolean cancelIsDefault, ConfirmationCallback cb)
          Confirmation dialog is a dialog where user is presented a message and chance to confirm or to cancel.
 void openNotification(MessageStyleType type, boolean doesTimeout, String title)
          Notification indicator is a message banner that only shows a message to user.
 void openNotification(MessageStyleType type, boolean doesTimeout, String title, String linkText, NotificationCallback cb)
          Notification indicator is a message banner that only shows a message to user.
 void openNotification(MessageStyleType type, boolean doesTimeout, View viewToShow)
          Notification indicator is a message banner that only shows a message to user.
 OverlayCloser openOverlay(View view)
          Open an Overlay on top of the OverlayLayer implementer.
 OverlayCloser openOverlay(View view, OverlayLayer.ModalityLevel modalityLevel)
          Open an Overlay on top of the OverlayLayer implementer.

Method Detail


OverlayCloser openOverlay(View view)
Open an Overlay on top of the OverlayLayer implementer.

view - View of the component to be displayed modally.


OverlayCloser openOverlay(View view,
                          OverlayLayer.ModalityLevel modalityLevel)
Open an Overlay on top of the OverlayLayer implementer.

modalityLevel - Modality level


void openAlert(MessageStyleType type,
               View viewToShow,
               String confirmButtonText,
               AlertCallback cb)
Alert dialog is a dialog where user is given a message and confirm button no chance to cancel. AlertCallback is invoked on confirm. This method takes content of this dialog as a caller defined View.


void openAlert(MessageStyleType type,
               String title,
               String body,
               String confirmButtonText,
               AlertCallback cb)
Alert dialog is a dialog where user is given a message and confirm button no chance to cancel. AlertCallback is invoked on confirm. This method takes the content as a string.


void openConfirmation(MessageStyleType type,
                      View viewToShow,
                      String confirmButtonText,
                      String cancelButtonText,
                      boolean cancelIsDefault,
                      ConfirmationCallback cb)
Confirmation dialog is a dialog where user is presented a message and chance to confirm or to cancel. ConfirmationCallback is invoked on user action. This method takes content of this dialog as a caller defined View.


void openConfirmation(MessageStyleType type,
                      String title,
                      String body,
                      String confirmButtonText,
                      String cancelButtonText,
                      boolean cancelIsDefault,
                      ConfirmationCallback cb)
Confirmation dialog is a dialog where user is presented a message and chance to confirm or to cancel. ConfirmationCallback is invoked on user action. This method takes the content as a string.


void openNotification(MessageStyleType type,
                      boolean doesTimeout,
                      View viewToShow)
Notification indicator is a message banner that only shows a message to user. Message is shown until user clicks close button or timeout expires.

viewToShow - Content to show as View.


void openNotification(MessageStyleType type,
                      boolean doesTimeout,
                      String title)
Notification indicator is a message banner that only shows a message to user. Message is shown until user clicks close button or timeout expires.

title - Content to show as string.


void openNotification(MessageStyleType type,
                      boolean doesTimeout,
                      String title,
                      String linkText,
                      NotificationCallback cb)
Notification indicator is a message banner that only shows a message to user. Message is shown until user clicks close button or timeout expires.

title - Content to show as string.
linkText - Text to show in a link button.
cb - Callback for when user clicks on link.

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