Interface ImageOperation<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>

Type Parameters:
P - type of ParameterProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCropAndResize, AbstractFromContent, AbstractFromNode, AbstractLoader, AbstractTextOverlay, AbstractURLImageLoader, AutoCropAndResize, Blank, BoundedResize, BufferedImageOpDelegate, ClasspathImageLoader, FixedText, FromBinaryNode, FromContent, FromNodeData, ImageOperationChain, SelectedCropAndResize, TextFromNode, URLImageLoader

public interface ImageOperation<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>

Applies any kind of filtering to an Image. TODO - the javadoc below is completely outdated. TODO - Image generation/filtering parameters can come from various places. We'll need to define how these are aggregated, if needed, etc. The filtering can be configured either by the end user or within the dialog definition.

See Also:
info.magnolia.module.imaging.ImagesProcessor, BufferedImageOp

Method Summary
 BufferedImage apply(BufferedImage source, P params)

Method Detail


BufferedImage apply(BufferedImage source,
                    P params)
                    throws ImagingException

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