The following document contains the results of PMD 5.1.2.
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 46 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'context'. | 82 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 46 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 171 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 219 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unnecessary return statements | 130 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 112 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 111 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 59–83 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 195 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 341 |
Useless parentheses. | 346 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 407–409 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 129–131 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 200–202 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 75–82 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 725 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 733–742 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 740 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'configuration'. | 107 |
Useless parentheses. | 117 |
Useless parentheses. | 117 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 310–312 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 355–357 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'nodeType'. | 518 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 544–546 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 546–548 |
Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() | 674 |
Useless parentheses. | 688 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'ignoredAccessManager'. | 88 |
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'ignoredUserId'. | 92 |
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'ignored'. | 99 |
Useless parentheses. | 174 |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'type'. | 316 |
Useless parentheses. | 340 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 392–394 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'compiledPermissionsClass'. | 79 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'ignoredAccessManager'. | 153 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'setJCRProperty(String,Object)'. | 399 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 111 |
Useless parentheses. | 111 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 210 |
Useless parentheses. | 312 |
Useless parentheses. | 312 |
Useless parentheses. | 312 |
Useless parentheses. | 313 |
Useless parentheses. | 313 |
Useless parentheses. | 313 |
Useless parentheses. | 314 |
Useless parentheses. | 314 |
Useless parentheses. | 314 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 338–340 |
Useless parentheses. | 356 |
Useless parentheses. | 360 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'getMagnoliaConfigurationProperties()'. | 158 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 94 |
Useless parentheses. | 100 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 137 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'wrap(Collection)'. | 400 |
Useless parentheses. | 413 |
Useless parentheses. | 422 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 139–141 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 141–143 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 91 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 44 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 50 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 64 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 66 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 71 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 55 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 43 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 45 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 47 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 53 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 55 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 57 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 59 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 61 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 63 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 65 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 67 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 69 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 71 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 43 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 45 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 47 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 53 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 55 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 57 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 60 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 68 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 77 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 85 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 94 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 99 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 104 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 193 |
Useless parentheses. | 193 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 80 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 52 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 61 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 50 |
Violation | Line |
Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() | 136 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 71 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 55 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 57 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 62 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 64 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 69 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 74 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 79 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 87 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 95 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 100 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 105 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 110 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 115 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 120 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 122 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 124 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 61 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 67 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 75 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 84 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 89 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 94 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 50 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 85 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 144–146 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 167–169 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 191–193 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 76 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'userDetails'. | 62 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 44 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 50 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 62 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 68 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 70 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 85 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 90 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 95 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 100 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 55 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 62 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 67 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 72 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 74 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 81 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 88 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51–55 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 84 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 86 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 59 |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'servletContext'. | 63 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 47 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'acls'. | 56 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 154–156 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 193–196 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 320 |
Avoid unnecessary return statements | 573 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 47 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 52 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 57 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 62 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 97–104 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 83 |
Useless parentheses. | 139 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 43 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 55 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 61 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 67 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 63 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 70 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 75 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 80 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 85 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 68 |
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED' due to existing import 'javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse' | 90 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 68–72 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'password'. | 166 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 53 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 58 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 63 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 70 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 77 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 85 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 91 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 97 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 104 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 110 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 116 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 123 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 136 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 141 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 149 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 155 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 161 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 167 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 173 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 180 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 187 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 196 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 201 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 208 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 215 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 46 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 50 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 52 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 58 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 64 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 70 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 72 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 77 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 50 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 52 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 58 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 60 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 62 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 65 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 70 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 75 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 77 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 63 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 49 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 45 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 47 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 43 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 44 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 45 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 47 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 53 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 55 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 57 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 59 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 61 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 63 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 65 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 67 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 69 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 71 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 73 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 49 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 73–75 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 74 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 145–147 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 267–269 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 134–136 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 141–143 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 461–463 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 476–478 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 524–527 |
Useless parentheses. | 598 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 209 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 82 |
Violation | Line |
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger' due to existing import 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory' | 45 |
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'org.slf4j.Logger' due to existing import 'org.slf4j.Logger' | 45 |
Useless parentheses. | 64 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 73 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 74 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 110 |
Useless parentheses. | 112 |
Useless parentheses. | 114 |
Useless parentheses. | 116 |
Useless parentheses. | 118 |
Useless parentheses. | 121 |
Useless parentheses. | 195 |
Useless parentheses. | 197 |
Useless parentheses. | 199 |
Useless parentheses. | 201 |
Useless parentheses. | 203 |
Useless parentheses. | 205 |
Useless parentheses. | 237 |
