Class BasicTransformer<T>

  extended by info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.basic.BasicTransformer<T>
Type Parameters:
T -
All Implemented Interfaces:
info.magnolia.ui.api.i18n.I18NAwareHandler, Transformer<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
BCryptTransformer, CompositeTransformer, DelegatingCompositeFieldTransformer, DelegatingMultiValueFieldTransformer, ListToSetTransformer, MultiValueChildNodeTransformer, MultiValueChildrenNodeTransformer, MultiValueJSONTransformer, MultiValueTransformer, NoOpCompositeTransformer, NotNullInitialStringValueTransformer

public class BasicTransformer<T>
extends Object
implements Transformer<T>

Basic implementation of a Transformer.
This transformer is used for most of the basic fields (textBox, Date, ...).
His responsibility is to:
- retrieve or create a basic property from the related item
- update the item property value in case of changes performed on the related field.

Field Summary
protected  String basePropertyName
protected  ConfiguredFieldDefinition definition
protected  String i18NPropertyName
protected relatedFormItem
protected  Class<T> type
Constructor Summary
BasicTransformer( relatedFormItem, ConfiguredFieldDefinition definition, Class<T> type)
Method Summary
protected  String definePropertyName()
          Based on the i18n information, define the property name to use.
 String getBasePropertyName()
 Locale getLocale()
getOrCreateProperty(Class<T> type)
          If the desired property (propertyName) already exist in the JcrNodeAdapter, return this property
else create a new Property.
If the returned property is not of the desired type, cast this property to the proper type.
getOrCreateProperty(Class<T> type, boolean checkTypes)
          If the desired property (propertyName) already exist in the JcrNodeAdapter, return this property
else create a new Property.
If 'checkTypes' is set to true and if the returned property is not of the desired type, cast this property to the proper type. getRelatedFormItem()
 Class<T> getType()
 boolean hasI18NSupport()
          Return true if this Property has to support i18n.
 T readFromItem()
          Transform a specific Item values to a specified type T.
 void setI18NPropertyName(String i18nPropertyName)
 void setLocale(Locale locale)
protected  void setType(Class<T> typeFromDefinition)
          If the value type is not initialize by the field factory (UndefinedPropertyType), check if the property already exist in the Item.
If the Item has already this property, return the property value type.
Else return the default type 'String'
 void writeToItem(T newValue)
          Convert the T newValue to a specific Item format.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected relatedFormItem


protected final ConfiguredFieldDefinition definition


protected String basePropertyName


protected String i18NPropertyName


protected Class<T> type
Constructor Detail


public BasicTransformer( relatedFormItem,
                               ConfiguredFieldDefinition definition,
                               Class<T> type)
Method Detail


public getRelatedFormItem()


public void writeToItem(T newValue)
Description copied from interface: Transformer
Convert the T newValue to a specific Item format.

Specified by:
writeToItem in interface Transformer<T>


public T readFromItem()
Description copied from interface: Transformer
Transform a specific Item values to a specified type T.

Specified by:
readFromItem in interface Transformer<T>


protected void setType(Class<T> typeFromDefinition)
If the value type is not initialize by the field factory (UndefinedPropertyType), check if the property already exist in the Item.
If the Item has already this property, return the property value type.
Else return the default type 'String'


protected <T><T> getOrCreateProperty(Class<T> type)
If the desired property (propertyName) already exist in the JcrNodeAdapter, return this property
else create a new Property.
If the returned property is not of the desired type, cast this property to the proper type.

Type Parameters:
T -


protected <T><T> getOrCreateProperty(Class<T> type,
                                                              boolean checkTypes)
If the desired property (propertyName) already exist in the JcrNodeAdapter, return this property
else create a new Property.
If 'checkTypes' is set to true and if the returned property is not of the desired type, cast this property to the proper type.


protected String definePropertyName()
Based on the i18n information, define the property name to use.


public void setLocale(Locale locale)
Specified by:
setLocale in interface info.magnolia.ui.api.i18n.I18NAwareHandler


public void setI18NPropertyName(String i18nPropertyName)
Specified by:
setI18NPropertyName in interface info.magnolia.ui.api.i18n.I18NAwareHandler


public Locale getLocale()
Specified by:
getLocale in interface info.magnolia.ui.api.i18n.I18NAwareHandler


public String getBasePropertyName()
Specified by:
getBasePropertyName in interface info.magnolia.ui.api.i18n.I18NAwareHandler


public boolean hasI18NSupport()
Description copied from interface: Transformer
Return true if this Property has to support i18n.

Specified by:
hasI18NSupport in interface Transformer<T>


public Class<T> getType()
Specified by:
getType in interface Transformer<T>
type the type of the value. value must be assignable to this type.

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