Interface FieldDefinition

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicTextCodeFieldDefinition, BasicUploadFieldDefinition, CheckboxFieldDefinition, ComponentSelectorDefinition, CompositeFieldDefinition, ConfiguredFieldDefinition, DateFieldDefinition, EnabledFieldDefinition, GroupManagementFieldDefinition, HiddenFieldDefinition, LinkFieldDefinition, LinkFieldSelectionDefinition, MultiValueFieldDefinition, OptionGroupFieldDefinition, PasswordFieldDefinition, RichTextFieldDefinition, RoleManagementFieldDefinition, SelectFieldDefinition, StaticFieldDefinition, SwitchableFieldDefinition, TemplateSelectorDefinition, TextFieldDefinition, TwinColSelectFieldDefinition, WebAccessFieldDefinition, WorkbenchFieldDefinition, WorkspaceAccessFieldDefinition

public interface FieldDefinition

Defines a field within a dialog.

See Also:
FieldDefinition, FieldValidatorDefinition

Method Summary
 String getDefaultValue()
          Pre-filled value displayed in the field.
 String getDescription()
          Description displayed to the user when clicking on the Info Button.
 String getI18nBasename()
          Message bundle for localized field labels.
 String getLabel()
          Text displayed as field label.
 String getName()
          Determines the name of the data property where the value entered by the user is stored.
 String getRequiredErrorMessage()
          Error message text displayed in case of required = true.
 String getStyleName()
          Define a specific Field styleName.
 Class<? extends Transformer<?>> getTransformerClass()
 String getType()
          The type of this field when stored in a JCR repository expressed as a JCR property type name.
 List<FieldValidatorDefinition> getValidators()
 boolean isI18n()
          Enables i18n authoring support.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Determines if a Field Property can be changed.
 boolean isRequired()
          Makes the field mandatory.

Method Detail


String getName()
Determines the name of the data property where the value entered by the user is stored.


boolean isRequired()
Makes the field mandatory.


String getRequiredErrorMessage()
Error message text displayed in case of required = true.


String getType()
The type of this field when stored in a JCR repository expressed as a JCR property type name.

See Also:


String getLabel()
Text displayed as field label.


String getI18nBasename()
Message bundle for localized field labels.


String getDescription()
Description displayed to the user when clicking on the Info Button.


String getDefaultValue()
Pre-filled value displayed in the field. The value can be overwritten by the user.


boolean isReadOnly()
Determines if a Field Property can be changed.


boolean isI18n()
Enables i18n authoring support. This allows authors to write foreign language or regionally targeted content. A two-letter language identifier (en, ge, fr etc.) is displayed on controls where i18n is set to true.


String getStyleName()
Define a specific Field styleName. This style definition will be added to the Field Style by calling AbstractComponent.addStyleName.


List<FieldValidatorDefinition> getValidators()


Class<? extends Transformer<?>> getTransformerClass()

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