Uses of Class

Packages that use BasicTransformer

Uses of BasicTransformer in info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.basic

Subclasses of BasicTransformer in info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.basic
 class BCryptTransformer
          BasicTransformer implementation that BCrypted (encode) the String property.
 class ListToSetTransformer<T>
          Specific MultiSelect field Transformer.
For example, the Vaadin native OptionGroup used as root component of our configured Option Group Field do not support List, but only Sets.
 class NotNullInitialStringValueTransformer
          Implementation of Transformer that return a empty String it the requested property value do not exist.

Uses of BasicTransformer in info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.composite

Subclasses of BasicTransformer in info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.composite
 class CompositeTransformer
          Default composite field Transformer implementation storing and retrieving properties defined under an Item as PropertysetItem element.
Storage strategy:
- getValue():
-- iterate the fieldsName property and retrieve all stored property.
-- Fulfill the PropertysetItem.
- setValue():
-- iterate the incoming PropertysetItem.
-- if the related parent item do not contain this property, add it.
 class DelegatingCompositeFieldTransformer
          This delegating Transformer is dedicated to the CompositeField and SwitchableField; it simply delegates property handling to the configured sub-fields.
 class NoOpCompositeTransformer
          Empty Implementation of Transformer handling PropertysetItem.
This is mainly used if the PropertysetItem is handle by a parent field that define a sub node Transformer like a MultiField displaying CompositeField.
 class SwitchableTransformer
          Default switchable field Transformer implementation storing and retrieving SwitchableField informations as PropertysetItem.
Storing strategy:
- property (definition.getName()) : contain the last selected field name
- property (propertyPrefix + first field name): contain the value of the first field
- property (propertyPrefix + second field name): contain the value of the second field

Uses of BasicTransformer in info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.multi

Subclasses of BasicTransformer in info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.multi
 class DelegatingMultiValueFieldTransformer
          This delegating Transformer is dedicated to the MultiField; it considers entries as child nodes and delegates property handling to their respective sub-fields.
 class MultiValueChildNodeTransformer
          Sub Nodes implementation of Transformer storing and retrieving properties (as PropertysetItem) displayed in MultiField.
Storage strategy:
- root node (relatedFormItem)
-- child node (node name is the name of the related property)
--- property1 (store the first value of the MultiField)
--- property2 (store the second value of the MultiField)
--- ...
 class MultiValueChildrenNodeTransformer
          Sub Nodes implementation of Transformer storing and retrieving properties (as PropertysetItem) displayed in MultiField.
Storage strategy:
- root node (relatedFormItem)
-- child node 1 (used to store the first value of the MultiField as a property)
--- property1 (store the first value of the MultiField)
-- child node 2 (used to store the second value of the MultiField as a property)
--- property2 (store the second value of the MultiField)
Each element of the MultiField is stored in a property located in a child node of the root node.
 class MultiValueJSONTransformer
          SingleProperty implementation of Transformer.
Store the list of values in a single property as a concatenation of string with ',' as separator.
Retrieve the single property as a List of String.
 class MultiValueSubChildrenNodePropertiesTransformer
          Sub Nodes implementation of Transformer storing and retrieving properties (as PropertysetItem) displayed in MultiField.
In opposition to MultiValueChildrenNodeTransformer this implementation handle multiple properties stored under a child node.
These multiple properties are put/retrieve into/from a PropertysetItem.
Storage strategy:
- root node (relatedFormItem)
-- main child node (nodeName = field name)
--- child node 1 (used to store the first values set of the MultiField as a property)
---- property 1 (store the first property of the first value of the MultiField)
---- property 2 (store the second property of the first value of the MultiField)
---- property 3 (store the third property of the first value of the MultiField)
---- ...
 class MultiValueSubChildrenNodeTransformer
          Sub Nodes implementation of Transformer storing and retrieving properties (as PropertysetItem) displayed in MultiField.
Storage strategy:
- root node (relatedFormItem)
-- main child node (nodeName = field name)
--- child node 1 (used to store the first value of the MultiField as a property)
---- property1 (store the first value of the MultiField)
--- child node 2 (used to store the second value of the MultiField as a property)
---- property2 (store the second value of the MultiField)
Main child node : field name
Child node name : 20 first char of the related value
Property name : field name
 class MultiValueTransformer
          Multi values properties implementation of Transformer.
Store the list of values as a javax.jcr.Value[] property.
Retrieve the javax.jcr.Value[] property value as a list.

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