Class SwitchableTransformer

  extended by info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.basic.BasicTransformer<>
      extended by info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.composite.CompositeTransformer
          extended by info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.composite.SwitchableTransformer
All Implemented Interfaces:
info.magnolia.ui.api.i18n.I18NAwareHandler, Transformer<>

public class SwitchableTransformer
extends CompositeTransformer

Default switchable field Transformer implementation storing and retrieving SwitchableField informations as PropertysetItem.
Storing strategy:
- property (definition.getName()) : contain the last selected field name
- property (propertyPrefix + first field name): contain the value of the first field
- property (propertyPrefix + second field name): contain the value of the second field

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.composite.CompositeTransformer
Fields inherited from class info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.basic.BasicTransformer
basePropertyName, definition, i18NPropertyName, relatedFormItem, type
Constructor Summary
SwitchableTransformer( relatedFormItem, ConfiguredFieldDefinition definition, Class<> type, List<String> fieldsName)
Method Summary readFromItem()
          Transform a specific Item values to a specified type T.
 void writeToItem( newValues)
          Convert the T newValue to a specific Item format.
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.composite.CompositeTransformer
createPropertyPrefix, getCompositePropertyName
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.basic.BasicTransformer
definePropertyName, getBasePropertyName, getLocale, getOrCreateProperty, getOrCreateProperty, getType, hasI18NSupport, setI18NPropertyName, setLocale, setType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SwitchableTransformer( relatedFormItem,
                             ConfiguredFieldDefinition definition,
                             Class<> type,
                             List<String> fieldsName)
Method Detail


public void writeToItem( newValues)
Description copied from interface: Transformer
Convert the T newValue to a specific Item format.

Specified by:
writeToItem in interface Transformer<>
writeToItem in class CompositeTransformer


public readFromItem()
Description copied from interface: Transformer
Transform a specific Item values to a specified type T.

Specified by:
readFromItem in interface Transformer<>
readFromItem in class CompositeTransformer

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