Useless parentheses. | 242 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 250 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 46 |
Violation | Line |
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'javax.jcr.query.Query.JCR_SQL2' due to existing import 'javax.jcr.query.Query' | 231 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 131 |
Useless parentheses. | 131 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused local variables such as 'group'. | 87 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 97 |
Avoid empty if statements | 176–178 |
Useless parentheses. | 176 |
Useless parentheses. | 176 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 53 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 71–103 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 75 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 51 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 123–125 |
Useless parentheses. | 129 |
Useless parentheses. | 132 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 45 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 46 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 58 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 126–128 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 46 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 59 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 64 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 69 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 74 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 79 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 84 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51–52 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 57 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 53 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 58 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 63 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 68 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 73 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 78 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 83 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 88 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 93 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 100 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 50 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 52 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 58 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 60 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 62 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 64 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 66 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 68 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 70 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 72 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 77 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 47 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 61 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 97–101 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 352–357 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 141–154 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 254–256 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 68 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 61 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 66 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 71 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 73 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 75 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 77 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 79 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 81 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 83 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 85 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 87 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 89 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 94 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 96 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 98 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 103 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 105 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 115 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 120 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 127 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 134 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 142 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 150 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 157 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 162 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 168 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 174 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 181 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 186 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 404–406 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 49 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 46 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 59 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 65 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 70 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 75 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 86 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 92 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 98 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 103 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 109 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 114 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 143 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 148 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 154 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'trace'. | 50 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 41 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 91 |
Useless parentheses. | 91 |
Useless parentheses. | 108 |
Useless parentheses. | 108 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 112–114 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 177–179 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 73–75 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 85–87 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 99–101 |
Useless parentheses. | 118 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 127–129 |
Useless parentheses. | 138 |
Useless parentheses. | 147 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 98 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 125 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 50 |
Useless parentheses. | 77 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 73 |
Useless parentheses. | 73 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 449 |
Useless parentheses. | 451 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty if statements | 141–143 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'dumpMetaData'. | 249 |
Useless parentheses. | 287 |
Useless parentheses. | 290 |
Useless parentheses. | 293 |
Useless parentheses. | 296 |
Useless parentheses. | 299 |
Useless parentheses. | 302 |
Useless parentheses. | 305 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 133 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 132 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'moveProperties(Node,Node,Map)'. | 211 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 182–184 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 477–479 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 302 |
Useless parentheses. | 303 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 59 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 69 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 75 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 51 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 61 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 66 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 71 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 77 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 82 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 46 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 50 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 52 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 56 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 58 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 60 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 62 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 64 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 66 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 68 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 70 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 75 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 45 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 47 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 102–106 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 291–296 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 264–266 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 116–118 |
Avoid empty if statements | 200–203 |
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name '' due to existing import '' | 226 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 240–242 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 253–255 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 267–269 |
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'java.util.Map.Entry' due to existing import 'java.util.Map' | 277 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 80 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty if statements | 153–155 |
Useless parentheses. | 260 |
Useless parentheses. | 263 |
Useless parentheses. | 266 |
Useless parentheses. | 269 |
Useless parentheses. | 272 |
Useless parentheses. | 275 |
Useless parentheses. | 278 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 91 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 184–186 |
Useless parentheses. | 285 |
Useless parentheses. | 287 |
Useless parentheses. | 289 |
Useless parentheses. | 291 |
Useless parentheses. | 293 |
Useless parentheses. | 296 |
Useless parentheses. | 477 |
Useless parentheses. | 479 |
Useless parentheses. | 481 |
Useless parentheses. | 483 |
Useless parentheses. | 485 |
Useless parentheses. | 487 |
Useless parentheses. | 489 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'createBinaryFromInputStream(InputStream)'. | 505 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 76–90 |
Violation | Line |
Overriding method merely calls super | 582–585 |
Violation | Line |
Overriding method merely calls super | 354–357 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'transformLineBreaks'. | 49 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 192–202 |
Avoid unnecessary return statements | 220 |
Useless parentheses. | 626 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty if statements | 211–213 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 140–142 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 156–158 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 158–159 |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 194–196 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 48 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. | 52 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 543–545 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'getURI2RepositoryManager()'. | 671 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 101–137 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 59 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 88–95 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 100–163 |
These nested if statements could be combined | 144–146 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 168–208 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 95–102 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 92–94 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'getLastChild(Node,Collection)'. | 116 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'hasNodes(Node,Collection)'. | 128 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 69 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'getFirstChild(Node,Collection)'. | 110 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'hasNodes(Node,Collection)'. | 121 |
Violation | Line |
These nested if statements could be combined | 91–95 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'name'. | 43 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty if statements | 121–123 |
Avoid empty while statements | 187–188 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 111 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 77 |
Violation | Line |
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'javax.inject.Provider' due to existing import 'javax.inject.Provider' | 61 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 139 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 41 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'bindProvider(ProviderConfiguration)'. | 119 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'bindInstance(InstanceConfiguration)'. | 134 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'bindImplementation(ImplementationConfiguration)'. | 147 |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'bindInScope(ScopedBindingBuilder,ComponentConfiguration)'. | 168 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'concat(ParameterResolver,ParameterResolver)'. | 126 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid empty catch blocks | 58–61 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 137 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 45 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 46 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 47 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 48 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 49 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 50 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 54 |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 55 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 49 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 150 |
Useless parentheses. | 161 |
Useless parentheses. | 164 |
Useless parentheses. | 166 |
Useless parentheses. | 169 |
Useless parentheses. | 182 |
Useless parentheses. | 186 |
Useless parentheses. | 189 |
Useless parentheses. | 192 |
Useless parentheses. | 197 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'ctx'. | 189 |
Avoid unused method parameters such as 'ctx'. | 205 |
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'ArrayUtils.contains' due to existing import 'org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils' | 208 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 84 |
Useless parentheses. | 84 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid unused private methods such as 'addPermission(Content,String,String,long)'. | 94 |
Violation | Line |
Useless parentheses. | 48 |
Violation | Line |
Avoid modifiers which are implied by the context | 40 |