Uses of Interface

Packages that use AlertCallback

Uses of AlertCallback in info.magnolia.ui.api.overlay

Methods in info.magnolia.ui.api.overlay with parameters of type AlertCallback
 void OverlayLayer.openAlert(MessageStyleType type, String title, String body, String confirmButtonText, AlertCallback cb)
          Alert dialog is a dialog where user is given a message and confirm button no chance to cancel.
 void OverlayLayer.openAlert(MessageStyleType type, View viewToShow, String confirmButtonText, AlertCallback cb)
          Alert dialog is a dialog where user is given a message and confirm button no chance to cancel.

Uses of AlertCallback in info.magnolia.ui.framework.context

Methods in info.magnolia.ui.framework.context with parameters of type AlertCallback
 void AbstractUIContext.openAlert(MessageStyleType type, String title, String body, String confirmButtonText, AlertCallback cb)
 void AbstractUIContext.openAlert(MessageStyleType type, View viewToShow, String confirmButtonText, AlertCallback cb)

Uses of AlertCallback in info.magnolia.ui.framework.overlay

Methods in info.magnolia.ui.framework.overlay with parameters of type AlertCallback
 void OverlayPresenter.openAlert(MessageStyleType type, String title, String body, String confirmButtonText, AlertCallback cb)
          Convenience method with string content.
 void OverlayPresenter.openAlert(MessageStyleType type, View viewToShow, String confirmButtonText, AlertCallback cb)
          Open alert dialog with light modality level.

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