Package info.magnolia.ui.form.field.factory

Interface Summary
FieldFactory A FieldFactory is responsible for creating Vaadin Fields configured based on their associated FieldDefinition.

Class Summary
AbstractFieldFactory<D extends FieldDefinition,T> Abstract FieldFactory implementations.
BasicTextCodeFieldFactory<D extends BasicTextCodeFieldDefinition> Creates and initializes an Text code field definition.
BasicUploadFieldFactory Creates and configures a Basic UploadField.
CheckBoxFieldFactory Creates and initializes a checkBox field based on a field definition.
CompositeFieldFactory<D extends CompositeFieldDefinition> Factory used to initialize a CompositeField.
DateFieldFactory Creates and initializes a date field based on a field definition.
FieldFactoryFactory Factory for creating FieldFactory instances using an internal set of mappings connecting a FieldDefinition class with a FieldFactory class.
HiddenFieldFactory Creates and initializes a checkBox field based on a field definition.
LinkFieldFactory<D extends FieldDefinition> Creates and initializes a LinkField field based on a field definition.
MultiValueFieldFactory<T> Creates and initializes an multi value field based on a field definition.
Multi-field basicaly handle:
- Add remove Fields
This field builder create a ListProperty based on the definition and set this property as
Field property datasource.
OptionGroupFieldFactory<D extends SelectFieldDefinition> Creates and initializes a select field based on a field definition.
PasswordFieldFactory Creates and initializes an password field based on a field definition.
RichTextFieldFactory Creates and configures a rich-text field based on its definition.
RichTextFieldFactory.MagnoliaLink Link info wrapper.
RichTextFieldFactory.PluginData Plugin data wrapper.
SelectFieldFactory<D extends SelectFieldDefinition> Creates and initializes a selection field based on a field definition.
StaticFieldFactory<D extends StaticFieldDefinition> Creates and initializes an static field definition.
SwitchableFieldFactory<D extends FieldDefinition> Creates a @ link SwitchableField} based on definition.
has two components:
- A select section configured based on the Options list of the definition
- A field section configured based on the Fields list of the definition
The link between select and fields is based on the association of:
- The String property defined into the value property of the definition (value = date)
- The Field name defined into the Fields set (Date field named date).
TextFieldFactory Creates and initializes an edit field based on a field definition.
TwinColSelectFieldFactory<T extends TwinColSelectFieldDefinition> Creates and initializes a select field based on a field definition.

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