Class AutoCropAndResize

  extended by info.magnolia.imaging.operations.cropresize.AbstractCropAndResize
      extended by info.magnolia.imaging.operations.cropresize.AutoCropAndResize
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AutoCropAndResize
extends AbstractCropAndResize

A CropAndResize implementation which will resize to the configured targetWidth and targetHeight, and crop if needed: while respecting the ratio of the target dimensions, it will crop the image such that the largest possible portion of the image is kept. It will keep the central part of the image and cut off the external parts. (i.e centered crop) If either targetWidth or targetHeight is <=0, the ratio of the source image will be preserved. If both targetWidth and targetHeight are >0, both will be used, even if they don't match the ratio of the source image (thus cropping it).


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  Coords getCroopCoords(BufferedImage source, ParameterProvider params)
          Determines the coordinates of the cropping to apply on the source image.
protected  Size getEffectiveTargetSize(BufferedImage source, Coords cropCoords, ParameterProvider params)
          Determines the actual size for the resized image based on the source image, the crop coordinates calculated by AbstractCropAndResize.getCroopCoords(java.awt.image.BufferedImage, P) and the given ParameterProvider.
 int getTargetHeight()
 int getTargetWidth()
 void setTargetHeight(int targetHeight)
 void setTargetWidth(int targetWidth)
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.imaging.operations.cropresize.AbstractCropAndResize
apply, getResizer, resize, setResizer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AutoCropAndResize()
Method Detail


protected Coords getCroopCoords(BufferedImage source,
                                ParameterProvider params)
                         throws ImagingException
Description copied from class: AbstractCropAndResize
Determines the coordinates of the cropping to apply on the source image. If no cropping needs to happen, return new Coords(0, 0, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight()).

Specified by:
getCroopCoords in class AbstractCropAndResize


protected Size getEffectiveTargetSize(BufferedImage source,
                                      Coords cropCoords,
                                      ParameterProvider params)
Description copied from class: AbstractCropAndResize
Determines the actual size for the resized image based on the source image, the crop coordinates calculated by AbstractCropAndResize.getCroopCoords(java.awt.image.BufferedImage, P) and the given ParameterProvider.

Specified by:
getEffectiveTargetSize in class AbstractCropAndResize


public int getTargetWidth()


public void setTargetWidth(int targetWidth)


public int getTargetHeight()


public void setTargetHeight(int targetHeight)

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