Package info.magnolia.ui.mediaeditor.action

Class Summary
ActionContext Helper class for storing the dialog actions within media editor.
ConvertImageToGrayScaleAction Converts image color scheme to gray scale.
CropImageAction Installs UI components necessary for conducting the image crop operations.
FlipImageAction Flips the image pixels in either vertical or horizontal direction.
InstantMediaEditorAction Instantly modifies the data without installation of any UI components.
InternalMediaEditorActionDefinition Definition of media editor's internal event.
MediaEditorAction Abstract action for media editor related operations.
MediaEditorActionExecutor Executes actions on behalf of MediaEditorPresenter.
MediaEditorUIAction Updates media editor UI in order to perform certain modification on the media data.
RedoAction Redoes a latest undone operation.
RotateImageAction Rotates an image 90 degrees clockwise.
UndoAction Undoes the latest performed operation on the data-source.
ViewImageAction Simply displays an image with dialog actions to submit or revert previous modifications.
ViewImageAction.ImageSizeLabel ImageSizeLabel.

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