Package info.magnolia.ui.form.field

Class Summary
AbstractCustomMultiField<D extends FieldDefinition,T> Abstract implementation of CustomField used for multi fields components.
It expose generic methods allowing to:
- Build a Field based on a ConfiguredFieldDefinition.
CheckBoxField A field wrapper for a single CheckBox, supporting the FormLayout-managed (left) caption.
CompositeField Generic Composite Field.
This generic Composite Field allows to handle multiple ConfiguredFieldDefinition as a single Field:
The Field is build based on a generic ConfiguredFieldDefinition.
The Field values are handle by a configured Transformer dedicated to create/retrieve properties as PropertysetItem.
LinkField A base custom field comprising a text field and a button placed to its immediate right.
MultiField Generic Multi Field.
This generic MultiField allows to handle a Field Set.
PasswordFields A base custom field displaying one ore two Password Fields.
StaticField A base custom field displaying a simple text.
SwitchableField Switchable field.
Display a field composed of two main sections
- a Select Section (list or checkBox)
- a Field Section displaying the field currently selected.
ThumbnailField A base custom field comprising of a Thumbnail and related image information.

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