Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractPropertySource   

Uses of AbstractPropertySource in

Subclasses of AbstractPropertySource in
 class AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource
          Abstract implementation of PropertySource, providing the basic mechanisms for loading AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource.ConstructingProperties from a given InputStream.
 class ClasspathPropertySource
          Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded on the classpath from a given path.
 class FileSystemPropertySource
          Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded on the file system from a given path.
 class InitPathsPropertySource
          A PropertySource providing the paths of MagnoliaInitPaths as properties: , , , and .
 class ModulePropertiesSource
          A PropertySource exposing properties from all known module descriptors.
 class ServletContextPropertySource
          Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded with the ServletContext from a given path.
 class SystemPropertySource
          A PropertySource exposing all System.props properties.

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