Interface Transformer<T>

Type Parameters:
T - type of the element handled.
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicTransformer, BCryptTransformer, CompositeTransformer, DelegatingCompositeFieldTransformer, DelegatingMultiValueFieldTransformer, FileTransformer, ListToSetTransformer, MultiValueChildNodeTransformer, MultiValueChildrenNodeTransformer, MultiValueJSONTransformer, MultiValueSubChildrenNodePropertiesTransformer, MultiValueSubChildrenNodeTransformer, MultiValueTransformer, NoOpCompositeTransformer, NotNullInitialStringValueTransformer, SwitchableTransformer

public interface Transformer<T>
extends info.magnolia.ui.api.i18n.I18NAwareHandler

Base definition for a Property handler.
Implemented Transformer have the responsibility to :
- write : Convert the T newValue to a specific Item format (Single Item property, Multi Item property, Multi sub Items...)
- read : Transform a specific Item values (single property, Multi. property, sub Items) to a specified type T.

Method Summary
 Class<T> getType()
 boolean hasI18NSupport()
          Return true if this Property has to support i18n.
 T readFromItem()
          Transform a specific Item values to a specified type T.
 void writeToItem(T newValue)
          Convert the T newValue to a specific Item format.
Methods inherited from interface info.magnolia.ui.api.i18n.I18NAwareHandler
getBasePropertyName, getLocale, setI18NPropertyName, setLocale

Method Detail


void writeToItem(T newValue)
Convert the T newValue to a specific Item format.


T readFromItem()
Transform a specific Item values to a specified type T.


boolean hasI18NSupport()
Return true if this Property has to support i18n.


Class<T> getType()
type the type of the value. value must be assignable to this type.

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