Package info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.gwt.client.magnoliashell.event

Interface Summary
ActivateAppEvent.Handler Handler of the ActivateAppEvent.
AppRequestedEvent.Handler Handler interface for AppRequestedEvent.
CurrentAppCloseEvent.Handler Handler of the CurrentAppCloseEvent.
FullScreenEvent.Handler Handler of the FullScreenEvent.
HideShellAppsEvent.Handler Handler interface for HideShellAppsEvent.
HideShellAppsRequestedEvent.Handler Handler interface for HideShellAppsRequestedEvent.
ShellAppRequestedEvent.Handler Handler interface for ShellAppRequestedEvent.
ShellAppsHiddenEvent.Handler Handler interface for ShellAppsHiddenEvent.
ShellAppStartedEvent.Handler Handler interface for ShellAppStartedEvent.
ShellAppStartingEvent.Handler Handler interface for ShellAppStartingEvent.

Class Summary
ActivateAppEvent Fired when there is a request to activate an app, to set the current app on the server.
AppRequestedEvent Fired when an app has to be loaded.
CurrentAppCloseEvent Fired when current regular app is closing.
FullScreenEvent FullScreenEvent is used to communicate that the fullscreen mode should be changed.
HideShellAppsEvent Fired when shell-apps have to be hidden.
HideShellAppsRequestedEvent Fired when shell apps are requested to be hidden: it does not mean that they actually will: in case there are no regular apps to show instead - we should show the AppLauncher.
ShellAppRequestedEvent Fired when a shell-app has to be loaded.
ShellAppsHiddenEvent Fired when transition that hides shell-apps is finished.
ShellAppStartedEvent Fired when a shell-app UI is loaded (transition is finished).
ShellAppStartingEvent Fired when a shell-app starts to load (transition is triggered).

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