Package info.magnolia.ui.form.field.transformer.composite

Class Summary
CompositeTransformer Default composite field Transformer implementation storing and retrieving properties defined under an Item as PropertysetItem element.
Storage strategy:
- getValue():
-- iterate the fieldsName property and retrieve all stored property.
-- Fulfill the PropertysetItem.
- setValue():
-- iterate the incoming PropertysetItem.
-- if the related parent item do not contain this property, add it.
DelegatingCompositeFieldTransformer This delegating Transformer is dedicated to the CompositeField and SwitchableField; it simply delegates property handling to the configured sub-fields.
NoOpCompositeTransformer Empty Implementation of Transformer handling PropertysetItem.
This is mainly used if the PropertysetItem is handle by a parent field that define a sub node Transformer like a MultiField displaying CompositeField.
SwitchableTransformer Default switchable field Transformer implementation storing and retrieving SwitchableField informations as PropertysetItem.
Storing strategy:
- property (definition.getName()) : contain the last selected field name
- property (propertyPrefix + first field name): contain the value of the first field
- property (propertyPrefix + second field name): contain the value of the second field

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