Uses of Interface

Packages that use ImageOperation

Uses of ImageOperation in info.magnolia.imaging.operations

Classes in info.magnolia.imaging.operations that implement ImageOperation
 class BufferedImageOpDelegate<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          An implementation of ImageFilter which delegates to a java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp.
 class ImageOperationChain<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          An implementation of ImageOperation and ImageGenerator which delegates to a list of other ImageOperation instances.

Methods in info.magnolia.imaging.operations that return types with arguments of type ImageOperation
 List<ImageOperation<P>> ImageOperationChain.getOperations()

Methods in info.magnolia.imaging.operations with parameters of type ImageOperation
 void ImageOperationChain.addOperation(ImageOperation<P> operation)

Method parameters in info.magnolia.imaging.operations with type arguments of type ImageOperation
 void ImageOperationChain.setOperations(List<ImageOperation<P>> operations)

Uses of ImageOperation in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.cropresize

Classes in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.cropresize that implement ImageOperation
 class AbstractCropAndResize<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Subclasses of this determine which portion of the source image is taken into account, and what final dimensions the image needs to be resized to.
 class AutoCropAndResize
          A CropAndResize implementation which will resize to the configured targetWidth and targetHeight, and crop if needed: while respecting the ratio of the target dimensions, it will crop the image such that the largest possible portion of the image is kept.
 class BoundedResize
          A CropAndResize implementation which will never crop, and resize to either maxHeight or maxWidth while keeping the original image's ratio.
 class SelectedCropAndResize
          A CropAndResize implementation which uses coordinates as selected in a UI componenent.

Uses of ImageOperation in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.load

Classes in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.load that implement ImageOperation
 class AbstractFromContent<PT>
          Deprecated. since 5.0, use AbstractFromNode instead.
 class AbstractFromNode<PT>
 class AbstractLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          An abstract ImageOperation used to load images.
 class AbstractURLImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Loads images from a URL.
 class Blank<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Just generates an empty BufferedImage canvas, fills it with the specified color if any.
 class ClasspathImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          An ImageFilter which loads an image from the classpath.
 class FromBinaryNode
          ImageOperation loading from binary node of parent.
 class FromContent
          Deprecated. since 5.0, use FromBinaryNode instead.
 class FromNodeData
          Deprecated. since 5.0, use FromBinaryNode instead.
 class URLImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Loads an image off an arbitrary URL.

Uses of ImageOperation in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.text

Classes in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.text that implement ImageOperation
 class AbstractTextOverlay<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Superclass for ImageOperations based on Text Overlays.
 class FixedText<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Overlay based on fixed text.
 class TextFromNode
          Overlay based on Text provided from a Node(Data).

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