.AbstractVersionAction(D, LocationController, UiContext, FormDialogPresenter, SimpleTranslator)
implementation which returns true if current user has any of the specified roles.ActivationActionDefinition.isRecursive()
that creates a folder.AddNodeAction
instance defined in the CommandActionDefinition
associated with this action and then
performs the actual command execution.ExportAction
extension showed in case an exception
was thrown during the original app start-up phase.BaseSubApp
extension showed in case an exception
was thrown during original sub-app start-up phase.DefaultI18NAuthoringSupport.i18nContentSupport
used to sort JcrItemAdapter
.MessagesManager.getMessageBatch(String, java.util.List, java.util.Map, int, int)
should be used instead because it allows to set the limit and offset parameters.OverlayLayer.ModalityLevel
for versions dialogs.DownloadStreamResource
created from the supplied InputStream
of a Node
implementation which returns true if evaluated items are JCR nodes.AvailabilityRule
implementation which returns true if evaluated items are of the specified JCR node types.AvailabilityRule
implementation which returns true if evaluated items are JCR properties.AvailabilityRule
implementation which returns true if evaluated item is the default itemId —
typically the root node for JCR-based content apps.EventBus
for a certain user.EventBus
for a certain user.map
to the node
in the repository, every user in the system has its own set of
messages that have ids unique in combination with their userid.AvailabilityRule
implementation which returns true if subject should support working with multiple items.node
properties and subnodes, and creates a
corresponding Map
object, where the keys are the
property/subnode names, and values are the property values, resp.AbstractJcrNodeAdapter
in your subclass.LocationChangedEvent
s by:
Obtaining the AppDescriptor
associated with the Location
Creating a new AppContext
if not running, otherwise obtain it from the running apps.
Updating the and redirecting in case of missing subAppId.
Starting the App.
Adding the AppContext
to the appHistory.
Setting the viewport and updating the current running app.
that ensure that this temporary file is removed once the BaseSubApp.start(info.magnolia.ui.api.location.Location)
and enables subclasses to perform additional work before the view is displayed.BaseSubApp.stop()
and enables subclasses to perform additional work when stopping the subApp.OpenLocationAction
opens a given location in the admincentral.type
, with given body; it can close automatically after a timeout.type
, with given body text; it can close automatically after a timeout.AbstractMultiItemAction.execute()
method but e.g.App
and then delegate it to the LocationController
used in the scope of sub apps.SubAppContext
implementation which returns true if current user has write permissions for the evaluated items.Copyright © 2015 Magnolia International Ltd.. All rights reserved.