Package info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.integration.jcr

Interface Summary
JcrItemAdapter Represents a JCR Item (node or property) as a Vaadin data Item.
ModelConstants Constants used UI Model layer and higher.

Class Summary
AbstractJcrAdapter Common base for JcrItemAdapter implementation.
AbstractJcrNodeAdapter Abstract implementation of an Item wrapping/representing a Node.
DefaultProperty<T> Basic implementation of Property.
DefaultPropertyUtil Default Property Utility Class.
JcrItemId Generic Item item id, holds item uuid and the workspace name.
JcrItemUtil Utility methods for item ids used in the container.
JcrNewNodeAdapter Used to create a new Node based on an Vaadin Item.
JcrNewNodeItemId Special type of JcrItemId which identifies Vaadin Item associated with a new Node.
JcrNodeAdapter Base implementation of an Item wrapping/representing a Node.
JcrNodeItemId Node item id.
JcrPropertyAdapter Represents a JCR property as a Vaadin data Item with three fixed properties for its name, type and value.
JcrPropertyItemId Property item id, holds uuid of a parent item, workspace and property names.

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