Interface ParameterProviderFactory<E,PT>

Type Parameters:
E - type of the environment
PT - type of ParameterProvider's parameter
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractWorkspaceAndPathParameterProviderFactory, AbstractWorkspaceAndUuidParameterProviderFactory, BinaryNodeParameterProviderFactory, ContentParameterProviderFactory, NodeDataParameterProviderFactory

public interface ParameterProviderFactory<E,PT>

A ParameterProviderFactory is responsible for instanciating a ParameterProvider for a given environment. Implementations know what concrete environment they expect and what concrete type of ParameterProvider they generate. The "environment" is likely to be an HttpServletRequest, but could also be a WorkItemContext, for instance. The ParameterProviderFactory must also ensure the parameter has appropriate equals() and hashCode() methods: the parameter is used as part of a key of a blocking map to avoid generating the same image multiple times. TODO -- verify, validate, fix the following : TODO -- The type of context basically depends on the caller. In most cases, the context (C) TODO -- will be an HttpServletRequest or a Magnolia Context instance. TODO -- Since the ParameterProviderFactory is provided by TODO -- the ImageGenerator, this might means that a particular ImageGenerator is tied TODO -- to a specific context.

See Also:

Method Summary
 CachingStrategy<PT> getCachingStrategy()
 ParameterProvider<PT> newParameterProviderFor(E environment)
          Instanciates a new ParameterProvider for the given environment.

Method Detail


ParameterProvider<PT> newParameterProviderFor(E environment)
Instanciates a new ParameterProvider for the given environment.


CachingStrategy<PT> getCachingStrategy()

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