Package info.magnolia.imaging

Interface Summary
ImageGenerator<P extends ParameterProvider<?>> The entry point for generating images.
ImageStreamer<P> An ImageStreamer is responsible for pushing a generated image (with the given generator and parameter) to an OutputStream.
ParameterProvider<T> ParameterProvider is usually just a simple holder for the actual parameter.
ParameterProviderFactory<E,PT> A ParameterProviderFactory is responsible for instanciating a ParameterProvider for a given environment.

Class Summary
DefaultImageStreamer<P> An ImageStreamer implementation which always generates the image.
ImagingModuleConfig Keeps the configuration of the imaging module.
ImagingServlet Servlet responsible for the actual generation of the images.
OutputFormat A simple bean holding image formatName output configuration.

Exception Summary
ImagingException Exception occuring in Imaging module.

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