Package info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.multi

Class Summary
MultiValueChildrenNodeTransformer Sub Nodes implementation of Transformer storing and retrieving properties (as PropertysetItem) displayed in MultiField.
Storage strategy:
- root node (relatedFormItem)
-- child node 1 (used to store the first value of the MultiField as a property)
--- property1 (store the first value of the MultiField)
-- child node 2 (used to store the second value of the MultiField as a property)
--- property2 (store the second value of the MultiField)
Each element of the MultiField is stored in a property located in a child node of the root node.
MultiValueJSONTransformer SingleProperty implementation of Transformer.
Store the list of values in a single property as a concatenation of string with ',' as separator.
Retrieve the single property as a List of String.
MultiValueSubChildrenNodePropertiesTransformer Sub Nodes implementation of Transformer storing and retrieving properties (as PropertysetItem) displayed in MultiField.
In opposition to MultiValueChildrenNodeTransformer this implementation handle multiple properties stored under a child node.
These multiple properties are put/retrieve into/from a PropertysetItem.
Storage strategy:
- root node (relatedFormItem)
-- main child node (nodeName = field name)
--- child node 1 (used to store the first values set of the MultiField as a property)
---- property 1 (store the first property of the first value of the MultiField)
---- property 2 (store the second property of the first value of the MultiField)
---- property 3 (store the third property of the first value of the MultiField)
---- ...
MultiValueSubChildrenNodeTransformer Sub Nodes implementation of Transformer storing and retrieving properties (as PropertysetItem) displayed in MultiField.
Storage strategy:
- root node (relatedFormItem)
-- main child node (nodeName = field name)
--- child node 1 (used to store the first value of the MultiField as a property)
---- property1 (store the first value of the MultiField)
--- child node 2 (used to store the second value of the MultiField as a property)
---- property2 (store the second value of the MultiField)
Main child node : field name
Child node name : 20 first char of the related value
Property name : field name
MultiValueTransformer Multi values properties implementation of Transformer.
Store the list of values as a javax.jcr.Value[] property.
Retrieve the javax.jcr.Value[] property value as a list.

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